No Way Up (2024) Poster


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mikemcsween-195453 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Only thing that led me to my 4 star rating and not 3 star rating was Jed's death. Keep this guy away from acting at all costs. His screams of agony were hilarious.

Aside from that the film had no plot point. Very messy and a poor attempt at character development. The best acting came from the young girl and the grandmother. However, giving the teddy a typical British name was almost offensive lol.

Very little shark screen time probably because when they were on screen it made Samuel l jacksons death in deep blue sea look like real life.

The film is extremely goofy and the dialogue is horrendous. Watch for fun is all I'll say.
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Not a disaster
iamtherobotman29 April 2024
This was a lot better than i was expecting, in fairness to it.

There was a bit of scene setting and then it was right into the action with passengers one by one getting munched by the over grown Goldfish of the deep.

It was well shot, at times the script was a bit lacking, and most of the main characters were decent enough, though the lad who broke his arm in the crash was one you just had no interest in as he was far too obnoxious in the opening scenes.

It did a decent job in building a bit of tension, though, for me anyway, it was obvious which characters were going to survive from early on, so although it succeeded in the tension, it did lack in suspense.

It's certainly better than some of the reviews would suggest. It's not going to be an 'Oscar' nominated film, but it's by no means awful.
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It doesn't deserve the bad reviews
destiny_west20 February 2024
This is a case of if the filmmakers had a big budget, and bigger stars that this film would have been far better.

For what is was, No Way Up is an entertaining film, that showed a great deal of potential. I don't think it was any less believable than say Meg and Meg 2. So I don't see why it is getting the hate. Sometimes you have to watch a movie and appreciate that the filmmaker did the best they could. This is definitely the case. I was not bored once whilst watching No Way Up. I would have to say it is actually better than all the other shark films that have surfaced lately. So if you can watch a film for what it is, and appreciate the potential it had, you should enjoy this film.
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Boring movie
samiamahil23 January 2024
The movie has no proper plot. The acting is very poor. The main actress is so pethatic. Most of the thrillng scenes has been copy pasted from other movies. Overall this is not a movie that deserves your money. You may watch it when it's free at any platform. Don't waste your time watching it in the cinema.

You get to see the actors saying stories to calm themselves which does not mitigate the situation and nakes you feel bored . The survivals selection makes no sense and the way the heron has survived is so unrealistic.

The plane crash happened in seconds and no pilot scene was displayed....
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A lot of illogical events
olcayozfirat20 February 2024
Mediocre horror-themed movie at sea, released in 2024. It's a cheap and boring movie, with scenes that don't make sense.

First of all, the characters are extremely repulsive. That's why you can't feel sad or excited for anyone. With a good script, director and cast, it would likely be an extremely tense movie. The man managed to make the audience experience tension and despair throughout the movie by leaving only a married couple in the middle of the ocean (See: Open Water)

In this movie, the plane crashes into the ocean and lands on the seabed. A living space remains inside, but there are sharks outside too. There are people who cry hysterically or make jokes in many situations.

As someone who gives these kinds of movies a chance and enjoys watching the ones I find good, I say this movie is a waste of time.

There is no sexuality or nudity in the movie.
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BRACE YOURSELF, the poster says...
Tomaso-W3 February 2024
Don't take the snarling shark in the trailer as anything other than a better MacGuffin than Colm Meaney's utterly pointless character. They are taking the topic of a plane crashing into the ocean, sinking to the bottom and sharks swimming down the aisles seriously! And the Director, presenting the film as "A Claudio Fah film", is all in. I fully expected this to be satire...

No doubt reviews will be metaphor filled, for the creators of this mess of a movie have set themselves up for critics to go straight to something to declare.

First up, the trailer shows the entire plot of the film, leaving nothing to garner from spending your money and time on actually going to watch this plane crash of a movie. If you need to waste time and cannot think of anything better to do (I mean ANYTHING), watch the trailer on loop.

Sounds as arduous as a long-haul flight in the middle seat? Well, watching this movie is!

The movie is like a flight on a bad budget airline, it's totally cheap, offers zero frills and treats you like a subhuman. Clearly, the producers had a pre-flight cocktail of ethanol to think this was a good film to make. And when they realised the projects dire situation and asked if anyone can fly a plane, the wannabe Director, Claudio Fahr raised his hand up, for we know where the Director was in this turbulent effort - he was in the cockpit at the controls plunging the actors to the lowest depths!

The script, with its cringe plot and subplots, is like finding a used sick bag in the seat pocket in front of you - it will have you retching.

Exposition is as subtle as the safety instructions on a plane, recited by a weary flight attendant who knows you're not listening. Every plot point is telegraphed with the subtlety of an in-flight meal - you see it coming, and it's just as unappetizing when it arrives.

"Characters from different backgrounds are thrown together" very true! The character development, or lack thereof, leaves the actors struggling to perform convincingly. The filmmakers lacklustre effort to pack into your luggage themes of survival, resilience, human spirit and even a contrived attempt of a homosexuality sub plot end up lost in a cloud of clichés and predictability which is just plain boring.

The setting, a potentially claustrophobic and terrifying air pocket in a submerged airplane, is squandered, much like the oxygen within it. Instead of using this to build tension and evoke a visceral reaction, it's relegated to being just another backdrop for lacklustre dialogues and naff shark attacks that feel as if they were added as an afterthought - a desperate attempt to inject some thrill into the waterlogged narrative.

The unrealistic climax, which should have been a nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat affair, is as deflating as a life jacket that's been punctured. Our protagonist's escape and subsequent rescue are executed with such a lack of finesse that one can't help but wonder if the script itself was a survivor of a similar disaster - battered, bruised, and barely clinging to coherence.

Calling the airline Vista is an unintentional nod to the infamous Windows Vista - a perfect metaphor for this film: a system full of glitches and unmet potential. Like the operating system, 'No Way Up' promises a lot but crashes spectacularly, leaving us with nothing but a screen of disappointment. It's an ironic nod that inadvertently highlights the movie's own failings - a flight of fancy that never leaves the runway.

In conclusion, 'No Way Up' is a cinematic S. O. S., a distress signal that went unheeded by its creators. It's a stark reminder that a thrilling premise alone cannot buoy a film; it requires the life vest of a solid script, compelling characters, and a pilot capable of navigating the treacherous waters of storytelling. Unfortunately for the audience, this Director can't fly.
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"What's a shark doing on a plane?"
Neptune16526 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love thriller and horror movies and this just wasn't it. The actors were amazing but the story line wasn't it. They could've made the movie so realistic but they chose to make it to where the shark was after them. After watching this I'm so disappointed sharks don't do the things that's this movie made them out to do and it's so unrealistic on many levels. A lot of scenes don't even make sense. I'm upset and this is a waste of time so don't even waste your time. Throughout the entire movie in almost every scene there were things that were so unnecessary and fake especially at the end like no wonder the governors daughter survived. This movie is fully of nonsense and idiotic opinions don't waste your time or money.
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This is a horrible movie, not a horror movie
mauricepuhlmann23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It has been summarized many times already but it can't be emphasized enough how obnoxious the two frat boys are. I guess they wanted them to have some kind of redemption arc during the movie?!

The movie feels and is cheap.

What annoys me the most is the depiction of sharks. Never ever would sharks act like this. It looks like they are supposed to be tiger sharks. They are aggressive yes, but in a situation like that they would be eating the corpses not going for the survivors and even less for the rescue divers.

Speaking of rescue divers. The one dude at the porthole not understanding the universal sign for turn around is ridiculous. Furthermore the water is clear and they should have spotted the sharks way before they reached the wreck.

The movie wouldn't have been worse if the sharks would have behaved normally. I would even argue that it could have been better if put together correctly.

I cannot recommend this movie. Don't waste your time.
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Decent Movie
rob-7458219 February 2024
After reading the reviews I just had to see this movie to see if it was as bad as so many stated. Turns out it was decent and deserved a watch. Makes me wonder just how many decent movies I've missed because I relied on the reviews of others who apparently expect each movie they review to be an Oscar winner or it isn't worth watching. Needless to say, I will be considering a lot more movies in the future and relying less on the reviews. I also wonder if the people giving bad reviews have some sort of agenda? I would hate to think so but nowadays just about anything is possible. Anyway, enjoy the movie and if not, consider your expectations maybe need adjustment.
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There's a way up!
dotfilem23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
🎬 No Way Up (2024) #dotFilmReview

Rating: 1/5

Characters from different backgrounds are thrown together when the plane they're travelling on crashes into the Pacific Ocean. A nightmare fight for survival ensues with the air supply running out and dangers creeping in from all sides.

Very bad acting by the casts. Out of nowhere, a kid who suddenly knows everything about sharks contribute to the many things wrong with this film.

Unrealistic and not logic at all. Stupid concept and I expect at least some fun but unfortunately it was not interesting at all. I think the story is written by ChatGPT.

Spoiler alert: There's a way up.
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I won't get that hour and a half back
soconnor-5988929 February 2024
Haven't seen so much tripe in all my years, how do people pay to watch this mediocre rubbish is beyond me. The only interest I had in it was the shark story, as we are all still gripped by Jaws, but this took it to new depths !! From poor acting to no real story it never got off the "sea bed", apologies for the poor joke probably as bad as the film. If you are a film lover and a student of the arts, this is not for you by a country mile, stick to the muppet show or Sesame Street if you're that way inclined. Me, I'm off to watch jaws again to redeem my faith in decent shark movies - please be kind if you are replying to my appraisal 😀
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Obviously it isn't a 9 BUT I needed to balance out the ones expecting an Oscar winning Scorsese drama
jaymzpower-3008322 February 2024
Haha I had to leave a review due to the hilarious reviews I read of people hating this because it was 'unrealistic' and so many ridiculous aspects such as 'why didn't the rescue divers have weapons' lol

Umm firstly, it was NEVER marketed as an Oscar winning drama. It's a shark movie, about a plane crash that resulted in them being underwater and in a pocket of air within the plane slowly running out of oxygen whilst sharks hunt them due to the many dead bodies..

Also, why on earth would divers have weapons? Lol did you want them to bring bazookers, uzi's and grenades? They were rescue divers searching for a plane. Unbelievable.

All in all, it isn't Oscar winning. It isn't award winning acting BUT it's actually thoroughly entertaining with good enough actors and the plane crash alone was entertaining.. n the story is very interesting and keeps you watching.

It's entertaining and very very easy to watch.

Just don't expect Braveheart or an Oscar winning super realistic biographical drama and you will enjoy the time.
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Ignore the negative reviews, solid film
00_dexx10 March 2024
This definitely isn't gonna be the best film of the year, but it is decent and entertaining to watch. Most actors do a solid job, most notably the main actress, even though the boyfriend and the best friend characters could have benefited from better directing and a few more acting classes. There was some unnecessary backstorying involved with the side characters and you do have to suspend belief for a few of the scenes, but nothing you don't already do with most shark films. I enjoyed the dry humor and the witty dialogue, and was heavily engaged by the time the last part rolled around.

It really isn't one of those horrible-low budget-bad acting-disaster films most reviewers on here claim it is, definitely judge by yourself.
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"We're going over, Ava!"
jb-7423222 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is insulting.

The ginger actor sporting the Donald Trump-esque ginger peaked forward swept fringe plays an immediately unlikeable character, whom you'll hate even more once he displays his homphobic comments towards the male cabin crew member. You can't wait for him to die, but feel ultimately cheated by dreadful camerawork that neither linger nor shows any detail of his gratifying demise in the mouth of a shark on a plane.

Minutes prior to the Ill-fated plane landing in the ocean, it is struck by birds flying into engine one. At 20,00ft. You know, by those pesky birds that make their own oxygen above 12,000ft where oxygen is typically not found.

Then the shards of engine casing that fly SIDEWAYS into the plane's fuselage, despite the forward speed of the aircraft being at least 300mph.

Said shards cause blow out of fuselage along one side of plane that lands in the water, but somehow an air pocket exists to keep the film (and some characters) alive.

Rescue divers wearing wetsuits and breathing apparatus from the 1970s appear, and it all gets a bit silly and more insulting.
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Poor movie
james-8544725 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The director, he not make the story good. It feels like he lost the map for how to make movie.

Very strange choice to let the main person die so early. After this, who we follow? The others, they not interesting much, trying to survive but talking in ways that make you not believe them. They fight sharks, but it's more funny than scary because the sharks look not real, and the fighting seems like a joke.

Not bringing the excitement or the fear. It's like they try to make a serious movie but forgot to tell the actors, who act like they're in a very bad play, not a movie about survival and sharks.

The talking in the movie, very hard to listen. It's like the words come from a book no one wants to read. You wait for someone to say something that makes you feel for them, but it never happening. The sharks, they supposed to make us scared, but because everything looks not real and the talking is so bad, you don't feel scared at all.
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The acting is really really bad
annamarielie6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The story idea is pretty interesting. Its nice survival story on how to escape the plane that submerged under the ocean with shark around it. Sadly the acting is painfully bad.

The main character survival is little bit forced..

Theres moment when the jumpscare keep me on toes. But then its not really delivering it well with bad acting.

Theres no background of each character to make audience to attached to any of them.. even the background of main character bit shallow.

The "antagonists" is cringely being rude, i know we need character that we hate..but he just not delivering it well..

Also the scene when one cast got her legs cut off by sharks is not convincing enough that hes in pain.
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dakis_mavroudis5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I' m going to talk about the good things first. The sound guys made a really good job, special visual effects in the deep ocean where absolutely fine, the sharks were well made up too... I think pretty much it.

And now we are going to the bad things...and I really don't know where to start...oh no!..I know: the acting. It was so bad that it was even embarrassing to watch. I would exclude the old couple and the little girl though, they were fine. And maybe also the flight attendant, I quite liked him too. Actually I am talking about the 3 main parts, their acting was very immature.

Then we go the direction that it was not only bad, uninspiring , poor and silly, but also you could see that it was the main reason of this disaster. So only the actors who managed to save themselves from the bad direction, they were saved.

The script was also really bad and silly with so many holes that it became fun for me to discovering new ones.

Waste of my time and waste of their money.
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Does not deserve 10 stars! Oh my days!
maxguenter-0516025 February 2024
Come on! 10 stars for this!? LOL. Yes this is a low budget movie, but it's trying to be something that its not. It wants be a serious movie, but it doesn't work, now that could be the screenplay, the director or both. The "harsh" reviews are much more on point than making excuses or not to expect much. Just compare this to the top 250 on IMDB. It is a solid 2 out of 10.

The characters have no depth, most are unlikeable and the film doesn't carry off its self belief that it's a good film. A good script can still be achieved on a low budget. This script is bad. Therefore the film is bad, therefore it get's a bad review.
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Not worth your time
pt-4687631 January 2024
A really poor movie. Dreadful acting.....I mean, just dreadful! Empty story, sad characters, not much of a climax. Fell asleep twice, but clearly didn't miss much. 90 minutes I will never get back. It beats me why actors ever agree to do movies like this, they must be really desperate because it surely won't do their career any good at all. The script was appalling, so predictable, and the music was just lifted from so many other disaster movies. It is listed as horror, but I must have missed that bit. Also thrilling, but I am still struggling to understand what was thrilling about the film. Avoid.
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A Mixed Bag of Entertainment
vassiliskounelis19 February 2024
"No Way Up" 2024 offers an entertaining escape with a captivating concept, but unfortunately, it struggles to soar due to apparent budget constraints and lackluster performances. The film's ambitious ideas feel somewhat flattened by subpar acting, highlighting the limitations of its financial backing. However, the saving grace lies in the impressive CGI, which manages to elevate the viewing experience. Despite its shortcomings, "No Way Up" provides a decent dose of escapism for those willing to overlook its flaws.

"For me, 'No Way Up' was a commendable attempt at an action movie, especially considering the limited budget.
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Bad move
nasser-955831 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A bad movie in all its details the dialogues the acting unfortunately a waste of time and nothing more. I attended the movie theater but I did not like the movie. Dialogues that were inconsistent with the context of the events and exaggerated at times and intimidation in a primitive and old way. The idea of the movie had some excitement but the cast and dialogues were not up to par. The level at all the director also did not have a bad good story and the rest is nothing .A bad movie in all its details the dialogues the acting, unfortunately a waste of time and nothing more. I attended the movie theater but I did not like the movie.
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How To Maximize a Small Production Budget
OMTR19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An intense, claustrophobic and suspenseful thriller, part air disaster film, part shark film.

Claudio Fäh masters both, simply and effectively, while playing with our primal fears of aviophobia, ablutophobia, claustrophobia and squalophobia.

The makers of this British B-movie maximize their tiny $2 million budget intelligently and efficiently.

The cast includes Sophie McIntosh as Ava, Will Attenborough as Kyle, Jeremias Amoore as Jed, Manuel Pacific as Danilo, Grace Nettle as Rosa, Colm Meaney as Brandon, Phyllis Logan as Mardy 'Nana' and James Carroll Jordan as Hank.

Sophie McIntosh, Phyllis Logan and young Grace Nettle give the most remarkable performances.

My recommendation is therefore to tell you not to rely on subjective reviews, to compare what is comparable and to appreciate what is appreciable.
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Not bad when I watched it at 1.25 speed
t-miecz14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly was expecting much much worse. As a fan of survivalist films, I didn't want to miss out on this one, but everyone's negative approach to this film made me toggle the speed up so that if I waste time on this movie it will only be an hour. But honestly, it wasn't that bad at all.

Acting was up to par for a movie of this caliber, despite what others have said. Some reviewers complained about a little girl being a shark expert... What? What movie did you watch? Because she said sharks don't like bubbles? Others complained that it was unrealistic because that's not how they'd behave if they were stuck in a plane, under the water, with a ticking clock. I'm sorrry. Are you speaking from experience, or is this your psychology PhD speaking?

Another engineer chimes in by saying bird strikes cannot occur at heights above 12k feet. Just a quick Google disproves that person as a trustworthy expert. So when they say that the engine cannot explode sideways because plane is flying at 300 mph, makes me question speed at which a gas turbine engine would be exploding at. Perhaps more than that? If I remember my mech core class correctly it's about 17,000 RPMs. I'm pretty sure these turbines can go in every which direction with ease. Not sure how to Google that but I already threw that witnesses credibility out the window along with the high flying birds.

And well, let's not forget the sharks. Okay, I was expecting people be upset about that one. We all understand that sharks don't typically munch on humans like we're munching on popcorn while watching this film, but... there's just no movie without sharks, and... if you saw a trailer then YOU KNEW there were gonna be sharks. It's like going to see Spiderman and then saying "spider bites don't do that!". I wonder how many of these reviewers giving it a 1-star also told their friends what a great movie "Jaws" was. If Jaws can retain over an 8-star rating with sharks straight up eating boats, then you should be able to put you shark research aside for an hour and a half and enjoy the ride with some decent special effects along the way.
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aleahmarie-8102224 February 2024
Disclaimer this is only based on my opinion, remember just beacause i find this movie boring doesnt mean you wont like it i mean who knows?

Anyways this movie is full of-, i mean where do i even start? Like its so unrealistic, the script is so poorly written, it vibes feels like when you have a film project at school and all of you are just rushing then you guys came up with this. I was so excited to watch this when i saw the posters, was genuinely disappointed. Like everything just happened so fast.

Yall im telling you, if you want to watch a movie that is not boring go watch something else this is fr not very worth it but if you dont believe me go watch it, you might end up liking this movie 🤷
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Terrible $15m budget!
giovannilavaggi29 February 2024
This had budget of $15m!! That is not low budget film. Who spend million on awful script like this! Who buy it? Crazy people. This film premise is for a different audience to what they market and make, it like they change mind. The dialogue is very poor, the characters like cardboard. Out of touch filmmakers. Like others say, they make boring film. For millions! I understand excuse if film was low budget for the bad acting, bad editing and bad effects. Fine. But even then, bad script? No excuse! But they had millions! Is it like Seagal finance? Why make this? What waste of money. The script must have been so bad before they make film, or did they make it worse? This is film ego on show, they treat audience as dumb and take money.
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