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Further Viewings
rmax30482311 June 2004
What a wacky plot. Broderick is hired to convey illegally imported endangered species by Brando, playing Carmine ("Jimmy the Toucan") Sabatini, in order to provide million-dollar-a-plate dinners for a bunch of international degenerates who revel in eating forbidden fruit, or in this instance lizards. It's the kind of plot you dream up while sitting around all night half-gassed with a couple of buddies who have a good sense of the absurd.

Broderick is Clark Kellog (whom Sabatini calls "Kent"), a naif just in from Vermont to attend film school at NYU. Sabatini is the "importer" he works for and a ringer for "The Godfather." (The original was almost a self parody.) Those are the principal roles and Broderick handles the role of straight man, being sucked into a Mafia-like existence, competently. Brando is unforgettable. He tried one or two comedies before and they tanked, but he's a winner here, cracking walnuts in his fist, weeping with emotion as he embraces his new employee.

But it's not just the relationship between Clark and Sabatini that's amusing. It's also just about everything in between, including what we see of the film school, where the professor assigns seven hundred dollars worth of his own books as required reading, and is working on a paper that will combine -- what was it? -- Plato, Marx, and semiotics in a deconstruction of "The Godfather", or something equally insane? Maximilian Schell is a much under-rated or unnoticed actor. He consistently turns in riveting performances but has never achieved major stardom. It doesn't matter whether it's drama ("Judgment at Nurenberg"), comedy thrillers ("Topkapi"), or, as in this case, comedy. He never fails to bring something extra to the role. His first entrance here knocks the whole situation askew. Clark has enlisted a fellow student to help him carry this giant lizard (Varanus komodoensis -- they pronounce the specific name wrong) and a bearded sunglassed Schell ambles into the scene during the delivery, fondling a ferret, looks up with a big smile, and says, "Sabatini said one boy.... Here are two!" Clark runs through his explanation while Schell listens politely before replying, "Sabatini said one boy.... Here are two!" He says it a third time before ambling off. That's ALL he says.

I've seen this about three times since I first commented on it and, although this is anything but a "deep" movie, I've continually found things, mostly jokes, that I'd missed earlier. I must give a few examples.

Never before had I noticed some particular details in the scene in which Brando cracks the walnuts. I had just seen him cracking walnuts. More recently I've noticed that in this scene Brando, apparently dead serious, tells Broderick that he wants him to accept the job offer. "I don't want to hear 'no', I want to hear 'yes.'" And that, immediately after these lines, while Broderick is pondering an answer, Brando picks up TWO walnuts, rolls them in his palm, and slowly but noisily CRACKS them.

And another of the many allusions to "The Godfather" finally registered on my interpretive apparatus. As the end credits begin to roll, Broderick and Brando are taking the monitor for a walk through the cornfields in long shot. And we can hear Brando's voice offering Broderick some career assistance. "Y'know, Clark, when you get out to Hollywood, maybe I can help you." "No, please." "It wouldn't take much. Just a few phone calls." "NO!" "I could kick open a few doors for you." The penny finally dropped and I could see Brando arranging to have a lopped-off horse head planted in some producer's bed.

Just a few other points. One is that the score owes something to "The Stunt Man." Another is that Brando seems so perfectly comfortable in this self parody. He seems to be genuinely enjoying himself. His body language is exquisite. He lolls around in his chair, sticks his tongue in his cheek (literally), waves his hands, shrugs, and does everything else flawlessly. Sometimes his whiskery voice gets away from the Don Corleone model. I don't think Vito Corleone would be so indignant when talking about Polaroid and IBM on the phone. "I told you before, Charlie, I don't LIKE it when they go DOWN. Listen. I had another stock broker once and he only called me with bad news. It got very UNPLEASANT, Charlie, y'unnerstand me?"

And anyone who thinks of the later Brando as a bloated hypocrite who has lost whatever acting chops he once had should take another look at the scene in which he visits Broderick in the college dorm room. Broderick, at Brando's own request, recites a poem written by his father, a rather elliptical one, and Brando's character picks it up immediately -- "Ah, the cat." And the discussion about Curious George. And Brando's momentary melancholy as he looks around the college dorm, an environment as alien to him as the planet Neptune, shrugs and comments, "Well, I didn't miss nuthin'." It isn't funny. It's touching.

I thought this movie was very funny and quite original, considering the stale material it was sending up, and I still think so. Two years' worth of additional viewings hasn't changed things. You must see it, if only to hear Bert Parks sing "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more."
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The Freshman (1990)
fntstcplnt7 August 2019
Directed by Andrew Bergman. Starring Matthew Broderick, Marlon Brando, Penelope Ann Miller, Bruno Kirby, Frank Whaley, Maximilian Schell, Paul Benedict, Jon Polito, Richard Gant, Kenneth Welsh, BD Wong. (PG)

NYU student Broderick, almost literally "straight off the bus," finds himself entangled in the business of Carmine Sabatini, who happens to look and act an awful lot like Vito Corleone from "The Godfather" (and happens to be played by Marlon Brando). Enjoyable comedy starts out as a sparkling winner, and despite losing its way a bit in the second half with twists/secrets that tarnish the spontaneity and wryness of those early scenes, emerges as a very amusing and very likable comedy. Unexpectedly genteel considering all the criminal insinuations one would expect; rather than deal with the standard Mafia-style larceny & thuggery business, it instead centers on the smuggling (and worse) of endangered animals. Nice turns from the entire cast, especially shifty Kirby (whose presence is all-too-diminished in the last act) and loopy Brando, who could have easily botched the parody but instead inspires smiles pretty much every time he's onscreen. Not a classic, but still an undervalued gem.

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Brando parodies The Godfather in this oddball crime dramedy
Wuchakk28 May 2015
"The Freshman" (1990) stars Matthew Broderick as a freshman film school student in New York City. Desperate for money, he's hired by the local Godfather-type who just so happens to look and act exactly like Vito Corleone from the famous '72 Coppola film, probably because the character is played by the inimitable Marlon Brando. Penelope Ann Miller plays the daughter of the Mafia don, Bruno Kirby a fast-talking con and Maximilian Schell a curious chef of exotic foods.

This is a unique crime dramedy, which I found okay on my initial viewing, but liked better on my second, probably because I utilized the subtitles and could make out Brando's mumbling dialogue. Broderick was still in his 20s and shines as the wide-eyed protagonist, but Brando naturally steals the show. It's not great, but it's amusing enough and wins points for its peculiarities, like the komodo dragon.

The film runs 102 minutes and was shot in New York City and Ontario.

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The Film Professor
tedg23 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

I really appreciate what Brando has done for film. I rank him with the greats for inventing how we dream: with Welles, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Kubrick. He brought to film a style of acting that revolutionized film acting: the technique of adding an extra dimension of the actor's person to that of the character.

His `Streetcar' was a revolution, and if he stopped there still would have mattered. But he ran out of directors that knew how to challenge him. So he shifted gears and came up with the `Godfather' approach. Here he added a third dimension. He played an actor playing a character who is playing a role. Everything in that film took its operatic tone from Brando's bold innovation.

What to do next? Add another dimension or two of course. He doesn't care about the story, or whether the director knows his stuff, or even whether the picture is good. He only cares about his own quest. So we have here Brando playing the model of the Godfather role, while playing the role as a metarole. The story -- such as it is -- involves a beginner at film school, and a huge con. It actually contains the line: `there are so many levels to this thing, you can't imagine.' It features a poem about a man in a yellow hat and a doorway on Boylston Street, about roles, illusions and memory.

If you forget about the film (a pleasurable feast which is not what it seems) and focus on what Brando is actually doing, you'll be treated to a work of genius. His next project along these lines was the `Demarco' project which deals more directly with actors acting roles that invent realities that other actors and their characters can enter. The intelligent Mr. Depp. I can think of only a small handful of actors that even care what this is all about. Broderick is nearly one: too bad for us he can't build a life in film and retreats to the stage instead. (Penelope is only here because she was his girlfriend.)

Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 4: Worth watching.
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Fresh or Ripe?
hitchcockthelegend16 November 2014
The Freshman is a sort of comedy drama sprinkled with self aware barbs at film analysis. It's a great opportunity to see Marlon Brando relaxed and fully playing up the self-parody angle. Plot finds Matthew Broderick as Clark Kellog, a film student arriving in New York who through unfortunate circumstances ends up working for a man who is not too dissimilar from Don Corleone!

Writer and director Andrew Bergman spoofs the Mafia via screwball scenarios and satirical scripting, though the latter is done to death and grows tiresome at the mid-point. Penelope Anne Miller and B.D. Wong get choice support roles and deliver the goods, in fact the casting across the board is spot on, and the tech credits are firmly in the plus column. It's all pleasantly executed and moves along at a brisk pace, but a little less satire and more straight laced character comedy wouldn't have gone amiss. 6/10
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Ferris Bueller meets The Godfather!
MovieAddict201629 February 2004
A nice self-referential comedy about a first-year film student in New York City who gets involved with an "importer" (Marlon Brando) who turns out to be a Mafia kingpin.

This is probably the only opportunity you will ever get to see Marlon Brando (whose ego is as large as his stomach) poke fun at his own image, which was created back in 1972 with "The Godfather."

Here Brando essentially plays Don Vito Corlone, and everyone knows it, and it works. Sometimes it's like watching a comedy sequel to the trilogy.

My only wish? That Robert De Niro had appeared in a small cameo. (Trivia note: De Niro and Brando are the only two actors to ever achieve Oscars for playing the same characters.)

Also, Bruno Kirby is in this. Bruno Kirby was in "The Godfather Part II," which starred Robert De Niro as Vito Corlone, who Brando played in the original.

Talk about coincidental links.

3/5 stars.

  • John Ulmer
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Clever Comedy.
AaronCapenBanner27 September 2013
Mathew Broderick plays Clark Kellogg, a first-year film college student in New York who has his luggage stolen by a small-time crook. This leads him to importer/exporter Carmine Sabatini(Marlon Brando) who looks uncannily like a certain Godfather Don from a 1972 film... Carmine uses this to enlist Clark into his employment, involving transporting some slippery Komodo Dragons(!) and then helping out in a fancy restaurant, where an elaborate plan to fool Carmine's enemies is to be played out.

Clever comedy has an appealing cast and a very knowing sense of humor regarding Marlon Brando(playing Sabatini) being recognized as resembling that "actor" who starred in that famous mafia movie, and using it to his advantage. Otherwise this film is rather slight, but still quite funny.
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the kiss of all kisses....
FlashCallahan8 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I think i'm missing the point with this movie.

Yes, it's great to see Brando on the screen once more in 'Godfather' mode, but it all stinks of blatant cash in to me.

The story is your typical fish out of water scenario. Broderick plays new student who loses everything within ten minutes of being in New York, gets offered a job by Brando, and there is a massive racket going on involving endangered species dinner parties (yes, really).

it has it's moments, there are some funny lines from Kirby and Whaley, but the main stars really have little to do, apart from re-enact previous roles (Corleone and Bueller respectively).

it's not a bad film by any means, but they could have improved the script and the story a little, and made it a little more special.

still, lucky for the film makers it was made before Part 3.

not bad, just bland...
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A comedy no one can refuse ...
ElMaruecan8226 June 2012
How many actors could have parodied their most classic roles without falling into caricature? Think about it: while it takes a certain talent to make a performance that elevates a character to a legendary status, overplaying enough to make it comical but not over-the-top is the ultimate proof of acting genius. And only Marlon Brando could have got away with playing his most iconic character, the Godfather, and make it so damn believable. And it's this very seriousness in his performance that makes "The Freshman" so delightful and naturally, hilarious.

Although not revolutionary, what makes "The Freshman" such a classic on its own is that it accomplishes a real miracle by resuscitating Vito Corleone, his name is Carmine Sabatini but the movie can't fool us: the guy IS Vito Corleone. As explained in the film, Sabatini's the one who inspired Vito's character, in other words, "The Freshman" is so confident over its comical premise, and rightfully so, that it doesn't even hesitate to insert several references to "The Godfather". And these are not just gratuitous 'Godfather' references thrown away for the sake of it, it's important to know that it's not a parallel world where the movie isn't supposed to exist. On the contrary, not only it does, but whoever sees Carmine Sabatini has the most natural reaction by immediately thinking of Vito Corleone. The movie, in a way, asks the question, how any of us would react in front of a movie character. How would I if I met my favorite character? I guess, probably like Clark Kellog, Matthew Broderick as a film college student, the titular "Freshman".

And the deserved praises on Brando's performance shouldn't diminish Broderick's talent at all. With his awkward youngish look, Broderick is the perfect straight-man for a comical duo with Brando. Indeed, the comedic power of "The Freshman" relies on the extraordinary ability of Brando to play his character seriously in a non-serious film. Consequently, we don't laugh at Brando because he's too believable (we'd never treat him so disrespectfully), but at Broderick's disbelief. There's one part where Carmine offers a job to Clark, and gives him the hand of friendship as a solemn promise that no harm would happen to him. 'How can I say no?' replies Clark, to which Carmine dryly retorts 'that's not a yes, I want to hear yes', he takes a walnut and break it with his own hand, making a threatening sound. This improvisation, proving that Brando didn't lose his acting instinct and trademark use of props in movie scenes, provoked an even more genuine reaction from Broderick who didn't know the walnut had already been broken before the shooting.

Clark had no other choice than to say yes, after all, isn't Vito Corleone, the man who makes offers we can't refuse? The film's funniest moments are driven by Sabantini's aura and Clark's incapability to control the situation or to say 'no'. The script finds the perfect tone to show a guy screwed but in a way that inspires our sympathy without feeling antipathy toward Sabatini. And another triumph on the writing department is the way everything seems believable despite all the zany material it employs. Whether it's a picture of Mussolini in an Italian Social club, an espresso that takes three spoons of sugar, the Mona Lisa painting in Carmine's house, and a weird traffic involving a Komodo dragon, I wonder why I wanted to believe that the first time I saw it. Maybe I was just a 10-year old kid who just laughed at the gags without looking too much deeper into it. The irony is that after watching 'The Godfather' so many times, I believed in Sabatini even more.

That's not to say that it takes to be a 'Godfather' fan to enjoy the film, but it sure helps and not just for laughs. There is a heart in this film, and there is something very nostalgic, almost poignant to see Sabatini interacting with Clark. Sabatini is so sweet you'd forget he's a dangerous person. Brando finds the perfect note because he makes Sabatini lovable, while Vito was feared and respected, the way he treats Clark like the son he never had, his unexpected outburst of joy or sadness, his tender kisses or slaps in the face are all expression of a sincere love. Yes, we laugh when he never remembers Clark's hometown ("You're from Connecticut" he joyfully says as if it meant something), when he calls him "Kent" instead of "Clark", or casually tells him that he'll marry his beautiful daughter Tina (Penelop Ann Mirren), but we still take him seriously because we never see when he's acting and when he's serious. And it doesn't really matter since in both cases, it's funny.

But I make the film sound like the 'Brando' show, while it features a great cast of supporting characters, notably Bruno Kirby as Vic the streetwise nephew who emphasizes every word said by his Carmine. Maximilan Schells steals the show as a demented German chef. You would probably notice Frank Whaley, the 'what?' man from "Pulp Fiction" as Clark's slick roommate. The film makes many references to "The Godfather" series, an apparent favorite of Clark's teacher, the goofy monomaniacal Pr. Fleeber (Paul Benedict). Interestingly, the film was released the same year than the last opus of the trilogy, but I see it more as a coincidence, since the film is much more a reminder of how iconic the first two were.

"The Freshman" is still a delightful comedy, cleverly written, with the perfect dosage of verbal humor and slapstick, the journey featuring the Komodo dragon would be seen as an oddity considering the film's context, but it totally makes sense at the end. Everything brilliantly tie up at the end, even the weird affection between Sabatini and Kellon, the little spice that gives this film, its unique flavor ... with basil cream sauce.
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C Grade
view_and_review13 March 2020
Clark Kellogg (Matthew Broderick) was simply going to New York for film school and found himself employed by a Godfather-type character transporting a Komodo Dragon. The whole scenario was surreal. How did he end up transporting endangered species and how could he get out of such commitments?

This movie tried to be funny and clever. I give it a C in both categories.
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bring out the dunce's cap
mjneu5921 November 2010
Matthew Broderick is the fledgling NYU student of the film's title, made an offer he can't refuse by an aging Italian padrone bearing an uncanny resemblance to The Godfather's Vito Corleone. Hardly surprising, since the part is played by Marlon Brando, and that's the only real joke in the entire film: Brando's word-perfect parody of his earlier role. Elsewhere the movie is simply writer director Andrew Bergman's third person film school fantasy, with a screenplay only an underclassman could appreciate. It might have been a modern screwball classic except for the slack pacing, lame jokes, annoying voice-over commentary (always a sure sign of lazy writing), and transparent plot twists, including a climax lifted directly from 'The Sting', but with the outcome laboriously spelled out beforehand. Brando himself admitted the film was a piece of garbage, and with good reason. It's almost worth the price of admission to see him carrying his considerable weight so gracefully around an ice skating rink, or hear Bert Parks sing the Miss America theme song to a Komodo Dragon, but otherwise this freshman flunks.
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As graceful and charming a performance as he ever gave
laursene27 December 2004
Word has it that Brando wasn't happy with the movie, but it's hard to see why. Bergman's ham-fisted humor hits the mark a lot more of the time than usual, the ensemble cast is fine (Matthew Broderick is always best in these kinds of settings, at least when it comes to movies), and the one major anachronistic gaffe (no mafia boss would have a photo of Mussolini in a place of honor on the wall - he locked 'em up and they hated him) is harmless in context.

But Brando is what makes the movie special: like a sprinkling of something heavenly on an otherwise earthbound enterprise. He's done far more brilliant work elsewhere, of course, but I can't think of another movie that caught just what a uniquely odd presence he was.

I'll say it again: As graceful and charming a performance as he ever gave. RIP, big man.
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Silly, but fun
Idocamstuf24 September 2003
This is an amuzing comedy about a young film student(Broderick), who on his way to college is sidetrack by mobsters and pulled into working for them, he takes his job orders from a man who looks exact like Don Corleane(again played by Brando). After a while the silly situations get a little old, but its still a decent viewing. Nothing great, but not bad, and often good fun. 6/10.
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A lame comedy Brando has to carry on his back.
=G=6 December 2001
"The Freshman" is a lame comedy with little more than Brando going for it. Telling of a naive college newbie who stumbles into involvement with a man who suspiciously resembles "The Godfather", this flick is slim on laughs, doesn't work as a romantic comedy, has a weak story, and is desperately in need of creative help. A lukewarm and mildly amusing film which Brando has to carry on his back.
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george.schmidt31 March 2003
THE FRESHMAN (1990) *** Matthew Broderick, Marlon Brando, Penelope Ann Miller, Bruno Kirby, Frank Whaley, Maximillian Schell, Paul Benedict, BD Wong, Jon Polito. Rollickingly funny comedy with film school freshman (Broderick at his blithering best) put upon by con man Kirby by being offered a gopher job for a dead ringer of Don Corleone (Brando, in an inspired send up of his icon role and clearly enjoying every minute) involving an endangered species restaurant! Witty, hilarious and out there. Best bit: Bert Parks singing Bob Dylan's "Maggie's Farm" to a King Komodo Dragon (!) Written and directed by Andrew Bergman.
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Marlon you cheeky monkey!
KMW200021 November 2001
I can't decide if this is a good movie or not. I've watched it through a couple of times now and I really can't decide. It did make me laugh out loud (if only at the sheer audacity of Brando's performance), but the one thing I often found myself thinking was how no-one below the age of 15 (or so) would find it very funny at all, as they probably wouldn't have seen 'The Godfather' and wouldn't understand what was supposed to be funny about that mumbling old fat guy that Ferris Bueller looks so surprised to see siting behind a desk. 90% of the film's comedy revolves around Brando's imitation of himself, which, while undoubtedly amounting to cinematic blasphemy in the eyes of many hard-core movie lovers, he actually does very well. (His character being a p***-take of his 1972 Godfather creation Don Vito Corleone.) The remaining comedic 10% belongs to a giant lizard, but that's neither here nor there...

Now, it's widely accepted that Brando has never been one to take himself or his craft particularly seriously, and let's just say that in 'The Freshman' he gets a prime opportunity to express that feeling to his audience. It's the stuff of Hollywood legend that Brando, while filming the wedding scene in 'The Godfather', pulled down his pants and mooned the cast and crew. Of course, that little stunt never made it into the final edit, but with 'The Freshman' you could say Brando gets to moon the audience (metaphorically) to his hearts content. It's a gleeful pie in the face to every up-tight movie critic who's ever demanded he act like the legend they made him. And it is fun to watch... in a cheeky, somewhat sadistic, in-joke kind of way.

A hearty 'Well Done!' to Matthew Broderick for simply being able to act opposite that towering monster whoopi cushion that is Marlon Brando and keep a straight face.
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Our Memory Of One Actor In One Of His Greatest Roles
bkoganbing29 August 2008
The Freshman had Marlon Brando not consented to appear as a parody of his acclaimed Vito Corleone from The Godfather could not possibly have been made. It's the one joke that holds up an interesting, but hardly ground breaking comedy.

I find it fascinating that Brando who would not consent to recreate Vito Corleone for Francis Ford Coppola in a flashback for The Godfather: Part II, was willing to appear in The Freshman. In 1990 he was starting to need money though and after that would need a lot more to pay for son Christian's defense lawyers. Marlon's last 14 year on earth were not happy ones.

Fresh from Vermont Matthew Broderick is a would be film student with a supercilious faculty adviser in Paul Benedict who through a sequence of bizarre circumstances gets involved with mobster Carmine Sabatani who saw The Godfather like everyone else and acts accordingly. Of course when Carmine is played by the guy who created Vito Corleone it certainly helps.

If money and implied threats don't keep Broderick around, the interest of Brando's daughter, Penelope Anne Miller certainly might do the trick. She's a young lady by dint of her father's position, used to getting what she wants.

Maxmilian Schell plays a gourmet chef who apparently specializes in pork dishes like ham. He overacts who tongue firmly in cheek and this is a reunion film of sorts with his co-star from The Young Lions. And to keep the reunion going, Bruno Kirby who played young Clemenza in The Godfather: Part II is now together with old Vito Corleone playing the nephew of Brando here.

The Freshman is a decent enough comedy for one that is completely reliant on one actor and our memory of him in one of his greatest roles.
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Return of the Godfather....sorta
helpless_dancer7 November 2001
Interesting, but not particularly amusing comedy involving a scam within a scam within a scam; maybe one scam to many but who knows? Well done, but nowhere near an award winner or especially relevant. I fail to see the appeal of Brando as "actor God": seems to me he is just another man earning a living in Plasticland.
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Marlon Brando Shows He Can Spoof His Famous Role
eric26200314 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Marlon Brando spoofs his famous character of Vito Corleone of "The Godfather" in this 1990 crime comedy written and directed by Andrew Bergman. Matthew Broderick stars as NYU film student Clark Kellogg who leaves his home in Vermont to pursue a career in film. When he gets off from the Grand Central Station, he is greeted by a supposed good Samaritan named Victor Ray (Bruno Kirby) who gladly carries his luggage into his car and offers the young man for a ride. As soon as Clark steps out of the car, Victor drive off with his possessions. When Kellogg first arrives in class, he must confess to his instructor Professor Fleeber (Paul Benedict) that his tuition for his books have been stolen and now must find a way to get it back.

In a sheer twist of irony, Kellogg leads Victor on foot chase in which Victor would gladly return Kellogg's possessions on account that he work for his uncle Carmine Sabatini (Marlon Brando). Carmine gets Kellogg to work as his errand boy (a gopher to some of you) as Kellogg reluctantly but desperately accepts. One of his first initiatives was go to JFK Airport and to pick up an endangered giant lizard (Komodo dragon) and to deliver the lizard to the Fabulous Gourmet Club owned by mysterious chef Larry London (Maximilian Schell) who takes the lizard in to be be made into a costly priced meal. While this is happening, two Federal Agents Chuck Greenwald and Lloyd Simpson (Jon Polito and Richard Gant) are on his trail, but they eventually turn out to be henchmen to a rival crime family destined to kill both Carmine and Kellogg. If that's not enough for Kellogg to have angst, Carmine's daughter Tina (Penelope Ann Miller) has taken an interest in Kellogg and laying false claim that she and Clark are engaged.

Joining in on the craziness includes Miss America pageant host Bert Parks as he parodies his legacy even crooning to his trademark song "There She Is" while being backed up by rockers Was (Not Was). Also in the cast include Frank Whaley as Kellogg's roommate Steve Bushak, and B.D. Wong as the effeminate assistant to London, Edward.

The viewers may get the wrong impression that "The Freshman" is any good due the discouraging comments Marlon Brando said about the film, depending if they even cared what he had to say about it. It may also not seek approval due to the fact that the title of the movie is exactly the same as the 1925 Harold Lloyd film even though it may have not been purposefully intended. In one of the more cleverly put Easter Eggs, a poster of Lloyd's comical rival Buster Keaton is taped at Kellogg's door to his dorm.

In spite of the negativity from Brando, the fans gave at the most very positive feedback after watching this movie. Even though it didn't score very well at the box office, "The Freshman" got a positive vibe from the small percentage who have seen the film. It may have had more approval from the men than to the female audience, but that is easy to understand knowing that the cast was predominately male and that the females would be turned off by Miller's jaunty performance feeling forced and somewhat annoying.

Under the penmanship and direction of Andrew Bergman, he has had his share of hits and misses (hits include "Honeymoon in Vegas" and misses like "Striptease") I felt that this film was one of his bigger hits, in spite of its low-budget and its low profile, I still had a fun time watching this movie as the energy level remained high, comedy was never short of laughs and the story was easy to follow without insulting anyone to the ground.

The reason this film work very well is due to the casting of huge talents like Brando, Broderick, Miller and Kirby who are all very talented performers. I did however felt there were certain cast members who look a little long in the face in their respected roles (especially Broderick who was 28 at the time playing a 19 year old). But that did not completely hindered my enthusiasm in watching this movie because they all played their roles convincingly and I'm sure if Brando would have not been cast, the film would've surely been rewritten.

The story it self may lack in plausible situations of what's in store for the characters. New York City is the largest city in North America, who would've expected Kellogg found Victor days after Victor rode off with his possessions? What was the motives behind Carmine for hiring the naive Kellogg to do his dirty work? Hollywood is the only time you will ever witness a Komodo dragon run loosely in a shopping mall.

But when the smoke clears, every scenario of the movie is pieced together. The comedy makes you laugh at the right moments, the story flows along smoothly and in spite of the surrealism, it never takes itself seriously. I ask myself who was the funniest supporting character in the film? For me it was Paul Benedict as the eccentric, self-serving film instructor. Even though every character delivers their lines and each of them have very funny moments. Even though it's low-budget and not perfect, the approval is very high.
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Highly enjoyable
Boyo-214 March 2000
This is a very funny movie that casts Matthew Broderick as a new-to-the-city college kid who gets mixed up with a shady character named Vic right after he arrives. Through a series of events, he becomes involved with Vic's family, which include Uncle Carmine and his daughter Tina.

Everyone is perfectly suited to his role and even Brando appears to be having a lot of fun with his own image. The supporting cast is worth mentioning - especially Paul Benedict as an obnoxious college professor, and Maximillian Shell as a business associate of Carmine Sabatini.

This is ultimately a touching movie about loyalty and family, and it sure is fun.

You even get to see the Mona Lisa if you watch this movie!
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BandSAboutMovies10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Director and writer Andrew Bergman read about nightclub owner Vincent Teresa being arrested for smuggling a near-extinct lizard into the country and thought it'd make a great movie. Imagine his fortune at getting Marlon Brando into the movie for just $3 million dollars.

Bergaman said, "On one level you're like, I'm going to direct this guy!? But at the end of the day you say, well, somebody's got to direct him, so what the hell, it's going to be me. And he was really a pleasure to work with. It's not like you're dealing with George Burns in terms of a comedy god. Getting Marlon to do things was sometimes like turning around an aircraft carrier because he had a way he wanted to do it. But you could get him there. He was terribly respectful and funny."

This is the same Brando who publicly condemned this movie as the "biggest turkey of all time" and wanted an extra $1 million for one more week of shooting or he'd keep on making fun of the movie in the press. When they did pay, he began to publicly praise The Graduate.

Clark Kellogg (Matthew Broderick) is studying film at NYU but before he even gets to his dorm, his luggage is taken Victor Ray (Bruno Kirby), which brings him into the world of Carmine Sabatini (Brando), who is pretty much just playing himself from The Godfather. Now he has a job doing deliveries for the secretive boss, like picking up komodo dragons from the airport for The Gourmet Club, a group of elites who eat endangered animals while Bert Parks sings for them.

He's also pursued by government agents trying to get info on the Sabatini crime family as well as Carmine's daughter Tina (Penelope Ann Miller) who acts as if they're to be married. Is Carmine really going to serve those animals? Or is something else happening?

I love the meta aspects of this film, like Clark's teacher Arthur Fleeber (Paul Benedict) making his class watch The Godfather Part II while Clark's heart is obviously in exploitation. He has a poster for The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak up in his dorm.
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Broderick looks bored, Brando looks like he's acting, and the result is unmemorable all round.
Ben_Cheshire1 July 2004
Matthew Broderick plays his usual, disinterested blank-faced self, in the clothes of a new college student who gets himself involved by happenstance with the Godfather himself (Marlon Brando).

The worst thing about The Freshman is that the godfather himself does not do a good impression of the godfather anymore. And i'll give you a dollar if you can understand a single word he says.

The best thing about The Freshman are the jokes about The Godfather: "gee, you look a hellova lot like... ." They're hysterical, and lots of fun if you're a fan of the fim.

Highlight: the film class scene where Broderick's lecturer salivates over The Godfather II as he talks about it, then plays a clip from it, and we see him mouthing the words along to it. Lots of fun. Worth a rental to see that scene alone. This is not a good entry in the "fun situation comedy" genre, however.

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Highly Recommended!
torii1517 September 2000
This is a delightful little movie by Andrew Bergman, the director of "The In-Laws". It features among other things Marlon Brando doing an incredibly funny take-off on his own performance in "The Godfather". Brando and Broderick play off each other beautifully and Penelope Anne Miller is equally wonderful as Brando's sexy daughter. Despite the fact that this movie is largely farce, the direction and acting give the characters a depth that you wouldn't expect. Full of surprises and off-beat touches. The one minor flaw is the performance of a Komodo dragon that looks suspiciously like a Monitor lizard - OK, is a Monitor Lizard.
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Cute and entertaining
HotToastyRag14 April 2022
The cutest part of this movie is obviously Marlon Brando's poking fun at his legendary Don Corleone role in The Godfather. "He look like-" Matthew Broderick exclaims upon first sight, only getting shushed by Bruno Kirby and warned not to mention the similarity to the cinematic mafioso. Throughout the movie, clips from The Godfather Part II are shown in Matthew's film school class, and Marlon himself references his ties to Hollywood. Little jokes like "they owe me a favor" will make you laugh, but the rest of the movie is pretty silly. How long can you milk the joke of a runaway Komodo dragon?

Matthew Broderick is the titular freshman at NYU, but upon his arrival to the big city, his luggage and money get stolen by con artist Bruno Kirby, and when he tracks him down, Bruno offers him a job. To work for Bruno's intimidating, mumbling, Italian uncle (Marlon), all he has to do is pick up a mysterious package at the airport and transport it to a mysterious man's (Maximilian Schell) house. Obviously there's a lot more to it than meets the eye, and the innocent idiot finds himself in over his head.

Cute, entertaining, and mostly for fans of The Godfather, this teen comedy lets everyone comfortably rest on their laurels. You probably won't split a gut with laughter, but you'll definitely chuckle a few times. I liked seeing the two old timers together again, as I remembered Marlon helping Maximilian with his English in 1958's The Young Lions.
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Bert Parks and his Band of Patriarch's. Perfect for Bar-Mitzvahs and Quinceaneras
thejcowboy2218 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout my entire lifetime I've attended hundreds of hall events. Weddings, Sweet 16, Graduations, Baby Naming's and Bar/Bat Mitzvah's. The celebrations that still stands out in my fondest memory, another words, my favorite affairs had extraordinary musical entertainment as the main event, the center attraction. Besides the scrumptious cuisine at these catered affairs, choosing your musical entertainment can make or break a party.. This is essential in keeping your guests involved, engaged in this joyous occasion. The Freshman starts off in Rural Vermont as an inspiring film student Clark Kellogg (Matthew Broderick) is off to the big city as he leaves his highly skeptical Environmental activist Step Dad, (Kenneth Walsh). Clark's arrives in New York. He is met by this convincing, fast talking Victor Ray (Bruno Kirby) who offers him a ride. When Clark gets out of the car Vic drives off with Clark's belonging's. Clark's first class is taught by a egomaniac, self proclaimed author Professor Fleeber (Paul Benedict). while being ridiculed for being unprepared, Clark sees Victor passing by. Clark gives chase and catches up with the two bit thief. Victor promises to return Clark's belonging on the condition he meets with his Uncle downtown to do some kind of favor. Clark is introduced by Uncle Carmine Sabatini played by the quintessential Mafia clad icon Marlon Brando. All I saw personally was a reprise of Vito Corleone. A few pound heavier but the voice and cadence were identical. Uncle Carmine offers Clark an opportunity to make a lot of money doing small errands. Clark and his roommate Steve (Frank Whaley) to go to JFK airport and pick up a huge Lizard.. the rare and near extinction, Komodo Dragon and deliver it to London Lennie (Maximilian Shell) in a obscure address. Clark is also introduced by Carmine's daughter Tina (Penelope Ann Miller) who is attracted to Clark. Tina has taken to Clark instantaneously as if she's ready to marry him. Later during film class Clark is being watched by two Department of Justice agents Jon Polito and Richard Gant. Clark is caught and questioned as the agents tell Clark that the he's working for a Mafia boss and the dragon he transported will be eaten at a Supper club in a rural location. The Hook for me in this movie is the Charm and calming personality Brando portrayed playing Uncle Carmine. The aloofness and carefree attitude of supporting actors Bruno Kirby and Penelope Ann Miller against the anguish and uncertainty of Matthew Broderick's character. A far cry from the over confident Ferris Bueller role, Broderick mastered earlier in his career. As for the banquet scenes that personally garnered my attention. This brought back fond memories of Bar-Mitzvah's past dancing in my head. Bert Parks Stole the pictures as the band leader and crooner. Our party's entertainment kicks off with Bert's rendition of Tiquila which was originally performed by The Champs. To reach that certain ambiance, Bert is donning a Mexican sombrero and miroccas. On to the next number as you hold you dance partner even closer as Bert singing so eloquently his own version of Mona Lisa. I totally lost it when Bert sang Bob Dylan's Maggie's Farm. In truth a preposterous picture but there are basic elements that hold this film together as personalty can go along way. After the completion of the movie Brando was embarrassed by his performance taking a chance using his Don Corleone character. In an Interview with the Toronto Globe, Brando claimed the movie was trash and wanted to retire from acting. A few days later Brando quickly retracted his statement claiming," This movie might be alright after all." The magic of Brando throughout his distinguished career was walking the tight rope of character deviations. Luckily this time it worked without tarnishing his Godfather role.
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