The Irregulars (TV Series 2021) Poster

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True To The Graphic Novels
tmorsen27 March 2021
As mentioned in another comment, this series is based on a graphic novel and as such if you go into watching this expecting a straight up, familiar Sherlock Holmes story or even go into watching it hoping it'll be a new Supernatural of sorts, then yes, you will be disappointed. However with that said, since I did enjoy reading through those graphic novels as a teen prior to this show being made, I did enjoy it very much. Is it perfect? Of course not. But nothing is ever necessarily perfect for everybody. Could the music be better? Absolutely, though I also found it to help kind of redefine the life of the older and infused it with the new. No TV series or movies based on any literature are going to be 100% of what you hoped for after reading them. But this was a pretty good start. It's worth the chance as long as you give it a fair one and leave your expectations for preconceived notions about what you think it'll be at the door. Simply enjoy the experience.
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It's based off of a graphic novel
jordanmoorebhadye26 March 2021
For anyone who is moaning and is unaware this show is based off of a graphic novel called the Baker Street irregulars. As someone who read the stories when I was younger I'd thought this was a great take on them and the mix of modern music and references is very much how the graphic novel was intended.
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I don't understand the low ratings
mirithepotato26 March 2021
It reminds me of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, A Knight's Tale, and a hint of Sherlock Holmes. Either way, it's entertaining as a postmodern show.
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It's a good series!
Nicole24426 March 2021
I honestly don't understand the hate for this show. It's entertaining, with good visuals and plot. It has mistery, supernatural, and a mix between historic London with modern elements in production (e.g. Music). Without comparing it to any other show, this is binge-watching worthy.

Stop giving hate online just cause you have access to internet and can type crap from a keyboard. Respect the work that has been put in this show (and any show in general), and don't take away the interest of others from it. Target audience might be indeed young adults, but as an adult I still find this pretty entertaining. :)
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Unfair bad reviews
khjtzanvms28 March 2021
I can see this is not everyone's choice in shows, however I don't think it deserves the bad reviews.
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The Baker Street Regulars Vs The 2021 Irregulars.
Sleepin_Dragon10 April 2021
Ok, I'll be honest, I didn't like episode one, and I nearly quit, leaving a poor review, however...

Give it a chance, and you may be surprised. I am a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to Sherlock Holmes, I like authenticity, and I expected this to follow suit, it doesn't, so don't go in expecting authenticity.

Does it look like Victorian London? Never in a million years, and who is this series aimed at? At a push I would say early to mid teens with an enjoyment for the macabre, at times it does feel like a teen drama.

However it is beautifully made, exciting, macabre, and it's interesting to see what the writers do with our beloved Baker Street Regulars, you will love or hate them, they're certainly different.

It gets better mid way through the series, and when to get a few more of the regulars, it feels more familiar, I got more out of it.

Stick with it, it's worth it in the end, 7/10.
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It's called fiction
aharris6928 March 2021
To all the people attacking this series for lack of historical accuracy or against woke, IT'S FICTION. Sherlock Holmes and Watson were not real. For what it is I enjoyed it. Not great, not bad.

If you want to get upset try the new Anne Boleyn drama. Now she definitely wasn't black. This is where things have gone mad.
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Made it 15 Minutes...
cynchick71-411-4747551 April 2021
Here's the thing about fiction: people will willingly suspend their disbelief about the existence of magic, monsters, mythical beasts, gods and demons, superheroes etc. That's the point of fantasy, to accept and embrace the fantastical. But people are NOT so willing to accept absurdity within the context of our actual defined reality. If you're going to have a story set within Victorian London, it needs to at least attempt to resemble Victorian London, and NOT just with pretty costumes and set pieces. When every character speaks and behaves in ways that a person of that time would never think to say it's anachronistic doesn't begin to cover it. The dialogue could have been straight out of Riverdale.

I usually give a bad show at least through the first episode, but I couldn't do it this time. My impression (first and last) is that this show is only cosplaying Victorian England, an old-timey set dressing to facilitate yet another teenage drama. Fans of Sherlock Holmes and/or period pieces will probably not like this show.
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Quirky and different
hzgvgnt26 March 2021
This is Victorian London with a modern twist and I like it. Plays on all the supernatural guff that so obsessed the Victorians and gives a nod to Sherlock-style mysteries. Don't expect a period drama and don't expect a detective story. It's a bunch of people investigating supernatural shenanigans. Suspend disbelief and just enjoy it for what it is.
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Good entertainment.
meliz28 March 2021
Dont be fooled by the bad reviews. Sure its not for everyone. Its a mix of His Dark materials, meeting the Magicians with a touch of The Illusionist and The greatest showman, sprinkled with a dash of Discovery of witches.

I enjoyed that the music was modern and didnt 'fit in'. Tbh the soundtrack is pretty decent.

Acting alright. A bit of cliche here and there but overall entertaining. And thats what you want, right?

I am hopping for a season 2.
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The music, please!
silmeimes27 March 2021
Me as a Cinema addict, I believe that the music can make a whole difference in a production.

This series could have had a lot of potential if it wasnt for the bad choice of soundtrack, that destroyed the mystery atmosphere, which was essential for the genre and plot.

Just because the characters are young, it doesnt mean that they need to be followed by millenial music along the story.

Those characters deserve respect. They deserve a proper soundtrack to lead them along the mystery of the series.

This production could be so much better......
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Based on graphic novel not Conan Doyle's work!
dklecan29 March 2021
Once u accept that premise, it's a great show. Everyone loved the Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes version, where his use of internet helped solve the murders. Why can't everyone accept a group of diverse teens doing likewise using their skills in Victorian England to solve them?

One of my guilty pleasures is Sean Connery in a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The Irregulars reminds me of this. Forget your ingrain knowledge of Sherlock Holmes, sit back and enjoy this plucky group of teens as they try to climb out of the soul sucking life of Victorian England and solve several mysteries plus the main overarching one.

Unlike the yucky angst of most CW teen show, these kids, led by the amazing main character of Bea, work together to solve not only the mysteries provided to them by the enigmatic Dr. Holmes, but the crazy relationship between Holmes and Watson and their connection with these two men.

Look at the title, The Irregulars, because this show is about them with Sherlock merely playing a pivotal, but minor flawed role. Grab snacks and just enjoy the Irregulars, cause it is a fun, mysterious, horror stream-worthy show.
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Do people not know the difference between fact and fiction?
patericoguevara27 March 2021
Seems that people calling this show woke are unaware that Mr Holmes is in fact fictional. Seems everyone with a education doesn't mind the show at all. It's an OK show to binge on the weekend. It's fun. What more do you want? It's decent. If you're a normal human being and Sci-fi period pieces are your thing, you'll probably enjoy it, to an extent.
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Interesting concepts, poor execution.
Jude198728 March 2021
I love detective and supernatural stories, and I am easily bought with a little intrigue and thrill, but this show has neither, and I blame the writers.

Sure, the performance of the actors is not great, but they can only do so much when the script is so terrible.

Some comments suggest that people don't like it because they don't know the source material and come in with the wrong expectations. I don't believe that to true, at least not in my case.

Throughout the watch, when I wasn't cringing at the the dialogues, I was annoyed by the many plot holes that stop me from enjoying pretty much anything. And the editing and music aren't good either, especially the music, seriously, why?

I am on the last episode, and I don't recommend this show to anyone.
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Give it a chance
Manraviel27 March 2021
I know that the language and music are chock full of anachronisms. But that doesn't bother me. This is not the first show to introduce anachronisms to tell a story to a more modern audience and it won't be the last. Also, the detractors seem to think that Sherlock Holmes and Co. Have been needlessly included in this supernatural story. That is a fair criticism if you are deeply wedded to the idea of the Sherlock Holmes ACD dreamed up. But there have been SO many versions of the SH character that considering that as a criticism does not hold much water any more.

So did I like the show? Yes. The cast was good with decent acting from most of them. The reveals and mysteries were interesting to hold my attention. The monsters of the week actually made me care about them.

I say give it a chance. But please leave your preconceived notions about what a story involving Sherlock Holmes and that era should be like, and just enjoy the ride.
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Gammons go crazy in the review section
sammothehud27 March 2021
Certain people need to look up British History, especially Black and Chinese Victorians. Trust me, The British Library and Google is your friend.

Learn something new today!!
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Average YA fantasy series (not for adults)
Thinker36527 March 2021
Had to give this a watch based on its reviews.

It's a FANTASY series set in Victorian London (a fact which seems to have been missed by many reviewers). It is very reminiscent of family friendly BBC TV series of the nineties and noughties, a bit of a mash-up of everything, so I wouldn't consider this a new phenomenon; it is very much early Saturday evening viewing aimed at the kids, but parents can watch if so inclined.

Unfortunately, I fall outside that category, and even back then, it wouldn't have been what I'd go for. It is a little bit hammy and a little bit cheesy, but it has always been that way - typical family friendly BBC fare but now on Netflix.

The level of vitriol contained in many of the reviews is nonsensical. As I've said, it is a fantasy series, and watchers are requiring it be authentic and historically accurate (as if kids watching this are looking for an object lesson on the etiquette and behaviour of Victorian London, and its absence may leave them confused).

These points would be laughable if not so dangerously stupid. Holmes and Watson are FICTIONAL characters in the public domain (and new writers can do whatever they like with them), and let's be honest, if Robert Downey Jr. Can play Holmes, then anyone can play anything.

Won't be watching past the 2nd episode, but again, this is aimed at kids and likely won't have much crossover appeal for most. Therefore, I am rating it with that in mind (also, I think the lead girl, Bea, and Watson, are two of the better/more interesting characters, particularly Bea. On Watson, Lucy Liu, played Watson, as an Asian-American woman for nearly a decade, pretty well too, notwithstanding the quality of the show - I hope she didn't get this much flack!).

You'll know by the end of the 1st episode whether it is a series to suit your sensibilities (but even if it doesn't, if you are an ADULT, have pause; this wasn't made for you, and even in the past, this still wouldn't have been made for you - It is for kids).
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Victorian England It's Not
gbkimberley26 March 2021
I tried, I really did. But this badly written, poorly acted and unrealistically set piece of twaddle, had me cringing and rolling my eyes far too many times in the first episode to make me want to watch any more. It doesn't even feel like it's set in Victorian England. It feels more like some lame attempt at a steampunk version of a school play. Another miss for Netflix.
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I like it
deznii26 March 2021
A few episodes in and I'm enjoying it.. It may be a teenage thing but I'm 52 and looking forward to watching more..
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Netfix keeps on making more Original garbage
TrioHaydos27 March 2021
This is definitely one of the worst shows I have ever watched... Avoid it like a plague. There really isn't anything else I want to say to justify my reaction.
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Bonkers- but an entertaining binge watch.
agnabeya1 April 2021
It's not Sherlock. At all. I'd say it was more aimed at 16 year olds. A mix of the misfits crossed with ghostbusters. I don't know if I'd watch it again- but as entertaining hokum-it was just fine.
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Quite bad
TheTubeNeverWorks28 March 2021
The trailer looked good, but once you start watching you quickly realise the show has no substance whatsoever. The music clashes with the period the show is supposed to represent, and actors aren't doing a good job to represent the feel of Victorian London either. The way they "banter" amongst themselves feels like a bunch of A-level kids from 2021 decided to have themselves a themed dress-up party rather than a period drama.

Ah yes, I also don't like the main female character, I guess she is is supposed to walk the tropes of the "Independent Woman" and "The Leader" archetypes, but instead she rubbed off as being boorish, vulgar and extremely rude. As I was watching her I couldn't help but keep thinking of the fact that people bursting with such amounts of insolence would get totally destroyed in 19 century society.
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Better than most of the reviews say!
steve-164-36232028 March 2021
Saying something isn't historically accurate, when a show is dealing with a Sherlock Holmes universe and supernatural is completely idiotic. The show is fun, entertaining and something different. Most of the characters have an arc that is quite interesting and while some of the back story of some of the characters is a bit too much, overall it is okay. Each episode is a story in of itself and continues the narrative. Criticizing a show or fans of the show for being "woke", says more about you and less about the show, it is supposed to be fun entertainment not a documentary about London in the late 1800's.
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Enjoyable and rated artificially low by trolls
hbabcock_2827 March 2021
I enjoyed the different take on the characters. Definitely had some strong YA moments, but overall enjoyable. The supernatural elements likely would have pleased Sir ACD, as a fervent believer in the supernatural himself.

Apparently some people see a person of colour on screen and go all weak in the knees. Give your head a shake. London, as a port city and center of an Empire, was much more diverse in the past than the bedsheet crowd would have you believe.

But, if my valid historical argument doesn't sway you, then... This is clearly intended to be entertainment, not history, unless I missed the "murder birds" segment of my 'British History from 1851-1914' course. But every time certain people see a lead of colour on screen they decide it's 'forced wokeness' or some rubbish and rate it low. If you can't look past a character's race on screen, there are bigger issues for you then a show about street urchins working for Holmes and Watson.
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A Bad Show
alindsayal23 December 2021
It has taken me a bit longer then I expected but I finished the show The Irregulars and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is set in Victorian London and sees a group of teenagers have to work for Holmes and Watson to stop paranormal threats.

Main Character There is a group of teenagers but the main two that are focused on are sisters Bea played by Thaddea Graham & Jessie played by Darci Shaw. They are okay together, there were certain times that the two of them seemed to show genuine care and affection for each other but they don't last long enough. The show forces weak conflict between the two of them and I didn't really care about either of there individual plots or characters and that is obviously a big issue.

Supporting Characters The rest of the teenage group do nothing for me, you've got Spike the comedy relief, Billy the tough guy and Leo the odd one out. There characters are cliché and the actors are not good enough in their roles to make you care or interested. Billy and Leo have pretty big side plots but they are just not interesting enough and the biggest criticism is that I never felt like these characters truly cared about each other and were only together because this is a TV show. Royce Pierreson plays Watson and he gets more screen time then Holmes and he is functional, but this is a big chance wasted in my opinion. They try and make Watson more mysterious and dark and that could have worked but the script isn't good enough to deliver on these ideas. Henry Lloyd-Hughes plays Sherlock Holmes and honestly I hated this interpretation of the character, I know we have seen a few Holmes on the screen but this one doesn't work. He lacks charm, charisma and just intelligence all what I expect from the character and this drugged out loser is far from what I wanted. There are some decent actors like Clarke Peters and Rory McCann but their roles are quite weak and don't play into the story enough.

Story The story is all over the place and the issue is that it plays a bit like a show that is a weekly show. For the first half of the season it is very much a case of the week type of show with the group investigating different monsters. But with the whole season dropping at once makes it feels so repetitive and they cases aren't that interesting. The overall plot doesn't work either with a lack of heart or emotion to it and the finale doesn't hit the levels that it should.

Script The script isn't very good either. The drama doesn't do enough to make you care about the majority of the characters and that is the biggest killer for the show. The humour is forced and not funny which makes it awkward and the show just lacks depth and intrigue.

Style The style of the show has some decent backdrops and Victorian London does look pretty good and there are some fun action set pieces. But the show is just boring, it is slowly paced and that is a large reason why it took me so long to finish it. There could have been 6 episodes and the show would have been a bit better as there may have been less wasted side plots.

Overall Overall, The Irregulars is a bad show. It lacks any intrigue and uniqueness to make it stand out from the crowd with a cast that don't offer much. I can't see a huge future for this show and I would say avoid this show as there are very few redeeming qualities.

Rating - 2/10.
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