Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Poster

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Forget the plot (the filmmakers did) this is worth seeing for the action and monster sequences
dbborroughs14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Survivors of the virus that has ravaged the world, turning the dead into zombies and the world into a vast wasteland, have learned to keep moving least the zombies find them. Milla Jovovich returns as Alice, zombie killer number one.After some lone wanderings in the Desert she hooks up with a band of travelers and looks to stop the evil Umbrella corporation once and for all. Not as good as the last film but better than the first one. I don't think that the film's plot makes a whole heck of a lot of sense, which is fine since the numerous action set pieces are so tightly wound you can pretty much forgive the poor plotting. I mean the last time I checked people tended to watch these films for the blood, the gore and the monster killing. Upping the ante with some killer crows and some beast which shall remain nameless this film just moves like the wind with in each extended action sequence (Forget Hitchcock's birds these things are lethal). Each scene of violence left me exhausted and willing to deal with the non exposition of the main plot(okay its stupid I admit it). Worth a look for horror and action fans, though I'm not sure its really worth 10 bucks to see it.
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sackjigler21 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Im not sure what video gamers were expecting when this series was turned into film. Just like books, comic books, and whatever else, the source material will more often than not be different from the film. However, that is not always a bad thing. Take Jurassic Park for instance. The movie was phenomenal, but nothing like the book. Anyways, the reason i'm saying this is because I myself have played the games and have enjoyed the movies quite a bit. Sure, there not masterpieces by any means, but I think they are time well spent to escape reality for a couple of hours. I think Milla plays a great heroine in distress and a serious badas s. The character development in this is non existent. You get a little speech to bring you up to speed, but if you haven't seen these before, you will be lost in the film. (A friend that I had brought asked me how Claire Redfield knew how to fly a helicopter.) But you're not in this movie for the character development. You want to see zombies die and Milla kick butt, and that is what this film delivers. There are some great scenes here and some pretty fun kills, not a whole lot that you haven't seen before, but still entertaining. The movie goes pretty quick and has some very nice things to add. Alice's telekinesis was very cool to watch, and I can see why she didn't get to use it a lot. A lot of the special effects were much better here than they were in previous films, and that was a definite plus. The bad is that it ends for another to be made, and this is supposed to be the last. A lot of main players lose their lives, and that's fine, cause the movie doesn't give you time to care for them. Nope, the main focus here is Milla and she delivers the goods. Good fights, good kills, not much logic, pretty decent special effects, and the greatest pot smoking scene in history make this worth seeing in my opinion. If you liked the first two, you should enjoy this just the same. Personally, I don't think any of them have been too bad.

P.s. why did they keep airbrushing Milla's face, she is entirely too beautiful for that.
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Post-Apocalyptic fun
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy11 October 2007
One thing that's for sure is that the "evil" of the title is becoming less and less "residential." This time around the nasty T-virus has spread all over the whole world and humanity is in grave danger. I guess that's where the "extinction" part comes in.

Once again we find ourselves not too long after the previous film left off. Humanity is in shambles and "Extinction" plays itself like a post-apocalyptic thriller, no pun intended. Alice is evading the evil Umbrella Corporation who needs to conclude some experiments but they can only do it with her blood and clones don't work. While wandering the desert Alice finds out she has mental powers, meets a group of survivors, and happens to be tracked by Umbrella all within what must be one hour. I guess it's not her lucky day. The audience however, providing you're fans of stylized carnage, is in for a little treat. "Extinction" not only provides a more interesting plot than the previous film, it also provides much better action and special effects. These effects feature zombies (naturally) but also demonic crows and a nasty mutation at the end. The action scenes are nicely done with somewhat unpredictable approach to who gets munched and who doesn't so tension is there throughout.

There are also many absurdities, but they can only be expected in a film like this. For instance, the film is set in a desolate world with supposedly little supplies yet the women look like they put on make up every morning and regularly get a manicure. The GOOD women that is. Alice meets some BAD people in the beginning and these people somehow haven't picked up any of those bathroom supplies and make up kits that are laying around. Those bad people are another thing, they appear in an early scene that demonstrates that Alice can fight and kick ass... seeing that this is the third movie in the series do they really need to make this point again? If they avoided it, then the climatic fight might have been longer and a bit more, you know, climatic. But I guess that wasn't the point of that fight since right after it we are set up for Resident Evil 4.

"Extinction" is enjoyable for what it is, but that's it. --- 6/10

Rated R for violence/gore and horror. Ages 13+
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An Excellent Follow-Up
clnkn1621 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am happy to say that Resident Evil: Extinction was a great entry into the franchise. Being a fan of the games since their original inception, I was very skeptical seeing the series turned into a movie, as the trend for video game movies is to be completely terrible. I didn't hate the first two movies, but I definitely left the theater disappointed. The first film tried to invent an original story line revolving around similar events which didn't work that well because it just felt like the connections to the game were tacked on. Apocalypse delivered on the fan service by adding characters Jill Valentine and Carlos Olivera, and tying in the movie to the third game in the series. And now with Extinction, Resident Evil has finally found a good balance. With characters from the games making appearances, nice comedic moments, and a gritty style of action I was not disappointed in the slightest bit. I also feel like with the third film in the series, it could finally open up into a more mainstream audience. The characters from the game give nice feelings of nostalgia for those that have been playing for a while, but their stories from the games are not necessary for any one coming to see this movie without any prior knowledge of the game series. My only two complaints with this film is that it doesn't over view the last two films (which doesn't bother me, but I can see how it would for any one who is just coming to see the movie without seeing the others. Although, it might spark their interest to check out one and two), and the film ends on a cliffhanger. With Milla Jovovich stating that the film is written as a trilogy, it makes me wonder whether or not there will be another entry. Overall I couldn't recommend this movie more for some one who is looking for an enjoyable time at the theatre.
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Mad Max with Zombies
nathanjamesemerson23 September 2018
This is where the film series started really going downhill.

Since the last movie the world has gone through an apocalypse with only a handful of survivors through out Earth. This is explained rather poorly in the dialogue at the beginning of the film.

The Earth has become a wasteland and it's up to Alice again to continue the fight against Umbrella.

Jill Valentine and the little girl from the second movie are now gone with no explanation, but we do meet up with Carlos again as well as meeting Claire Redfield who is a fan favourite from the video games.

At this point I wouldn't even call the series horror anymore. Not that there was much horror to it in the first place. At least the first two movies had several horror elements in it. This does not. Cloning and experiements Yadda Yadda. A sci fi action film sums it up.

The movie was ok. But just barely
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Third spectacular and stirring installment of the ¨Resident Evil trilogy¨
ma-cortes20 January 2009
The deadly virus has decimated the world, exception a little zone in Alaska where live people no-infected . Years later , one time Racoon was destroyed , the Umbrella corporation led by ambitious Dr. Isaacs(Iain Glen) continues his weird experiments with the deadly T-virus. But the Zombies spread the epidemic and those exposed to cruel bite suffer a complete transformation turning into meat-eating sickos. Alice(Milla Jovovich)is attempting to survive , and she finds new survivors(Ali Larter, Ashanti along with Oded Fehr and Mike Epps who repeat characters) traveling throughout Nevada desert . They must confront carnivorous crows, hordes of zombies starving of human flesh and an evil corporation chief who creates the most horrifying creatures ever made .The survivor group are surrounded , facing the world destruction by deadly epidemic.

This exciting picture contains thrills, chills, action-filled with fierce combats and lots of gore and guts.The horror and action moments are fast moving and compactly realized. The film turns out to be a crossover between 'the nuclear apocalypse of Mad Max 2', the 'George A Romero's Zombies' and genetic experiments from 'Sigourney Wever-Ripley in Alien saga '. Of course, the film takes ideas from former parts as 'Resident evil'(2002, Paul W. Anderson, here also producer and screenwriter) and 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse'(2004,Alexander Witt)resulting to be a nice following. The creepy images of wide range from the genuinely fantastic to the bizarre along with an eerie and amazing frames. It's predictable but we have seen the previous chapters but also its predictability is redeemed in part by the charismatic acting from the action-women, Milla Jovovich and Ali Larter. The flesh-eating mutants appearance deliver the goods, plenty of screams, shocks and tension. The make-up assistants create a truly horrible zombie cannibals. Horrifying and astonishing images about apocalyptic events with deserted and destroyed cities, such as the creepy scenarios in Las Vegas without people, totally uninhabited and covered of sand. Cool,luminous cinematography using steadicam by David Johnson and haunting musical score by Charles Clouser.The motion picture is surprisingly directed with startling visual style by Russell Mulcahy(Razorback,Highlander, Resurrection).
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Completely worthless plot
mfmoore-122 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What made the resident evil series interesting is that it is the thinking man's zombie movie. It offered a typical sci-fi plot but it kept things based around certain rules, threw in some twists, and maintained at least reasonable premises.

This movie strays from having any remotely rational plot and feels no need to offer explanations when it does. As a result it is a huge disappointment if you slow up looking for anything more than hacking up zombies for 94 minutes.

(SPOILER ALERT) Here are just a few of the needlessly ridiculous premises you are asked to just accept without any further explanation...

1. T-virus has spread and essentially wiped out humanity. Surprisingly, this caused all plant life to die and the earth turned into a desert. Take that greenpeace!

2. Alice is now a jedi and can use the force to move rocks, bikes, and flaming gasoline at will.

3. Zombies are incapable of climbing the 8 foot chain link fence surrounding Umbrella headquarters, but can easily scale the Eifel Tower and with surprising stealth.

4. Olivera shoots a zombie which is clearly munching on LJ but thinks nothing of it. The entire group has apparently adopted a don't ask, don't tell policy regarding infection.

5. Zombies have been functioning without any actual need of food or water (according to doctors) and will continue to for, and I quote, "DECADES." No further explanation given.

6. Too much T-virus antidote turns you into an octopus.

7. After reading an incoherent diary in Utah, the group decides to drive to Alaska, but opts to gas up in....LAS VEGAS! (damn these Umbrella maps) Umbrella anticipates this move and has an ambush waiting at the exact casino they stop at.

8. Umbrella installed an on/off switch in Alice and cameras in her eyes but apparently did not find those things useful in tracking her the past 7 years or in confirming her identity when they spot her via satellite. Either that or Alice has no bars in rural Utah.

9. Umbrella is cloning Alice and finds the best way to extract her blood is through repeated unnecessary and exotic deaths. Unfortunately cloned blood isn't as 'magic' as regular blood and they only end up piling up Alice corpses in the back yard like lawn clippings.

10. Umbrella is developing a nation of domesticated zombies for use as Walmart photographers.

11. Umbrella is developing an army of extra angry zombies and goes to the trouble of putting them in matching uniforms.

12. In the event that society falls, mormon hillbillies will opt to lure innocent people into their lairs to feed their zombie dogs. Remember that then next time a missionary stops by your house.

13. Eating infected meat causes crows to get infected...but not really. It also causes them to go blind...but not really.

14. Zombies rule the earth and Umbrella is essentially trapped underground but the primary challenge the company is facing is the shortage of cheap labor.

15. Food, water and fuel are almost gone, humanity is vanished, zombies are everywhere but the primary challenge facing survivors is...Umbrella Corp.
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The Mad Max chapter of the RE franchise
rivertam2628 March 2020
Directed by Russell Mulcahy of the criminally underseen awesome creature feature Razorback. I've always really loved this chapter. Maybe its because it has that epic Mad Max feel mixed with the telekinesis of Friday the 13th 7 and although it can be a little silly it takes the franchises back to it's scarier roots with homages to the birds and day of the dead. This time around Alice is still on the run from the Umbrella corporation and the world has become a desert wasteland. She stumbles upon some old friends and some newbies like a teen girl named Kmart, the singer Ashanti playing a nurse and a bad ass Ali Larter as Claire Redfield from the games. This one is the goriest of the first three and features some great old fashioned practical effects. The movie is fun, scary and action packed leading up to a bad ass finale and one hell of a cliffhanger.

Budget: $45m Domestic Box Office: $51m Worldwide Box Office: $148m

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Great Zombie film, Yes - Resident Evil film, No
dachande0712 October 2007
While this RE3 was a cracking zombie movie, it strayed to far from the original concept and excepted storyline. In my opinion this has rendered the movie pointless in the RE franchise.

Let's not forget that Resident Evil owes it popularity to the game series, so I think it's only right that they try and stick to it, even if it's just a little bit. It seems very much like the director wanted to make an updated version of Day of the Dead, if you've seen DOTD you'll see what I mean in the first 5 minutes of RE3.

If this were a stand alone movie I would have given it 10/10, but it isn't, they've tried to be too creative and the director has tried to make a different movie. By doing this he's make a cracking zombie film. but a Resident Evil film, I think not.

I only hope this isn't the last one, it would be a terrible waste.
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Resident Evil: Jumping the Shark
fasc23 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The increasingly tired premise of a zombie-producing virus has been around for some years, having replaced the seductive living dead mystery of prior generations. I don't expect much of horror films, but I expect more than this. RE:E is just silly.

The cast is all here: evil corporation, out-of-control scientist, hapless minions who get locked in with the experiments gone wrong, multicultural gang of human fugitives strangely dressed in skimpy clothing and carrying military grade technology, etc. The story is advanced, but only in the direction of absurdity. Alice is still alive, but this time it would appear she's an android not only with superhuman agility and strength, but also with the ability to shut down satellites in space using her mind. She's always been one. And if that wasn't enough, she's also psychic--with the ability to generate force fields around herself and her friends. Most of the zombies look alike this time, strangely clothed in identical gray jumpsuits. You can now kill them by cutting their throats, shooting them in the abdomen, or dropping them off short buildings.

A few dozen overly loud bangs, crashes, and gunfights later and we get a showdown between Alice and the mutated evil doctor, carried out in a bad paste of unconnected rooms from previous films.

Close on a scene with the greedy corporate suits getting a holographic warning of their impending doom from a snippy Alice, and you have a film designed to sell wholly on the game's reputation and not because it's sincerely engaging, scary, or even interesting.

PS: here's an idea for a drinking game. Every time Milla Jovovich is on screen and her face has been digitally altered to look smoother than it actually is, that's a shot.
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A Nutshell Review: Resident Evil: Extinction
DICK STEEL5 October 2007
With Extinction, the Resident Evil franchise perhaps have made its mark as the most enduring computer game turned movie to date. Most of such movies usually make for cheesy lazy weekend entertainment, little in depth but filled with plenty of set action pieces, which for the most parts are nothing groundbreaking. But what this franchise has to credit for its longevity, is Milla Jovovich.

OK, so she has made mostly mediocre movies of late (I sense some fanboys will get me for this, but let me put it straight, I'm a fan of hers too), especially with the lacklustre Ultraviolet, and the really showy .45. If not best remembered for her role as Leeloo in Luc Besson's The Fifth Element (still credited in my books as the ONLY film I watched with having zero prior knowledge on anything about it), then it'll be for her role as Alice, the zombie butt kicking superbeing whose blood holds the key to a reversal of the effects of the T-virus engineered by the evil Umbrella Corporation.

The premise here is similar to that of 28 Days/Weeks Later, where the virus is now out of control, and mutates humans into flesh chomping zombies, spreading mayhem worldwide. Human survivors are few and far between, and where we left off from Apocalypse, Alice is now travelling the world alone, seeking refuge and peace, while evading Umbrella's gunsights. It presumably takes place a significant amount of time after the predecessor, given that Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) doesn't return for this, keeping the doors open for either an unlikely spin off, or a revisit into the gap in timeline should Guillory sign on the dotted line.

But I guess as Juvovich fans, we don't really care, do we? So long as we get to see our heroine in action, we're satisfied, whether she's causing misery to her opponents from her twin handguns, double Kukri knives or just her incredibly toned limbs, we're rooting for her all the way, dressed in garb personally designed by Juvovich herself, which provides for both form and functionality. The trend of casting pretty women to pair with her continues, with the first movie having Michelle Rodriguez, the second with Guillory, and now, Heroes' Ali Larter and Spencer Locke join the fray. However, they are relegated to more pedestrian roles as compared to previous partners, so don't be expecting much from them, especially for fans of Larter.

The story can be no more simpler than Alice serving as a messiah for a small convoy of survivors headed by Larter's Claire, delivering them a message to journey to the promised land in Alaska. But of course the road to Peace and No Infection is plagued by challenges which culminates in a big battle in Las Vegas, where the trailers have teased with the entire city being semi-buried in sand. And like a video game, all levels will lead to their respective Big Boss to do battle with, and Extinction doesn't evade that formula too. Watching Alice grow in power, provides a lot of kick in some of the cool things she can do, enhanced with special effects of course.

Don't expect the franchise to slam the door of opportunity shut on itself. By the look of things, we might even see a fourth movie coming up in perhaps two or three years time (the interval between the movies thus far). Expect plenty of blood and gore as our heroes cut through ugly zombies like hot knife through butter, and none other does it more balletic and graceful than Milla Juvovich. You go, girl!
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better than the first two by leaps and bounds
disdressed1222 September 2007
i thought this was the best of the Resident Evil franchise.the action was more intense,the fight scenes were away more spectacular and i also really liked the music.obviously,it's not original,bearing many similarities to the first two.and it does borrow heavily from other movies.but still,it is an entertaining romp.i think it is much more gory and graphic than the first two.this is just an didn't really bother me.this is the first resident Evil movie i have seen on the big screen,and if you have a chance to watch it in the theatre,i think it's worth won't win any awards for deep characterizations or storyline,but it really isn't that kind of knows what it is and doesn't try to be anything else.i think it does what it sets out to do,and that is to entertain.for me,Resident Evil:Extinction is a definite 7/10
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A BIG disappointment
farms-123 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see how anyone could compare RE: Extinction with the first two in this series. In addition to a lack of plot altogether, there are more holes in RE:3 than a golf course and more ripoffs of other movies than I've ever seen. The characters are so undeveloped that most shouldn't even have come equipped with names. Both Olivera and LJ, who were the two leading males in the 2nd movie, are without energy and lack inspiration. The vehicles were outright ripoffs from Road Warrior, especially in the desert setting. In fact, you really get the idea pretty quickly that this movie is set in a desert to save money, whereas the first two movies obviously were pretty expensive in the setting department. Umbrella's board of directors, who meet several times in the flick in an underground bunker, appear to be of the under thirty variety; perhaps they are the descendants of the former management. The bunker is a shameless ripoff of Day of the Dead. The zombie scenes are actually very limited, with few traditional up close yet slow battle scenes. Mostly the zombies in RE:3 jump out of closets with ferocious speed and bite somebody. There are running zombies in this movie, which do not fit the sequence at all.

In general, this was a very poor finale to a good series.
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I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Despite looking so, this series is not extinct just yet.
johnnyboyz1 August 2008
I think Resident Evil: Extinction elevates itself slightly higher than its two predecessors and slightly higher than I thought it would in general. On one hand, it is a series of bizarre and somewhat illogical events that transpire under the scenario of an apocalyptic event's aftermath but on the other, it is a pastiche of 'zombie' films gone by; a crude study of one man's obsession with his research and a somewhat guilty action film. I liked Resident Evil: Extinction a little more than others of its type because it gives us more of a sedate look at the situation rather than a mere exploitation of special effects, attractive heroines and needless gore. Yes, it's true to say that this film has action scenes of a silly nature but they do not seem as stupid as previous Resident Evil films in which the protagonist is able to use kung-fu on dogs and make impossible shots to defeat her foes.

The action scenes here are paced better and do not rely on the mere visualisation of actually seeing a Licker monster or Nemeses himself as the reason to keep watching. The enemies here are unspectacular and familiar and all the better for it; we get the feeling this is more of a survival film about the beasts and beings that would actually be out there rather than dumb scenes that try to impress us with a mentality: "Look, a Licker." or "Look, this is what Nemeses would look like in reality.". In the film, there is a scene in which several zombies come charging out of a metal crate. The scene works on the level of realism within the film because the film could so easily have substituted them for a larger, more visually impressive enemy that would've sufficed for the following action scene.

I mentioned the word 'realism' in that paragraph, perhaps crazily so. But Resident Evil: Extinction takes time to present its heroes, all of whom travel in a procession of large vehicles, with every day issues that would affect them. Things like 'how much fuel is left? Where is the nearest petrol station?'; 'Where is the next meal coming from?' and 'How can we bed down for the night safely and free from attack?' These sorts of questions were lost in the previous films and are empty from other recent post-apocalyptic horror/sci-fi films like Blade: Trinity. Additionally, when the film does reveal its particularly large scale monster for the film's climax it does so in an effective manner. This is because we have had the monster and the source for the monster presented to us on another plot line. We get a feeling that it may happen within the world of the film unlike when Nemeses popped up in the last film merely because he's had the injection and must now just keep destroying stuff until he meets the hero for the finale fight.

Although it takes on the matter of the pacing and the clarity of the action scenes, Resident Evil: Extinction is still guilty of one or two things. The film actually begins in a manner than had me dreading it would be as bad as the previous two. Alice (Jovovich) meets some human survivors but discovers them oddly unfriendly which acts more of a surprise than a dramatic twist. It's a scene in which implied prior victims have been conned, raped and then fed to the dogs; in this case infected dogs and sure enough Alice finds herself in the said situation – a sequence of events that plays out in a daft manner that reminds you of the prior films. It had me thinking 'how do the renegade survivors lock the infected dogs up for next time once they've had their fun?' Then there was the rather careless scene in which Alice falls asleep in the middle of the desert, at night and with the fire still burning – not smart considering the situation. The film is also disappointing in the sense that when the procession of vehicles housing the characters Alice, they are spread evenly in ethnicity and attitude meaning each individual 'type' could be killed off accordingly.

But for the best part, Resident Evil: Extinction is a surprisingly enjoyable film with an interesting set-up and I was really quite fond of the story running parallel involving Dr. Isaacs (Glen) and his research in developing the un-dead, albeit a clear reference to Dr. Logan in Day of the Dead. This plot line runs alongside the development of the convoy and the situations they must deal with, the thing I like here is that these people are not world savers; they will not go on a cause and effect fuelled story and make all the un-dead disappear, they are just there to survive and through Alice their goal is to make it to the icy regions of Alaska.

The bizarre thing about this latest Resident Evil instalment is just how good it might've been had it cut the action scenes down a little and tidied up the opening twenty or so minutes. It is disappointing that the convoy is made up of a Redneck (who's naturally good at sniping); an Aussie; two African-Americans; a Mexican and a wise-talking white American, all of whom exist for zombie fodder at the end of the day but this film instils me with hope that perhaps the films can be as good as the games – in the games, ammunition was a very sacred thing and the tactic of running from enemies rather than shooting them was a good one. In the films, the producers are gradually realising this and the next film may well surprise a few people in terms of how watchable it actually is.
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Alice's Existential Extinction...
Xstal12 February 2022
The world is full of zombies, a variety of kinds, mutations of mutations show an intelligence of mind, but you'll still need a full luger, exploding bullets are preferred, as they all resemble nightmares of Freddy Krueger it's absurd.

As slow as gin, the tale re-begins, but lacks a flow and doesn't go, a familiar end, Alice defends, and gets some help from all her new friends.
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Best of the movie series, but does not make it a good movie.
0U21 February 2020
The storyline builds quite nicely in the 3rd installment and the addition of a few more known actresses and actors, helps move this film forward. Unfortunately the special effects are still very rudimentary.
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Had a good time
barajasn27 June 2022
I actually had a better time with this than I had expected. There was some decent action, a few relatively enjoyable characters, and it was clearly put together by someone who had a much more filmmaking experience.
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At least it was a bargain theater with $2.50 tickets...
hjgadol23 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie defines the term Epic Fail. If you are a fan of the games or zombie lore at all, you will walk away wondering how anybody let this travesty run amok so badly. While there were plenty of scares (cheap startles and loud noises), this movie fails to deliver on every other level.

****Possible Spoilers***

FOR THE GAMERS: Just because there is some guy with sunglasses and slicked hair, do not actually expect any actual representation of Wesker. Additionally, red-hair and a gun do not turn Ali Larter into Claire Redfield. These were simply manufactured (forced may be a better word) elements to keep the fans happy, but after doing such a great job with Jill, S.T.A.R.S, Nemesis and Carlos in RE2, this was pretty insulting. Also, wasn't RE about skill and willpower in the face of nightmarish odds and monsters? Meh...who needs shotguns when you can use your "magic" powers? I never minded Alice being super strong and such (it is the t-virus after all), but when did Invisible girl/Jean Grey fit in?

FOR THE ZOMBIE FANS: I don't even know where to begin. It would seem that slashing a zombies throat is just as good as shooting it in the head (and Alice is even carrying the finest chopping blade in history). The prop crew must have gotten a great deal om zombie masks in bulk, because most of the "Umbrella soldier zombies" are identical looking to me (and who thought putting them in uniforms made any sense at all). There is also a main character (LJ) who gets bitten, and despite battling zombies for the last few years, decides to conceal it from his allies. Can you guess what happens next? If you are looking for good combat against hordes of undead, you are not getting any here. The clichés are stale, and the tactics from the heroes are unimaginative. Despite shots that had throngs of the undead, most fights are against 2-3, not hundreds. As others have stated, this movie is a poor remake of "Day of the Dead" with better effects and Alice tossed in.

FOR THOSE WITH ANY STANDARDS IN ACTION MOVIES: Why is LJ still carrying that ridiculous GOLD desert eagle? Why, in a gun fighting movie, would they not have competent tactical advisors? Clearly, someone showed the stars of RE1&2 how to move and fight with a gun, but I guess that detail was deemed unimportant this time (even though I thought everyone except Carlos looked very...awkward in their scenes). Further more, and this is just me, the yellow Hummer2 from a NAIL SALON was the lamest and most pathetic product placement I have ever scene. Kinda ironic to use a such a trendy and gas guzzling truck in the back drop of a global warming message.

I could go on, but I think the point is made. I'll let you go see this movie yourself, so you can discover all the other atrocities that this movie commits on the unsuspecting viewer. It is a shame this movie was poorly done, because I really enjoyed the first two. It may have tried to achieve too much, and ended up falling short everywhere because of it.

It was nice to see Johnny Cage though...I guess Anderson threw him a pity role. I liked him in Mortal Kombat and Wyatt Earp.
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A lot better then i expected!
otaku_miroku21 September 2007
After the second movie i was ready for this one to be cheap and boring... But this film totally proved me wrong. It contains The plot and suspense the first film had and the action the second film had. Perfect combo! The story is beyond amazing, Very creepy in a way yet totally awesome for the people in the theater watching it all play out. An apocalyptic world with few human survivors banding together, fighting, traveling etc. to try to find a place of safety from the infection and all the dangers that come with it. I'm guessing if your on this page you have read the plot so Anyways back to the review. The film was a pleasant surprise... though there was one setback, There wasn't much time for any info or background on important members of the convoy, all you know is they are there... Your not really given time to hear a little out each one and kind of get each one to have there own amount of screen time due to the lack of time the film was working with, I mean come on... Why not make it 2 hours and add a little more in? Anyways besides that i thought the movie was a blast to watch and i am definitely going back to the theater sometime this weekend to see it again...
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Decent action no brains needed for plot
RandomTard16 July 2022
It's a zombie slasher with minimal backround story. I guess the viewer is just expected to know the franchise by now. I didn't know that there was magic in RE but it doesn't surprise me. There's nothing special here.

Acting is ok, visual effects seem outdated (especially the blue laser grid hallway), story is barely there and sounds are poorly balanced.
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Absolutely Horrid
imlilsal22 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie disgraces the name of Resident Evil. In all honestly, all three movies disgrace the name of Resident Evil...But at least the first two were entertaining. The characters from the games barely make appearances compared to Alice (Whom they created for the movies. I feel that was a completely stupid idea.) Alice has some idiotic telekinesis powers in this movie. Why add magic tricks to a zombie franchise? They changed the storyline around, killing off key characters (such as Carlos) and turning it into an almost new story, basically turning the characters from the games into completely new people. They never mentioned what happened to Jill...or Leon or Chris or Rebecca Chambers for that matter. If you are going to see this movie because you are a hard core fan of the game since the mid nineties when resident evil first came out...(as I did), I recommend not going to see this. It will only upset you. I give this movie 2 instead of one star, because there were a few pretty good action scenes.

Again...what a horrible let down...
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Deserving and Disturbing Sequel but NOT the Conclusion of a Trilogy
FiendishDramaturgy25 September 2007
We saw this at our local hometown theater, Movies on the Parkway in Sevierville, TN. I have to start this by saying that this installment is a bit reminiscent of George A. Romero's 1985 cult classic, "Day of the Dead," in one major plot element. I won't give it away, but if you're a Romero fan, you'll see it for yourself when you view this film.

This work is wholly entertaining, whether you are a fan of the games, or not. There are new elements, old friends, and a plethora of great innovations - some of which I've never seen present anywhere, and a few which were reminders of former masterpieces. I would name them, but to do that would spoil these innovations for those of you who have yet to experience them.

The acting, direction, and quality were above par, while the style was more that of the action flick with horror elements. The predecessors were horror movies with great action. The suspense, the intrigue, the atmosphere were all horror-oriented. This time, the horror elements were minimized and the action reigned. This is not a bad thing, fans. Without some change like this, the franchise will suffer franchise sickness! As it stands, there is no danger of that happening.

All in all? We were totally entertained, enjoyed our movie experience, and were blown away by the wrap-up. See it for yourself to understand what I mean.

It rates an 8.9/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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So much better than Resident Evil Apocalypse!!
paulclaassen24 February 2021
The T-Virus has gone global, and the franchise is now a post-apocalyptic series. Thankfully, everything they did wrong in 'Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse' has been rectified in 'Resident Evil: Extinction'.

Everything about this film is so much better than RE2: better characters, better acting, better photography, a much better and more defined plot. The suspense is back. The effective jump scares are back. The film once again has a good score and excellent visuals. Alice is now a full-on superhero, but here she was awesome and I loved it. Carlos (Oded Fehr) is back in a more prominent role, that as one of the film's heroes. L.J. (Mike Epps) - the annoying comic relief character from RE2 is back, as well, but this time in a more serious role with hardly any comic relief. (Wow, they really have learnt from their mistakes.)

The pacing is really good and allows for lots of suspense. The action sequences are not as overblown as RE2, much more believable and better executed. The Crows scenes are fantastic, and my favorite scenes in the movie. This film was so good, it's hard to believe its the same writer as RE2 (and RE1, of course, but the first is still the best.)

The main issue I had with the film, is the fact that characters turn to zombies almost instantly once bitten, yet some of the main characters last for hours or a day before turning. Why? Regardless, this is a fast-paced, thrilling, action-packed action adventure horror with bite!!
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Grotesquely boring
keith9677823 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) will hopefully extinguish any plans for a 4th installment. The thin plot is held together by banal dialogue and cookie cutter gore that has become standard fare at the box office. Overall, very unimpressive and unoriginal. It is just another zombie movie except is has nothing scary or exciting to mitigate its lack of anything else. And most of the audience will walk out like zombies after about 2 hours of mind-numbing twaddle culminating in one of the most ho-hum endings in the annals of cinematic history.

My recommendation: Avoid this grotesquely boring movie. It is really bad.
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The 6.2 rating is ridiculous
CrimsonKingLives14 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Anderson needs to be stopped. These movies have gotten out of hand, and are getting worse with each one.

The first "Resident Evil" was a good movie. It could be approached as a sequel to the game series, and really had an eerie video-game vibe. "Apocalypse" could have been so good, following "Resident Evil: Nemesis", but Paul Anderson completely screwed it up.

Resident Evil: Extinction is awful. Milla Jovovich is getting horribly tired and the "badass superhero chick" thing is so cliché and stupid it makes you roll your eyes.

It takes place mostly in a desert, as the survivors of the T-Virus head to Alaska, for some stupid reasons, and in the process FIGHT ZOMBIES! Nothing too intelligent for the audience here. The "gore" is upped a bit, but it's still extremely tame and only somebody who hasn't been exposed to real violence would be disturbed by it.

The film easily could have been called something else, as it has NOTHING to do with Resident Evil at all, except for character NAMES, Umbrella Corp. and the T-Virus. Claire Redfield makes her first appearance on film, played by...Ali Larter? Yes, a bad actress who doesn't come close at all to resembling the Claire from the RE games. Blonde hair, badass attitude, stupid dialogue, everything that Claire was not. Wesker also makes an appearance, for about 2 minutes, once again ONLY carrying the name Albert Wesker, not resembling the character whatsoever.

There are numerous pointless and drug out scenes, an example being the scene at the beginning where **Minor spoilers** a gang of inbred rednecks attack Alice and force to fight some creatures or something?? Stupid, unneeded scene, only there to show how freakin' badass Alice can be.

Paul A. only used the RE name to cash in on his cheap, straight-to-DVD scripts and obviously it's working. I don't know how in the hell this pile of crap gets anything over a 5.0 rating, as it's barely an average movie. The only reason I give it a 4 is because Oded Fehr is great, and seeing the Tyrant, if only for a while and to have him horribly, lazily killed off, on film was a treat.

Watch out for the awful, eye-rolling inducing ending to this junk. Reall, only see this if you're just following the series. If you're a TRUE Resident Evil fan, avoid this at all costs..

Resident Evil: Extinction gets a generous 4/10
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