Baby Driver (2017)
Perfect blend of action, comedy, and a great soundtrack!
24 May 2017
The film stars Ansel Elgort as the titular character in deep with some undesirables from the criminal underworld. To pay them back, he must use his driving skills to help with a number of heists. During all this, he becomes smitten with a waitress (Lily James) who makes him feel like he's more than just a criminal. He then decides to try and escape his life of crime, but he soon realizes that it's much easier said than done.

I must say, Edgar Wright did a fantastic job with this film. All the music fit so well in their respective scenes, combined with the great acting all around to make one of the most entertaining films I've seen in a long time.

Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, and Eiza González did their parts well and portrayed convincing mentally unstable killers. This is the first time Wright has worked with this much star power, specifically American star power. The actors played well off of each other, especially in scenes involving comedy where they nailed the punchlines.

The music was good, not all of it recognizable by the average viewer, but effective nonetheless. Supposedly Edgar Wright based the whole movie idea around the Baby Driver song by Simon & Garfunkel, which is an accomplishment all on it's own.

Baby Driver was paced well, was never boring, and made me want sit back down in my seat and watch it over again.

I wanted to keep this review kind of short, but I did want to give you enough information to hopefully convince you to go out and see this film if you get the chance.

My suggestion: Do yourself a favor, go enjoy a night out at the movies and go see Baby Driver!

Seen at a advance screening in Roseville, Minnesota.
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