Review of Kedi

Kedi (2016)
very beautiful also: two types of documentaries
12 December 2017
Very beautiful imagery, I born in Istanbul and lived there for sometime and I can confirm there are cats everywhere, but I never knew people had that much connection with cats in Istanbul. it´s very heartwarming and visually pleasing documentary, and, you see, there is mostly two types of documentaries the one for to get information and the ones to just look at the imagery and mostly more than information about the imagery and the feeling that documentary carries, and this is that kind of documentary, very nice to look at but that doesn´t mean it´s dull on information side, it´s actually very well putted, it´s just more quiet and lets you to find the atmosphere of the movie and process the information you got, nice to watch if you like cats or stories about people´s connection with animals.
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