Review of MacGyver

MacGyver (1985–1992)
Action Man
8 June 2016
This is another one of my favorite TV shows of all time, and of course it's another of my childhood relics to this day is timeless to me.

As a kid I was really into the action films and TV shows, the 80's to me were just a golden age for that genre as we got plenty of memorable ones. This show was literally the first I saw and still the best action series in my book.

It's true that this show isn't complex, nor is it totally serious but that part of the charm of this show to me because just like in the action pulps it was a show that was concerned about being just plain fun.

Each episode was always something different, where MacGyver was always somewhere else either some far away locale or even someplace in our country and wherever he went you know there's trouble that he has to deal with. And, each of the situations are always something different, and in each there is a limited amount of time to deal with them.

This gave the show an unpredictability and suspenseful factor because I remember during the episodes, when a new life or death situation risen I was always on the edge of my seat wondering as the minutes and seconds were ticking; how the heck is Mac going to get out of this one, does a solution exist? Or even after an episode was over and I had to wait next week for the next one I was always exciting wondering where Mac was going to go and do next.

That theme song is awesome, it is one of my favorite theme songs of all time, even like how that title sequence is put together as you see an explosion with the Title and some scenes of Mac in action it just pumped you up for excitement and let you know your in for a wild ride.

And of course the characters are great, from the supporting characters like Pete Thorton whom I think is great, he's like the kind of boss we would all like to have. I really love how he's a two fisted boss that has a gruff charisma and also what's really cool about him is that he sometimes participates in missions so he not a desk jockey.

Jack Dalton is a lot of fun as he's basically the transporter for Mac and Pete. Not just does he participate in the missions to help his best friend Mac out sometimes but what's really funny about him is how he is always getting himself into get rich quick schemes which of course always land him into loads of trouble and grief for both Mac and Pete.

There are even some other supporting characters as well as a couple of villains that reacur which also make the show standout because back them that wasn't a common thing as it is now.

The villain Murdoc whom is one of my favorite fictional villains, Murdoc is basically the antithesis to Macguyver much as The Master is to Doctor Who. I really like his name which is ironic as it kinda sounds like Murder which is what the character is a master off. I love it when both of them square of with each other, it's like a chess match as both are pitting their intelligence's against each other. Where Murdoc engineers situations of death that seem foolproof, MacGyver has to always disarm them.

Of course the best character is MacGyver, he's one of my favorite fictional protagonists. Mac is just awesome, he's basically a modern day pulp hero much like "Doc Savage", "The Shadow", "The Phantom", "Buckaroo Banzai", "The Rocketeer", and "Doctor Who".

MacGyver is great because he kinda feels accessible, he almost the kind of hero that any of us could be. I love that he doesn't use guns or really rely on muscle except for his own brain which I think is a great message showing that you don't have to have muscle or lethal weapons to be a hero. It is just always amazing how he is always using logic and science to get himself out of predicaments and thwart his enemies and their schemes. It's true that not all of those scientific solutions would work in real life, let alone it seems convenient that all the things he need to do what he has to would be there. But I feel that's part of the charm and is true to the pulps as they were always concerned about doing and fun and put logic and realism on the shelf.

But Mac has this easy going charisma, I really like that he got lots of hobbies like myself which means he's always active and doing things. He can be a bit reluctant like myself as he doesn't ask to be in certain circumstances that occur but he always willing to do what he has to because no one else can.

And he's kinda a role model as he exercises selflessness, as he does volunteer or help out in certain outreach programs, which kinda makes the show a bit of a civics lesson.

And of course the action is great from seeing Mac getting out of the sticky situations and the fights. And there are plenty of memorable episodes like "Partners", "Jenny's Chance", "Murder's Sky" which has one of my favorite battles of all time seeing both Mac and Luke go against a gang of thugs in a parking garage, guess who wins.

Just like a great working invention MacGyver works well and keeps on giving.

Rating: 4 stars
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