The Feed (TV Series 2019) Poster


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Too many polarizing reviews, wasn't great, wasn't horrible
jtsullivan-1308326 November 2019
It's got a pretty good foundation to be a great show there were times that I found myself fully hooked and starving for more and times where I'd rather be scrolling through twitter. As a black mirror fan I thought I would give it a shot because its that same "future of tech theme" but it just isn't as polished. Times where they didn't take themes far or dark enough, and other themes were just way too shallow. The acting was pretty good I thought, with the exception of some of Kate's scenes I thought the actors were superb so I don't understand all of the complaints there. The biggest complaint I had is that there were some decisions some chatacters made that were extremely questionable at best. Anyone with a bit of common sense would have made better choices.

All in all if you're a fan of black mirror it's worth giving a chance. Once you're about half way through if you don't feel the urge to watch more and more then probably put it down because the 2nd half was less enjoyable than the 1st for me
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Wanted to love it, but it never gets there
jmbwithcats8 December 2019
The Feed turned out to be a series that was meh, okay... but it definitely had potential to be so much more and go so much deeper but it just never gets there and there are so many times where I think bad choices were made, where characters were not developed, were inconsistent, the last half of the episodes definitely trudge on and very little happens and the pacing is very poor... it's sloppy, and it jumps around so much as to be erratic and weak... I'd give it a 6/10
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Great idea, poorly executed
timetopooptoday26 April 2020
The idea of this storytelling is awesome. It's a great story line and the acting is good. However, it's extremely difficult to follow. It seems to skip and jump in strange ways. It's excruciatingly linear and then jumps to another side plot which never quite gets more than introduced. Maybe I've not watched it closely enough? It's just too confusing.
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It was really good Until it became the Kate and Martha Show
TheConChronicles23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How dumb can you be? First off Kate becomes a terrorist out of nowhere. Then she lets a little girl become an axe murderer with every chance to run. Then hits her with a car, waits for her to get up and stab her, then takes a nap in the woods a mile away while leaving her baby with said psychopath in the car. That drove me nuts. Also Ben was such a loser. I liked it a lot until that stuff in episode 9 went down.
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Excellent show
oconnor-catherine30 November 2019
I'm shocked by the bad reviews. I found this show compelling and fascinating. I will say that there were a few unnecessary subplots and characters (e.g. Danny and all of his friends) that felt more like filler than anything else, but I thought the acting and storyline were great and kept me engaged the whole time. My biggest complaint were that there were a few significant plot lines that did not seem to be fully explained, but maybe they will be in season 2 (which I really hope happens)!

Overall, I was a huge fan of this show and would highly recommend it! Great addition for Amazon, which seems to be lacking in binge worthy tv programming compared to Hulu and Netflix.
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I liked it, but it's tedious.
hello-181-89341324 November 2019
It's a great premise. The plot doesn't exactly go deep enough for my taste and drags on quiiiiiiite a bit but I found it enjoyable. I don't understand the people complaining about bad acting. It's a talented cast, and they act as realistic as I'd expect for aristocrats runninn a tech dynast.
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Do you like to listen to a baby cry and to watch people make classic horror movie trope decisions?
braddavidterhune4 January 2020
If you answered, "Yes", then this series is for you!

I should have listened to my hunch and given up 30% into this one, but when you've invested yourself to 70% you have to finish it out - or not. My wife made the better decision and went to bed.
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Pretty good. Interesting.
AbraxisDragon25 November 2019
People who say the acting is bad are dead wrong. I guess they just don't like the show in general. But the performances are great. The story is just a long episode of "Black Mirror". But that's not really a bad thing at all. I love "Black Mirror". And, truthfully, some of the episodes of that aren't that great at all. I will continue watching this as I will "Black Mirror". Give it a try. It really is interesting. So far I am on episode 3 going to 4.
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How could you mess this up?
JoeHud16 January 2021
Any story set where all humans are wired to the internet is an easy story to sell. But The Feed is episode after episode of our confused protagonist figuring out just about nothing, and the other characters in and out of bed for hours on end. One of the most boring shows I've seen in a long time.
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Poignant, Pertinent, and Really Long
dchabas26 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The building sense of horror in "The Feed" grows right out of its "20 minutes into the future" science fiction genre. Other than the whine of electric cars & a few additions to the cityscape, the backdrop is essentially the present (paper & handwriting are still things, to give a small example). The Feed itself flows out of our own push for connectivity & expedience. It just makes sense. Communications, data retrieval, AR, VR, people looking of into the distance as they surf, even Feed addicts, who suffer dangerous DT's if disconnected; traits recognizable, if not quite literal, to our world (yet).

The production itself is solid. The characters are developed over a period of time, which is one of the best things about a series versus a film. None of them, however, seems completely sympathetic. It's a short story, stretched over 10 episodes, instead of, say, five; so we get a lot of similar and prolonged reaction shots, running around pointlessly, reminiscent of classic Doctor Who, and a grim soundtrack that seems to get stuck occasionally. A good deal of the action involves characters needlessly splitting up, or leaving obvious knots untied, and returning to find themselves in the exact same danger as they left. At one point, a major character even says, "This time, we stay together," which seems more ironic than the writers may have intended.

And yes, as critics were reporting before it was dropped, "The Feed" is a close cousin of other modern shows in the "Twilight Zone" tradition: "Black Mirror," "Philip K Dick's Electronic Dreams," etc. There's plenty of room for more. (And I personally, as an American, enjoy Britain featured at the center of crises, tech inclusive; my country has become its own parody, especially in film.)

There is a specific art to telling a short story; sometimes the standard 10-12 episodes is just too much time.
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Loved it/ liked it/ then my addiction to "see what happens" was the only thing left !
norvelhermanovski4 January 2020
Great premise. Very believable material to begin with and it kept me going thru to episode 9 - but my interest was waning with the decline of plot, acting and all. Then it became a cheap horror flick complete with all the trite and predictable plot suspense tricks and the acting went down with it. And geez, screaming helpless Wanna-be American mother and the constant screaming baby - couldn't you think of a better give away to the chase? Just finished episode 9 and not sure I can even watch 10... but I will
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Love it!
hanthony-5217022 November 2019
Characters with depth, amazing DOP, stunning yet subtle visuals, deep philosophical world building, I really am excited to see which direction this show will take in the coming years, as the potential seems well and truly limitless
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Scary to those of us In the Technology Industry
GKoeneke24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Come on. We know it's coming. Take a step back and think about technology and the movies/series with futuristic technology. Here are some:

"Back to the Future II". Famous for the "Power Lace" Nike's and hover boards. Think deeper though...........Flying cars? Well, maybe not the way people were thinking about it, but we already have them. We have 1 - 4 seat drones. Look it up, they are already here, just not in the way Hollywood thought about it. Hoverboards, those too. Look them up. They get closer and closer every year. I think Lexus' team built one that is getting very close. Power Laces? Nike actually made them and they work. Self drying and adjusting jacket? Well....not quite yet.

In "Ready Player One" and many Japanese Anime's, Sword Art Online, there is this notion of deep diving into a Virtual World where you can actually Feel, Taste, Smell. Heads up views of your computers. The funny thing is, most of this stuff is well on it's way. There are companies that are manufacturing "Bio-chips" as we speak. They are powered by your body heat. There are "Contacts" that would be run on Body Heat and would put in an Augmented Reality(AR) view of the real world. We already know we can implant a tiny speaker behind the earlobe that would send sound through your ear canal to your ear drum. Wearables are a big deal, but with the contacts coming, we could be online 24/7/365. It's going to happen. We already know that "Self Driving" cars are actually here now. Soon you will just order and Uber or Google car and they will all run by computer.

This story goes a step beyond and is more like "Sword Art Online" as a version of immersive deep diving that is talking to your brain. I don't think the "implant" was explained well enough, but I can see where they were going.

I gave it a 6 because I felt it moved too slow, the story was nothing new or original and they didn't explain some things and just didn't give enough information to answer "Why" in a lot of areas. It kind of felt like they "half-assed" the story telling and some details. You don't want to feel like you just skimmed over the overview of a story.

If you like sci-fi, or are a technologies that knows stuff is coming that we probably shouldn't invent, it is worth your time. I'm a CTO and this is "scary" to me because I know just how close we are to this type of technology. It freaks me out sometimes because you know that most intelligent people will be careful, but it only takes one smart idiot to send us to a place we can never recover from.

I like the Supernatural mixed with Technology storyline, but again, they didn't sell it enough.
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Promising Start
CakeWalks2723 November 2019
The premise seemed interesting but by episode 3 I had the overwhelming urge to make coffee, rearrange the pictures on fridge, and then check Amazon for new boots. Back to review - the show was all over the place, the fake American girl's acting was ridiculous and people behaved in ways no one in real life would. Too many different character story lines, some they didn't even need that only detracted from the main story.

I miss early seasons of Black Mirror but not thirsty enough to force myself to watch this show.
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A really good show!
Fafulka16 January 2020
I am a big fan of Black Mirror series, therefore I decided to watch the Feed and I really liked it! The plot could use a couple of tweaks at times, but the general idea was brilliant and creepy-probable. I am really surprised by negative comments on acting. Of course, we all have a right to have our own opinions, but in this case generalizing is really unfair towards some actors. It's true that some characters were annoying, e.g. Kate, but others were spot on! David Thewlis as Lawrence was AMAZING!!! I recommend this show to anyone who likes sci-fi series. It's worth the time-investment.
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Good, but rushed
BigCinnamon29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Feed takes quite a lot of elements from the premise of several Black Mirror episodes of trying to perfect a technological system that will on the surface vastly improve humanity's quality of life such as social media, information, health monitoring, communication all controlled with your mind, and then attempts to outline the dangers such technology could have on society.

Generally, the show looks quite slick and can be quite inventive with its uses of 'The Feed'. The idea was right with where the story goes, but the problem is, it is so rushed that you have no time to explore or process any advancement in the story. By the time you get half way through the first season you've already moved from basic privacy invasion and glitching to full on murderous viruses and full on mind control, an arc that really should take several seasons to get to. Not to mention a Shakespearean storyline of the main family being so out of place with the general narrative.

If we were given the time to invest in the characters, this show would be a lot easier to digest
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I'm Hooked. Love This World
bkhazelett23 November 2019
Think Black Mirror.

This series is a commentary on societal evolution. We are evolving into a society that has already arrived albeit minus the technology to link our brainwaves using no instrumentalities. Imagine if your phone was your brain, the camera is your eyes, and your ears are your ear buds. For example TV's, movie theaters would no longer be necessary because you could stream a movie that would fill your entire of vision. Awesome.

This series is about the dark side of this technology and what is so scary is how possible it is.
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Too much baby crying
starleighgrass16 March 2021
Visually interesting and worthwhile premise. The first few episodes are great, but it was a struggle to finish the season because Bea (the baby) cries for what feels like the second half of the season. Glad I watched it once but probably would not watch again because of the constant baby crying.
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Had so much promise - then CRAP
misty_hendon21 July 2020
I can't believe this show ended up being such a disappointment. 3 episodes in and I thought OMG this is the best show ever!!! By episode 5 I was like ok this is going down hill quickly. By the end I thought what a waste of my time!!! It had soooo much promise. It had an interesting story line. Characters weren't that bad. Then it's like they decided to add an additional story line half way through. It's a who that should have ended after 6 episodes but they stretched it to 10. Plus they started making characters that were so smart at the beginning do the most asinine things!!! Without spoiling it - it's like in horror movies when the person is like "oh I'll go investigate the noise by myself even though I just saw all of my friends killed" - it's that kind of nonsense. Oh and someone mentioned how annoying the baby crying was - YES IT IS. Have these people never heard of a pacifier?! It really did become aggravating because it lasted the last 5 episodes of non stop crying. The let's talk about the ending!!! What happened? It leaves you hanging! Who won? You don't know. I mean - you can watch if you want - but you'll likely be just as disappointed as I was.
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Worth watching the entire series
mrslathan0929 November 2019
This series is not as bad as the reviews would have it to seem. This series reminds me quite a bit of Netflix's Black Mirror series, however, it does have its own footing. It's not Oscar worthy, but it is worth watching. Ben's character needs more backstory and his relationship with Miyu. We need to know what happened during his childhood and what happened between his mother and biological father. Watch the entire series!!!
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A good show it is worth a second season!
caiquecoelho23 October 2020
A good show, were we can see a futuristic path for humanity were we all are connected together by a social AI system integrated to our body who allow us to make call, install apps and see all of this thing in augmented reality. The show addresses themes like privacy of network users and how companies can abuse from user data without they permissions and how this information can be use to manipulate the society and be use to favor people in power and the government, is a must show for this century. The show struggles to develop some fundamental points of the drama, dragging itself through some episodes, but in general it is a good show, with a good start, middle and end, it is worth a second season.
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Not great.
Sci-fan3141529 November 2019
Some of the reviews are very glowing, some very scathing. Personally I found "The Feed" on the low side of "meh" (i'd give it 4.5 stars if I could). On balance, I _definitely_ regret wasting 9 or 10 hours of my life on it but (unfortunately) i've also seen far worse. Certainly won't be watching more if it gets renewed.

In general i'm very much out of patience with shows where the writers think "stupid and unlikeable" are the same as "interestingly flawed and complex" when it comes to characters (the inexplicably renewed "Another Life" is similar in that respect, if you could put up with the amount of dumb on display in that show you might enjoy this one too). By the end of series 1 of "The Feed" there are maybe 2 or 3 characters I still cared about out of an ensemble cast of around 10. Everyone else had shown themselves to be idiotic, despicable or both in that dull, predictable way that some writers seem to believe is "capturing human truth".

The storytelling also feels a bit flabby with at least a couple of the main strands (plus one totally inconsequential fishing related tangent) that just feel tacked on to pad out a fairly thin sci-fi mystery plot. All the worthwhile aspects of this story could've been told in around 6 episodes IMO.

So i'd say avoid. Maybe the book it's adapted from is better. Or maybe you'll watch this and think it really is as clever as it seems to believe it is (i'd guess mainstream viewers might see it as more original and be generally more impressed with it than long-time sci-fi fans), there's no accounting for taste after all.
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It's good. Some slow parts
starzenie26 November 2019
It was really good worth and worth a watch. Everyone is comparing it black mirror but that's more electric dreams on Amazon. It's good and pretty interesting, just could have been 8 episodes to take out some of the boring parts
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Great but if I have to hear that baby cry one more f time...
kcooper-3908326 May 2023
This show was really good. It skips a few moments, like maybe they cut something important out? But overall, it's good.

However. I love babies. BUT. I was getting so %*}+]+ angry every time that baby cried. I dislike it in shows like this when the baby is so quiet and "perfect", because that's unrealistic...

...but this show makes me take that back. Way too realistic with the baby crying. Way too shrill, carrying on for way too long, and I ended up muting several parts.

Can we please find a happy medium?

Aside from that though, there were several shocking moments. It's a great concept, and I love seeing "Catelyn" play another strong role.
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Wanted To Like It
brettpersson22 November 2019
I really wanted to like this in the first episode, it remind me of Black Mirror which gave me hope, but during episode 3 it started it just got bad. At the end of episode 3 I realized it was more of an effort than it was worth. I just couldn't get there with it. I am sure many will find it good but this one wasn't for me.
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