Review of Before Sunrise

Banal and contrived, yet intriguing
10 June 2016
The plot throws a young couple together in a contrived situation with an arbitrarily short deadline, and we watch dutifully as the story (such as it is) trundles along to the inevitable conclusion ...

... And yet, at the same time, there's something truly captivating in this tale. The passing scenery, the predictable story, the unlikely meeting and dissonance between the characters, the tedious, naive, pretentious drivel that passes for dialog, the cow act (yes, really) ... these are mere distractions, perhaps specifically and intentionally arranged to prevent us being totally swallowed up by the huge vortex consuming our two brave protagonists before our very eyes. Despite everything, despite everyone's best efforts, fleeting glimpses of reality, little gestures and entirely credible, honest, convincing reactions escape, giving the game away: turn out this is not a film after all, but a fly-on-the-wall documentary. We're mesmerised, and the vortex has us.

This film is not for everyone but if you make it past the first 15 minutes, it's all downhill from there. Before you know it, you'll find yourself picked up and swept along on the same emotional roller- coaster that is taking the actors to places they hadn't anticipated going either.

Just before the final credits roll, we're treated to a recap of the now empty scenery from key points in the film, reflecting on what we've just been through in the same way as the departing characters. Nice touch.

Bottom line: well made, well acted, a captivating, romantic love story.
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