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18 February 2024
Lisa Frankenstein, the latest 2024 cinematic endeavor, is an unfortunate misfire, deserving of a 1/10 rating. The film, which seemingly aimed to blend horror elements with a quirky, colorful aesthetic, falls flat in nearly every aspect imaginable.

The plot is the first major casualty of this cinematic catastrophe. It meanders aimlessly, lacking both purpose and real meaning. Instead of engaging the audience with a coherent story, the film seems to stumble from one scene to the next, leaving viewers wondering what, if anything, the filmmakers were trying to convey. The attempts at weaving a narrative are so disjointed that any potential for substance is quickly lost in a sea of confusion.

Comedy, which could have served as the film's saving grace, instead adds to its downfall. The humor, if it can be called that, is so poorly executed that it fails to elicit even the slightest chuckle. It's a clear indication that the film struggles to find its identity, caught between wanting to be a comedic spoof and a genuine part of the horror genre it awkwardly tries to parody.

The acting further compounds the film's woes. It's rare to see a movie where the performances are uniformly lackluster, but Lisa Frankenstein manages this feat with disheartening success..

Ultimately, this is a film without substance. It's a hollow shell of a movie, lacking the creativity, wit, and emotional core necessary to make a lasting impact. The film's failure to deliver a meaningful plot, coupled with its unsuccessful attempts at humor and subpar acting, makes it a forgettable experience. In a year that has seen its fair share of cinematic offerings so soon, Lisa Frankenstein stands out for all the wrong reasons.
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