Review of Jexi

Jexi (2019)
Jexi: Pull Up A Mediocre Review
12 October 2019

Fast Pace Good Track List Fun Dialogue Great Intermissions Cute Nice Twist Funny Overall


Overuse of Cursing Some Inappropriate moments too inappropriate For Me Weaker Storytelling Predictable Spoiled By Trailers at parts


Jexi turned out to be better balanced and fun than I imagined, delivering a cute film that was both funny and touching at the same time. I'll admit it's merely a true entertaining festival, with fast pace, fun dialogue, and cute gimmicks that will entertain the masses. Throw in a fun soundtrack to sort of add to comedy elements and toe tapping nature, and again you are having fun in this film. Yet the movie still suffers from the usual tricks of the trade and that is overuse of cursing and inappropriate montages that just aren't my cup of tea. Throw in that that the story is still predictable and the funny parts have some ruining by the trailers and well you get the usual comedy formula for fun and laughs. Jexi is a fun adventure, and one I hope most will go for this weekend if looking for a good laugh. Still, it does not have quite the balance or uniqueness to require a theater visit and most likely best waited for your viewing at home.

My Scores are:

Comedy: 6.5-7.0 Movie Overall: 5.0
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