Baby Driver (2017)
Well Executed but Boring
10 July 2017
The execution and quality of the film making was great, but overall I quickly got bored watching this movie as none of the character's motivations seemed realistic or made sense to me. The action sequences were great, but didn't do anything especially unique or carry any suspenseful weight with the plot that I found myself yawning during much of it. Perhaps it needed more shocking gore.

The movie seemed to be a bit confused in its tone, mixing stylized violence with comedy and serious heist elements. It was set in a realistic world, but the characters and their motivations were not. It felt like it was trying to rekindle the essence of a Tarantino cool bad guy heist film like Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, but missed the mark. I found myself not believing the heist scenarios enough or having enough of a stake in them. It needed a stronger overall macguffin.

The use of Music was unique, but I would've have got more out of it if more obscure music was used, like what the GTA video game series does curating amazing forgotten B-side gems from famous artists.

I felt like Jamie Foxx's acting talent was a bit wasted, and the bland Atlanta backdrop seemed like a production budget restraint. I wonder what city was written in the original script? I doubt anyone writes for Atlanta. Rather than transporting us to a cool city that feels lived in and feels like a real location, this just felt like a boring block of downtown brick buildings to shoot car chases and shootouts in.

I love most of Edgar Wright's other films, so I'm not sure why this was so boring for me. It just didn't do anything new for me and will probably be forgotten from my film memory years from now.
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