Robots (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

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Fun, a bit silly, but enjoyable
uberdonkey623 May 2023
Some films you want to cry, some films you want to tell a serious historic story of love, suffering or redemption. This is not one of those films, it's a fun film to relax to which will also keep you entertained.

So, robots that look like humans have replaced illegal immigrants in America. They now do all the chores such that some people even send them out to their jobs well they chill at home, and it even goes so far that this guy uses one to find dates. Of course these robots want a life of their own eventually, and try to escape. It's like a whacky tale of unexpected romance, with some amusing twists. If you like the type of 'house party' genre, you'll love this, bit actually the story is better thought out than these. It's still situational comedy, and yes the story isn't amazing, but it's there and it's well put together. The characters were fun, and I definitely recommend this to any adult (some non explicit sex scenes) who wants to relax and just see a fun (but not childish) movie.
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Not the worst thing you could watch
AfricanBro25 July 2023
It has several laugh out loud moments, like the Tesla robot immigrants line at the start which misleadingly raised my expectations really high. I was a little excited before hand, didn't know the story or expecting it to be amazing, all I knew was Jack Whitehall in a movie with Shailene Woodley; which are two people I never thought would star in a movie together as romantic lead. And from that point it's exactly how you'd expect it to go. Don't expect anything special. I am a huge fan of Shailene in pretty much everything I've seen her in, and I've watched some of Jack's standup and liked him in jungle cruise.

It was just really cringe for the most part, and as much as I like Jack his role felt miscast, he started off as a player which wasn't believable even if you hadn't seen him in anything else; but as the movie went on he broke character and instead of acting as Charles, glimpses of the Jack's personality in real life broke through. Shailene was great and feels like her talents went wasted.

It had a really low budget and it was very evident throughout; which is fine sometimes but is noticeable when the movie isn't great to begin with. Robots look scary and creepy, the slave ones not the clones. It was a pretty good premise but definitely could've been executed better and it would've covered up the cracks. It also feels much shorter than it actually is, which I think is a positive, rather that than the movie feel drag out.

The characters lacked chemistry and in such a movie that would've been invaluable. It's the type of movie that needs spectacular chemistry or writing in order to pull off, otherwise it flops. I couldn't hate it though because I'm a fan of the actors but in the end, it should've been more romantic and more comedic, so that doesn't bode well for any romcom.
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A funny Black Mirror episode
showravabir23 May 2023
I had zero expectations for this movie, but it turned out to be surprisingly funny. It takes a satirical approach to our human society, highlighting our excessive dependence on technology.

There aren't any twists and turns; everything is quite predictable. Nevertheless, it provides a comforting experience, like indulging in comfort food.

The jokes were great, and there were some thought-provoking moments. The movie wraps up with a feel-good ending. Not every film needs to be a masterpiece; some are simply meant to be enjoyed. I never felt bored during its 1 hour and 33-minute runtime.

Don't be deceived by its low ratings. It's a fun movie that's even more enjoyable when watched alone or with your loved ones.

It's a mixed package of Sci-Fi, Satire, Comedy, and Romance.
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It's actually entertaining
Boristhemoggy4 June 2023
I like Shailene Woodley although she's not renowned for comedy. Jack Whitehall I can take or leave. He's not really that funny. But I love SciFi so I decided to give it a try.

The idea is great. Charles has a robot (C2) which is a mirror image of himself which he uses to work and earn a wage, and take women out on dates until they are ready to have sex, then he takes over.

Elaine also has a mirror image robot (E2) which she allows to date and sleep with men in order to get money and expensive gifts from them without her having to sleep with them.

One night C2 meets E2 and they fall in love and run off together framing Charles and Elaine in a crime, knowing they will be caught having mirror image robots which is illegal.

Still with me?

Onwards to some really silly but funny humour. Whitehall and Woodley actually do have a bit of chemistry together but it's not your usual formulaic romance and there are no gratuitous sex scenes. It's all just silly, plain fun and although Whitehall is a professional comedian, he doesn't take advantage of that in the film and sticks to his character.

I really enjoyed it.
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Enjoyable romantic comedy
fandomfatale2 June 2023
After watching the trailer I expected to like this movie and it turned out to be pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. It's a straightforward story with plenty of laughs. The jokes mostly landed for me, even the silly ones, but that's going to vary from person to person. People are always so hard on comedies but I would take a bad comedy over a good drama most days. But I don't think this is a bad comedy, at worst it's average.

It's foremost a romance, so anyone not looking for a rom-com is watching the wrong movie. But it's a nice alternative to the Hallmark romances churned out by the dozen. Rom-coms involving a begrudging alliance between two people ill-suited to be together who eventually fall in love is one of my favorite tropes. It reminded me of Addicted to Love.
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Tries but misses
boedicia5019 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Long time since I read anything by Robert Sheckley and kudos for adapting one of his stories, but what a mess.

Sub-par acting, zero chemistry between the leads, way too many long shots of the New Mexico landscape (why for crying out loud?) and just generally quite unfunny and awkward.

The robot workers had a mask that looked like it was copied from the classic Primus video Wynona's Big Brown Beaver.

Nonsensical too - at the end they drive to Mexico to a border crossing that is just a hole in the massive newly built wall, but have to get out as concrete bars the way. So the other side they just walk through the desert ? Silly.
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A very good adaptation - silly, yet surprisingly intelligent and well-acted
fung021 May 2023
When I saw Robert Sheckley's name in the credits, I knew right away what I was in for. And that's the best thing about Robots: it's the best cinematic rendition so far of Sheckley's unique mix of SF and satire.

To be sure, that mix may not be to everyone's taste. The main reason is likely to be historical. The story The Robot Who Looked Like Me, upon which the movie Robots is based, dates back to 1978, and is bound to show its age a bit. On the other hand, the basic concept remains fresh and amusing: robot stand-ins being used for devious purposes, thereby bringing out the worst in weak personalities.

The execution isn't perfect. Some gags are side-splitting, others barely worth a giggle. The relationship between the two leads follows an obvious but not entirely believable trajectory. And yet, the movie overall achieves what it sets out to do. It's both funny and thought-provoking, suggesting ways of thinking about 'AI' that may not have occurred to us even as the technology is being deployed around us.

The acting is solid. Shailene Woodley and British comedian Jack Whitehall both do a good job in their double roles - triple, in the case of Woodley). Their 'real' personalities are suitably loathsome and venal. The robot personalities are convincingly genteel and obsequious. And Woodley's bit as a sex-toy version of herself is hilarious.

But what I liked most was that old lunatic feel of Sheckley's writing. He's not the best-remembered author of the SF golden age, perhaps because he took a very different approach. I haven't pulled any of his books off my shelf for many years, but certain passages, certain zany situations, still ring in my mind. It's great to see this kind of material rediscovered and respectfully adapted. I wish Hollywood would get busy adapting more SF classics works for 21st-Century audiences.

(FYI: previous Sheckley adaptations have included The Tenth Victim - La Decima VIttima, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Ursula Andress, and Freejack, starring Mick Jagger. Not great films, but stylish fun.)
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Barely entertaining
G_top20 May 2023
A sci-fi comedy that, while not groundbreaking or original, manages to provide a mildly entertaining experience if you find yourself with nothing better to do. The film stars Jack Whitehall, who may have limited acting chops but brings endearing quality with his puppy eyes.

The story revolves around Charles (played by Jack Whitehall), a womanizer, and Elaine (Shailene Woodley), a gold digger. Their paths collide when they are unexpectedly forced to team up and pursue robot doubles of themselves. It is through this unlikely partnership that they begin to get to know each other better.

Unfortunately, "Robots" falls short in terms of originality. The concept of robot lookalikes and AI discovering their humanity has been explored in countless other films before. As a result, the storyline is predictable and lacks the element of surprise. The jokes and comedic moments are also hit-and-miss, with some landing well while others fall flat.

Despite these shortcomings, the film does have its moments. Jack Whitehall's charm and likability shine through, making his character relatable and engaging. While his acting skills may be limited, he manages to bring a level of sweetness to the role that keeps the audience rooting for him. Shailene Woodley delivers a decent performance as well, although her character has a more limited role.

Ultimately, "Robots" is a watchable movie if you're in the mood for a lighthearted sci-fi comedy and don't have high expectations. It won't leave a lasting impact or be remembered as a standout film in the genre, but it can provide some amusement for a lazy afternoon or a casual movie night. Just don't expect anything groundbreaking or particularly original, and you may find yourself mildly entertained by the end.
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Its funny if your looking for something to watch when hung over or craving stupid
ericadunstan-3021121 May 2023
This is long from being original, But i look at this movie through the lense of someone that knows how much effort goes into all the different aspects of making a film. Its full of horrible offensive cliches but they're still funny if you are beyond caring about every single thing that offends. I think maybe they are going for the so bad its good satire. I like how they play on their own pretension's of being a rich white folks that are privileged and a vain. We're getting really honest about where things come from, how horrible doing life is sometimes and that robots are probably better than humans at many of the mundane soul destroying tasks we need to do in life.

Its harsh to say as I understand how much effort goes into acting, writing, cinematography, set designs, etc etc etc.

But for all you equally entitled folks (yes I am also sitting here participating) that dont see how much work there is to making movies, this is great for when you are feeling the need for brain dead viewing, hungover, tired craving some stupid to feel good about the world through escapism.
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Ridiculous characters and acting
sherurtruth29 December 2023
The story is out there and that is OK but the main male character and his friend's acting was awful. The main female actress was better but wasn't great either. I know my opinions of robots are not common but no matter what, a movie should be entertaining and this one definitely was not. The main character's half brother and the sheriff were also very badly written and that was unacceptable. A bunch of people in a silly story doing and saying ridiculous things was absolutely pathetic, I will need to write down the name of the writers, director, and producers to NEVER watch anything by them again.
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Clever and witty, but well disguised
ayoreinf1 June 2023
What we have here seems like a silly sci-fi romcom, it even works as such. But upon closer inspection you'll realize most of the jokes are aimed not at the characters on screen but rather at us, the viewers. The characters themselves are well written and well performed cartoons with single characteristic driving each of them, not with a fully developed character, they should have if they're to pass as relatable humans. Which means - what we're watching is in-fact a satire not a romcom. But since satire is often confused with comedy and comedy does sell better, it does make sense to disguise it as a silly rom-com.

Do have a closer look, you'll see the point is our never-ending quest for leisurely carefree living with as little regard as possible to anyone but us. So what would happen if we did get robots to do all our dirty jobs. What if we could build them to look exactly like us. Yes that would be illegal but when did the law stop anyone with enough money from breaching it. So this "what's if", is the starting point of this very clever movie. I won't tell you any more on the plot. Ill only mention the single major fault of this movie - a forced ending meant to suite its rom-com disguise. I'd rate it much higher without this forced end. Still, it's a fun clever movie worth your time.
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How to use AI & robotics for love
flashlightreview20 May 2023
We live in a time where body double robots can do the tedious legwork until a relationship gets serious. Even office work, board meetings and more can be handled by a robot.

Modern era catfishing is not only funny, but also very similar to everyday dating woes.

The movie combines romance, comedy, technology and a refreshing view into the future of humanity.

While the depicted storyline isn't reality as of today - we are also not that far away from it.

Only time will tell whether the intrinsic situations of this movie will come true.

Knowing humans, some of them might do it.

A great movie set in Los Angeles.
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It's just bad in every way imaginable
zack_gideon20 May 2023
I don't know, the concept is kind of cool. Having a robot version of yourself is interesting, but would make for a longer series and not a patch work comedy. But besides that, the film itself is poorly constructed in every way imaginable. I'm surprised Woodley took this role, considering she is so talented. Maybe once they started, they couldn't turn back and she regrets it now.

The script seems to be missing a lot of scenes that could tie together some of the non-sensical events as they unfold. The entire thing just feels plastic and rushed. The comedy is also just not really funny, besides a few one line jokes.

Also, they make some pretty crude sex jokes about cloned robots and things that are just off putting and not funny at all. Like the eye poking and Googly eyes and stuff is such a low grade attempt at trying to be being funny to whom? Kids? Kids should not watch this movie.

The entire thing is a mess from start to finish and I guarantee anyone who paid money to watch this in theaters will feel ripped off. 3/10.
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Not a bad green screen double movie
matt-2763411 June 2023
Shailene Woodley and Jack Whitehall star as womanizer Charles and gold digger Elaine, whose robot stand ins fall in love and steal their identities. Adventure, road trip and chaos ensues from there on, as they realize they have to do the work themselves instead of relying on their robots.

Casting wise, both leads are good, although I feel the movie would have been a lot more successful if A listers were cast instead (nothing against Shailene and Jack though).

Seeing Shailene in the "hot bitchy girl role felt like a strange choice for her, as she usually chooses more gritty dramas lately, but I'd happily see more of Shailene in this type of role in the future. Jack Whitehall is funny and charming as ever and I look forward to seeing more big films from him. Check out his Netflix comedy special if you're looking for more laughs.

Overall, it's an enjoyable and inoffensive film, with some funny scenes and clever dialogue.

One of the better green screen double films I've seen in recent years.
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Electronic Lovebirds
cahidi29 May 2023
Both Charles and Elaine had robot doubles to handle their own personal objectives. Elaine used her double to steal money from cheaters while Charles used his to have fun with multiple women. One fated day, their plans went south and their robot doubles fled them. They had to team up to find their robot doubles to avoid prison sentence for having robot doubles illegally.

This is the most unusual rom-com I've ever watched. But it's actually pretty good, I kinda like it. It's funny, entertaining, at some parts heart warming. At first I thought that it's gonna tell us the robot doubles' romance. But it turned out to be much more.
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No story development. Horrible.
AuVid20 May 2023
This is based on a short story from the 70's. It is no wonder it does not work.

You know those late night soft-core movies you used to see at 2AM, on which mostly everyone involved probably said about the plot: "why even bother?". This is just as bad.

The script is so badly adapted and developed that you almost feel sorry for the screenwriters.

The only reason you don't outright abandon the movie is just out of curiosity: "can this get any worse?", you think to yourself.

This is the 1st movie I see with Jack Whitehall and he is pure garbage. Zero ability to act.

Poor Shailene probably didn't know this before signing up for this mess. On the other hand, someone who was engaged to Aaron Rodgers for a whole year, well...
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an uninspired result born out of a clever premise
Special-K8817 June 2023
Elaine, a superficial gold digger who's the living antithesis of Ms. Perfect, and Charles, a skeezy womanizer who's the living antithesis of Mr. Right, seemingly hit it off, but nothing good can happen when a gold digger meets a womanizer as it turns out that each of them has a robot double at their disposal. Not only is this illegal, but then their facsimiles--aptly named E2 and C2--decide to ditch their lives of obedience and elope. Such real promise is totally squandered away by a lack of momentum, plus all the emphasis on petty and unfunny bickering, along with repeatedly dangling, nonsensical plot threads. So many of the lines flop and die, and the talents of Whitehall and Woodley are pigeonholed by a script that does very little to realize its full comic potential, which really is too bad. **
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Fun evening viewing
alanfisher200114 October 2023
What a nice , light hearted, fun movie. As someone who's fed up with CGI and endless killing its nice to see a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

It's daft but in a fun way, as a Brit, Can totally identify with Whitehall and his way of acting and goofy speech etc. Of course there are loads of plot holes and the whole thing is totally unreasonable but in a daft film you can get away with it, if it was a thriller , we would be throwing our slippers at the television.

Woodley doesn't really have the looks to be the ideal woman he pursues but I guess he is no Brad Pitt either, so they are probably well matched. Came away thoroughly enjoying the film due to Whitehall and his dry delivery.
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What a disaster
elenaphysics23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The idea was interesting but it was totally destroyed by The horrible jokes The idiotic characters The lack of a scenario It all feels like a horrible homemade movie. Nothing in the movie makes you laugh, or cry.

It is a shameful movie. Everyone participating in this should be ashamed of themselves.

I do not know what gave me such a drive to watch it until the painful ending Spoiler Alert: the actual ending of the movie is the weirdo "fat ninja" who is illiterate and brags about getting a job after sucking a guy in the toilets.

This is how painful it was.

Pls do not watch it. Do not waste time or money to watch this monstrosity.
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Good background movie, decent chemistry
gardynbean-104-2693247 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm actually only writing this review because even tho the chemistry was fine and believable, the onscreen kiss between the love interests is extremely g-rated and passionless / Hallmark movie level pecking. The story was pretty easy to call about 10 minutes in, but nice to have playing if you're doing other work and want some background noise that you haven't seen yet.

There's a character minimum requirement of 600, so never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around, and hurt you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
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Don't feel bad if you missing.
jimcrighton13 July 2023
The story had potential, but was poorly written. It is ridiculous that Charles has an English accent and his father doesn't. He is supposed to be in real estate, but doesn't work, spends 10s of thousands. So search a little further. I like Jack Whitehall, but this is poorly cast, should have made it a British cast , had Jack Whitehall speak with an American accent, or cast an American. Just not what they have done here. I have seen the same producers making the same types of errors and yet cannot figure out why their products get such horrible reviews. The idea of having to use a certain number of characters to review here is certainly a way to make a review boring.
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Silly, undemanding but well done & funny sci-fi rom-com
danieljfarthing31 May 2023
In silly sci-fi rom-com "Robots", set 10yrs from now in New England, Jack Whitehall (terrific) & Shailene Woodley (surprisingly bright) both use illegal robot (duh) doubles to woo unsuspecting strangers - he to set up for sex, and she to fleece for $$ & gifts (while the double does the sex)... but when their two robots accidentally meet, they fall in love, which wholly threatens their masters' cushy lives (and freedom). With its snappy 'laddish' writing (from Anthony Hines & Casper Christensen (who make their debuts as co-directors here too btw)) and fresh performances (inc Paul Jurewicz in support) it may be daft and undemanding, but is still well done and certainly funny.
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silly but enjoyable
barcamanal5 October 2023
While Sharliene's performance is a shining beacon in this cinematic tale, the same cannot be said for the lead actor. His portrayal leaves much to be desired and, unfortunately, is a significant drawback to an otherwise engaging movie. The character he embodies, central to the film's plot, is portrayed with a level of detestability that, at times, becomes challenging to separate from the actor himself. It's unclear whether this is a testament to the actor's skill in immersing himself in the role or if there's a fundamental lack of nuance in his performance.

The character in question is meant to evoke a sense of ambiguity and complexity, but instead, the actor's interpretation leads to a strong aversion. Whether intentional or not, the result is a character that the audience loves to hate, but in a way that leaves a bitter aftertaste. While a certain degree of disdain for a character can enhance a movie, the challenge here lies in distinguishing whether it's the character or the actor's execution that elicits such a strong negative reaction.
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BEYOND CRINGE INDUCING! Poor Shailene Woodley.. I'm so embarrassed for her!!
naturenomad23 May 2023
From the poorly and I mean poorly opening jab at Trump and his supporters ( I hate trump ) this was sooooo painfully bad and I might just throw a vote at him in 2024 to the badly comedic timing of every frame and every scene, this was by far one of the worst movies I've seen in EONS! Not sure how they signed a once talented bright star like Shailene on this role but I venture to guess her bills needed to be paid. Everyone involved should be embarrassed. There were scenes that get suddenly chopped off and lead to the next without rhyme or reason.

The director has no concept of timing or flow. He directs this movie like he took some cheap bottom of the barrel CBD sleep gummies and was in some haze. The concept was great but the execution was non existent. Avoid this like the second the sixth coming of Covid in your nightmares. It's the worst film so far of 2023!
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Once more with a feeling
kosmasp4 June 2024
Or no feelings? Can robots feel anything? Well probably not yet or at this moment of time, so no pun intended. The movie starts off with a riff on President Trump - hey don't hate or love me because of the choice of the movie. It does not say it is him, but it is more than crystal clear.

Not sure why it chose to do so - or if you feel it does have much of an impact on the movie (yes there is the end, but ... this could have been handled differently for sure) ... whatever the case, I can't be mad at the movie that has Ms Woodley starring in it. Well I sort of can I suppose, but not in this case. I am not heartless - well certainly not like some are in this movie - see title for a hint.

That all said, the movie is quite funny and has some interesting ideas ... I reckon there is some social commentary too - if you really look for it and care ... fun and light ... if this floats your boat (over the border)
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