13 February 2019
I'll be honest, when I went into to cinema to watch this movie I was expecting to not like it. I had seen a little bit of the trailer and it did not really "speak" to me and Alita's eyes were off putting. When the movie had begun I was actually searching for things to dislike but surprisingly there were none apart from a few cringeworthy moments. I quickly got used to Alita's eyes and they became in fact likeable. The story began to draw me in and I got completely absorbed into the story and the visuals.

The world is extraordinary and beautiful and the action scenes in this movie are fantastic, quite honestly some of the best I have seen. The story is a bit fast paced but not to a degree that it feels rushed. Alita as a character is great, she is kind-hearted, innocent, naive and protective. Throughout the movie Alita grows as a person and learns about sacrifice, loss, love and the horrors of the human mind. Alita is very likeable because she is such a good person in such a horrible world and you can't help feeling very sympathetic for an innocent being like her as she is exposed to the cruel world of Iron City.

I watched this movie without knowing the source material and I loved it. I was drawn in very early on and had to watch it a second time. I can definitely recommend this movie to anyone.
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