Review of The Platform

The Platform (2019)
Half of a good idea that they couldn't quite stick the landing on
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the movie was great. I feel as though they were going for some kind of grand allegory with the prison being a metaphor for society, especially with how the platform works and how the distribution of food works. However, I'm not clear on why inmates were moved each month and why they were moved to specific levels. It seems to be completely random that a person could be on a high level one month, a low level another, and a medium some other month. I don't think society is quite so random. In the real world, someone at the top and someone at the bottom are rarely going to shift around like that.

Another thing that they didn't really make clear was why the woman was looking for the child and why the child was there. Also, given how the platform moves, it would be very easy to get to the very bottom in a single day if one so chose, so shouldn't this woman have found the kid the very first time she went looking? Or was she waylaid every month and somehow couldn't get down there? And with the kid, was the kid always at the very bottom, or did she shift around? How did she survive? Was she magical, and she was just waiting for someone to choose to go to the very bottom and send her back up?

It felt to me like they had no idea how to end this movie, so they just kind of ended it. And if I was supposed to get some kind of meaningful message regarding this child (is she supposed to represent salvation or Christ or sin or what?), they didn't really do a good job making that message decipherable, and they ended it before providing any kind of resolution to what was going to happen to Goreng or the kid. Maybe they thought that leaving it to our imaginations would be best, but I feel as though they didn't really know what they wanted to do or say, so they used this as a cop-out.

All in all, a good movie that, unfortunately, doesn't have any sort of satisfying conclusion. It just ends.
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