Why I Kidnapped My Boss (2014 TV Movie)
Calling this a movie is an insult to movie directors worldwide, even if technically ("motion picture") it may be true
7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Warum ich meinen Boss entführte" or "Why I Kidnapped My Boss" is a German television film from 2014 that runs for almost 1.5 hours as they usually do and was released back in 2014. At that point, director Gersina and writer Jago already had apporximately a combined 45 years of experience in filmmaking, so if there is any example of how experience does not equal quality, then this film here is it. And even if you do not know any of the two, which would be perfectly accurate given the absence of talent in their works, then the cast should make it obvious to you. There is no denying how stunning lead actress Julia Hartmann is, but truth is almost everything she acted in was a project that resulted in pretty bad quality. There is a pattern. So it also should not be too surprising that her male co-lead here Stephan Luca fit this description really nicely too. Quite handsome no denying, but range and versatility he has not. So this film is for simple audiences who automatically think a film is quality if beautiful people act in it and there is a romance story. Also this is "Herzkino" (no clue why this has over a 100 ratings here on imdb, normally they have 60-70 max and that is already the exception), which is a description for many German small screen releases that are mostly about the romance and where you can see that there is virtually no talent involved when it comes to acting, but even less when it comes to writing. I was still a bit surprised to see Ludger Pistor in here. I mean the guy has acted in Bond movies and I think he is talented, even if never cast as lead for whatever reason, and has great recognition value, so this film here is definitely way below him. No clue why he agreed to play a character, even if he does not have too much screen time. Not so surprised about Janin Ullmann, whose acting career is nothing to be proud of after she left VIVA back in the day. She is no Jessica Schwarz, that much is safe. By the way, the cast list looks pretty shoddy here too with how incomplete it is and the typos. Also fits nicely. I would not be surprised if somebody who worked on this film created it. Incompetence galore.

I will just talk a bit about the story now, specific scenes etc. to show you why this film here is an abomination. First of all, it is totally unrealistic. have you ever been looking for a job? Have you randomly called a company and with saying nothing but your name, they say yeah just come by? Unreal. An insult to unemployed people worldwide. As for Luca's and Hartmann's meeting at the office early on: He keeps rambling about how he does not like it when his employees have children because it means they constantly have to leave work if something is up. There is one very bizarre piece of writing about what he says. He explicitly talks about single parents and then out of nowhere says oh well the other parent should take care of them then, so his employee does not have to leave the office. That so made no sense. Which means that it fits in really nicely with the rest of the film. They may explain it with coincidence, but it is just completely stupid. Just take the fact how after pouring these noodles all over him on purpose, that guy is exactly the ones she sees right afterward for a job interview? Yeah right. And despite the noodle incident happening hours ago (or a sday max), he does not even remember her face? Are you kidding me? Still, he does not remember her face, but in the end it is great love obviously. It's impressive how they managed to fit so much bull into under 90 minutes. The female protagonist's best friend is also as cringeworthy as it gets, the performance and the writing, not only in the final scene when one guy tries to put his arm around her.

Now, let me say a few words on the story at the film's core here, namely how he has an accident with his head and loses his memory. Needless to say this is also complete bull from a medical perspective, but even if it was realistic, then all that follows afterwards just shows ow despicable the female protagonist is. She uses the guy to take care of her children. Yeah right, great mom, let a stranger (almost) do that. She uses him to get an extra job, so she has more money. She uses this lie that they are married to have sex with him, sounds like a sex crime to me honestly, even if he wanted it too, she clearly made use of him there, probably also in a legal sense. And also already right away when she comes up with this idea spontaneously, it felt so fake and unrealistic that it was just impossible to stomach. I mean the writing was already completely garbage, but Hartmann made it even worse. Surely requires a special (lack of) talent there. What would you do if your significant other had a head injury with impact on his brain apparently that causes him to lose his memory? There is only one answer: Go to the hospital asap. And even if it is you boss (that you do not like too much) and you cause the car accident that has this memory loss as a result, YOU TAKE HIM TO A FRIGGIN' HOSPITAL. You don't start such a charade seriously. And how are we supposed to believe that neither parents, nor friends, nor colleagues (absolutely nobody) tries to find out where he is, what he is doing, what happened... And please don't say that Reinhardt's/Ullmann's ex-wife/Neymar mistress' character is enough to not make us worry about this. I mean there is so much wrong with this movie. Whhile watching, there were at least another 5 moments and scenes that made absolutely zero sense to anybody who is not a complete fool. I could write another two paragraphs on these, but I am glad I am hopefully getting the memory out of my head when it comes to this film, so I shall skip the part. Just one thing. Remember howw they showed us in Asterix how a hit to the head of the Druid made him lose (and regain?) his memory. Well, here the male protagonist also regains his memory after being punched by somebody else. This is of course the only reason why a handsome stud and desirable male would get punched by another male character without hitting back right? If the nonsense story requires him to do so. Disgusting, disgusting movie. No good (not even mediocre) performances, zero realism and still dares to take itself seriously although calling it a fantasy movie could not excuse the gigantic pile of garbage we have here. Stay far, far away. Highly not recommended. Oh yeah I forgot of course her ex wants her back too and Pistor's character wants her to work for him. What an amazing woman. What an amazing woman? What a criminal! I pity everybody in the audience who fell/falls for this scam, especially women who want to be like her. It's a truly manipulative movie. Rotten to the core and the imdb rating is clearly way too high.
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