don't buy these characters
25 April 2020
Once upon a time in sunny California, successful toy manufacturer Clifford Groves (Fred MacMurray) is eager for a night out for his wife's birthday. Only she's busy with one of the kids and nobody else in the family has the time. He ends up home alone eating by himself when Norma Miller Vale (Barbara Stanwyck) pays him a surprise visit. It's been 20 years since they last talked. She was his toy designer back in the day.

This melodrama from director Douglas Sirk reunites Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck. I am conflicted about this one. It falls into bad melodrama a few times. I don't buy these characters to start. MacMurray is playing it too cluelessly as Stanwyck plays it like a gold-digger. Then the script is conveniently switches and it tries to be a heart-wrenching romance. All the while, the kids are the most melodramatic of them all. There is plenty of melodrama for everyone. I can see the material working if a few adjustments are made.
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