Jessica Jones (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster


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Really Good!
Rob133129 September 2022
As a huge fan of Marvel I'm a little biased because I pretty much like everything they put out. My bias aside, Jessica Jones is terrific! If you don't believe me just read through the reviews here and look at the ratings. Even the critics loved this. Krysten Ritter was born to play Jessica Jones. She is easily the best part of the show. This is a show that you'll want to binge as quickly as you can, it's that good. It's too bad that Netflix couldn't renew their contracts with Marvel and they had to stop making the Netflix Marvel shows because every single one of them was great! Now that they're on Disney they can bring these wonderful characters back. They already started to with Daredevil and Kingpin and just renewed Daredevil for another season. Now they have to do the same for The Punisher, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. At least bring them back into the MCU somehow. If you're a Marvel fan then this is a must watch!
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Supermanfan-1310 March 2021
Krysten Ritter was absolutely fantastic as Jessica Jones! And as great as she was, Rachael Taylor was equally as bad as Trish Walker. I was rooting for her character to die throughout the entire series! Overall, Jessica Jones is a really good tv show and while it's not quite as good as "The Punisher" or "Daredevil", it's still good and absolutely worth watching! Anyway, this is so much more than just a Superhero show, it's an intense psychological drama that is incredibly well written. Kilgrave (David Tennant) is one of the best bad guys in any Superhero movie or tv show ever. He's not the best but he's up there. It may start a little slow for some but stick with it because I promise it gets better. All 3 seasons are great!
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Alias Riff And Jones
southdavid7 January 2020
So, the Marvel/Netflix alliance ends here, not with a bang, but with a bit of a whimper.

Jessica Jones (Kristen Ritter) is a Private Investigator, a functioning alcoholic and a misanthrope. She's also, thanks to some illegal experimentation, unworldly strong, resilient and tough. She struggles with the responsibility that comes with being "powerered" and is haunted by death of her family, which occurred in a traffic accident years prior.

The first season of Jessica Jones was excellent. Mostly because, unlike some other seasons of both this show, and the others in the extended universe, it had an excellent and charismatic villain in David Tennent's Kilgrave. Without having the same levels of action set pieces, this first season still is as good as anything that "Daredevil" or "Punisher" could produce. The season also introduced us to Luke Cage, which then spun into his own series and Mike Coulters chemistry with Ritter is excellent.

Unfortunately, unlike "Daredevil", there was a pronounced drop off in quality for the second season, and that run had a dull villain from Jessica's past played by Janet McTeer. Drifting away from the private eye type story and into more soap elements didn't help this run either. We also started to spend even more time with the shows supporting characters, such as Jeri Hogarth played by Carrie-Anne Moss. Though she was great, the show feels watered down when we're spending time with these characters and it's not related directly to what's happening to Jessica. The second and third seasons also suffer from the "Netflix" problem of making 13 episodes, when you have enough story for 8, so plot points are hit over and over again.

The third season is better though. Jessica is back with a case to solve involving a Serial Killer played by Jeremy Bobb. There's more action and intrigue, although it still doesn't match the heights of the first season. It would be easy to see why their hearts wouldn't be in this run, as the cancellations were announced long before this was released.

Overall, I feel like the first season of this is "must see" but the remaining two aren't essential. The show isn't as consistent as "Daredevil" but is generally a cut above "Iron Fist" and "Luke Cage".
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My weakness? Occasionally I give a crap
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews26 January 2023
When we first meet private investigator Jessica Jones(Ritter, snark personified), she's a recovering rape survivor. She has PTSD, as we see from the coping mechanism of naming her childhood home's streets, and her symptoms. These include trouble falling asleep, and even when she does, such as on the subway(which gives you an Idea of how badly she needs to rest. The smell and noise of it alone seems like it should be enough that you could never catch Zs, not to mention how many people around you don't trust being vulnerable near) she almost immediately comes to. The reason for this is simple. Whenever she starts to lose consciousness, immediately it feels like her abuser is right behind her, whispering in her ear, licking her(!). Her trauma is taken seriously, and it's put front and center.

That man is Kilgrave(Tennant, making a meal of it). He literally does not have empathy, and it is explained why. His power? Others have to do anything he says, which basically means that he can either get everything he wants, or he can carefully think about every word that comes out of his mouth. You can probably guess which he chooses. An emotionally stunted narcissist, he literally can compel others to fulfill his lightest whim. And he claims to actually love our PI, and want her to be happy. He carries out what he believes are grand romantic gestures. Not seeming to understand that while he apparently did think of her as someone that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, she wants nothing more to do with him. She was his prisoner. And if he legitimately wanted to know if she felt the same, all he had to do is tell her she had to be truthful, and ask. And yet he didn't. Maybe he knew the answer. Perhaps it was just too big of a risk to take. Either way, it ended up with him forcing her. In reality, there are no people who can force *anyone* they talk to, to do what they want, Make them think they want it, make them go along against their better judgement. But there are lots who can do that with a select few. It's called gaslighting, and it's something we need to put a stop to.

She's not alone in fighting him. Her adoptive sister, former child star and current radio personality Trish Walker(Taylor, spot-on). She used to be known as the titular star of kid's show "It's Patsy", which is also how a lot of people greet her when they recognise her. Every so often, we'll get another titbit of it, like hearing the theme song, sitting in on the tail end of a table read, hearing someone describe one of the plots. They really got it exactly right. I know that I watched stuff just like it when I was growing up. She's a lot more stable and dependable, at least these days. She definitely wasn't always, and we will see her struggle. She feels a strong drive to make the world a better place, and may not always feel like she is doing enough for that.

Add to that, next door neighbor Malcolm Ducasse(Darville, exactly right) starts out addicted to drugs. Occasionally, he needs minor assistance, he gets it, and that's basically it. At first, people don't really think much of him. And neither does the audience. Which makes for a very effective turn when he quits cold turkey And becomes sober. He becomes a full person in our mind - as he in reality of course always was. We just didn't look past the veneer. It forces us to confront that maybe we Accidentally did this in real life as well. This also greatly encourages empathy for sex workers, the unhoused and ethnic minorities. It has a lot of emotional intelligence in discussing these immensely relevant issues. And it manages to make everyone complex.

Someone she sometimes works with, without either of them particularly liking the other(It is very much a case of mutual respect for the other's abilities and intense distaste for personal choices), is Jeri Hogarth(Moss, impeccable). She's a lawyer who worked hard to get to the top, And we watch as her life starts to come apart around her. On a show full of trainwrecks who make lousy decisions that end up hurting themselves, she may well be the one who has made the most mistakes and stands to lose the most. It would be easy for this to devolve into finger pointing, so it's very impressive that it never does. After she grew up poor and bullied, she put immense effort into gaining and maintaining complete control of the circumstances of her life, and most of the problems she faces are specifically because of selfish choices rather than things that she simply couldn't do anything about. Hers is a tragedy of fighting to escape one extreme only to end up at another.

This is a noir story. That means that it has shadows, silhouettes(well, a lot of the time, the cinematography is not that adventurous), sax music, investigative work, conspiracy and corruption. When it features sex, it isn't shot in male gaze(in fact, occasionally, it will be distinctly female, with a focus on fingers and lips, rather than legs and curves), it isn't there just for titillation, it establishes and grows characters and their interpersonal relationships. There is a distinct effort made to avoid anyone on this coming across as disposable, and it rarely fails. This was shot on location in New York and it adds a lot of texture. Essentially, the only criticism I have is the pacing. Like the other Netflix shows, each season is mandated to be 13 episodes and they just don't have the right amount of story for that.

This features bloody, gory, graphic violence, disturbing content, and strong language. I recommend it to any fan of complex narratives. 9/10.
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Enjoyable, if a little clunky at times
garry-anderton10 March 2021
Really entertaining show. Only let down by the occasional face palm moment here and there. David Tennant is wonderful and adds a much needed touch of class to proceedings. Carrie Ann Moss is also very good. Other performances are...hit and miss. Overall a solid - if occasionally dopey - show.
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Season 1 - 10/10
Deep-Space17 May 2022
Season 1 - 10/10

Season 2 - 5/10

Season 3 - 6/10.

Krysten Ritter is amazing as JJ.

Kilgrave is an awesome antagonist portrayed by an awesome actor.

This is my short and concise review to save you time.

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All Around Amazing
erinkay64117 January 2016
I am truly baffled by the negative reviews. This show is incredible. Every character is truly fascinating and we get glimpses of their back stories to supplement the story, but I guess people are disappointed that not everything was revealed immediately? I am almost positive that the mystery of Jessica Jones' background is intentional and they will reveal more as the show develops. As for people that complain that the show is boring....these must be the people keeping things like the Transformers series in business. If you're looking for constant explosions and action, you'll be disappointed. However, if you are looking for a show with well developed characters, a chilling villain, a compelling and relatable main character, an intriguing storyline, and just utterly spectacular acting, this is the show for you. No, it's not a typical superhero show. It goes above and beyond in so many aspects. This has raised the bar for superhero stories, in my opinion. Krysten Ritter is superb and very believable as Jessica Jones. I love love love this show! Give it a chance, you will not be sorry you did! I can't wait for Season 2.
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Consistent dark tone, inconsistent writing
aesylvia22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you were expecting something as good as Daredevil, don't. Is it close? Maybe for some but my experience was rather disappointing given my high expectations based on the previous series that blew me away.

I had read the comics this was based on and was pleased with how much they deviated so as to keep the story fresh and unpredictable. What I did not care for was the number of characters that were introduced, which was unexpected due to how antisocial the protagonist is. This cluttered up the story with uninteresting or utterly obnoxious nobodies whose subplots wasted time that could have been better spent resolving the major Jessica-related ones, ultimately resulting in an unsatisfying conclusion (not only due to the anticlimax of the final confrontation).

David Tennant shines as Kilgrave, he is most certainly the high point of the story. They gave his character much more depth and a richer history than in the comics (no purple skin, sorry fans.) Far more sadistic than in the comics even, he easily outstrips Wilson Fisk for 'most evil villain' so far in any part of the MCU. Unfortunately this made many of his co-stars on screen with him at the same time look like amateurs, but they tried their best in their other scenes.

Jones' abrasive personality made it difficult for her to have any real chemistry with anyone but it was painfully true with Luke Cage, and one character even had to remark on their chemistry as if those of us who didn't 'get it' were supposed to just buy it. His character was also overused, it made this series feel less like Jessica's own, and also puts into question how independent Cage will be when his own series starts.

A few inconsistencies also marred the enjoyment factor of the series. Jones' powers are never satisfactorily explained (and the opportunity to at least reveal their origin was wasted with too many minor characters and subplots) and Cage's powers are also used inconsistently (explain to me how an explosion fails to deafen and/or blind him, at least temporarily, and yet a shotgun blast under his chin puts him in a coma.) Also in this world of aliens and superheroes, peoples' inability to accept that there exists a mind controller is inexcusable, especially with other series like Agents of SHIELD establishing that numerous 'gifted' individuals exist and are being hunted down. Even those who are directly affected by Kilgrave seem to want not to believe it. It gets aggravating even before the halfway point. Not to mention lots of other miscellaneous stupidity from most of the characters.

Ultimately it's a story about trying to find one's identity that never pans out, tons of moral conundrums that go unresolved, and about the cleverest thing you see is that with all her great strength that others like Daredevil don't have, she can't just go throwing it around with abandon because of the nature of her nemesis who hides behind innocent pawns.

Don't make the mistake of raising your expectations for this because of Daredevil like I did. It feels like this could have benefited from a shorter production run, maybe 8 episodes instead. Curious to see how they'll bring her back in the future, though I'm skeptical if they'd actually give this a second season or any other solo treatment.
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Can't believe how bad Season 2 was.
bobnet8415 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
They need to scrap the writers and half the cast. If, they weren't in bed the season would of been only 6 episodes. I was ready for Trish to die. Malcolm to die. And, the mom. This took 2 years to do? Really?
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Arguably the best superhero show to date
ClaraBosswald20 November 2015
If you're considering watching this show, chances are you've already watched Marvel's Daredevil and know what to expect: a darker, grittier tone than the rest of the Marvel universe, great production values and strong characterization. It delivers all those things and more.

Jessica Jones tells the story of a retired superhero, a woman who tried to help and failed. Jessica is a broken character; she suffers from PTSD, has nightmares and constant flashbacks and drinks a lot. She's an incredibly compelling protagonist; flawed but strong, broken but fighting, sad but with a sarcastic edge that makes her funny and easy to love.

The show isn't afraid to explore dark themes of sexual assault, rape and abortion and it does so with taste. The victims are not shown being raped; the viewer is just expected to believe them without titillating rape scenes to prove the facts.

As a survivor herself, Jessica shows both the signs of her trauma and the will to fight back. Women in Jessica Jones suffer, they fail, but they fight.

Unlike Daredevil's Kingpin, Killgrave is a threat from the first episode which results is better pacing (Daredevil took 4 episodes to find its feet in my opinion). Because of Jessica's PTSD, you constantly feel his shadow and the tension is constant. The show doesn't waste time with an origin story or training sequences; it takes you straight into the action and doesn't let you go.

A definite success for Marvel.
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Good before it progressively got worse 7/10
faisalisat23 August 2019
This is just a general review of what I felt overall having just finished the finale.

The first season was brilliant, 8/10. If you haven't watched JJ then just watch S1.

The second season was rubbish and so was the third, 5-6/10. Hence I downgraded my overall rating from 8/10 to 7/10.

Trish Walker was such a lame character and the fact that she features more prominently in the plot for S2 and S3 probably explains part of why the show went downhill.

S3 was the end for the show just in the same way as Daredevil which itself was a brilliant show and didn't really dip the way JJ did (blame Netflix/Disney).

JJ for the average viewer can feel like a bit of a drag so bare that in mind, but again it's worth it in S1 as the whole premise is she's a private investigator dealing with a bad guy/girl over the series.
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AKA a brilliant show with a truly menacing and memorable villain.
TouchTheGarlicProduction20 November 2015
If for nothing else, watch Jessica Jones for David Tennant's performance as Kilgrave. He is better than any other Marvel movie or TV villain ever seen before. He is truly terrifying but oddly hypnotizing. He can make you do whatever he tells you to. Not only does David Tennant's charisma make this believable, but the writers use it in a lot of cool ways. As a villain, he's right up there with Heath Ledger's Joker.

Krysten Ritter (Jesse's girlfriend from season 2 of Breaking Bad) plays the lead. It's great to see a Female Marvel lead, and she delivers a wonderfully understated performance. The show starts off as a gritty detective show with dry humour and not much of Tennant. However, as the show goes along, it evolves into something much cooler. It gets darker but also funnier, and Tennant's involvement becomes larger.

In conclusion, Jessica Jones is a very binge-able show with a memorable villain and a great lead that doesn't need much prior knowledge despite tying into the Marvel universe. In my opinion, it's even better than Daredevil.
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Jessica Jones: 5 episodes too long
samdixon-2730425 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the show due to David Tennant playing a leading role and was very happy with what I found. Good casting, interesting plot, good soundtrack and all round good entertainment. It did take a while for all the characters to come into play but by the time I reached the later episodes and an umpteenth escape for the villain I began to tire. This is not necessarily the fault of the creators but 13 episodes was too much time to fill and left the show to wonder a bit as it tried to fill time. A shorter 8 episode run would have made the story telling a whole lot tighter, eliminated the need for filler characters that did not make sense and provided the viewers with a much more fulfilling experience. It gets a 7 thanks to David Tennant and a great performance from him, without him I doubt I would have finished watching to the end.
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Why did they have to make her so incompetent?
Tomus74 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We didn't mind the other unusual aspects of her characters, but we couldn't bear how incompetent she is. So many episodes were the same: jessica captures Kilgrave, jessica decides not to kill him, so he escapes and kills more poeple. And repeat.
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Netflix and Marvel's partnership is the ballad of the villains
sbucklar20 November 2015
Much like Daredevil, the real saga of Jessica Jones is that of the Villain. David Tennant shines as a dark and broken sociopath. His performance is chilling and terrifying and asks dark questions about what we would do with ultimate power over those around us, and about what would become of us.

Stepping past Tennant's breathtaking performance, the rest of the casting is apt and on point. Any fan of the comic books will be hard pressed to fault Jessica Jones or Luke Cage. Their chemistry and dynamic is ink made flesh and the characters that we loved brought to screen. The supporting cast are equally brilliant, especially the trio of Australian actors supporting in the roles of Trish Walker, Will Simpson and Malcolm. Comic book buffs will quickly spot the nods to comic cannon and the fascinating divergence and rebirth of comic book icons. There is extensive dialogue and set references to comic book icons that shows a phenomenal attention to detail that becomes a love letter to long term fans of these properties.

Jessica Jones breathes yet more life into the promise of the Defenders franchise at Netflix. Bring on Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and future seasons. If for some reason you haven't yet signed up for Netflix - this show alone is a reason to do so.
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Watch it for the plot
Rebriwien1 January 2016
Jessica Jones is what happens when you strip off a superhero's spandex and explosions. Taking away the flash of Hollywood block-busters puts a great burden on both the plot and actors, and Jessica Jones excels in both.

The series is a must-see for anyone who likes a good thriller. Rather than using superpowers or alien gadgets, the main character's search for the villain is good old-fashioned PI work. The superpower that has the most relevance to the plot, mind-control of the wonderfully evil villain Kilgrave played by David Tennant, is not used in a quest to destroy the world but rather to pose difficult ethical questions: What would you do if you had the ultimate power? Who can be redeemed?

13 episodes leaves no time for fillers, keeping the plot moving fast. The cinematography is also great.
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Love it!
madicurtis19 June 2019
Krysten Ritter is one of my favourite actresses, she never ceases to surprise me with her talent. Jessica Jones is one of the TV shows that I have become addicted to. The way Ritter has portrayed her character has brought the superhero to life. I can not think of anyone else that would suit this role more than Krysten.
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vibhus-177808 December 2022
A good detective series with Superhero and Vigilante stuff . It's a detective series , more than investigations it has good dramas . First of all writers did a great job in characterisation for the characters , eventhough season 2 & 3 misses the intriguing kinda storytelling as season 1 , somehow it manages by intresting character arc . Season 1 was totally good and the best season of the Series . Season 2 & 3 were good too , but bit boring sometimes , not upto the mark of season 1 . We can easily notice series majorly missed good production value , so making wise it was bit odd . Action sequences were mostly clumsy . Cast did a great job especially Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones was impressive . Overall a good series to watch .

Season 1 was best .

Season 2 and 3 , watch it for the intresting character arc .
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After a compelling first season, show goes nowhere
drael6414 June 2019
Tennant as villain is the real star of this show. This show, dripping in woke tropes, can't really get over it's show runners unusual bent in order to tell a decent story. Should have stuck closer to the source material.
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Strong Story with a simpathetic hero and a terrifying villain
ribeirojose-9666930 May 2020
This show's season 1 was amazing. Incredible suspense, great performances by Krysten Ritter and David Tennant. It has a hero, that is not really a hero. She is someone who was severely broken and traumatized. It also has a truly terrifying yet charismatic antagonist with an even more creepy power. The noir/detective theme of the show is really interesting and the soundtrack is excellent. It is very different from most Marvel productions, and not in a bad way
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Very Enjoyable
Shane318220 November 2015
Having enjoyed Daredevil very much I thought I would give this show a chance as well. And it does have a very similar feel to it that Daredevil had.

This show takes place in the Marvel universe but it much grittier and darker than what we saw in movies such as the Avengers.

It focuses on the character Jessica Jones who is a Private Investigator and has super-human strength. But Jessica has a dark past with the man known as Kilgrave who has a very strong interest in Jessica though she tries very hard to keep her distance from him. Unfortunately, a missing person case that she is involved in leads her straight back to Kilgrave and she is now dealing with the damage he is causing to her and her loved ones.

This show is a joy from start to finish. Around episode 6 is when things really pick up, with many twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. There is enough mystery and character development mixed in with some action-packed fights to really pull you in.

The only downside, in my opinion, was that there were times it just felt like an extended chase sequence. Where they go to one location, pick up a small clue and then run to another location to pick up another clue and so on. It dragged on for a bit but was not in any way boring, but also didn't feel as fulfilling as it should have.

I enjoyed the exploration of minor characters in the series as well. People who seem to just be background noise end up taking more time than I would have expected and I thought it was brilliantly done. I began to feel bad for characters I never thought I would.

All the actors did a brilliant job. The writing was amazing.

Definitely a show worth watching.
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great Marflix
SnoopyStyle18 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In New York City, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) is a troubled private eye with superhuman strength. She drinks to cope with the PTSD from her rape. She is horrified when her tormentor Kilgrave (David Tennant) returns. Her lifelong best friend is her equally troubled adoptive sister Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor) who struggles with drug addiction and her controlling mother as a former child star. Malcolm Ducasse is a recovering neighbor who gets involved with Jessica's work. Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss) is a driven lawyer with her own agenda. Jessica reconnects with her birth mother Alisa (Janet McTeer) in the second season. In the third season, Trish gains her own powers as the ladies battle a serial killer.

The first season is one of the most compelling story in comic book TV. Ritter is great and Tennant really shines as the villain. Jessica Jones is a compelling protagonist and Kilgrave is such a scary antagonist. It is right there next to Daredevil season one. The second season has Jessica dealing with some mommy issues. McTeer is great veteran actress. I really like their chemistry. I'm not sure I like the Trish story and I can skip the Hogarth story. Hogarth needs to stay as a side character. The second season has a good main course with some rather average side dishes. The third season has Jessica and Trish battling a serial killer. The Trish story needs a different catalyst. The return of Kilgrave does nothing. He's only an echo and a reminder of a superior season. The show is canceled along with its Marflix brothers with the introduction of Disney streaming.
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Weird............ not my style
blastoic920d1d28 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a series made for cult followers. Boring and weird. First episode... what even happened? Some guy is there, is not there, is there... controls girls minds? This isn't Marvel. This is a series for emus..... Bad job Marvel. Nothing extraordinary. Just the Usual things. That you are used to. Marvel are you even trying anymore? Jesus.. The other episodes were bad as well. 5/5. Would not Watch again. Wall of text incoming. Ladies Night? Come on.. That was 51 minutes that I am never getting back.. Jesus.. Why can't you make a normal series? This reminded me of daredevil, which was even worse than this bad series.. much worse and that's maybe hard to believe.
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Slightly better than just ok.
judicmr9 October 2019
After 3 seasons, think I get it. This is a show about character arcs and using your brain instead of super powers (unless it's an emergency). Sounds good, but way tooooo slow. The Hogarth arc is mostly annoying to watch. Keep the pace fast and the monologues short. I could edit this down to half the episode count, and have a great show. Maybe a little "good" humor to balance dark Jessica wouldn't hurt either.
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Season 1 was a MASTERPIECE / Season 2 was terrible
gspencley10 March 2018
This review pains me to write, because I genuinely think that Season 1 was the pinnacle of serialized television. It had amazing plotting, a satisfying ending, a terrifying villain, characters that I loved, nothing superfluous, beautiful cinematography and tone. It delivered on every promise that it made.

I could not wait for Season 2. And those two years were tough. Alas it finally arrived. I knew going in that it had a tough act to follow and so I made a concerted effort to judge it on it's own merits and not to dismiss it just for failing to achieve the impossible by living up to the first.

What went wrong. Plotting: All over the place with little focus. A terrifying villain? Try NO villain. Characters that I love? Yes but the two leads are mostly kept separate from each other for some strange reason. Nothing superfluous? Carrie Ann Moss and her entire sub-plot was boring and irrelevant. Jessica's rival PI was a flat plot device. A satisfying ending? I wouldn't know, I couldn't get past episode 8. It was putting me to sleep. The season did continue to have beautiful cinematography and tone/atmosphere, but that gets no points from me if the writing is dull. Nutmeg can make good egg nog great, but it's not appetizing when eaten on it's own.

I think the biggest problem with Season 2 is that it fails to deliver on Jessica Jones' core promise: it is a sci-fi super-hero show about a tortured loner who does not want to be a superhero but is, none-the-less, forced to fight super-villains because they are threatening her and the people she loves.

In other words, Season 2 was Jurassic Park without Dinosaurs.

I'm giving the show a 5. A perfect 10 for the first season, and a 0 for the second.
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