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Everyone undress!
superguapo200019 April 2009
Though Gefangene Frauen masquerades as a Women In Prison movie, it's more like the collected footage of some people on a nudist vacation, shot between meals and sight-seeing, sort of like a nude Sports Illustrated Prison Swimsuit video. The plot is slapped together in normal euro-trash fashion, and takes up very little of this flick, which is a shame, since it's really pretty comical. At one point there's three consecutive coup d'états in the span of ten minutes. The dialog is scant but always poignant:

Warden: "You cannot and will not leave this island. As a reminder you will no longer wear your clothes. Everyone undress!"

.. which is thought-provoking, since everyone (including the warden and the guards) was already undressed almost the whole time. But now it's for real.

Directed and written by Edwin Dietrich, euro-smut-peddler extraordinaire, Gefangene Frauen takes place mostly outdoors in what seems like a Mediterranean island. The light is crisp and the color is subtly beautiful, which is rare for a flick of this caliber. It helps that the cast is completely nude throughout almost the entire duration of the movie, be they in their cells, or performing manual labor (ie. throwing small rocks around) in the countryside.

Gefangene Frauen dispenses with the sadistic aspects of the genre, and focuses mostly on nudity and getting the scenes shot before dinner time. It's a good movie to play in the background while doing something else, though it's a must to pay attention any time there's dialog.
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Gorgeous Brigitte Lahaie!
Falconeer3 August 2006
This review is of the German DVD from ABC, from their "Erotic Classics" series. (and coming from someone who has a strong dislike for porn films!) I began watching "Gefangene Frauen" (Caged Women) with absolutely no expectations. I was surprised to find that, for what it is, it delivers what it promises, and what one would expect from this genre of film. The simplistic story deals with a group of girls being kidnapped by soldiers, from a whorehouse, of all places. The girls are taken to a mysterious prison located on a beautiful island. Of course this is all an excuse to show a lot of sex and nudity. but the production values, cinematography, and style make this one stand out among so many films of this kind. First of all, it features a collection of truly gorgeous women, with the most perfect bodies you could ever hope to find in adult film. Brigitte Lahaie, here in her prime, has the most perfect, gorgeous body and face I have ever seen! And she is almost upstaged (but not quite) by the other ravishing prisoners of "Red Island." The sets are also impressive; the prison, a white, sun-drenched structure surrounded by blue waters, supposedly shark-infested, to keep the girls from escaping, is quite aesthetically appealing. Another set worth mentioning, is a bath, located in the "President's" suite; A large oyster shell, ornate gold and red, that has to be seen to be appreciated. This attention to detail I believe is important, as they lend the film a sense of legitimacy, and dare I say...class.. The uniform of the head female prison "kommandant", black leather Gestapo-style, with matching leather cap, should be appealing to S&M fetishists. Even the men are handsome, with healthy, athletic bodies. This is somewhat rare in sex films; usually great care is put into finding attractive actresses, but the men are usually just thrown in, and they mostly are very ordinary, or just plain unattractive. I guess it is the male fantasy thing, where ugly men can possess the most beautiful women. But not here, on the island where most everyone is pleasing to look at. And it is all easy to take as well, as the women are never abused, or truly hurt. They actually seem to be enjoying the whole experience! Aside from a scene early on in the picture, where a young girl is raped by a soldier, there are no other scenes of forced sex. the idea here is that women can enjoy sex as much as men. the girls look forward to the nightly visits from the prison guards, and they give themselves freely. In their situation, they don't have to act like they hate sex. There is even the perverted "doctor" who spends much of his time clipping the heads of of nude girls in magazines, when he is not "examining" the prisoners. But I didn't find it sexist, for some reason. It was all too silly to be sexist, or offensive. And the men are also on display here. The film plays a bit like a low-rent "Story of O", without the strong violence, but with more graphic sex. For the German DVD, I was surprised at the great care taken to restore this strange 1980 erotic film. The anamorphic picture was absolutely beautiful, top quality, as was the audio. There is a choice between the original German audio, which seems to be dubbed as well, or a hilarious English dubbed track. I think that many of these films were originally shot without any sound, with voices added later. At least that is how it appears. Included as well are some good trailers for other erotic films form this time. This also claims to be an uncut print, with a running time of 89 minutes PAL, or about 94 minutes NTSC! Very rare indeed. It is hard to classify the film as hardcore, or soft core; There are many closeup shots of the female genitalia, with a lot of graphic masturbation included, that would be considered way too explicit for late-night cable. However there are no scenes of male to female sexual intercourse. It is all obviously simulated, as the men lie with the women, but never have erections. ( I wonder how they manage...) I'm actually glad of this as I wouldn't want to see the gorgeous Brigitte Lahaie debased in such a way. Being a nude model is a far cry from having actual sex on camera, and that would have brought this movie to a lower level that I wouldn't really want to watch, much less review. I think that kind of porn is ugly, however there is enough pretty images in "Gefangene Frauen" to recommend to fans of this genre. Directed incidentally by the notorious Erwin Dietrich. If interested, try to locate the German DVD from ABC, as the UK release seems to have 9 minutes of footage cut from it. I must say that after seeing this film I am an immediate fan of Brigitte Lahaie, and would love to see more of her work. "Gefangene Frauen" is a fun, and very sexy viewing experience, without being too sleazy or offensive!
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Satire of Third-World Coup Mentality during Cold War
tensaip26 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I kid you not. The surprise ending is meant to comment on a bizarre political trend in the last third of the 20th Century in which military putsch leaders seemed to be of ever decreasing rank. The nadir of this phenomena being the 1980 Liberian coup which left MASTER SERGEANT Samuel K. Doe as head of state.

At the climax of this film the lowly soldiers stationed as guards at Red Island turn out to be part of the movement to overthrow their country's military dictator and replace him with one of their own. But, surprise, Red Island's sub-commander reveals during the denouement that he's already cut a deal with the regular military to depose and succeed his comrade within a fortnight.

Oh-ho! Sex AND Politics? That's the SEVENTIES for you.

(should also mention that the chicks were totally smoking)
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got sleaze?
Coventry29 October 2005
I'd love to write a little summary of this movie's plot, but...there simply isn't one! If you just take a look at the plot keywords for this title, you pretty much know the entire content of the film: sex, breasts, exploitation, female frontal nudity and women's prison! 80 minutes of pure sleaze and nothing more. "Escape of the Island Women" (an alternate title that isn't even listed here) clearly wanted to become another notorious and controversial woman-in-prison classic, but it totally lacks the brutality of one. WIP-flicks are meant to blend graphic sexual images with shocking violence, but the violence here has just been replaced with more sex. Director Erwin Dietrich surely can't compete with specialists in the field, like Jess Franco or Joe D'Amato, and he should have sticked to making ordinary soft-core flicks. The only aspects that slightly look like cult-cinema are the resemblance of the tyrant-president with Fidel Castro and the group-rape of a (minor?) girl by soldiers. The girls are ravishing, though, and the Ibiza filming location looks very enchanting.
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X rated nostalgia
hi_im_manic11 June 2018
This has to be the grandmother of all porn films that attempt to have some semblance of a plot. Gratuitous nudity and sexual activity is rampant. Every scene features a beautiful naked Woman (or Women). It is a soft porn flick that tries to include material to suit everyones taste by implementing a broad variety of erotic activity. There's foot fetish activity, bondage, girl on girl, boy/girl, humiliation, a Dominant Woman, submissive women, self-pleasure, role-playing, S&M, etc... All of this is fairly mild but the film is far too explicit to be counted as a regular theatrical film. I give it a 3.7.

Several of the scenes are forceful and/or cruel and could trigger PTSD symptoms in abuse victims, or distress sensitive individuals. Steer clear or tread lightly if this is you! Of course this isn't a film for family night! It is suitable for open-minded persons age 17 and older to enjoy alone or with friends or a partner. Like most pornographic films the acting is sub-par. It's laughable but not the worst I've seen in other Euro-trash sexploitation films. Dialogue is almost nil and there is no character that with whom to relate to or admire (aside from their lovely aesthetic attributes).

"Histoire D' O" of 1975 s a better example of practical storytelling and believable performances. I recommend it over this film. "Histoire..." is the tale that strongly inspired the "50 shades" franchise. In fact, "50 shades" is close to a blatant rip-off and isn't deserving of popular praise. I digress.

The island filming location is quite unique and visually impressive. It's isolated, and the tucked-away beaches and drastic mountain peaks are both romantic and severe at the same time. It's the ideal locale for the movies half-cocked attempt at a plot by reflecting the storyline via landscape.

Not surprisingly, there are way more bushes inside the prison complex than in the landscape...haha! Grooming ones' downstairs region wasn't fashionable until the early to mid 90's. A few of the women didn't think it necessary to shave under their arms either. A couple of the men (guards) are also quite hairy. Back hair and thick full bushes...yuck. By god, why were people so adverse to smooth skin during those decades?! You'll likely find it funny and/or icky as did I.

Europeans (and the Japanese) have always been bolder than other nations at expressing their sexuality and especially peculiar activities. Their non-nonchalant attitude towards nudity and unusual "love-making" activities has always been the envy or bane of more conservative countries. I imagine that the more expressive nations have no qualms about labeling "Caged Women" as a regular theatrical production. The rest of the world either has the film banned or presented clandestinely to niche audiences.

This movie is amusing without intending to be. I think it could be re-worked and tweaked to make a great comedy-thriller for adults. I hope a talented director see's this ridiculous film and reaches the same conclusion.
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Another women in prison flick
The_Void12 October 2006
I've come to realise through watching this sort of film that I don't like them very much. Caged Women is yet another 'women in prison' film, and like the most of the rest of the genre; the plot is completely forsaken in favour of simply showing nude women. Now don't get me wrong; I love nude women, but I also like there to be some sort of plot thread to go with the nudity, and since this film has only the basic 'women are in prison' theme running through it (aswell as the essential escape, of course), I got a bit bored before the end. The film is good because there's barely a moment in it where the women are wearing clothes, but that's about the only positive element. Director (and writer, ha ha) Erwin C. Dietrich delights in showing close-ups of the naked female body, but it's never very erotic. The director was the producer on a number of trash flicks, including some directed by Jess Franco. In my opinion, he should stick to producing as his writing talents are non-existent, and he doesn't seem to know how to film a sex scene. This sort of material is rather dry a lot of the time, but I reckon Franco could have made more out of it. Overall, this might suffice for people that are really into this sort of stuff; but I can't say I enjoyed it.
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One of the Sleaziest Out There
Michael_Elliott7 March 2018
Caged Women (1980)

*** (out of 4)

A group of women are having fun and working at their local whorehouse when the police storm the building and arrest them all. They are sent to a prison located on an island cut off from the rest of the world and it doesn't take long for them to fall victim to the evil warden (Karine Gambier) and her rapist guards.

Also known under its original title, GEFANGENE FRAUEN and ISLAND WOMEN, this film came pretty late in the whole WIP (women-in-prison) movement. I've often said that if you've seen on WIP movie then you've seen them all. The only difference in them is the level of cruelty that they will go for. To me Jess Franco's BARBED WIRE DOLLS is the best of the lot but CAGED WOMEN deserves a lot of credit as well.

The film was written and directed by Erwin C. Dietrich, the long time producer for several Franco classics including BARBED WIRE DOLLS. He certainly knew what he wanted to deliver and this here is pretty much a remake of that film. With that being said, this movie is without question one of the most gratuitous movies in the genre. I say that because the sleaze factor is pretty much off the charts and especially when it comes to the sexuality and nudity.

The opening twelve-minutes or so is pretty much just a showcase for the various women. We see all of the ladies strip down, masturbate and do various other sexual things that certainly cross the line of what you'd see on Cinemax. It's like the director is teasing us with all of the beautiful women he has lined up and it just grows even sleazier once we hit the prison. I also give the director credit because there's not a single ugly woman to be found here as they're all extremely attractive and constantly naked.

Gambier, another Franco vet, is good in her role as the warden and you've also got Eric Falk playing a sadistic guard. The always stunning Brigitte Lahaie plays one of the prisoners and as I said there are countless other beautiful women in the cast. Storywise there's nothing original here and there's certainly no great direction or anything else but the film was meant to be pure trash and exploitation and on that level it works really well.
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Nudity made dull!
Buster00727 March 2007
Another example of the women-in-prison genre. This is not exactly a genre known for quality films, but this is a notch below most. A bunch of women are taken from the bordellos where they work to a prison on a rocky island. Once there, they are subjected to lots of poorly directed sex and atrocious "dialog." For a film with an astounding amount of sex and nudity there is really nothing erotic about any of it. The sex scenes are awkwardly acted, and some scenes, like the shower scene, seem to drag on and on. That said, there are at least some minimal production values. On the W-i-P scale I would put it above Frauen fur Zellenblock Neun, but below Chained Heat.
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Soft porn!
RodrigAndrisan6 November 2017
One of the stupidest movies ever made. We can not talk about a script here, because it does not exist. We can't talk even about acting, actresses or actors, what is to be seen, are just bare bodies that simulate having sex. The women do not look bad. I hope they were paid well for what they had to do.
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It is worth a watch. I mean it is schlock and sleeze.
oldsvolvo28 March 2022
Yes it is trashy...but the women in this movie are delightful. They pulled alot out of a z movie budget. Great colors, back drops and the framing was good. I would take this type of movie over any modern block borester movie any day. I mean a nude woman pushing a wheel barrow full of rocks....that action!
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Offensive trash - with one memorable part
gridoon10 January 2006
Much like Tinto Brass ("Caligula"), the people who made this movie can't tell the difference between explicitness and eroticism. No build-up at all, just throw naked women on the screen; no, it doesn't work that way. If close-ups of female genitalia aren't your thing, prepare to be looking away from the screen at many points (I often did). The "all women are whores at heart" mentality of the movie is offensive, and the "story" is by turns absurd and boring (the escape is the most boring part!). But halfway through there is a random scene that pops out of nowhere and involves one of the (female) prisoners and one of the (male) guards in a nude wrestling match, which she wins with a couple of judo moves. Although the choreography of the fight is bad, the whole scene is undeniably memorable. In fact, that scene and the nice cinematography are the only two reasons I give this film * out of 4, instead of 0.
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Magnificent addition ot the genre
John_Mclaren17 December 2008
Clearly in the top 3 of all WIP flicks, my main addiction to this 80 minutes of celluoid is born of seeing Brigitte Lahaie and a bevy of other beauties parading around naked in bright daylight. "Gefangene Frauen" (Caged Women) is one of Dietrich's finest softcore achievements. He has taken the WIP genre and added a twist of his own.

The girls are kidnapped from a brothel and taken to an island prison. There they undertake a modest degree of insubordinate behaviour which triggers obligatory punishment. This consists of having to strip and walk around naked in the prison for the rest of the film. And what can you say against that? What with nude wrestling, nude whipping and a nude escape project, it's all a go-go.

Sure the acting is weak and the plot rattles, but that is not what we are here for. It delivers what it says on the tin. Big time.
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Unappealing garbage
Horst_In_Translation15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Gefangene Frauen" or "Women's Penitentiary VII" or "Island Women" (and there are many more titles for this one) is a Swiss 90-minute movie from 1980, so it had its 35th anniversary last year. The director and one of the writers is Erwin C. Dietrich and this film here shows how much he had worked with Jesús Franco on several occasions. There is lots of sex in here, basically from start to finish, the women are almost always nude, some of them have big breasts, some have small and some of them have blonde hair (actually the majority) and some dark hair. The diversity in this area may be there, but it lacks entirely in terms of story-telling. It is about a bunch of women who are held prisoner at an island by some evil blonde warden. And she has them fight men (was that a feminist statement, Mr. Dietrich?) and beat them up with kicks to the balls. Then, on other occasions, they have sex with men, with each other or with the warden. Oh well. This is a porn movie, nothing more and the actresses in here are even bad for porn film actors still. I personally prefer brunettes so if you are horny and like blondes, this may be a bearable watch and I have to say I even liked the one petite blonde with the big breasts, aside from the one (yes only one) brunette character. So yeah, there is no reason really to watch this film. If you are horny, go for porn and I do not mean "go for this film here" as it really sucked a lot and was never a rewarding watch. The premise is not that bad, but what they made of it is pretty disastrous. This may not be a Franco film, but it looks exactly like one of the Spanish filmmaker's worst. The only question worth discussing controversially after seeing these 1.5 hours is what was the worst aspect of it: Script? Acting? Sex scenes? I highly not recommend the watch.
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What can I say?
jvanderkammer1 March 2001
Put them all together: Erwin Dietrich behind the camera, Brigitte Lahaie and a whole bunch of gorgeous, very naked women in front of the camera, keep the nudity and hot scenes going from beginning to end, and you've got a winner. Storyline?... who cares! Okay, okay... a bunch of beautiful girls are kidnapped from a bordello by a paramilitary force (yikes!) and taken to a deserted island to be held as sex slaves. That's the bad news. The good news is they don't suffer much at all, and they are nude most of the time. Basically the same cast from "Come Play With Me" (another wonderful Erwin Dietrich romp) with a bunch of welcomed additions. Fans of '70s Euro sleaze will definitely enjoy this one.
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One of the best women in prison films ever!!!
wildpeace1014 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i'm very surprised of the low average rating that this film is getting.

i've seem many disappointing exploitation films(dark lighting, excessive gore,dull story,lack of good looking girls and lack of full frontal nudity) but this one really stands apart. it has beautiful girls,good locations, scenes well lit and an interesting story.

it has constant nudity and it doesn't shy away from full frontal like so many other films seem to do just to attract a different market.Of course,it's not perfect. But what films are? The fight between a naked man and a woman (she easily wins)isn't very credible. Another scene were there's a grenade and smoke isn't credible as the grenade looks like a plastic green lemon and the explosion(if you can call it that!) looks like a cloud of smoke.

There's also a scene where a girl kills a doctor with a steel instrument. First of all,it's doubtful it would have killed him and it makes the girl look bad(a knock on the head would still have done the trick)since the doctor was not established as a very evil character after all.

But there's so much that's good about this film,that those are little imperfections that can be easily forgotten.

This review is the one of the 2006 uncut PAL widescreen special edition titled CAGED WOMEN which comes with an xxx stars bonus.

The xxx stars bonus is clips of really bad porn so if you can find a DVD cheaper without the bonus,go for that one.
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