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This Is One Of Stathams Best Action Films
ActionFan-Reviews2 March 2015
The Mechanic may not have the critical praise or box office $ as movies like "Snatch", Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" "The Expendables"and the upcoming "Fast 7". But there is one thing it does rank as and that's one of his best pure, balls to the wall action films to date. In the last decade, Statham has consistently delivered hard hitting B Action films and if your a fan of the old school, 80's/90's R rated action, the mechanic is a must watch. For a brisk 90 mins, it manages to provide on some no holds barred, brutal and bloody action. It will remind you of the days when they made more adult oriented action without all that CGI and PG 13 but more fight choreography and realistic stunts and action. I think this is one of the most underrated and one of the better action movies within the last decade.Overall, this is a movie worth watching more than once and if your a fan of action and haven't seen this and your looking for a quick 90 min movie to entertain you without thinking too much, this is highly recommended.

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Really liked this twisty action flick, once I got on board
juneebuggy7 October 2014
This was different than what I was expecting especially in the beginning where it wasn't your usual mindless Jason Statham action flick. For the first half (anyways) the car chases and cool choreographed fight scenes take a back seat, in fact there are large sections where Statham isn't even in it, he just narrates. Instead we get Ben Foster, which is no hardship.

Intriguing story once I got on board, revolving around an elite assassin who gets double crossed and then proceeds to teach his trade to an apprentice who had a connection to one of his previous victims. As things progress the body count rises, Statham shows his moves and things get awesome. The window washing stunt was excellent as was all the twisty double crossing. Great (explosive) ending. 5/24/14
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Good Enough For a Late Night Flick
SpartanIII10 February 2011
I just got back from seeing a late night showing of The Mechanic. After having a long week, this film did exactly what I wanted it to do...entertain me.

Was the plot original? No.

Was the acting amazing? No.

But... Was the action good? Yes.

Was Jason Stathham in it? Yes.

Can you ask for anything else in an action film these days? It didn't label itself as a milestone of cinematic achievement. It was marketed as an action film, with good death scenes, mildly intriguing characters, and a simple plot and it delivered exactly on cue. Go see this if you just want to see some good action stars kick-butt for a couple of hours. 6/10
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It works
artalmarcelo13 June 2011
Some things may not make sense and the storytelling may feel extremely fast paced, but you know what, in those moments where 'The Mechanic' promised to entertain you, it does it at its best. And don't get me wrong, cause I'm not a Statham's fan. I didn't like 'The transporter' cause the acting (especially the bad guy) was way too unreal. I didn't like 'Crank' either cause the directing was really bad. 'The Mechanic' is not a movie focused on the story but on the action, and that's where it shines. The action scenes are really sublime and they don't stop until the last minute. Actors also fit in an interesting story. Again, the director chose not to develop the story but to give an explosive experience, and I believe he achieved it. Don't look for a deep experience here and you won't be disappointed.
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A spectacular, hardboiled, and sometimes vicious action movie
davidx271820 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A typical Statham movie, like the Transporter but with a higher dose of brutality and nastiness. Statham's character Arthur Bishop, a.k.a the Mechanic, is awesomely tough and cold-blooded, and the assassination plans and escapes are brilliant. But images like that of an old man getting shot in the chest (near the beginning) are hard to shake. Ben Foster is great as the jaded alcoholic who becomes the apprentice assassin. It's not clear where he learnt to take on a 350 pound killer with his bare hands, but like he says, "I've seen some s***." All the men in black suits and SUVs who try to protect their clients are equally impressive, and ineffectual. What use are dark glasses and handguns against killers who can climb buildings? Bishop has his hideaway out on the Bayou where he enjoys the finer things in life, like playing the soft classical music that soothes him after a killing, and rebuilding his Jaguar. (And his idea of rebuilding involves micrometres as much as wrenches.) He's got an arrangement with a woman that involves quick visits and wads of cash left on the table. His friend Harry tells him that he (Bishop) needs companionship, but the movie makes it pretty plain why his friendships don't last long. After the intense action sequences you may be saying cool, but does this guy have a soul? If so, it's well hidden under Statham's half-shaved, snarled-lip mug.
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Not sure I like this one
mike-384228 January 2011
I am one of the original Jason Statham fans. I loved the Transporter, Crank and his collaborations with Guy Ritchie like Revolver and even tolerated some of his less glorious efforts such as Death Race.

For me what makes his movies so enjoyable is the tongue in cheek humour and the likable side of the tough guy. We all know he's not a great actor but the lovable rogue is his trademark and that's why we keep going back for more.

"The Mechanic" is about a ruthless hit man and it gives Statham no opportunity to smile or engage in banter, nor make us laugh. It's a non- stop action film with a few goofs and a script with holes big enough to drive a bus through. Normally I would forgive and forget, because I like him, but he didn't make me laugh nor make me wish I could be like him this time.

There were no characters to like in this film, but there was plenty of action which makes it instantly forgettable. I know you want to read the movie was great but I wouldn't be honest if I pretended it was. Worth watching but don't expect another Transporter.
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Explosive action vehicle
Leofwine_draca4 August 2012
A typical recent Jason Statham outing, although there's less action to begin with than you might expect having witnessed the trailer. THE MECHANIC is a remake of an old Charlie Bronson flick about a hit-man who takes on a young apprentice and the escapades that they subsequently undertake. After a lifetime of jokey action stars delivering quip after quip, it's quite pleasing to see a film that takes a more serious tone than most, with Statham gruffer than usual and few opportunities for humour in the script.

The opening of the film works well, introducing the lead character in a way similar to LEON and including a nice-but-brief turn for Donald Sutherland whose presence really starts the ball rolling. Then into the mix we have Ben Foster (3:10 TO YUMA), playing another of his trademark volatile characters, and he brings some much-needed urgency and danger to the production. The story that follows has plenty of inventive moments and certainly keeps you watching throughout, although it's not until late on that the overall structure becomes apparent.

Simon West, who once made CON AIR and who has just finished work on THE EXPENDABLES 2, handles the action sequences well; although there's some use of the dreaded shaky-cam here, it's not over-utilised like in other movies, so at the very least you can still see what's going on. There are some good vehicle stunts, plus the requisite fights and shoot-outs, along with a climax that proves dramatically satisfying. THE MECHANIC certainly isn't anything more than a run-of-the-mill action flick but on the other hand it's a run-of-the-mill action flick that does tick all of the right boxes.
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Two words: 'Jason' and 'Statham'
bowmanblue22 August 2014
Question 1: Have you watched a Jason Statham film in the last few years? If the answer is yes, then you have basically seen The Mechanic. If the answer is no, then you have to like you action films gritty and violent, but without the big budget that were synonymous with the action stars of the eighties.

Question 2: If you have seen a recent Statham movie, did you like it? If the answer is 'yes' then you will probably like this one, too. If the answer is 'no' then move on.

Sometimes it feels like 'the Stath' never sleeps. He seems to churn out these sorts of films on a thrice-yearly basis. They all look the same. They all follow the same basic story. And they're all called something like 'The Mark, Sold,' or 'Bullet.' 'The Mechanic' is a remake of an old Charles Bronson film (which I haven't seen, so I can't compare the two). The Stath is an assassin (or 'mechanic' as they call them in this film) who takes on a protégé, played by Ben Foster, in order to - reluctantly - teach him the trade. This he does. And carnage follows.

I'd love to give this more than three stars, but the fact that it just blurs into every other Jason Statham film kind of makes it not really that deserving of much more. It's just a typical Statham film. It's getting to the stage that if you've seen one then you've seen them all. Personally, I don't mind a mindless action film here and there, so if I'm in the mood for one then a Statham film does the job.

The Mechanic: Enjoyed and forgotten.
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Good hardass killer thriller
p-jonsson10 April 2017
When Jason Statham is good he is very good. In this movie I think he is very good as the silent, deadly killer for hire. It is a straightforward killer/action/thriller. The story is nothing new but it is a well working story which is nicely executed.

The story is, as I wrote above, not very original. Killer for hire finds out that his next target is his mentor and friend. As the professional he is he executes the job anyway but later discoverers that not all is as is should be. Time for revenge. A simple, straightforward and well working story.

Things are complicated a bit by Bishop taking his friend's son under his wings. Of course he wants to walk in his fathers footsteps. He is inexperienced but also undisciplined. Something that, not surprisingly, is causing problems.

I do like that Bishop stays a no bullshit hardass killer throughout the entire movie. No whining or silly emotional outbreaks or breakdowns. I also like the unemotional, silent and deadly impression of a professional assassin the he radiates.

There are quite a few fairly well done action scenes in the movie ranging from silent assassinations to the obligatory blow things up scenes. The parts where Bishop and Steves goes after the big bad guy is quite well done with some quite cool stunts without being over the top.

The ending was probably the only thing in the movie that was a bit unexpected. Unexpected in a good way that is. I quite liked the little surprise there.

Overall I as well as my son liked this movie quite a lot. I hope that Mechanic: Resurrection is as good as this one.
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Do some people go to Comedy clubs that have an offensive comedian to be offended?
cox5266 February 2011
What I find alarming when I read reviews is I either get someone who is trying to pretend to be some great film critic from the New York Times or Daily Express, or someone who is simply stupid. Now call me old fashioned; but if I see a sign that says Jo Bloggs Comedian- if anyone is easily offended please do not attend and I fell into the bracket of easily offended, I wouldn't go. Similarly if I knew the comedian sounded just the same as every other comedian that is currently tapping the boards I wouldn't go. SO it beggars belief that someone says Jason Statham is rubbish and can't act and is one dimensional. SO why are you going to watch him, if you think he's so Great!! Then compare a film to one previously made some years ago with the late Charles Bronson and say it doesn't match up to that. You are already setting yourself up for a fall if you start comparing things. Let's value it as a film, is it entertaining? YES. Does it have a story line, you can follow and understand and get to grips with? YES Is there good action scenes . YES

I found the cinematic experience a pleasurable one. Nothing outstanding, it won't be getting any Oscars, I know what to expect when I see Jason Statham and he never lets you down (I think WAR is his best movie- outstanding), Ben Foster plays a good part too and so the supporting cast fulfil there role. I was happy ate my popcorn and drank me Cola, had a big smile went home, Job done- Why people start dissecting it and finding that a paper clip was on a table one minute and not the next I think YOU ARE SAD! Just don't go if you hate Jason Stantham and if you don't like violence and the odd expletive, stay at home and watch the Untouchables or something. Otherwise go and be entertained it will not disappoint.
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Could you possibly make less sense?
jff-johnson6 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the suspension of disbelief. I understand watching only for "entertainment" but even within these realms this movie makes absolutely no sense. The lead character is the heartless solitary killer for hire working for the nondescript assassins r us. Then out of nowhere a guy shows up and tells him his best and only friend, his freaking mentor betrayed the company causing the death of some fellow assassins. Almost without question he promptly kills him... why? he betrayed the company, so... some other assassins got killed that he either didn't know or did not like, and what does he do? He shoots his friend. He doesn't help him or warn him or even ask him if it's true, (yes he falls or the oldest hit man ploy in the book) he shoots him because if he doesn't do it someone else will, stupid.

Then the heartless cold blooded assassin feels some sort of guilt and takes his dead friend's son under his wing and in less than two weeks trains him to be a super assassin taking out other trained killers with no sweat, right.

Eventually our hero figures out what every single person watching knew from the beginning, he was set up. He then proceeds to hunt down and kill everyone involved even his best friends son. Yep that's right he drags this innocent kid into the situation, he doesn't need the kids help for any of it nor does he makes any attempt to explain anything to him he just goes to very elaborate lengths to plan the kid's death.

The end.
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kosmasp17 December 2011
While I haven't seen the original movie this is based on (same name), I can imagine how Charles Bronson portrayed the character that Jason Statham is playing here. Statham does more than a stellar job, with a great "side-kick" Ben Foster (one of the better young actors around right now).

The story can be read here on IMDb, though it's not really that important. What is important right here, are the action pieces and the stunt work. All very fine and well shot. And to see Donald Sutherland (even in a small role) is always a treat. The movie is not perfect, but ticks all the right boxes in the right way :o)
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A remake that actually follows the original quite well!
brockwilson3 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You don't see enough accurate remakes of movies these days, and that's why I was particularly happy with this one.

To start off on a different note, I've never quite enjoyed the on screen pleasure of Jason statham much. I'll let ya know that right up front as a guy who doesn't necessarily flock to the theatre every time I hear about one of his new films coming out. As well, I must confess, I've never seen the original (The Mechanic (1972)) either, but I have read a very detailed and accurate storyline/review of it, and it seems that based on the specific events that take place in each Mechanic film are quite accurate between one another. As well, it seems, from comparison, watching the remake, and knowing the stars of the original (the mechanic being Charles Bronson) that both sets of actors seem to fit the role quite well for this typical turn your mind off and watch stuff explode and plans go wrong action film. There is a few humorous moments as well. Kind of tongue in cheek, and dark humour combined, in both the original and remake of this film. Take a look if you like any of the contributing aspects this movie has to offer.
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Am I missing something? Have the positive reviewers actually seen this movie???
Meven_Stoffat30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
1. For a movie that tries to make you root for Steve, the killings... oh dear. West was clearly going for shock value, but I somehow felt sorry for the people being killed. So depressing and grotesque.

2. The pair go around and into other's places, and they don't wear gloves, leave plenty of fingerprints, and yet they aren't once suspected of murder.

3. Honestly, if Bishop knew that he'd get into pickle with his boss, why did he even bother with Steve at all. A good assassin would be professional and not go out of his way to train some drunkard douche and kill him later.

4. What was the point of the O'hare bus fight??? I know Bishop wanted him out of the way quick, but why bother putting his work aside for the sake of killing some random guy??

5. On that note, how did no one notice a fight on a bus, but just a guy getting hit with a car after being tossed out a window?

6. The ending. Steve is like 20 KM from the gas station and this is a wireless detonator. How is that even possible????? There HAS to be some distance limit. That was such bullcrap.

7. The acting is terrible. Statham, an actor I usually love, was limited to 2 emotions (if you can call them that): 1. "Don't bother me, I'm trying to figure out who this target is" and 2. "Don't bother me, I'm trying to make sure the job is done correctly" Ben Foster mumbles his way through the film, I literally could not understand WTF he was saying. You thought Ray Winstone's mumbling in Edge of Darkness was bad? Ben is FAR worse. His lines needed English subtitles.

8. Better than 80% of the film was reaction shots with no dialog, of people standing around looking shocked. The rest of the film is jargon-filled exposition heavy dialogue and about 5 minutes of actual action.

9. LAZY ACTION SCENES. I'm tired of going to action films and getting sick because the director has a problem with people being able to see what's going on. Shaky camera and quick cutting must die, I'm tired of it.

10. When I walked out, I felt depressed and sick, like I just ran 4 miles and ran face first into a brick wall. I was excited, but this was just bleak, boring and lame, and I am a Jason Statham fan.

I have not seen the original, and I must say I CERTAINLY don't plan on it any time soon. Avoid.
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Above average remake and action thriller
amesmonde30 May 2011
An assassin's abilities are tested when he takes on an apprentice, but things get complicated when he finds he's been used on his last job.

Entertaining assassin/mentor yarn which tries to avoid clichés. Donald Sutherland puts in a welcomed cameo but is missed throughout the rest of the film. Jason Statham is hit man Arthur Bishop, while he can do these roles action roles blind folded Statham is subtler and more complex than most previous parts he's played. Ben Foster gives a hard hitting performance giving an edginess and weight to the character of Steve McKenna and corporate bad guy Tony Goldwyn is notable.

Some logic aside the Mechanic stands head and shoulders above the mass of recent cheap and big budget flicks due to it's 1973 source material, smart writing and Simon West's gritty direction. The wonderful locations give it an air of realism and the soundtrack complements the setups.   

With some thought out character development, twists and well executed action scenes it's a pleasing above average hit-man thriller.
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Corporate stylish hitman...
sole5617 March 2022
Hired smooth stylish hitman with a cold calculated demeanour that is all about the business. Until a chain of events lead him down the wrong path unable to turn back time.

Ends up meeting an associates son. Who eventually wants in on the trade to learn.

Eventually business continues with a few hiccups, yet other issues arise... Chilled, thought provoking style movie to like.
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Cheesy acting abounds.
PWNYCNY17 February 2011
Being a hit-man has its challenges. Like murdering people for money and then not trying to think about it. After all, hit-man ARE human too and have feelings, just like the rest of us who work at more mundane jobs. The problem with this movie is that the story is so weak that not even the nonstop violence is enough to prop it up. Gratuitous scenes of violence is a telltale sign that a movie is in trouble and this movie is in deep trouble. Besides offering the thinnest of stories, the movie contains what has to be some of the cheesiest acting in recent cinematic history. The movie borders on being campy yet fails to attain that dubious status since it's really not goofy enough to be taken with a grain of salt. In short, the story is stale but without being laughable. The characters are two-dimensional, cartoon-like, and are devoid of anything that sparks even the slightest bit of interest. The violence is pervasive and explicit, but when the targets themselves are vicious, the violence fails to generate any sympathy. A hit-man plotting to assassinate another hit-man just does not make for a dramatic story.
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Spectacular film plenty of frantic action , thrills , intrigue and lots of violence
ma-cortes9 March 2011
Remake from classic film directed by Michael Winner (1972) and starred by Charles Bronson with screenplay by Lewis John Carlino . Thrilling movie about the very deadly rivalry between two contact killers . Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham in similar role to Charles Bronson) is a very professional hit man , he is the number one killing people with a bullet whose reputation has caught up with him. Bishop makes his missions of the way more mechanic and perfect, for that reason he is known as ¨The mechanic¨. Lone Bishop only has one friend named Harry (Donald Sutherland in the Keenan Wynn character) . His last assignment for a powerful organization (led by Tony Goldwyn) results to be the killing an important business man . Stressed and tired he plans to get out after one of his last jobs. He always works alone but he takes an apprentice named Steve McKenna (Ben Foster , role formerly played by Jan-Michael Vincent) who learns the criminal lessons from his master , both have innumerable ways to murder. At the beginning the protégé follows the advices given by his master murderous . Both of whom form a relentless killer team but Bishop is caught in the middle of treason. As hot-headed Steve McKenna want to off Bronson and attempts to assume the position of top hit-man.

This crime thriller packs intrigue, suspense, noisy action-packed with grisly killings ,explosive excitement, thrills and lots of violence and sex . This moving film is as calculating , cold and passionless as its central characters , two brutal hired assassins . Jason Statham with his usual hard acting displays efficiently his weapons and killing mercilessly his objectives . It's certainly thrilling , though the morality may be questionable , even in this time, as the spectators were clearly on the Statham's side in spite of being a cruel killer . Statham as a wealthy murderer for a powerful organization offers the sort of strong acting as always. Furthermore, appears a nice secondary cast as Donald Sutherland , Tony Goldwyn and brief performance of the gorgeous fashion model Mini Anden as Bishop's love interest, but the romance isn't what this movie offers , it is about action and violence and director knows his work . It packs stirring musical score composed, orchestrated and performed by Mark Isham . Colorful cinematography by Eric Schmidt with spectacular scenes filmed at New Orleans . This big hit motion picture is professionally directed by Simon West though with no originality . The director Simon West's well-oiled techniques generate some explosive entertainment and excitement as usual . This is an acceptable film about a deadly rivalry among two hired killers that will appeal to Jason Statham fans and action lovers .
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The Mechanic repairs action genre: The Filmsmith
electrablind28 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers

The iconic bald white guy John McClane is no longer allowed to say his catch phrase on screen, or shoot people who actually ooze blood. So it's good to see another bald white guy take up the action film banner in all its messiness.

Jason Statham plays Arthur Bishop, a mechanic, who whacks guys with the skill to make them look like accidents. Things get dicey when his wheelchair-bound boss Harry McKenna (Donald Sutherland) is killed, and McKenna's vengeful son Steve (Ben Foster) comes looking for an education in the assassin business.

From The Transporter to Crank, Jason Statham is a wrecking ball: you wheel him in to rock the house, but if you're looking for something more riveting between action feats (character development, acting, etc), you need a different tool. Which is where Ben Foster is useful. In the critical darling The Messenger or The Mechanic Foster vibrates with a centered zen that draws you in. Statham may have a menacing mug, but Foster, as the enigmatic Steve, upstages the action star at every turn.

Neither actor benefits from Simon West's direction, since most action scenes are close enough to make out nose hairs, but none of the fisticuffs. Where Statham's physical virtuosity could be showcased, West forces us to be in the scuffle with nary a notion of what's going on. This film doctor prescribes some wide shots from a Jackie Chan film.

Despite directorial issues, some action pieces escape mangling. Hand-to-hand combat is particularly brutal when small-statured Steve goes up against a 300 pound foe and his clever shots with a Glock 9mm make him an admirable badass.

The brutality of these scenes is a change of pace since we've been raised by a decade of PG-13 cop films that avoid the F-Bomb or bits of blood that get a film slapped with an R rating (which equals lower box office receipts and restrictions on advertisements). Foster and Statham dispatch goons in such varied, messy ways you almost feels sorry for the hapless henchmen. The film's blood lust is as dark as its blood stains.

MAJOR SPOILERS, SKIP PARAGRAPHS What's most disappointing about The Mechanic is that it looks to conclude with a poetic equilibrium, yet trades it in for a perfunctory ending that leaves an opening for a sequel.

One of the plot twists to the film is that Arthur is told Harry McKenna crossed the company they both worked for. Arthur kills Harry (who tells Arthur, "I'm glad it was you,"); this leaves dangling tension between Arthur and Harry's son Steve. Once Steve knows Arthur killed his father, the two men stop at a gas station. At this point each of them knows the truth, but neither let on. Which makes it all the more meaningful when Arthur tells Steve, "I'm sorry about everything," in a vague unrelated way, possibly hinting that he knows what Steve is about to do.

Steve walks away from the truck while pumping gas and shoots the gas tank, engulfing Arthur's truck in flames. He then goes back to Arthur's place. A sports car Arthur has been working on is now completed and Steve takes it for a spin. He sees a piece of paper in the passenger seat which tells him "If you're reading this, you're dead." Steve good-naturedly lols before being blown up.

A nice, reciprocal, poetic ending for a couple of assassins.

Until The film cuts to security camera footage of the truck explosion, which shows Arthur rolling away in a comical fast-forward – rewind loop. We then cut to a close up of Arthur leaving the crime scene and driving away in a truck he just happened to have stationed nearby for just such a random occasion.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with this ending – it's just not as fresh as the one hinted at. Having Steve kill our lead guy went against tired action film tropes. The ideal ending would have had Steve drive away with Arthur's sports car (a changing of the guard) or even having them both kill each other, Steve's last words being laughter. That would have been something to talk about.

But no. Kill the most interesting character and leave the block of wood, Statham, standing to live another day – or star in another installment.

MAJOR SPOILERS OVER Yes, I'm disappointed the film didn't follow through on its transcendent ending, but don't let that dissuade you from seeing this. The action sequences will making you think you've been transported to the 1990′s (some digital blood, but otherwise tons of practical effects) and Ben Foster makes it capable of withstanding a second viewing. If you were disappointed by The Expendables, The Mechanic is a good mix of bullets and character to quench your action thirst.

-Remington Smith
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Cue beer, pizza, action!
jamesebsmith5 January 2012
Jason Statham plays ice cool professional assassin, Arthur Bishop, in this testosterone-filled action thriller. His life becomes complicated when he is assigned to see off his close friend, Harry McKenna, played by Donald Sutherland who is excellent as Bishop's mean-speaking mentor.

McKenna's son, Steve, played by Ben Foster, enters Bishop's world with aspirations to become a similarly effective killer. This adds to Bishop's headaches: the apprentice has a habit of scuppering carefully planned assassination attempts.

Although the story does not spring any great surprises, it's beautifully shot, with action coming thick and fast through to the conclusion. Ben Foster plays the wayward rookie effectively - the violent gay fight scene had me wincing.

Some excellent stunts and solid acting make this a very entertaining film within its genre: clearly aimed at a predominantly male audience, sat down with a beer, pizza, and looking for some serious action!
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Entertaining, but also watch the original
jimlacy200330 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
(Only minor spoilage here, I try not to give much away if you haven't seen it yet).

I liked the movie, it was certainly entertaining. Statham seems to crank, or rather be cranked out in similar genres (in general action movies). Not bad, although I don't think he is the perfect fit for the role in this movie. As an actor great, but I think physically he's a bit small so doesn't make such an intimidating hit-man. At least not what I might expect in he genre/stereotype anyhow. Seems to me, after so many years of doing this the guy should be much older, have a bit more maturity to him, and be a bit like vintage wine. Also this movie was a big Jame's Bond'ish as he has some kind of impeccable sense of timing and luck.

If you want an entertaining movie for your weekend, and you like action movies then give this one a shot.

However if you didn't know already this is a remake of a 1972 version with Charles Bronson in the leading role. Bronson seems a lot better fit. He has a darker kind of mysterious look (which also made movies like "Once Upon a Time in the West", "Machine-Gun Kelly", etc).

See both this version and the original.
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Not very good
ibutzen575 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I admire Jason Statham, I really do. He's managed to transform being a bald, vaguely threatening Englishman into movie fame and fortune (see: Transporter series, Crank series, etc.). He's found his niche, and he's sticking with it; more power to him.

But this movie is pretty bad. I saw another reviewer describe this movie as a thriller. It is not. Nothing happens in this movie that you can't see coming a mile away. Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version which CONTAINS SPOILERS. Jason Statham is a badass professional murderer-- Sorry, hit-man-- who likes to kill his targets in ways that look like accidents, which is kinda clever. He works for "the company", which is never named, so I'm going to call it Evil, Incorporated. Evil, Inc is run by two guys: The soft spoken, wheelchair bound older guy who's been Statham's character's friend since forever. The other guy has a corporate haircut, wears an expensive suit and rides around in a convoy of sleek black vehicles, accompanied by sunglasses-wearing men with guns.

Anyway, Corporate Guy tells Statham that his old friend is In League With The Enemy, and Statham kills his old pal at Corporate Guy's behest. The Old Pal's drunken loser kid shows up and asks Statham to train him up so he can find and kill the man who killed his dad. Statham agrees, because I guess a washed up, vengeance crazed drunk is the guy you want along when speed, silence, and skill are your keys to survival. Cue training montage.

Statham finds out that Corporate Guy is SPOILERS AHEAD the real villain (bet you didn't see that coming). They set out to kill him, Drunk Loser Kid finds out Statham killed his dad, they kill Corporate Guy, Loser Kid tries to kill Statham, but Statham gets away and kills him instead. Roll credits.

In addition to the cookie cutter plot, there were a few other things that annoyed me. 1) Statham's character is utterly unsympathetic. He's a loner who kills people for money. His only female companionship is a hooker. 2) He's supposed to live in the bayou area near New Orleans. His house has glass walls. Never mind that his work depends on secrecy; that's a hurricane zone. 3) I know this is small, but anyway: during the training scene, we see Statham and Drunk Kid shooting various guns. In one show motion cut, someone fires a Barret-type .50 caliber rifle, and the spent casing gets ejected toward the camera. The casing is crimped on the projectile end-- It's a freaking BLANK. Seriously, guys?

Wait for the DVD and watch it with pizza and easily amused friends.
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Just another great Statham vehicle
bellino-angelo201422 April 2023
Jason Statham movies aren't exactly high art but they are great nonetheless because despite they are full of explosions and there are lots of people dying he is charismatic and always gives an endearing performance. And I knew that I had to see THE MECHANIC, even tho I haven't seen the 1970s original with Charles Bronson.

Arthur Bishop (Statham) is a professional assassin that is tricked in killing his mentor and great friend Harry MacKenna (Donald Sutherland) and after a while he decides to make Harry's son Steve (Ben Foster) his protege and doing lots of crazy missions together up until Steve will betray Arthur, but the latter will have the upper hand.

That is the plot basically. But the acting by all (Statham, Sutherland, Foster, Tony Goldwyn and Jeff Chase) was great, the direction by Simon West so slick and the action sequences so nice that it makes for some nice entertainment. Highly recommended for Statham and action movie fans alike.
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What Statham does best
masonsaul3 April 2024
The Mechanic is as generic as Jason Statham vehicles come. Every narrative twist is incredibly predictable regardless of whether you've seen the original but that doesn't hinder how entertaining it is. This is undemanding action filmmaking at its finest.

Jason Statham and Ben Foster play directly to their strengths. Statham is so suave and commands the screen effortlessly, knowing what works for him and solely leaning into that. Foster adds another creepy character into his catalogue who gets more dangerous with the more he learns.

Simon West's direction is slightly choppy for a few fights however it still uses the environments really well and makes up for a slow start by saving the best for last. Mark Isham's score is so perfect for this film. It's not really memorable and obsessed with sounding cool.
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Not good
mohammed210520 February 2011
Most people know Jason Statham movies involve high octane action with brilliant fight sequences, you will be happy to know that this film delivers this well, however I believe that a movie with no decent storyline or good characters has no reason being made, even if the action is good. Some of the specifics of the film are ridiculous and some are cliché. Nothing in the story is fresh or original, if you have a good idea of what Jason Statham says or does in his action movies he probably will say and do them in this one, you won't be surprised a lot in this film, one surprise element may pop up but it definitely isn't enough. If you enjoy action movies regardless of the storyline
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