The Platform (2019)
Something outside the box
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE PLATFORM is a twist on the usual prison movie with imaginative sci-fi style ideas that make it feel a little like a CUBE revamp. Meanwhile, the whole societal exploration and allegory behind the film makes it feel a lot like SNOWPIERCER, but be warned, it's much more grisly than either of those films I've mentioned. It's less a movie than a collection of arresting ideas and many of them work well, although that doesn't make the film a complete success: the low budget is a little obvious at times and some of the psychological angles feel like padding. But the action, when it hits, is shocking. and the climax an exercise in sustained tension. Add in the usual assured performances you tend to find in Spanish cinema and you have a film well worth seeing for those who like something outside the box.
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