Jiu Jitsu (2020) Poster


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Shockingly bad.
jessecarmichael15 April 2021
From the dialogue to the fight choreography, I can't believe they make movies this bad these days, especially with what should be a pretty decent cast. Watch it for comedy value if you're bored enough.
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bad writing
SnoopyStyle5 August 2021
A comet falls from space. In Burma, Jake Barnes is running from flying weapons from an unseen enemy. He falls off a cliff into the ocean. He is rescued by fishermen and brought to the western military but there is bad translation. He's suffering from amnesia. He is a part of a group of Jiu Jitsu fighters battling an alien creature for 2000 years with the fate of the world in the balance.

This is a sci-fi B-movie. The story feels like a high school writing assignment. There are a few real actors here. They are of varying qualities. They have Nicolas Cage. It's obvious that most of the expertise lies in the fight choreography. It's Tony Jaa and Frank Grillo and all the stuntmen they can fit. Oh year, they have a Predator slash Halloween costume bad guy and it's an alien. This is bad with good fights that get repetitive. It's bad but not so bad that it's good.
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Jiu Jitsu is really Joke Jitsu
True_Reviews27 April 2021
This is one of the worst movies I have yet to see. There is a lot of staged martial arts fighting and if you like that this movie may be for you. The story is really silly and the acting is really second-rate at best. Maybe its really the terrible writing or maybe its the terrible directing, I just can't make up my mind what was worse. When you start to watch this movie you're not sure if its a serious movie or a comedy. By the middle of the movie you really do not care and you can practice speed watching this movie using the fast forward key. I feel almost as bad for the actors in this movie as I do for the people that watched this movie. But at least the actors got paid.
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handsomefacedave21 March 2021
For me this movie was like a train wreck, even though it's terrible you just can't look away! Watching this was an internal battle for me. The greatest fight sequence in this film will not be on the actual screen, but will be fought internally. Between your higher self wanting to stop wasting your own time, and your lower self wanting to laugh and see if it could possibly get any worse!

Nicholas Cage I love many of your films. But this, like quite a few of the unfortunate choices of movies you've been in, I have to ask, what were you thinking? I guess money is money? Lol, of course, it's easy for me to be making comments from the sidelines I suppose, so what do I know? But oof! This was so bad! But heck, it was fun to have a few drinks and make fun of this! So, I give it 5 stars for entertainment quality! Lol
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Makes battlefield earth look like a masterpiece
sprobley5 April 2021
This movie is so bad. It's no even one of those movies that is so bad it's funny...its just rubbish. I watched it to the end to see if it would get better, but it doesn't.
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1 star is generous
jenny-9139919 April 2021
This is the worst film I've ever seen in my life. The special affects were abysmal, the acting was awful, I don't even think they did any Jiu Jitsu either.
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zoolander voice: what is this?
FeastMode8 May 2021
This movie is laughably bad in every way possible... end of review?

Eh. I'll say some more. I could tell it was poor filmmaking almost immediately. Bad everything (acting, dialogue, music, and cartoon cgi). The movie makes zero sense. There are a thousand dumb moments or things to make fun of.

But i figured, if it has good fighting, i could enjoy it. And i saw tony jaa in the opening credits so i thought we might get that.

What do i even say. The fight scenes were TERRIBLE. And it's very odd that it's not because of the usually suspects: quick cuts, shaky cam and close up shots. In most of the fights, none of that was present. And in many, there were extremely long takes with wide shots.

So why were they so bad? I'm not really sure. One of the best compliments i can say about fight scenes is that i could feel every hit, like with john wick and the accountant. This movie was the exact opposite, i couldn't feel the hits at all. And i don't know why.

Maybe it has to do with sound mixing. There was almost no noise with the hits, and sometimes the noise seemed off by a half second. Could also be that they didn't focus on the moment of the hit. I can't figure it out.

But what i do know is, the fight scenes gave me zero pleasure. Combine that with every other movie attribute being terrible and this is just a straight-garbage movie. Damn you nick cage!

... i wonder what movie of his i'll watch next (1 viewing, 5/7/2021)
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Surprisingly Bad
brett-7626016 July 2021
With all the high caliber flicks Cage has been flooding the market with lately I was chomping at the bit for this one... and boy did it not disappoint. It was so bad even Zeus's butthole was shocked into submission. You deserve to get arm barred for this turd Nicolas... wow. Matter of fact you would get more enjoyment out of watching a stray dog drop a deuce than sit through this again...
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Jiu jitsu is a movie with no jiu jitsu.
gabberth25 April 2021
This movie is just so bad.. You'd think there would be some jiu jitsu in a movie that's called Jiu jitsu.. But no.. Nicolas Cage + the lack of jiu jitsu.. Its just horrible...
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Don't even bother!!
zimdonal18 April 2021
I decided to give this a go , for Nick Cage's sake, but Wow, mistake of mistakes, 20 minutes in I had to give up it's Utter dreck, so a few nights later after a few beers , I tried again!!!! Just Don't, it really is Horrible, how this junk got made I'll never know, just save yourself, and stay Far Away!!!
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utpt-0257620 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers

*someone's hands him a bag*


This line made this movie for me.
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jaydavismcse30 March 2021
The the premise was hilarious. The CGI was hilarious. Nicolas Cage's acting was hilarious. All In All you have to take this movie as completely tongue-in-cheek. I gave this movie a 7 because it was hilarious however had I taken it seriously I probably would have given it a 2.
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I don't know?!
filipgavrilovic16 April 2021
Some people might see value in it. I really tried. All I could think was this is the unholy love child of kung fu panda and predator.
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I have no idea what happened here
carlos37andre18 April 2021
I often like to watch trash/bad movies for fun, but man... I had literally no idea what was happening during 90% of this movie.

I won't take too long here, but almost everything is bad, the story doesn't make sense... the alien has a fetish on fighting humans? The acting is bad, and well, they sell you on a classic Nic Cage bad movie, but he's barely in the movie.

Pretty awful. I will give them some credit tho, cause they try to use some different camera styles on the fighting scenes, and well, in some of them the choreography isn't horrible, still, there are so many of them you easily get tired of watching.

To sum up, a bad bad movie, there isn't much here that's worth giving a shot.
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genau-kuriosum16 January 2024
Worst film ever. Only 1/10 because Nicolas Cage. I can't believe this film is real. The story is useless. The dialogues are so bad and I want my life back. Don't watch this movie. I like trash movies, but this was way to much.

I don't know what else to say. I have a list with Nicolas Cage movies. And we're trying to watch all of them. So this was quiet a tough one. I hope the other ones will be more than 1/10.

I have to write 170 more characters. Soooooo.... Don't watch it. It's not worth your life time. Or you are having a list like we have. So I think you'll have to watch it. Anyway... Nicolas Cage is the best.
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Caged money
TheOneThatYouWanted20 November 2021
Forgettable and not worth watching. Nicolas Cage looks bored and you can tell he is doing this as a cash grab, can't blame him. Ironically enough, I am sure people watched this just for Cage.
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wow just wow... and where's the jiu jitsu?...
hacks-5663525 April 2021
If you dont care about quality, dialogue, plot, acting, fight scenes, CGI and life in general this may be the movie for you. If however you actually enjoy your life, save yourself the torture and self-inflicted harm and walk away...

Seriously, I thought, it can't get any worst can it? But it does. Then it does it again. And again.

Some people give it a high rating because it's so bad it's good? They lie. It's worst than that, which makes it bad again. And it's not funny. It's annoying. There's a very big difference. The tone, the seriousness with which the actors take themselves. The actors themselves and the energy they put off just made me cringe so often, like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Mr. Cage lol how did it come to this?..

I dont understand how rubbish like this even gets made in 2020...

Oh, as a proof of the insanity of whoever put this joke out into the world, the fighting styles used are anything but jui jitsu.

Ironic? Or just very sad?

Definitely sad.
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This would be good, if...
wicher-bos11 April 2021
They condensed it to 20 minutes... Especially the beginnen is slow, with lots of unnecessary 'fake' action... The dance like action continues throughout the movie, which makes it boring to watch at certain times... The storyline is simply too simple or basic to carry a full length movie... Sorry..l.
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Mr Cage, you OK??
metahumanity_014 May 2021
I will grant a generous 2 stars to this...thing. First star for existing, second for getting actors..
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Really needs more work to be good
Coolmade200026 July 2021
I don't regret watching this film, but this is definitely not a perfect film at all.

My rating is 5 stars out of 10 because, like every film I watch, I always give them a chance to be good and see the positives.

The story overall was all right. I found it to be a simple story to follow.

Many reviewers criticize the main actor's lack of acting ability, but I think he should be cut some slack as he is known for performing stunts than acting.

Some transitions between scenes seem awkward as they are hard jumps to the story without much detail.

There was cinematography in one fight scene that was switching between first-person view and third-person view, which confused me a lot on which perspective I'm suppose to look at.

The comic relief, Tex, seem a little annoying too.

Without spoiling the film, there was a character whom I thought would have a larger role in the movie that just randomly died in the middle of the movie, and their character death wasn't provided with any emotional weight as if they didn't become relevant anymore & tossed out.

Overall, it's best to watch the film with low expectations.
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Leofwine_draca6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
More B-movie trash from Nicolas Cage, who is far from the main draw here. This one's a little like a SKYLINE sequel and was shot in Cyprus for its sins. The story is about an alien invader with a generic futuristic soldier look and the various martial artists who team up to tackle him. Most of them are subsequently defeated in one-to-one battles which means this is very much a join-the-dots kind of film. Cage has about five minutes screen time and his fight scenes are an embarrassment, but the good news is that there are better action stars here, among them Tony Jaa, Frank Grillo and JuJu Chan. The fights aren't that bad, but they're hardly good enough to be the sole reason to tune in.
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Made for a certain audience
matthewdfrost24 March 2021
This movie is in fact awful, but imo intentionally so. If you like watching dubbed 70s kung-fu movies with awful acting and cheesy plot, this is for you. If you want a serious action movie with grounded mechanics don't bother. This movie is for folks that want to turn their brain off and enjoy truly awful acting that pretty much makes fun of itself.
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Nicolas Cage and Tony Jaa!!
World-viewer17 May 2021
Just watched this monstrosity out of curiosity as Nic Cage was in it. Regardless of the quality of the movie, one thing is for sure - Nicolas Cage sure is a prodigious film maker. One really has to admire the fact that he just keeps pumping out these straight to video movies as if they were Knight Rider episodes from the 80s. One after that other with clockwork regularity, he puts them out. He REALLY likes making movies. AND he puts his heart into the role, no matter how silly the movie. One HAS to admire that. And despite his advancing years, he's still got the moves. He's fitter than most men his age or even many younger stars.

So, put aside your criticisms - yes this is a silly movie - it's not to be taken too seriously - A Ninja meets Predator mashup - have fun with it. Nic Cage is doing his best to entertain you and he's far better at it than Steven Segal. And as a bonus Tony Jaa is also in it! I really hope he makes a comeback into mainstream movies - I do have a soft spot for the guy. (Also Tony) Keep at it Nikky!!
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Couldn't even finish it
flyswm19 June 2021
Was this made by YouTubers? The cinematography was God awful. Like yeah it was a bad movie, but all martial arts focused movies (made by white people) are gonna be bad. I've watched my fair share of Steven Segal movies. I know the drill. This? This was worse. The filming made me dizzy. If you can't see the cool stunts (or can't watch them because dizzy) then what's the point?
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damianphelps1 November 2023
Jiu Jitsu is an absolute trainwreck of a movie that will make you question your life choices.

It's a cinematic disaster that manages to combine a nonsensical plot, cringe-worthy dialogue, and laughable special effects into a perfect storm of awfulness.

The acting is so wooden that you'll wonder if the cast are the children of Pinnochio!

If you're in the mood for a so-bad-it's-funny movie night, Jiu Jitsu isn't it.

It's a film that's so misguided and poorly executed that you'll find yourself laughing/crying at it.

If you value your friends don't share this movie with them, not even Cage diehards should watch this :)
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