1 October 2016
A low budget horror that is pretty damn bad. This one has Krampus taking orders from Santa as to who goes and who doesn't then before you know it a kid will be in a burlap bag headed for the frozen lake and he can only kill kids until midnight Christmas Eve. Krampus has a kid escape and decides to get him years later at the same time a psycho killer (Bill Oberst Jr.) gets out of jail hunting down the same guy for putting him in jail. You think this could be interesting well it just sucked. A different side of Krampus is shown as he keeps naked women chained in his lair to play with.

This one doesn't have anything going for it at all except for some scenes with Bill Oberst Jr. who always does a good job. Krampus never really comes off scary. In some scenes he was moving like the sped up Benny Hill. Santa looks like a drunk getting ready for a mall gig. Avoid this flick. Maybe just watch your toes wiggle instead.
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