Review of Blonde

Blonde (2022)
Most will miss the point here.
1 October 2022
As I've seen others review this simply based on being offended by the whole thing, thinking this is just a fictitious telling of the tragedies of Marilyn Monroe or thinking it's exploitative and disgusting and disturbing. This, I believe is part of the point painted in this film. It's not meant to paint a glamorous or nice telling of her story because her story was not a Disney fairytale. Whether these things happened to her or not on the other hand, I don't believe anyone can truly know for certain what happened exactly and what didn't. That being said, all these things in this film have without a doubt happened to other beautiful rising stars throughout the years Hollywood has been a thing. I dare anyone to prove otherwise. I don't think everything that happened on screen didn't happen to Marilyn though. There is a very sad unfortunate possibility that most, if not more terrible things like what happens to her in this did in fact happen to her. I'm certain that there were more happy times that aren't highlighted throughout this piece but that wasn't the point here. This was meant to take a look into the dark side of Hollywood. If what you're looking for is a Disney fairtale, this is not the movie for you. Otherwise, I have not been moved to tears or effected as much emotionally by any other movie this year or most years as of late. Ana De Armas deserves best female actor of the year for this. The film itself deserves all the awards it's qualified for. I loved how it was all told in a David Lynch esq. Type of way. Highly recommended to anyone that is a fan of well made films giving a true glance into the evils of Hollywood and it's not sugar coated.
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