Review of Kedi

Kedi (2016)
Meow, Meoow, Meooow, KEDI, Meoooow...
17 October 2017
Loved this movie. Did not understand a single word that was spoken, but I did not need too... I was able to clearly see the love that so many people gave freely to these elegant, four-legged, furry creatures.

TNR would be a wonderful option for such a huge over population that seems to be ongoing for these cats. I do dog rescue in the US and I wish that more people in the US would see this movie and view how so many of the cats of Turkey are cared for by the population of the country.

What I encounter here in the US, for the most part, are people turning in cats that they have caught in cat traps. They set the traps in their yards and then "proudly" turn either someone's pet cat or a stray, into the animal pounds. When they are left there, for the most part, they have a very dismal future and end up being killed. There are not enough rescue organizations to help to save them, nor are there enough private adopters going to the shelter to adopt a new family pet.

A disgusting state of affairs here in the US...
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