Lara (2019)
Projected Dreams
8 December 2022
A reflection on maturity and the balances it inevitably provokes, the choices, good or bad, that determine the unfolding of a life, the people who, for better or worse, influence them, the regrets, the disappointments and the projections of unfulfilled dreams in others, particularly in children.

The main message is positive, that only by taking risks can goals be achieved. The general tone, however, is dark, marked by the compunction of someone who proved incapable of taking the risk at the right moment and dragged revolt into her life and that of everyone around.

However, it is precisely this austerity and this degree of demand, which make her life so unbearable, that also built an image of respect and admiration in others, capable of instilling excellence and perfectionism around her.

Life is made of contradictions. The destruction of the dreams of some allows the construction and realization of the dreams of others.
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