Alice & Jack (TV Series 2023–2024) Poster


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Missing something ....
jlwarmington21 February 2024
Watching the first episode, it didn't feel like the first one it was like I was missing an episode. I don't understand where and when they became obsessed with each other they just seemed miserable, it was an average meet up with not much chemistry then all of a sudden he's pining over her and they are back and forth over and over, but why ? I'm still halfway through the series but does it get better? Was hoping for a better series to be honest especially with the actors involved. It doesn't feel like years are passing by either, both of them look no different during the time jumps lol should be better.
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It's anything but romantic
iwontlie25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love the acting in this but the summary is misleading. This is not ups and downs of a beautiful and powerful unique romance. It would be a great show if the intention was to show a sneaky toxic relationship.

Alice is a villain and I'll die on this hill. What comes across is, Jack's kind of an empty character, a bit emotionless and he's just going along with everything in his confusion. Funny when I think about it but awful to see. It reminds me of a leaf which keeps getting caught in a weak wind, then drops into a quick river. Then just floats on top while the water is dragging it. My opinion is he is not in love but he thinks he is in love. The guy starts to fall apart any time this woman checks in and when he's finally getting himself together, she sucks him back. It's actually very upsetting to watch. She's selfish and do not tell me slowly sneaking into every part of Jack's life is not manipulative. People can be manipulative without realising it, usually it's called a disorder. Which Alice definitely has and that's okay. Villains are most of the time made from broken souls and are interesting. Alice's interesting but her character is over exaggerated. I could let this go but the problem is that they meant it to be romantic and this is what makes it unbelievable.

The assistant is cruel. When she tells Jack that Alice doesn't do power play and attempt to continue to stay connected to him, I had to stop and take a break. This her an apology, oh yeah sure. Like buying an entire house of furnitures and delivering them without consent. Then showing up any time without asking. Seeing him getting confused again and doubting his feelings was a hard watch. I mean he's not allowed to set boundaries and when he finally does, he always gets called out on it.

You know how toxic people sort of break in their victims and make them stay attached in sneaky ways.. Happens kinda similar to this.
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Opera without arias
dvfinnh-6819423 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a viewer, personally, I don't need relatable characters, realism, or even plausibility, but still I expect any given property to find suitable means adequate for achieving its own goals. So first here, I want to name such goals as I infer from watching. The writing generally stays on the side of saying less when it might say more, but I believe my readings have a grounding in the script if you hang on every word.

The writer wants Alice and Jack bounded by the sort of transcendental love that has no earthly explanation and cannot be truly consummated in life. (Note that in the 21st century, consummation no longer means sexual intercourse but now rather long-term commitment.) This sort of love usually forms the stuff of tragedy, think Romeo and Juliet, and especially tragic opera with its star-crossed lovers.

The writer wants to explore an unbalanced relationship. He binds Jack's character to ethical and compassionate imperatives, so Jack doesn't get much dramatic agency; he never really has interesting choices to make despite all the exploratory conversation and ensuing self-inflicted pain. Alice on the other hand gets lots of agency and but makes choices that seem incomprehensible if not cruel. But we do learn that Alice growing up suffered incestuous sexual abuse. Implicitly, this detail gives rise the fundamental conflicts in drama: that saddled with shame,, Alice cannot view herself as normal and so struggles against her own strong maternal drives and desire for love. Alice feels constitutionally unable to trust even as she finds Jack stratospherically trustworthy. Alice feels compelled to hurt Jack by pushing him away in order not to hurt him.

I've heard it said that all motion pictures are about desire, and some viewers will identify with Alice's position (if not Alice herself) as the object of steadfast, unconditional and unearned love.

But does it all work? The writer, by fiat, has sentenced both his characters to early medical deaths, foreshadowed, but still simply imposed on the plot. It's a cheap way to tie everything up. We see Jack grieve, but only for mere hours, so the real complexities of grieving go unexplored. Alice's last selfish conflict-laden demand, namely that Jack remain faithful to her even after she departs, turns out just a throwaway. It doesn't work as tragedy. The plot simply lacks the characteristic twists and ironies and brings nothing to the table in their place. No might-have-beens or what-ifs here, just pre-programmed genetic doom. Fate, yes, but not literary-level fate.

So, in the end, I did not experience tragedy-level, operatic catharsis, nor any comfort seeing the unlucky characters united finally in heaven (or at least in death). If this had been based on a real-life story, I might have advised the producers that, true, its always sad when people die young, but a story needs more than that to achieve general interest.

And making Alice an incest survivor simply as a device for staging her unbalanced relationship with Jack seems irresponsible to me. It's a big, difficult theme not a cheap plot device. I've read that 1 in 6 American girls experience sexual abuse from a family member. So as a real locus of pain for many viewers, no show should simply exploit horrific abuse as a trope.

Despite an excellent cast, I felt that the conceptual weakness of the project just left the directors at sea. This becomes most painfully obvious in the last episode with its irritating montage of clips from previous episodes. If a show puts all its chips on a satisfying climax, the climax better not turn out this shabby.
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Absolutely Loved It
happyheartsocial10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A must watch Amazon doesn't have all the episodes out yet so i became a donor to PBS to get access to it. I've already watch the whole series twice in one week. It is very mature (not spicy) and cause for great conversations. It is brilliant and beautiful and raw and original and romantic and just all the things. Be warned, it is also the opposite of a Hallmark movie. It is not predictable nor comforting. You have to pay attention to the details and have an open mind. The trauma that Alice endures haunts her throughout her life and Jack's love for her persists despite the consequences. They are star-crossed lovers only destined to be healed and "content" after passing away. Love love loved it.
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Didn't watch final episode
pinkladysz3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watched five episodes and fifteen mins of the final episode, before I hit delete on my recording with no regrets. It was a frustrating story, the attraction between them seemed unbelievable after little interaction (one night stand, then another, and one trip to a museum where she treats staff badly). Despite finding out Alice's family background, the way she distances herself from him for years at a time is odd. Enjoyed parts of it because I like Dom. Didn't care enough about their odd relationship to watch the final episode where they will both die, after having wasted their lives not actually being together.
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Bravo, Riseborough and Gleeson!
silence-261 February 2024
I enjoyed this tremendously. Riseborough and Gleeson are such breathtakingly wonderful actors. I felt privileged to have these couple of hours with them.

After watching the full season, I read some reviews of the show. Sadly, some were less than positive, but I couldn't help think they missed the point and the beauty of this story. I suppose if you're of the mind that sentimentality is to be reviled, you may agree with reviewers of that ilk and this production won't be for you. Indeed, this series is overtly sentimental, and at times quite melancholy. But for me at least, I felt the real message was one of hope. In a world that's become so fragile, and often seemingly broken, every once in a blue moon, there's a thing or two that can miraculously rise and remain unbroken. In these tumultuous times, I felt that a message worth hearing.

Alice & Jack isn't really a study in two characters. The main character here is the love between them, a love that likely should have dissolved time and again, and yet try as they might, will never go away. Again, a big standing "O" for Riseborough and Gleeson. They've done a wonderful job here.
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I really wanted to like this but.....
pambaknj26 March 2024
When someone tells you they are broken, believe them and run. This girl has too many bizarre issues. She is drastically hurtful to Jack who simply doesn't deserve any of it. Time passes but they don't change at all. He is a glutton for punishment. I don't consider this a love story. It's more a tale of the damage two people can do to each other. I found some of it absolutely difficult to watch - it's painful for the viewer. I liked the actress and actor but not their characters. I wanted to reach through the screen and give Jack a good shaking to loosen the cobwebs in his brain. What was he ever thinking? How can you be so overwhelmed with someone after one night no matter how good it was - even after she kicks you out and says not to call. Seriously, Jack get a grip. This is simply not a real life story but a complete story of human suffering.
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at enthralling rom com.
whytekt22 February 2024
I just dont like romantic comedies at all! But this is so much more. The romance is enduring but utterly unorthodox. The comedy is dry and sardonic. Tragedy is the other player which provides the fuel for this wonderful study of love. "love" oozes out of Jack and manifests itself in a so many ways....not just his feelings for Alice.....these facets are worthy of fuller discussion. Credit to the screenwriting and the subtle direction for maintaining a pace which supports the narrative fully. Alice is unconventional in her dealing/management of the fascination is why? Other characters are "real" and bring value and nuance to the evolving relationship story. Yes the eponymous protaganists can be irritating and even dislikeable....well Alice anyway...but these are realistic characters, real people....not romcom cliches. Bravo!
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Keep going,
j-a-dunlop-745-323812 March 2024
I watched the first 3 episodes - I could not believe this was meant to be a real relationship. I was giving off about their two characters " shes an awful character- the worst person , no excuses for her actions even with her personal background. He is a idiot whos getting walked over time & time again" I went on imbd to read reviews that agreed with me.

I didn't feel great after watching these but i also wanted to keep at it.

Then it clicked, i clicked. By the last few episodes I understood her, I understood him. This was full of simple real moments in a relationship. I sobbed sore.

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Simply awful
somethingreal8114 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's rare that I watch something this terrible all the way through, but I was curious if a reason why talented actors like Andrea Riseborough and Domhnall Gleeson agreed to appear in this trainwreck might finally become clear. After having suffered through all six episodes, I can only imagine that they were the losers of a very high stakes bet. I also almost never leave spoiler filled reviews, but the plot of this show is so asinine that I feel compelled to summarize it here:


Alice and Jack meet via a dating app and have a quick hookup. After, Alice essentially kicks Jack out of her flat and says to never contact her again. For reasons completely unclear, Jack is infatuated with Alice and eventually decides to text her. The two then spend another night together after which Jack runs out for morning coffee and pastries and returns to be chastised by Alice for having been thoughtful. Next, the pair visits a museum where Alice treats an employee like absolute dirt. It's completely unclear how long this relationship is meant to have been going on at this point, but Alice then dumps Jack who is for some reason still infatuated with this monster. A year and a half then passes and somehow in this very short amount of time Jack has improbably gotten married and had a baby with another woman (Aisling Bea, apparently also having lost this tragic bet). Despite having had no contact with Jack whatsoever in this time, Alice decides to phone and ask if he'll accompany her to her mother's funeral. Jack lies to his wife to attend because, despite being married, having a child, and having had zero recent contact with Alice, he's just never moved on. Unfortunately, Alice's father literally drops dead in the cemetery, a ridiculous turn of events only made more ridiculous by apparently being deemed newsworthy by the local TV station. Seeing Jack and Alice together on TV and learning he's been in love with Alice the whole time, Jack's wife then breaks up with him. Later, Alice helps Jack get his infant daughter to sleep and then screams at him when he quietly approaches to ask how she and the baby are doing. Isn't she lovely? Two years then go by without the pair speaking when Jack suddenly gets an invitation to Alice's wedding. Jack is dismayed to have learned of Alice's engagement this way, but Alice insists she's invited Jack because, despite having always treated him like garbage and not having spoken to him in two years, she can't imagine getting married without him there. Jack not only agrees to attend but, because he's a dimwit, agrees to be her best man. The night before the wedding, Alice realizes she's in love with Jack and then does the mature thing by disappearing without explanation. Two more years then go by during which Alice doesn't speak with Jack for whom she's just left her fiance. Alice finally breaks this estrangement, though, because she's now in a position to make them both lots of money! This makes complete sense because, having been asked earlier what she does for a living, Alice explains that she "makes money." So now they're both rich and all is well. Except it's not because, despite having been inexplicably infatuated with Alice for years, Jack claims he's not ready to be with her now. This news is so distressing to Alice that she vanishes from his life for several more years. Wouldn't you know it, though, they eventually reconnect after bumping into each other in Cuba! At least that's what we're told since this grand reunion isn't actually shown to us. After that, Alice and Jack are fully in each other's lives as best friends who are in love, but not a couple. This obviously interferes with their ability to date others, but seeminlgy doesn't interfere with Alice's family plans since she suddenly announces to Jack that she's about to get artificially inseminated, a life altering decision that she's apparently never discussed with the person to whom she's supposedly closest. Jack then accompanies Alice to the doctor where the insemination happens the natural way when the two have sex in the doctor's office. Alice is then immediately pregnant. Hooray? Sadly, the celebration is short-lived when it's discovered during the pregnancy that Alice has cancer and the pregnancy is just never discussed by anyone ever again. Worse, Jack is not at all coincidentally diagnosed with a heart condition around this same time. Despite still looking completely healthy, Alice eventually passes away, at which point we're then treated to a full 3+ minutes of flashbacks to scenes we've already suffered through once before. Shortly after that, Jack succumbs to his heart condition and we're treated to more flashbacks, this time of the previously unseen Cuba trip. The two are then buried next to one another, having died together just as insufferably as they lived.
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Watch and decide
ziphinto29 February 2024
Odd that this got poor to average ratings, and this series has made me question my faith in reviews. The 5 main cast members gave really great performances, and it was a story about true love, what's not to like? Perhaps it's not everyone's cup of tea, and it's not without fault, but I would advise you to give it a chance as I was swept away by it. It's the best thing I've seen all year. Obviously the two leads were great, but a special mention for Aisling Bea who really is a very good actor. Surely it's only a matter of time before she gets the lead she deserves. I want a friend like Sunil Patel btw. There is a lot of crap available to stream, it's not hard to find, but what is hard to find is a series that really draws you in, and keeps you thinking about it long after it's ended.
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Oof -- What an Embarrassment for PBS
seemingly_reel24 March 2024
This series is a diminished example of what PBS generally offers. In the first episode, the plot seemed quite appealing. It all comes crashing down in about ep 3, when redundant scenes of the troubled romance rear their ugly head. In real life, some relationships go through testing phases, particularly if one partner is sorting through past trauma. This is understandable. But to include repetitive emotional scenarios will wear out certain viewers. Subsequently, the overall rhythm suffered. The two lead actors were sincere, but I was not feeling their chemistry. Several of their scenes resembled acting class exercises. As the series evolved, each interaction between the couple became far too precious. I'm fairly new to the work of actress Andrea Riseborough, and there were moments when I found her believable. But many times the camera lingered on her face (not her fault), and that's when we witness her ever-revolving Parade of Expressions: contorted forehead, furrowed brow, dismayed eyes, and unsubtle mouth movements. I should add that I was impressed by her fine work in "To Leslie"; her pliable face seemed fitting for that character. In Alice & Jack there is one unintentionally funny moment when she offers a reassuring kiss to her lover, yet her face is so poignantly troubled. Fast forward to the final episode: it came off as a predictable mess. I was thinking "hopefully the writers won't adopt such a convenient ending", but in fact they did just that. The final scenes were deflating and ruinous. I'm shocked that PBS gave this series a green-light. Likewise, I'm bothered that I chose to endure the entire series.
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Love without life
paul2001sw-19 March 2024
There are some television dramas that are simply bad: the plotting is implausable, the dialogue clunky, the acting wooden. 'Alice and Jack' doesn't have these problems; but in spite of this, it isn't very good. One problem it faces is a standard challenge for writers of romantic dramas: the viewer is expected to know that the central characters would be good together rather better than the characters themselves, as the drama lies in us watching them overcome the obstacles in their way. The obstacles faced by Jack in this drama are very simple: the Alice we meet is a selfish lunatic, the consequence of some deep family trauma. This makes it hard for the viewer not to simply wish that Jack will run a mile, so the story compensates by making Alice a genius. For example, when she decides to make amends, she simply lets him share in her ultimately successful plan to make millions speculating on oil futures. The whole framing is rather odd, as if her extraordinary qualities somehow excuse her obnoxiousness. The drama's other problem is something it actually does quite well, but does too much of. Most of us have some experience of falling in love, and of that sensation where everything in life seems heightened, in beauty as well as pain. Much of 'Alice and Jack' occurs in a gorgeous, almost hyper-real portrayal of the world; and in small doses, this would be fine, capturing how things might feel to its protagonists as key moments. The problem is that "much of" is a big understatement. Alice and Jack's entire world seems to consist of falling in (and out) of love with each other. This is not a story where mutual affection has to be squeezed in around the mundance realities of life; Alice's financial aptitude ensures there are no arguments about who's going to pay the rent this month, while all sympathetic figures in the story are good looking, and when tragedy strikes in the end, the central characters are both given those mysteriously beautiful and dignified deaths that sadly few people get off the television screen. I know some people have said they would have liked for Alice and Jack's best friends to be better developed, but personally I don't think much promise was missed there: they basically function as emotional support animals, dedicating their lives to the welfare of their fundamantally superior friends.

In summary, you could take a selection of scenes from this and make what looked like a trailer for the greatest love story ever told; but in fact, what we get in full is less of a story and more of a trailer spun out over six parts, all affect and no actual realism. The leading actors do their best with the material, but can't altogether save it.
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sekundaer7 February 2024
So beautiful. Very authentic. It touches upon deep existential subjects, and if your criterion is character development, you'll find it here. A decent guy encounters a woman everyone would caution him against. Each time he gives in to her, everything in me screamed, don't! I have met a few Alices in my life and have ended the relationship with all of them. Maybe I shouldn't, was the thought I often had during this series. The pace is slow and most of the time it's only about these two people. Alice and Jack's acting is so convincing that one might think they actually exist in the real world. I was deeply immersed every minute of the series.
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Stick with it.
iiqfbnw22 April 2024
Was not enamored with the first episode, and did not think at first it was worth watching, but returned (eventually) and became engaged more and more the with relationship of the main characters, as they became increasingly developed, and (maybe more so) their story, to the extent that I found myself anticipating the next episodes. In retrospect.

I think perhaps it was the interplay of the supporting characters, as well as the intertwined story lines which made the difference.

No spoilers from me, but a question: Was the lead character's name a nod to the Boyce and Hart song, or merely a coincidence ?
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katbap26 February 2024
I guess you either engage with this story and these characters/actors or you don't. I absolutely did and was utterly enthralled by what felt like a really original exploration of a relationship over many years. Perhaps people are so tuned to expect the glib in love stories they can't connect to something different.

These characters (and these actors) are anything but the normal "fodder" for pat RomCom stories which I consider a complete bonus. And this, I'm more than delighted to report, is no pat RomCom. Its quirky and spiky, snarky, silly with a bruising emotional layer that utterly reflects real life. By the time I got into the series by a couple of episodes, the relationship is far more rich and interesting than I ever expected.

The characters are flawed, weird, sometimes completely unlikable or difficult (you know, like life!) and I was there for every second of it hoping it would never end.

These actors are stunning and it felt like it was written just for them. Their chemistry is unassailable, the dialogue intelligent and natural, yet exquisitely filled by both the writers and the actors. This series is a true gem.
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Rough Draft...
funk_monk5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the writing is either seriously on the nose (SPOILERS) that is more waving a huge flag than foreshadowing...

  • Saying to his daughter in a graveyard that his partner (socially and emotionally distant recluse in whom has only ever found kinship in this guy) refuses to be placed next to someone that isn't interesting...

  • The couple spying on the daughter from afar in the shadows, discussing what her life would be like...

  • Man with a heart condition literally dies of a broken heart...

...or not well thought through...

  • The connection between the father dying at the funeral of his partner of a heart attack / broken heart for his actions was clumsy and diminishing of the finale metaphor being applied.

  • The incest reference at the wedding speech was a missed beat.

The dialogue, for the large part, flows nicely like early-Linklater work. It engages and is real, but all too often it goes into the saccharine and sentimental. There's a place for that, and less is more. Cliffs Notes approach to Brief Encounter.

The montage summarising moments in their relationship was both wasted screen time and opportunity. They could have shown us new angles of old memories that solidified a subjective connection, but instead they did a highlight reel. They could have shown us a moment wherein we see his character see something in her that a growing majority failed to initially see. Something under that armour she has built around herself. But they didn't.

Generally, it moves at a nice pace, keeps you locked in, the characters / performances compliment each other well bringing out the best in one another (eventually), and by the end, despite seeing all the flags being waved, you still feel a little heartbroken yourself - but there were a lot of wasted opportunities, McGuffins and lazy writing.

It's good. With a re-draft it could have been exceptional.
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A mix of emotions
luciabarrow16 February 2024
I really enjoyed this, needed to watch this alone and immerse myself in this unconventional love story. I found I went through many emotions towards the characters, she was harsh and cold and he was sweet and almost innocent like, I didn't want to like her but I ended up completely invested in their story, I became almost obsessed with watching it, needing to know more and willing them to be happy (together). Fantastic acting, I've read reviews of critics and felt the story was misunderstood by them, its deep, complex and messy but undeniably intriguing. Left me in tears. Life isn't a rom com and this felt real.
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Incredible Romance But Not The Best Writing
daniellalarrabure26 March 2024
Loved the concept. Some parts were beautifully executed but others not so much. Sadly a missing part was why does he love her so much? It is obvious why she loves him, he is everything she had missing in her life growing up but for him, I really don't understand why the almost obsession with her.

Looking over that, you could feel the intense connection between the characters. The pull they had on each other, even though I wished the writers would have come with some better circumstances for them to keep meeting through their lives. Some of them were over the top, others were really nice.

I do not like the end honestly, too over the top. If you are a romantic, watch it, you'll still like it.

The intensity is palpable but lacked a better storyline as a structure in some parts.
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Frustratingly awful
bracken-6045122 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can not think of a more detestable character in literature than Alice!!!!! I'm afraid it's done Andrea Riseborough no favours in my eyes as an actress. Great as she is, I'd be put off watching her in anything else.

I feel bad saying it but, I find her ugly, inside and out. No redeeming features to me I'm afraid.

I only watched it in the first place because I love Domnhall Gleeson. However, whilst I don't hate his charcter, I do find him frustrating.

I can't understand how someone could be such a permanent doormat as Jack. He reminds me of mistresses who give up their whole lives to be with a married man whilst he gets the whole shaboodle with his wife and family. I've stuck with it because of the good reviews but I still hated it. I had sympathy for supporting characters such as Jack's wife but lost all sympathy for Jack.
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TimBradley2617 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As somebody who has suffered/endured limerence for over 20 years, this had a profound effect on me. It was as if large chunks of my life has been put on screen. I think it will be rated highly by people who know of or have experienced limerence and rated unkindly by people who have never heard of it.

Is there an obvious reason for these 2 characters to be loved or to love each other? No. Does it make sense for him to throw away a marriage with the beautiful mother of his child? No. Does it make sense for her to leave a decent guy at the alter? No. Does all this make sense through the lens of limerence? Yes! If you know anything about it or have experienced limerence, you will know there is nothing more powerful than the connection between you and your limerent object. It makes perfect sense to me that they keep coming back into each others lives for better or for worse, and taking risks when a rational brain would not, because it happens in real life. If you view them both as limerent for each other, it all makes perfect sense. As much as you try to forget about them and move on and try to be happy for their new relationships, it just doesn't happen. I could ramble for hours about the many ways this show affected me. I loved the writing; so many lines struck a chord. Haven't even mentioned the acting yet, which is great across the board. The ending had me in pieces. In short, I would highly recommend it, but i think being able to identify with either of the main characters, will increase the enjoyment immensely.
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One day for those without netflix
xmasdaybaby196619 February 2024
Having just given up on One Day after 4 episodes, the opening scene of these two on a grass bank (just where I gave up on One Day) didn't fill me with hope.

Having an Irish lead actor didn't help as another bind is the number of tv dramas that are filmed in Ireland despite the UK having left the EU. Surely, there must be UK locations that would appreciate the revenue (this seems to have been filmed in London. I suspect the money would have been more greatly appreciated elsewhere in the UK).

On the plus side, unlike other Channel 4 dramas such as Screw, Before We Die and The Couple Next Door, the cast is mainly made up of relatively unknown actors or at least not had major leads so the viewer can concentrate on the story which was intelligent and possibly engaging.

Back to the negatives and you have to ask, like several other UK dramas, why it was shown abroad before here in the UK?

The actors are obviously older than they are perceived to be in the story. If they had been cast as 40 somethings then they would be more credible.
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Wonderful acting but a toxic love story
kmaresh-2503819 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The acting in this show is wonderful, and overall the writing is strong. BUT Alice is such a toxic presence in Jack's life that I feel incredible disgust at the writers' attempts to make me feel sympathy for her. Yes, she has had a rough life, but that doesn't give her license to yank Jack around. As she says, he's sensitive and the world eats up sensitive types. She warns him in the first episode! I think he's drawn to her not out of actual love but because she's guarded, dysfunctional, and mysterious. He's trying to crack her just as he finds possible cures for diseases in his lab.

I' going to continue watching, but this show is stirring up so many memories of my worst relationships.
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chrisdeemo23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of this series. All the characters were spot on. I couldn't wait for the next episode. It had everything. Was funny yet sad. Alice was portrayed as an awful person alot of the time and made you wonder why such a quiet lovely soul as Jack would be so captivated with her but you get it .....even before you find out the reason Alice is so messed up... because of what happened to her in her childhood... .which I think they covered in a very sensitive way..I cried ..and laughed so much during the episodes ..and didn't stop crying for the ending. I just wished it had been alot longer...Well done.
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Is this a goof?
dingalingalong18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this is a complex but dragged out story. There is a good case to say they should both have moved on, but this is a story of those that sometimes don't.

It's not that Alice is all weird and bad.


But I am confused. Alice runs a hedge fund (no spoiler) and makes some money on an oil price speculation(minor spoiler). But that involved them predicting an oil price bubble, about to burst. So by the time their investors got in, at the riskiest time ever, there is no way they stood to make the profit they did in the end, when she sold all. So yeah, really badly set up.

Still watching.
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