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Hands Down our Favourite Dark Christmas Classic
moondancer15 September 2015
No Christmas would be complete without a viewing of The Ref, alongside our other fave, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It features the wonderfully matched sniping of Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis as the couple on the rocks who ultimately learn to come together with the aid of the put-upon criminal ( a wonderful Denis Leary ) who is by far the sanest of the lot. Set this in the weirdly Disneyesque beauty of Niagara-on-the-Lake at Christmas ( yes it really looks like that ), throw in one of the best rants ever delivered in a movie, and you have a near perfect sugar-free Christmas classic. Careful though, it is addictive.
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Lloyd and Lester
abelardo6412 January 2005
Have you noticed? Lloyd, Kevin Spacey's character in "The Ref" is closely related to Lester, Kevin Spacey's character in "American Beauty" if you see both movies, back to back, you'll notice the astonishing similarities between the two. Twins? Maybe. If they are, or were, poor Lester, a lot of things will become immediately clear. To start with, he had Glynis Johns for a mother. Miss Jones creates such a frighteningly funny portrait of a castrating mother that Lester's emasculation is perfectly explained. Not to mention their choice of spouses, time bombs Judi Davis and Annette Bening This little piece of trivia will add, to the considerable pleasures of this delightful and underrated Ted Demme's dark fairy tale. The opening at the marriage counselor's office is just superb, I can see it endlessly, it never fails to make me laugh. Kevin Spacey and Judi Davis are a couple part Edward Albee part Terence Rattigan. They are priceless. Dennis Leary's energy is contagious and relentless. His best part to date. The clunky sub plot involving their son and, what it appears, like a hurried ending, doesn't spoil the fun. The writing by the brilliant Richard LaGravenesse and Marie Weiss is pure joy. Ideal to see with a bunch of friends.
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"If you don't mind, the corpse STILL has the floor!"
Hey_Sweden14 December 2014
Denis Leary plays Gus, a cat burglar who's foiled in the opening minutes of the movie by a rich mans' alarm / booby trap. Now on the lam, he decides to take a hostage. Unfortunately, his choice of Caroline (Judy Davis) is not a good one, as she and her husband Lloyd (Kevin Spacey) are going through a VERY rough patch, and can never stop sniping at each other for very long. Things aren't going to get any better, and Gus is forced to spend an untenable Christmas Eve pretending to be their marriage counselor and having to deal with Lloyds' dysfunctional family.

"The Ref" would be an excellent Christmas time viewing choice for people who want to dispense with excess sentiment and more family friendly material. It has an extremely profane script (by Richard LaGravenese and Marie Weiss, based on Weiss's story), delivered to perfection by an incredibly well cast bunch of actors. The dialogue and situations are commanding enough that the time just flies by. The not terribly attractive bunch of characters includes Lloyds' rich & bitchy mother Rose (Glynis Johns), his weakling brother Gary (Adam LeFevre), Gary's abrasive wife Connie (Christine Baranski), and Lloyd and Carolines' troubled son Jesse (Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.), a student at a military school.

One can't help but sympathize with Gus to some degree; who would actually desire to spend time with this family? Still, even after all the fighting and yelling, we see truths come out and characters becoming more honest with themselves and others. The subplot with the incompetent, moronic officers on the local police force is rather silly. None of the scenes that don't involve the family are as interesting.

Leary is ideal for the lead, but it's Spacey and especially Davis who truly shine. Then again, everyone does a fine job. There are a number of recognizable actors throughout the supporting cast; in addition to Johns, LeFevre, and Baranski, there's Raymond J. Barry, Richard Bright, Bill Raymond, Robert Ridgely, J.K. Simmons, John Benjamin Hickey, Arthur J. Nascarella, and Vincent Pastore. Brights' widow, actress Rutanya Alda, has a brief cameo. Simmons plays a slimeball character named Siskel, so named because LaGravenese was getting a little revenge on film critic Siskel, who'd previously dismissed "The Fisher King" that LaGravenese had written. B.D. Wong appears unbilled.

Good fun, with a particularly satisfying wrap-up.

Eight out of 10.
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An Adult Christmas Tale
Michael_Elliott4 January 2015
The Ref (1994)

*** (out of 4)

One of the most "adult" Christmas movies ever mad, THE REF tells the story of a thief (Denis Leary) who needs a place to hide out after a botched robbery so he kidnaps a couple (Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis) not knowing their going through a martial problem. Soon their arguing puts the thief in the middle and things take a turn for the worse when their annoying family members show up.

THE REF didn't make too much of an impact when it was first released but over time it has gained a good cult following and rightfully so. I remember seeing the film when it was first released and found it to be uneven but there was just something about it that made me go back for repeat viewings. It soon dawned on me that the film wasn't uneven but in fact it was simply the perfect mix of comedy and drama. Throughout all the sarcasm and wit that Leary brings to the picture, you've got two great dramatic actors really delivering strong performances and making you care about this troubled couple. The way the film goes from one laugh to another and then onto a serious subject is something rather unique and the way director Ted Demme handles it is quite great.

The film works so well because the three leads are simply perfect in their roles. That smart mouth nature of Leary is just flawless here as this role was simply made for him. Spacey and Davis are so good dramatically that they can sell this portion of the film but their comic timing is also flawless. The three perfectly play off one another and it leads to some great laughs. Another strong aspect of the film is the actual screenplay, which contains all sorts of bad, adult language but everything just feels and flows so naturally that you can't help but feel as if you're watching a real troubled couple and a real thief getting thrown together.

THE REF isn't a flawless film by any stretch of the imagination but there are certainly enough laughs to keep it moving well.
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A 90's clasic comedy
margineanvladdaniel13 December 2021
I liked the vibe, the theme and the story. The actors were great. Everybody made you felt the tensions in that family. The jokes were good, cruel some but not above the limit. I had those kind of laughs that you have when you watch Home Alone. This is a different kind of Christmas movie and I'm glad I found it. We need more movies like these.
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Kevin Spacey & Denis Leary = Black Comedy Gold!!
Andrewamphlett24 June 2013
Brief storyline of the film, the plot idea is relatively simple; Denis Leary plays Gus a professional burglar who after a foiled robbery seeks to make good his escape by taking married couple Lloyd and Caroline Chasseur hostage. Lloyd (played by Kevin Spacey) and Caroline (played by Judy Davis) are however going through something of a marriage crisis and poor old Gus ends up playing referee between the two warring factions of this married couple. Add in a delinquent son, a mother-in-law of humongous bitchy proportions and a drunken Santa Claus and let the mayhem begin! I have to say that the interplay between Learn, Spacey and Davis is simply fantastic with the machinegun like dialogue whizzing back and forth between them, my favourite quote from the film is Leary's character and he said "From now on, the only person who gets to yell is me. Why? Because I have a gun. People with guns get to do whatever they want. Married people without guns - for instance - you - DO NOT get to yell. Why? NO GUNS! No guns, no yelling. See? Simple little equation." The black humour of the film is just brilliant and it's actually what you would expect from Kevin Spacey and Denis Leary film with past films like "Swimming with Sharks" With likewise the stingingly cruel comments from the mother-in-law from hell are a real hoot, as is the bumbling capers of the town's less than competent police force. What makes the film work on another level though is that the arguments and disagreements that have the family at each other's throats are not contrived or unbelievable. Both husband and wife put forward extremely credible points of view that I'm sure having cropped up in the minds of most viewers. This gives the film a lovely poignancy and all that more enjoyable.

Overall, I found this a very funny movie. Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey bounce off each other hilariously, and I found Denis Leary's character just brilliant (and is now one of my favourite comedian) The script is original, the humour is dry, sarcastic and 'laugh out loud' good for a black-comedy so Great stuff!
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With family like this, who needs enemies?
Mr-Fusion24 November 2015
You look at "The Ref" and just know that it was written precisely for Denis Leary. It's just the kind of vehicle tailor-made for a comic with his talents; the man varies between exasperation and rage like nobody's business. And he's the source of most of the comedy herein.

But it's not just Leary, who's the unfortunate intermediary for unhappily-married Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis, a duo which is the real comedic heart of this thing. They're perfectly hateful and bitter, fluent in shouting matches and their bickering forms the basis of this viciously dysfunctional (read: very fun) holiday movie. It's the kind of horribly awkward family Christmas gathering you actually want to attend.

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I loved this movie!
MovieAddict201618 August 2002
The 1994 film 'The Ref' is absolutely hilarious.

Denis Leary is great as Gus, a burglar who takes Lloyd Chasseur (Kevin Spacey) and Lloyd's wife Caroline (Judy Davis) hostage in their own home at Christmas, to hide himself from police. Unfortunately for Gus, this couple aren't exactly the Leave it to Beaver family. They rant and rave the whole way through the film, even though Gus is holding a gun to their head. Of course, we know Gus is would never hurt anyone but it's still funny because Lloyd and Caroline don't!

The acting is superb, and the ending is hilarious. The whole Christmas dinner scene is possibly the best in the film. Spacey and Davis sound like a real squabbling couple, and their character's son Jesse (Robert J. Steinmiller Jr.) is a teenage rebel, who causes Gus even more trouble. Not only does this film serve for side splitting laughs, but also for additional fun, because you can always point out that Lloyd and Caroline sound like you and your spouse! (Actually, no, not a good idea!)

Overall, I really loved this movie, and think it's a sadly forgotten, underrated comic gem. You won't be disappointed!
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New Christmas classic!
hitchcockkelly28 January 2023
"The Ref" isn't so much a dark comedy as it is a comedy which turns dramatic in an effective way. Denis Leary's frustration with Lloyd and Caroline is funny for a while. Fortunately, the film doesn't stick to it for the whole 97 minutes. Eventually he recedes into the background as his hostages break through their emotional barriers. If anything, the drama works better than the comedy. Spacey and Davis are heavy hitters, and Leary sets them up expertly. There is truth in their pain, and not some sort of manufactured, independent film, "piano music and sunsets" kind of truth. It takes a referee with a gun and a penchant for cutting through the b.s. To get them to deal honestly with their problems, and I thought it was an original and entertaining ride.
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My favourite comedy movie
beatlejuice955 December 2004
This is an all-time classic movie, and one that my wife and I traditionally watch every Christmas. I know it's not your typical holiday film, but it is extremely funny, and because it is set around Christmas, we always try and watch it this time of year. Kevin Spacey before he hit it big, Judy Davis is incredible, and I simply love Denis Leary's work. Also Christine Baranski being very annoying/funny. Not for the easily offended for sure, but I am part of the generation that has grown up watching movies meant to shock you (Pulp Fiction, Starship Troopers, etc), and this one has plenty of shock value from the wit and vulgarness. I always laugh when I hear the banter between the main characters in the movie, plus a nice mix of physical comedy as well. Like my summary says, it is my all-time favourite comedy.
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Judy Davis steals this thing
kristina-1120 October 1999
Judy Davis is wonderful as Caroline Chasseur, with her facial expressions, quick comebacks, and excellent lines. Kevin Spacey, who usually commands the most attention in a film, knows he's dealing with a pro with a role made for her, and is wonderful as her sad, angry husband Lloyd.

The script could use some fine-tuning and Denis Leary is just OK in his role as hostage taker Gus.

However, if you're looking for anti-Christmas spirit, the Ref is the perfect dark comedy and is clever and hilarious in many of its scenes. 7 of 10.
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A quirky Christmas Story
stevebob9928 December 2004
I enjoyed the Ref immensely. It is an off-beat change of pace from most Christmas feel-good movies, yet it still comes together in the end. Denis Leary is very convincing as the successful cat burglar caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Christine Baransky plays a delightfully deranged sister in law who is more interested in money and appearances than in family or Christmas. Kevin Spacey proves that he can play any part from milk toast nagged husband to serial killer.

One caution, though- if you are offended by cursing, then this movie is not for you. There is a great deal of cursing in it. If you've seen any of Denis Leary's stand-up, then you know what to expect, but if you want a Christmas movie to watch with the kids, go find A Christmas Story, Eloise at Christmastime or It's a Wonderful Life. Anything but this one!
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angry dark comedy
SnoopyStyle22 December 2014
Caroline (Judy Davis) and Lloyd Chasseur (Kevin Spacey) are a fighting couple living in the small town of Old Baybrook. Lloyd doesn't want to talk about their marriage despite Caroline having had an affair. They don't agree on anything including his domineering mother (Glynis Johns) or their delinquent son. Gus (Denis Leary) is a burglar who barely escapes getting caught after being abandoned by his partner Murray. He takes the couple hostage. They go back to the Chasseur home but people start showing up. First the boy, then the mother with Lloyd's sister Connie (Christine Baranski) and her family.

The fighting couple lends a bit of black comedy. Surprisingly, Leary is almost playing the straight man and is the least angry of the trio. Then the movie adds on two great broads Glynis Johns and Christine Baranski. The dinner is a lot of fun. It starts with the weird headgear and then they go into the wildest therapy session. The movie probably needs a few more crazy antics scenes and a little more slapstick.
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Good talent misused yet again
Tito-82 March 1999
This film almost worked for me, no doubt because there is a great deal of talent who worked on the movie. But there was one HUGE flaw that seriously ruined this film. Who was I supposed to like in this film? The thief? His stupid partner? The bickering couple? Their annoying son? Quite simply, no one in this movie was likable, and so I didn't much care what happened to any of them. And as a result, despite the funny moments and decent pace that kept things moving along smoothly, I just didn't care about what I was seeing...and movie flaws just don't get much bigger than that.
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funny as hell!
goldyfish253 December 2004
My favorite line of all time is from this movie- when Lloyd tells his mother next Christmas he's going to buy her a big wooden cross, so anytime she feels unappreciated or un-loved she can climb on up there and nail herself to it! This movie is definitely on my top ten list. The acting is awesome! The timing and delivery of lines is right on! It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those of us who love this kind of humor its a sure classic! The casting was superb! I cant see anyone else playing those parts. This is the movie that turned me onto Kevin Spacey- and he is still my favorite actor ever! This is also the funniest movie I've ever seen Denis Leary in. His brand of humor combined with Kevin Spacey's wit is the stuff dreams are made of.
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Great situation-centered comedy
microbonnie6 June 1999
Let me precede what I have to say about this movie by saying that I saw it as part of my obsessive desire to see everything Kevin Spacey's ever been in. And, as usual, he didn't disappoint me. My main complaint about this movie is that it didn't play up the situation enough; Some of it was incredibly funny, though. Kevin Spacey was great (of course) and Glynis Johns as his mother was sooo cool. Extremely entertaining, if a little profane at times. I won't give away the "ending," but I liked that too. Somehow they pulled it off without annoying me. Anyway, I highly recommend this one, Kevin Spacey or no.
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Excuse Me, Excuse Me, Excuse Me A good christmas movie
J.R.-820 January 1999
This movie is not bust-a-gut funny and the story has been done before but those others did not have the great actors like Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis and Dennis Leary when watching it was not boring at all it was like you are really there because if you were really there then you would be in shock of the revelations coming out of your family mouths and you would be warmly amused or wanting a divorce.Good cast good writing So all in all a *** star.(good)
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A wry, anti-hero Christmas movie that comes from left field to make its point.
kingtrio914 November 2005
Far from typical Christmas fare, comedy or otherwise The Ref is an under rated classic that is a perfect blend of cynicism and hope, cleverness and bawdy comedy. It has a lot of shrill moments and if foul language makes you uneasy stay away but most will find the obscenities just part of the plot as the resolution of anger and bitterness in the lives of four people is what this film is about.

A sort of "Ransom for Redchief" style plot where a very sophisticated cat burglar takes a dysfunctional family hostage on Christmas eve much to his initial regret, this film succeeds in the main on the terrific acting by most of the cast. So much of the comedy is carried through because of small facial expressions, minute actions and razor sharp timing from the participants. The leads are priceless, Judy Davis in particular, although one finds himself quoting the two male leads perhaps more often. Christine Baranski, Glynnis Johns and Adam Le Ferve reveal their absolute mastery of the character actors craft with excellent support that shines in its own right. Phillip Nichol and Ellie Raab as the young nephew and niece provide the perfect foil of innocence for all of the "adultness". A great movie to watch as a relief from the typical nostalgic and kid orientated Christmas flicks. There are so many really good Christmas stories and this one numbers among them aimed squarely at grown-ups for a change.

Although Ted Demme changed the ending and is said to have regretted doing so I think it was the right decision adding one last lurch of suspense to the overall mix the first watch around. What happens?-sorry you'll have to wait to open this present yourself.
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"What kind of Christmas is this ?"
theAUTOHound27 November 2020
I start my Christmas movie season with this dark classic every year. Amazing performances for all the characters will just keep you wondering what will come out of their mouths next on first viewing. So believable you'll be glad you're not a part of this family. Glynis Johns is especially convincing as the controlling matriarch of the family that has always kept her sons wives in their place. Until tonight that is. "Slipper socks .. Medium !". Dennis Leary is perfect as the crook who stayed for dinner. This Christmas movie isn't some sweet tale of a perfect Christmas Eve by any means, it will reel you in to watch it every holiday season.
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The Thief Who Came to Dinner.
mark.waltz25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If this is family, give me a house in the country where I can have Christmas in peace. However, for this ultra disfunctional family, it's fight, fight, fight, kill, kill, kill, attack, attack, attack over and over and over, year after year. They take no prisoners, only souls, so it's up to kidnapper Denis Leary to try to find a way to get them all to shut up, that is after Kevin Spacey nearly murders the Christmas tree. With a matriarch like Glynis Johns ("Mary Poppins"), it's obvious why they all hate each other.

Spacey is married to the cheating Judy Davis, and after a miserable therapy session (on Christmas Eve) with the ineffectual B.D. Wong, they find themselves taken hostage by Leary who has managed to escape the booby trapped mansion he just tried to rob. Davis's son by a previous marriage, Johns and family (which includes caustic daughter in law Christine Baranski) show up for a family holiday, and World War III breaks out, ultimately ending up with everyone tied up. That doesn't stop certain family members from shutting up, and strange twists occur that keeps this fresh and unpredictable.

If it's not the police evidence ending up with "It's a Wonderful Life" taped over it, there's Davis's fancy Scandinavian Christmas meal (giving Johns some deliciously sardonic lines) it's the twist of Davis's son wanting to run off with Leary to get away from this family. The other kids seem to be getting their jollies by hearing the nutty adults fight over nonsense and act like kids. This is a different variation of "War of the Roses" and the much later "American Beauty", hard to completely love because the bulk of the characters really learn nothing from the experience. But it's well written and acted, and delightfully dark in showing the type of Christmas we all pray never happens to us, with or without the kidnapping.
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Change of pace seasonal favorite, but good at any time of year
txspartanmjrtom6 December 2006
My absolute favorite dark comedy. All the adults in our family will put this one on after the tykes are put to bed on Christmas Eve. Side-splittingly funny, bitingly tart fun. Anyone that was raised in suburban America will be able to relate the characters to family, friends, and neighbors. Great early roles for Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis, and Christine Baranski, and the deliveries are spot on and maintain the dark comic tone throughout. First-time viewers might cringe a little at the tone early on, but will quickly warm up to it; initial "oh my's" will soon enough surrender to hearty laughter. If the holidays get ya a little overwhelmed or uptight, this will bring great relief!! Consider it a nice stiff egg nog compared to the rest of the seasonal hot cocoa. Favorite line from Christine Baranski: "Sex and drugs, and women getting set on fire ?!?! What kind of Christmas is this?"
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The Ref
phubbs18 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now this is a blast from the past, well the early 90's. Back in the days when Leary was a smokin' hot comedian but not much of a movie star and Spacey wasn't that much of a movie star either!. One of those films yous saw in the videoshop amongst the other comedies but never rented because you didn't really know who the actors were, and you'd never heard of the film, maybe that's just me.

The plot isn't rocket science but it is genius. Its Christmas and a robber is on the run, so he kidnaps a middle aged married couple, taking them back to their house. Little does the robber know these two lovebirds are having a bit of a marital spat and are at each others throats. To top that the whole family are on the way for Xmas Eve dinner so Leary's robber must try to control the happy couple whilst dealing with a group of nosy pestering family members.

It really does sound like the next perfect National Lampoon caper for Chevy Chase, the whole film is very much like 'Christmas Vacation' accept this is more for adults. Its all very obvious really, naturally Leary uses his quickfire motormouth wit to spearhead much of the comedy and cruel attacks against various family members. Spacey's character is soft spoken but with a sharp tongue whilst Davis' character beautifully grows from calm and collected to spiteful rude and loud with her verbal assaults as she slowly gets more drunk.

The main attacks fly in the direction of Spacey's mother played in a very stuffy way by the stout Glynis Johns. Of course the old mother character has money so the family normally suck up to her constantly, but this all breaks down slowly as the evening progresses which leads to some very funny moments. You can count on Leary to lose his rag in a monumental fashion with everyone as the heat builds and his window to escape slowly closes.

Quite simply the film plays on the common much used comedic factors of our own relations, something that every family in the world can probably relate to. The old mother who is gruff with little tact and heavily controls one son too much. That son being downtrodden weak and always overruled by his wife who clearly wears the pants in the relationship. The other son not liking his brothers wife (his sister-in-law) because she has his brother whipped. The old mother not liking either sons wives and the wives not liking her (the mother-in-law) either. Caught in the middle are the kids who watch with glee as their parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents swear and curse at each other.

All the characters are very clichéd no doubt, all the usual family stereotypes are drained of every last drop of predictable comedy completely. But it works brilliantly, watching the grown ups verbally abuse each other whilst trying to hold it together for the kids and for Christmas is hilarious. Tiptoeing around delicate issues and then bringing them up deliberately to cause an outburst, it makes you laugh it makes you cringe. Then to add to that you have Leary going nuts trying to keep everything civil whilst trying not to break his cover and trying not get caught by the old bill. The fact Leary acts as the marriage counselor for Spacey and Davis really cranks up the laughs when he verbally jousts against the mother and sister-in-law.

This is one of those perfect anti-Christmas flicks that's perfect for Christmas. All the performances are really very good bringing the film to life and making the story so compelling. Its a completely character driven plot with no fancy set pieces or effects or crazy stunts, its all about the dialog. Yeah you know it will have a happy ending and you kinda know how it will pan out as your watching, but its still a dark razor sharp witty pleasure.

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A Oscar Worthy Performance
Tactrix16 May 2008
Let me say this movie couldn't be more real, now having said that Denis Leary didn't even have to blink when reading this script, it was simply written for him because lets face the facts who better to be a gun wielding, curse slurring, angry robber then him. Secondly the relationship between Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis could have a movie all in itself, its real down and dirty dysfunction the good old fashioned way with objects being flung and secrets being expelled in every direction, and the reunion of the entire family makes you want to curl up and laugh hysterically for hours. Bottom line if you haven't seen this movie its an absolute MUST SEE. 10 out of 10 with a bullet.
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Very funny and entertaining
AKS-613 May 1999
"The Ref" is without a doubt a very funny and very entertaining film. This is exactly my kind of humour: people being mean to each other. But what makes this a comedy better than many comedies is the great acting: Judy Davis, Denis Leary and Kevin Spacey in particular. However, they should've have left out some totally un-necessary scenes with a Santa Clause who is getting drunk. It wasn't very funny when we --as viewers -- are only interested in what happens with the family who is taken hostage.

Over all though: Great entertainment!
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i thought a comedy was supposed to be funny
stevonne-627-5419983 December 2010
This film falls at the first hurdle for me. It isn't funny at all. I was going to switch it off after 20 minutes but decided to give it another ten in the faint hope of a laugh. It's clearly supposed to be funny but just isn't. The basic premise is that a burglar falls through a trapdoor which is part of the security system of a house he is burgling. The next thing we know he's in a supermarket sticking a gun in the back of a hostage. How he got out and why he wants to take a hostage isn't explained. I'm prepared to suspend reality for films , particularly comedies but this just doesn't make any sense. What relevance has the Police Chief saying that his cops are useless? Maybe that's supposed to be a funny bit. The ingredients are there for a comedy, i.e. gunman taking very argumentative family hostage - but he doesn't need to be there, He could walk away at any time. My advice would be - don't waste your time.
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