Bud (III) (2021)
Thought provoking & Well done
16 December 2021
"Cancel Culture"- This thing that we all have (sadly) either witnessed or even participated in. Perhaps some viewing this may even have been victim to it. Deserved or not, it has become a ferocious force. Mob mentality at it's most intense because the audience on someone's actions can be the entire world now, which to me is wild. Perhaps like others, knowing how to feel towards "cancelling" someone has often been tricky to feel one way or another about (is it cruel, or justified? Both?) on as it is very situational. It deals with morality and perceived justice. All very thought provoking issues. So when I heard about the premise of this short I was immediately intrigued. And what I found even more interesting upon viewing was that it comes from the perspective of someone (in this case, a young child) who is removed from the entire surrounding context- and further- seeing someone they know and love dearly at the center of many strangers' wrath.

Zach does a really good job of articulating what inspired him making this on recent interviews you can find online. Overall I found the film to be a very interesting perspective on an issue I find fascinating (for better or worse). Well shot- I liked the simplicity of the scenes but beautifully done. Great acting as well. Bravo!
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