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A very easy film to like
TheLittleSongbird2 October 2011
What drew me to this film were the cast, on paper this was a great cast capable of great performances. And that's exactly the case watching Easy A. While there is nothing groundbreaking and while the cast drew me in initially the concept was a kind that was kind of interesting but could've gone either way.

That said, Easy A is lushly filmed with the cinematography and colour palette simply lovely. There is also a sparkling score, a good well-paced story, strong direction and a likable assortment of characters.

The two components of Easy A that really worked were the script and the cast. The script is not only fresh, but very funny too. In the cast also, I don't think there was a single cast member I didn't like, the first time in a film in a good while that's happened.

Emma Stone is truly charming and a breath of fresh air, while Amanda Byrnes with her witty humour is a hoot. Stanley Tucci gives one of his better performances in recent years and Patricia Clarkson is equally delightful. Thomas Haden Church is also hilarious, and it was really nice to see Malcolm McDowell again.

Overall, a funny and charming film and easy to like. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Excellent Tribute to John Hughes
kurt_kennett19 September 2010
Just saw this with my daughter who is 13. She has just recently seen all the John Hughes 80's movies (Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, etc.) and said it felt just like one of them. I couldn't agree more - great direction and just a hint of a wacky feel to it. Realistic, fun and interesting *normal* parents that don't take the world too seriously and want to be there for their kid.

The only parts that didn't hold up was a couple of logistical things (like a girl that good looking not having any guys following her around, and having a best friend who is such a ditz). All in all though the plot stuck together, was edgy in a few ways, and thoroughly entertaining. I'd put it on the shelf right next to the John Hughes films, and that is a distinguished place indeed.
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A very funny comedy with slightly skewed morals
KnightsofNi1126 November 2010
It's always nice to see a comedy that doesn't meander around the same stupid gags insulting my intelligence time and time again. I was very happy to see a different kind of teen comedy that was much more sophisticated than the films it branches from and even parodies in many creative ways. Easy A is about a typical high school girl named Olive (Emma Stone). Olive has never been popular and has never really been noticed by anyone, and I don't see why considering Emma Stone is absolutely beautiful but that's beside the point. Anyway, Olive, without thinking things through, starts a little white lie about losing her virginity. This lie spreads to the rumor mill and spreads throughout the whole school ridiculously fast, which is one of the bigger themes of this movie that focuses on a lot of the necessary flaws of high school, one of the most incessantly emotional periods of our lives. Obviously, the rumor quickly gets out of hand and Olive's reputation as the school slut grows. Instead of backing down here, Olive exploits the rumor mill for her own social and financial gain, as guys pay her to pretend to have sex with her. The themes and criticisms of high school life in this film are valid, but thankfully they aren't overbearing and the entire movie becomes a laugh out loud blast.

First off, the dialouge of Easy A is surprisingly great for a film set around these kinds of teenage archetypes. It is much more intelligent sophisticated than the typical pandering you hear coming out of the mouths of teenagers. It adds a whole new level of respect to the film that keeps it very lively and fresh. But the dialouge isn't cocky, thankfully, and I never got the sense the writer was trying boast his wide vocabulary. He went a totally different route, and used it to the advantage of more characterization. Olive is much smarter than her peers and her language reflects that. There are plenty of other characters in the film that obviously don't come close to her sophisticated insight into the world and are the true bimbos and airheads. Their dialouge is much more typical of a teenager, and it reflects a very distinct level of characterization that had hilarious results. Needless to say I felt much smarter watching this film than some of the other crap I've subjected myself to in recent years.

Easy A also has a great variety of characters. Olive is already a very fun character who leads the story perfectly, keeping it interesting all the way through. But then there are other characters like Amanda Bynes as Marianne, the Christian nut job of the school. It's obvious to see where a person who boasts about premarital sex versus a religious zealot is leading, and these two characters are hilarious to watch interact with all their snappy and quick witted dialouge. The male roles are arguably the weakest of the film, but its not as big of a deal when the whole story primarily focuses on the social interactions between high school girls. Gossip is obviously a huge part of the story. But apart from the younger cast the older cast also fall into some hilarious roles. Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci play Olive's parents and there isn't a moment with these two on screen that you aren't laughing your head off. This duo plays off each other so well and it makes for some of the most hysterical scenes of the whole film. Then there are other great adults in the film like Thomas Haden Church as the fast talking and sarcastic English teacher who you can't help but love. Malcolm McDowell even cameos as the school's principal and has a couple of short but funny scenes. Overall you couldn't ask for a more fitting and entertaining cast.

Overall, Easy A doesn't provide anything groundbreaking or revolutionary to the comedy genre, but it is certainly a breath of fresh air that keeps my hopes alive for the comedy genre in this age where there are so many god awful comedies being released. Easy A isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. The story sort of becomes a mess towards the end and it seems to be going off on a lot of random tangents. And then it is all resolved rather simplistically for how all over the place it was. I also have to say that the moral compass of all these characters, especially Olive, is pretty out of wack. Some of the decisions are a little strange and seem ridiculous at times, but I guess it only reflects the naivety of a teenager, and how much we still have to learn. But overall you can't complain too much when you are delivered an overall satisfying and hilarious experience.
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Modern day Scarlett Letter as gossip gets out of hand at Ojai High School.
BradInAZ2 June 2010
June 2 2010 - saw advanced preview of "Easy A" tonight. Emma Stone plays sarcasm great in this one, and supporting cast works well with her. Emma also narrates heavily throughout, and though not rolling on the floor funny, this has the feel of a John Hughes film (even makes reference to him in a longing way). Thomas Haden Church is funny as the only teacher we really meet, and Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson are well cast as the understanding and 60's hippy mentality parents. The crowd I saw it with laughed frequently, and there are a lot of "I've been there" or "I've seen that" moments that you can relate to from your own high school. The writing is a little bit above the age - that is to say, you'd be surprised to hear the advanced dialog coming from today's teenagers, but this movie worked for me and those with me. Makes for a fun night at the movies. Scheduled for release Sept 17 2010.
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I Loved this Film and Emma Stone
claudio_carvalho1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In California, the virgin student Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone) feels anonymous in the high school where she studies. When her best friend Rhiannon (Alyson Michalka) invites her to spend the weekend with her family, Olive lies and tells that she will have a date with a nonexistent community college student. On the next Monday, Rhiannon goes to the bathroom with Olive and asks how her encounter was and Olive lies, telling that she lost her virginity in the weekend with her fictitious boyfriend. However, one school mate overhears their conversation and spreads the rumor about Olive's promiscuity. The religious fanatic Marianne (Amanda Bynes) blames her and out of the blue. Olive becomes a notorious student.

Meanwhile, Olive is studying "The Scarlet Letter" in the English class and she identifies herself like Hester Prynne, the woman condemned by her Puritan neighbors in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel. Olive discloses the truth to her bullied gay friend Brandon (Dan Byrd) and suggests him to also lie that he had slept with a girl. Brandon asks Olive to help him and she pretends to have sex with him in a party. Then other outcast boys offer to pay Olive to improve their images while Olive's reputation degrades. When Olive loses control of the situation, she needs to take an attitude to revert it.

"Easy A" is a delightful comedy about an average teenager that is on the spot of her high school mates after telling a lie about an encounter with a fictitious boyfriend. The plot has flaws and some attitudes of Olive are unreasonable. Despite this remark, I loved this film, mainly because the sensual Emma Stone and her sexy voice. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Mentira" ("The Lie")
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The Inexactitude of High School
ferguson-618 September 2010
Greetings again from the darkness. This is an obvious (and proud of it) homage to the great teen films of John Hughes. It is updated for this generation of teens - replete with FaceBook, texting and webcam. While this one may not have the fully realized characters of the Hughes films, it actually takes things a step further in its commentary on many topics: family life, parenting, religious zealotry, rumor-mongering and the public education system.

Writer Bert V. Royal's script delivers an intellectual and comedic look into high school life ... told through the eyes of the smart, "invisible" girl. Just a brief overview will be offered here so as not to take away from the multiple layers.

Emma Stone ("Zombieland", "The House Bunny") delivers a star-making performance as Olive. Forced into a faux-confession by her best friend, Olive experiences the efficiencies of digital gossip spreading as word leaks regarding the apparent loss of her "V card". Even though this one is based in Ojai, California, it's nice to know that high school promiscuity is still met with a certain stigma. Here that stigma is compared to Hawthorne's expert novel, The Scarlet Letter.

This sets into action a series of unforeseen events. The school's religious nuts, led by Amanda Bynes, take Olive's situation as a personal affront and spend a great deal of effort trying to punish her for her sins. At the same time, the geeks and dweebs view Olive as their savior and proceed to take advantage of the opportunity.

While she is presented as a very sharp-witted, well-grounded teenager, Olive experiences the enormous power of a reputation. All of this is balanced out by her extraordinary relationship with her free-spirited, yet wise parents played by Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci.

I can't possibly do justice to the script or the numerous topics broached, but I will say that it's a welcome new approach to teen movies. The usual schlock sex is replaced by sharp quips and real pressures. Do note that the dialogue is filled with much harsh language that wouldn't be welcome in an environment other than a high school campus. Further support work is offered by Penn Badgley as the good guy, Thomas Haden Church as a new world cool teacher, Malcolm McDowell as an old school principal and Lisa Kudrow as a guidance counselor (in a role that gives me permission to feel the disgust I usually feel when she is on screen).

Don't be scared off thinking this is another lousy teen flick. It is instead an insightful comedy that plays well for adults and teens. While you may not agree with all of the social observations, I believe you will agree the film is presented in a most entertaining and insightful manner.
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The Thinking-Person's "Mean Girls"
zkonedog9 March 2017
A few years ago, the movie "Mean Girls" redefined "high school experience" movies. With "Easy A", the "bubblegum" style of "Mean Girls" is replaced with a bit more of a sophisticated style.

For a basic plot summary, "Easy A" focuses on high school student Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone), who inadvertently starts a rumor that she slept with a fellow student. When the rumor spreads like wildfire and Olive realizes she cannot contain it, she decides to just go with it and see what happens.

When it comes right down to it, "Easy A" strikes a nice balance between ridiculous & cute. At some points you'll just be laughing at Olive's crazy antics, while at other times you might just actually care about her character (a rare feat in a primarily comedic effort).

Also, it must be mentioned here that Emma Stone's performance as Olive carries this entire movie. Stone can play sexy, sweet, and everything in between, and her range is on full display in this flick. She is a joy to watch and redeems a plot that gets a bit thin after about the first hour.

Overall, "Easy A" is a fun movie if you are interested in high school fare. It tries to be witty, snarky, cute, & even a bit preachy all wrapped up in a single package and, while perhaps not accomplishing any one of those things totally, the combination is enough to warrant a viewing.
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Easy A is Easy to Love....
wkup26 August 2010
Lately the genre of teen comedies skew to the ribald and the are more sex romps than tell stories and introduce characters that you can not only root for but like. "Easy A" is a welcomed throwback to earlier teen comedies: risqué, but heartfelt.

In Emma Stone you have a Molly Ringwald for a new generation: relate-able, sexy, funny, sarcastic and lovely shines as Olive, a girl who leads her best friend (Aly Michalka) to believe she wasn't a virgin. The rumor spreads about her fabled loose ways and spurs different reactions from the school population: Brandon (Dan Byrd) wants to use it to his advantage, Marianne (Amanda Bynes) the school's self-appointed religious leader wants to shame Olive and Olive decides to run with it for her own gains.

There are many pluses with this film: A cast of young actors who are true actors who can convey the humor and uphold the tone of the film; a truly funny, vibrant script by Bert V. Royal in which not only the teens get to be smart and fully fleshed out characters but the adults (Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive's wry and whimsical parents are a joy; and Thomas Haden Church whose character is a new spin on the "hip teacher".) as well.

With Stone as the lead and the only face in the promotional poster people may think this is a "chick flick" but this film is for anyone who just likes a good film.
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Stone scores.
BA_Harrison26 December 2019
Teen comedy Easy A stars Emma Stone as high-school nobody Olive, who finds herself the centre of attention after a little white lie about losing her virginity becomes hot school gossip. Rather than admit the truth and return to obscurity, Olive capitalises on her new-found fame, even going so far as to make some money out of the situation by charging desperate dorks to say that they have scored with her.

Instead of going for the easy option -- crass low-brow comedy -- Easy A opts for a more sophisticated and good-natured approach, and while this means that real belly-laughs are in short supply, it makes for an appealing movie overall, both amusing and heartfelt, helped no end by a very likeable central turn from Stone. Other solid performances come from Thomas Haden Church as Olive's favourite teacher Mr. Griffith, Amanda Bynes as moralising Jesus freak Marianne, Aly Michalka as Olive's bestie Rhiannon, and Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive's caring and supportive parents.

Easy A directly references a handful of '80s teen classics that were clearly the inspiration for writer Bert V. Royal, who matches these in terms of tone and characterisation. This film could sit quite nicely nestled amongst time-honoured favourites such as Pretty In Pink, Say Anything, Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club.

6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Pleasantly Surprised
halliebenfer29 August 2010
I attended a free preview of this movie and without having done any research on the movie and just based on a short synopsis, had pretty low expectations walking into the cinema. It's always great coming out of a cinema being pleasantly surprised by an enjoyable movie and that's exactly what happened! I've always been a fan of fast witty dialogue and this movie definitely delivers! Virtually every character in the movie whether minor or major seems to have something funny to say, and while there wasn't a lot of ROFL moments, there were quite a few LOL's throughout the movie! To me, it's one of those movies perfect for a Friday night to unwind from work without having to use too many brain cells (but enough so that you don't walk out of there thinking you'd wasted your time and intellect!) - it's one of those movies that i'll definitely be purchasing on DVD when it comes out!!
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Emma Stone deserved this movie.
Christian_Dimartino17 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Most teen comedies today are one noted, unfunny crap. But as long as Emma Stone is involved, and around for a long enough time for her to be a teen, I would say that the teen film genre is safe. In Easy A, the witty teen comedy, Emma Stone is hilarious, and lovable. I really hope she's around for a long time.

Stone plays Olive, a teen outcast who tells her best friend that she had sex. Though she didn't. But the word soon gets around. And she is running fake sex errands for her fellow classmates, including a gay guy (played by Dan Byrd). Eventually, she is believed to be a skank, and it boosts her popularity.

I've liked Emma Stone for years now. Ever since she played Jules in Superbad. But in Easy A, she shines. She is going to go on to be something. Easy A isn't a great movie. I Like the cast, which includes Amanada Bynes, Thomas Hayden Church, Patricia Clarkson, Stanley Tucci, and Lisa Kudrow.

A lot of Easy A is hilarious. It's a good thing that they gave this role to Stone, because she does it best. At least in 20 years when all of our favorite actors have passed on(God I hope not), we don't have to stoop to the level of Zac Efron. We still have Emma Stone. She's talented, hot, and hilarious, and I can't wait to see more of her.

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I love this movie so much!
UniqueParticle18 March 2019
Very good morals involved; this is the type of rom-com that truly warms your heart in the best way possible. It inspires me & makes me miss social interactions/high school even though it was rough for me at times.

Anyway Emma Stone can really lead a movie in a magical way. I'm glad she's been nominated/won for major awards!
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Easy A For Effort
bill_b42 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Noble effort to make a movie with a questionably helpful message. I did enjoy the movie somewhat, but a few nagging things kept distracting me from really liking the movie. I will attempt to elaborate:

1) Aryan High. This did not look like a public school...more like a junior private college for jocks, models and cheer-leaders. I recommend the next time Hollywood makes a high-school movie with a contemporary setting, they actually GO IN one. The kids in this school did not look, OR ACT like kids in any contemporary public school I've ever seen. The plot may have been more successful in a 1950's setting. Promiscuity is not a major concern in today's public high-schools. And they weren't in the 80's, which is when I went. Either you were having sex or wanting to or thinking about it. No one was decried for having done it, or talking about it, or, for that matter bragging about it. Even girls. Granted, the girls were more discreet. On the contrary though, in today's schools you might just get more cred by claiming to be a virgin...especially if attractive like the main protagonist in this story.

2) Somewhat related to the last topic...if making a high-school movie...make it with kids that at least look like they're in high school. It's ironic and hypocritical that a minor plot-point in this movie is a student that's 21 years old and sleeps with a teacher, when ALL the students look like they're in their early 20's. It's about time the ticket-buying public make an issue out of this. I think it's humorous when watching noir movies today like "Grease" and the actors all look as old as the teachers. I guess today's movie-makers aren't worried about the future "snicker-factor" that might hinder a potential classic, otherwise they'd put more thought into it. I understand the pool of young acting talent is limited...but they are out there. Bust your butt and find 'em. It'll pay off in the long run...and you may just find the next hot star. Oh, and your movie budget might just be more palatable.

3) They hypocritical Christian. If you're going to portray a hypocritical Christian, why not go and meet one? Make the character realistic and believable. I know they're a caricature, but the girl in this movie was portrayed WAY over the top. Really. It kept me from rating this movie higher. I mean, if I was to make a movie with a German, I WOULDN'T give him a swastika arm band and a Hitler mustache...too cliché. Put a little effort into make your characters at least a little realistic.

I know, I know...this is an exceptionally harsh review. I did like the movie and felt bad I couldn't enjoy it more. I thought the message, being comfortable in your own skin, was positive...but done way better with movies like "Napoleon Dynamite". A little thought could've made this movie a much more enjoyable experience.
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Okay, but ultimately souless
evan_harvey25 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw Easy A tonight. It's pretty average. It's a film that had multiple references to classic 80's Brat Pack flicks, and so that raises it above the standard teen movies. Older audiences will get the 80s references more than the younger ones. There's quite a few laughs to be had, and some snappy dialogue. The basic idea of the film is good (a re-working of The Scarlett Letter, which the film unashamedly references and possibly over-references).

However, the main problems are ultimately fundamental flaws in the script. Olive (the smoking hot Emma Stone) is too cool. She's too self- assured, and too smart. It doesn't have the authenticity of teen life, unlike Mean Girls which had it in spades. Olive wasn't the cynical outsider the role called for; she was the confident adult narrator. Films that portray the hero coming out stronger at the end work for a reason, but the character was the same throughout.

The end of the film is a love story and fixes everything in only a few scenes, but it's tacked on, and felt contrived. The core of the film is the 'Scarlett Letter' concept, and it's a clever concept, but it kind of got muddled anywhere outside that. Olive's character didn't really suffer any great despair (at least the drew any empathy), so the ending (where she miraculously found love in about 5 minutes) was more a marriage of convenience than one of passion.

Overall, it was a strong film. Very confident, witty and well-paced. At the end though, it was just souless. No real losses or triumphs, no character development. Olive was just as smart and self-confident at the beginning as she was at the end. The audience didn't cheer Olive through the rough times because there weren't any that felt rough. We didn't really care that she hooked up with a decent guy at the end, as that subplot was woefully malnourished and not given any real development time.

Commercially? Okay. Artistically? Disappointing. It could have been the next Clueless or Mean Girls, but kind of wasted it's potential.

Worth seeing if there'e not much else on, and definitely worth seeing for Emma Stone in tiny blue shorts.
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great argument, great cast, great movie
anna-rita199916 February 2014
I think this is one of the best movies of the decade. Emma Stone is awesome and such a great actress. The story is impressive and super truthful to American's high school current reality. The Story: Olive Penderghast is a normal high school student just trying to "blend in the crowd". At some part, she says she lost her virginity to a boy in community college and everyone starts to call her a "dirty skank". Then, she starts dressing like one and pretending to have sex for money. This girl just wants to find true love but anybody would ask her out. The movie ends in a high note with a precious lesson: don't worry about what the others say about you. Just live your life. Such a great movie. I do really recommend it. :) :)
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After La La Land
thinkerpadder22 May 2017
After watching La La Land, I kind of fell in love with Emma Stone's performance (not Emma Stone... Well, maybe Emma too). Then looked for some of her old performances, which led me to this movie. I liked the narratives, the humor, and those minor plot twists. Other than that, the movie is averagely average. Nothing special. The kind of movie I forget when the screen is turned off ( I didn't forget Emma's face though, maybe because of La La Land). Unbiased rating : 6/10
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A medley of great acting by Emma , good screenplay and teen comedy tropes
jo_dante31 January 2021
There are many things that seem out of place in the movie - Emma's more nuanced personality not matching that of a straight A student in a teen comedy , one dimensional bible toting characters almost depicted as caricatures and a weird relationship between a mature teacher and student stand out. However Emma manages to fill these holes really well and you empathize to the tricky situations she finds herself in. The screenplay despite being constrained by the tropes of the genre is consistently entertaining and manages to integrate elements of the 'the scarlet letter' story really well. While you can fully shake the dissonance between the nuanced and slapstick elements of the movie it provides enough moments to remain more memorable than the run of mill teen comedy.
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Fun, hip and goofy modern comedy and '80s comedy homage
Movie_Muse_Reviews18 September 2010
Through much of the beginning of "Easy A," you have to find all the '80s teen comedy homages fishy. Maybe director Will Gluck and Burt V. Royal are trying to dress up a classic Hughesian formula with modern banter and social media references. Then, somewhere near the halfway point, comes the admission. Olive, played by up-and-comer Emma Stone, confesses she wants her life to have a "Sixteen Candles" or "Breakfast Club" or "Say Anything" moment. Ah, and suddenly this is homage territory -- much better. Like the rest of this hip, fun and surprisingly touching comedy, any time "Easy A" wanders down the path of cliché, a killer line or great scene nullifies it.

It all begins and ends with Stone, who can do a little bit of everything, which ought to ensure her a long career. She can do typical teen comedy lead autopilot/earn our sympathy, she can command the improvisation-like tangential dry humor that has defined the comedies of the last five or so years and she can be the sensitive, fragile Molly Ringwald type. Nothing feels forced or unnatural in her performance. She seems to be having fun and milking to goofy nature of Royal's script.

More importantly, the reason "Easy A" is so good is because it never stops being about Olive's story. A high school nobody, Olive lets her best friend (Alyson Michalka) pressure her into lying about losing her virginity. The simple lie gets overheard by the super-Christian Miss Everybody (Amanda Bynes) and suddenly everyone sees Olive differently, or sees her period. After deciding to embrace the attention as school slut (the story reaches here a bit), Olive then starts to pretend to have sex with guys in need of a reputation boost, which consequently sullies her own.

The only real problem with "Easy A" is that there's no good reason to believe Stone was this unattractive nobody given her actual attractiveness and the friends she has -- and we're supposed to believe that suddenly everyone is interested in her because she lost her virginity. Gluck tries to spin this into a positive by making it almost comical how everyone is staring at her or waiting in a perfect line for her to come down the hall, but it's the one scratch in this gem -- take it or leave it. The script and humor and situations that arise eventually more than make up for this road bump.

Gluck's filmmaking is hip and common of modern comedy while the writing is clever and spontaneous. For no logical reason, a scene when Olive's gay friend Brandon (the one she helps first) comes over, Stone and Patricia Clarkson, who plays her mother, do this quick exchange of pretending they're in the Old South and a boy has come over and asked for her. Though completely random and a bit forced, they actually work well at making the characters seem more organic, which is the challenge of most comedies, especially those made today.

Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as the parents are the comic relief. When was the last time parents in a teen comedy were genuine comic relief? They walk a fine line between wacko and genuinely caring and loving parents, but it totally works. Two more originally funny parents haven't existed on film before. Characters such as the aforementioned best friend Rhiannon and Bynes' are more by-the-book as far as being teen comedy stencils, but like every other small flaw with the film, they're covered up by all the multi-dimesional and more interesting ones. Worthy of mention are school faculty members played by Thomas Haden Church, Lisa Kudrow and Malcolm MacDowell.

Most intriguing of all is how the film actually succeeds at finding moments of genuine drama. A few well-thought-out and creative plot twists introduce an intelligence seemingly foreign to these kinds of comedies. The key once again comes from staying focused on Olive's story. The film is structured as a retelling with narration from Olive, so it's told in a reflective manner, which ultimately keeps it from veering off course. It's about Olive wrestling with this lie and her feelings about how she wants to be perceived, along with her understandable pity for the boys who request her "services." High school's rough and reputation seems to be everything. Some elements of the high-school experience in "Easy A" might be way off, but that's dead on.

Although it lacks the intangible innocence of the numerous '80s comedies it references, "Easy A" has a unique and lively spirit of its own and is the best teen comedy (at least featuring a female, finally!) in years. More importantly, it shows that the modern teenage sense of humor and good storytelling don't have to be mutually exclusive.

~Steven C
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Easy... B+
questl-1859216 September 2019
Easy A is a fun little movie about a girl's trip through the high school rumor mill. It's funny, it's well acted, it's filled with... A bunch of people playing high schoolers that are a little too old to actually fit the part.

And that's what holds it back, because the message is important and the performances are solid and the humor did work for me... But.

For everything that works there are little things that take away from it. Some of these "kids" act the part, sure they're playing dialed up archetypes, but amidst them are also Rhodes Scholars, the most unrealistically awesome, scene stealing parents and the kind of teachers we all wish we had.

So while a good chunk of this wants to live in reality, there's a significant enough portion that wants to live in a fantasy land and the two just don't merge into a perfect harmony.
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Star of the future Stone shines in very funny comedy
Stampsfightclub24 October 2010
Emma Stone stars as Olive, a lonely heart who lies about losing her virginity to her best friend and soon rumour spreads she is a slut. Initially mortified Olive parades around the school as a slut, wearing an 'A' on her clothing but soon she ends up in trouble.

Described as "the best teen comedy since Mean Girls" this is a must see because quite simply, it is. The comedy variety of clever performances, physical humour and beautiful word play make a combination of knockabout comedy a treat for anyone over 15 years of age that will entertain you for a glorious hour and a half.

Emma Stone in her first major leading role excels as a typical but not yet typical teenager going through life's friendship and educational battles, and thankfully with a difference. Olive narrates via an internet blog about how everything came about and her life and school reputation changed. Through some original narrative design and comic brightness audiences are easily engaged into the world of its heroine.

Stone's performance is indescribably funny. From singing alone in her bedroom to strutting around in revealing clothing and making us laugh at the same time has made her a star for the future. One scene where she pretends to have it on in a bedroom is very funny and whilst marketed as a comedy, the inevitable drama sequences show Stone as a rock.

Stone steals the film but thanks to the experience of Stanley Tucci and Thomas Haden Church we have an array of comic genius. Tucci has never been funnier.

The plot boasts some great twists and turns whilst marketing some great songs on its soundtrack. The way it separates itself from the normal comedy, by diversifying itself through visual aids such as the live web blog or plot differentiations makes it one out watch over and over again.

A couple of drawbacks include the fact Lisa Kudrow cannot shake the Phoebe tag and the ending is slightly predictable.

These minor things aside this is a knockabout comedy with a great lead performance that is certainly worth checking out.
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My Review
wrightiswright5 July 2019
An intelligent teen comedy along the same lines as Mean Girls, this is all about a good girl turned bad... except she's not actually turned bad, this is just everyone's perception of her.

The razor-sharp dialogue combined with the performances make the film work very well, and it's easy to see why Emma Stone has moved into the 'A' list after this was released.

It was also interesting to contrast all the parallels between this and 'The Scarlet Letter', along with the references to other classic 80's teen movies... an echelon that Easy A might just be joining one day. 7/10
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"A" is for Awesome
jon.h.ochiai19 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
According to Emma Stone's Olive, "A is for Awesome." "Easy A" is the funny smart movie of the year. Director Will Gluck's fresh mashing of Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" in this Twitter Age is whimsical, genuine, and hysterical. Emma Stone is absolutely amazing. Writer Bert V. Royal's screenplay brilliantly captures the angst and social perils of kids of this Facebook generation. Royal completes his story with touching narrative arcs and twists, and a valiant hero in Emma Stone. "Easy A" is reminiscent of "Juno" in its clever and biting dialog. Where in "Juno" no one in real life actually speaks with those razor-like smarts, "Easy A" is witty and sharp in natural speak.

Stone's Olive is a smart ass, but never over the top. She is the straight man, self-aware of the social "no win" she finds herself imprisoned. During the staged fake tryst, Olive (Stone) locks herself with Brandon (exasperated funny Dan Byrd) in a friend's bedroom. Brandon is gay and tormented everyday at school for just being. Olive reluctantly agrees to this public staging to recreate his reputation anew. When Olive removes her thong as part of the theatrics, Brandon freaks. Olive says, "Do you think I have a gnome down there?" Brandon defends that she is not his type. Duh. Olive surmises could it be: "I have a V, not a P." Gluck and Royal orchestrate hysterically. Stone has natural impeccable timing. "Easy A" had won me over at this juncture.

Olive is a smart and decent high school student in Ojai, CA. She is never in trouble— in fact nearly invisible. Olive gets caught in a lie, to avoid going on a camping trip with her BFF Rhiannon (charmingly spacey Aly Michalka) and her disturbing New Age parents. Olive tells Rhi that she had a one night stand with a college freshman over the weekend—really she was comically alone at home. School Christian Crusade Leader Marianne (gloriously bitchy Amanda Bynes) overhears Olive's restroom confession. Literally at the speed of light Tweets and texts broadcast Olive's promiscuity. Later Marianne tells Olive she will be judged by a higher power. Olive responds, "Did I just get saved?"

"Easy A" opens with Olive's webcast, which is genius. She confesses, "There are 2 sides to every story. This is my side—the right one." Olive's good intentions to resuscitate social outcasts by "fake rocking their worlds" soon make her a pariah. She is getting Auto Zone gift cards to have faux sex with boys seeking credibility. Olive's favorite teacher Mr. Griffith (disguised aloof Thomas Hayden Church) becomes concerned when she transforms, and wears bus tiers emblazoned with the scarlet letter A. She is reading "The Scarlet Letter" in English class. Also worried is Griffith's Guidance Counselor wife (wacky Lisa Kudrows). Olive's parents note the red flags. Her Mom (wonderfully loopy Patricia Clarkson) remarks that she looks like a stripper-- albeit "high end" according to her Dad (hysterically wise Stanley Tucci).

However, on a transactional date Olive realizes that someone crossed the whore line. Fortunately, "Lobster" Todd rescues her. Todd (gentle and strong Penn Badgley) says he dismisses the rumors about Olive. He always remembers the beautiful 7th grader, who was kind to him. Olive too has always been in love Todd, since then. This is the distinguishing charm of "Easy A". Although Olive is in the adolescent abyss, the people that know her soul like Todd and her parents have faith in her. In a hilarious dinner scene Olive requests that her parents dismiss the rumors of Chlamydia—apparently no big deal. Even her Dad tells her vehemently and comically, "I would take a bullet for you." Her Mom understands completely. While gazing at the stars she tells her daughter that when she too was young she slept with a lot of people—"mostly guys".

"Easy A" poignantly captures and reminds us of the painful teen angst of fitting in, and just being allowed to be. When overweight dweeb Evan (sympathetic Jameson Moss) begs Olive to say that she had sex with him, she asks him why? Brandon says, "Just look at me." You can see the heartbreak in Stone's visage. While Olive is confronted by picketers, Todd tells her, "Screw all these people, Olive!" Ultimately, "Easy A" gets an "A" for its story about having the courage to take a stand, doing what is right despite what people think. Emma Stone is our hero on this journey. She is cute and has such a radiant spirit. She wins us over whether she is singing "Pocket Full of Sunshine" in the shower or seeing the suffering in her eyes when she realizes that she shattered the life of someone dear. "Easy A" is one of the best movies of the year. It's the kind of movie that is dismissed by the Academy, when it shouldn't. Perhaps, one day.
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A for Emma
mihika25908 September 2019
It's Emma Stone's movie all the way. She is adorable, geeky & has an amazing screen presence.
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Easy A tries too hard to be liked
Floated226 November 2010
Easy is a pretty simple straight forward story with an odd message. The plot is rather awkward and weird but for the most parts is plays out. Right from the start the film reeks a bit of desperation, as if it's trying too hard to be liked, much like many of its characters. Olive's feature-length confession, a 4th-wall breaking running monologue, is an awkward device that never seems sincere, while the turns the plot takes, particularly one involving a counsellor and a student, are simply too much to swallow. The film goes downhill in my opinion, from the part where it gets more religious. The scene with Olive going to church. It seemed like that was meant for the original R rating of the film.

The characters try hard to be liked but many of them I just don't ended up liking, in particular Olive, her parents (they too hard to be funny), Brandon, and the teacher- Mr. Griffith. Though I did like Amanda Bynes character- she should have been in it more (the best scenes involved her). Easy A is rather shallow and disgusting for a PG-13 film. In my opinion, I think the film would have been better had they kept the film being rated R. The jokes would have been better with a few more swearing and probably more sexual content. The message is obscured by mayhem here as Easy A's moral roots are undercut by its attempts to be one of the cinematic crowd. It just doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm not in the target audience but the film still could had been better. I also felt like they could have added an extra 20 minutes to develop the supporting characters (Rihannon, Marianne, Brandon). Things just felt unfinished and unanswered.
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A fun and enjoyable comedy
Gordon-118 August 2013
This film tells how a school girl uses rumours to advance her cool factor, but her publicity stunt spirals out of control.

I thought "Easy A" was about easily getting A grades, but that is far from what it actually is. The school girl in question bows to social pressure, pretends to be promiscuous in order to be cool, and to help some disadvantaged schoolmates along the way. How she helps Brendan in the bedroom is so hilarious, I laughed hard! In just a few days, her world is turned upside down, she feels differently about herself and everyone else feels differently about her as well. For a comedy, Olive's emotional roller coaster is portrayed convincingly. I also liked her open minded and supportive parents, although they have minor roles in the film, they provide a safe haven for her to grow up and become independent.

"Easy A" is a fun teenage school comedy with a great moral story. It even tells how social pressure makes us do regrettable things. It's easy for people to relate to the story, and that's a big contributing factor to "Easy A" being a fun and enjoyable comedy.
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