Review of Ghoul

Ghoul (2015)
plot shaken out in Ukraine, post if found
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I do not recommend you see this. See the other reviews telling you not to see it? I read those reviews and then I was like... well... I'll see it anyway.

Don't be me. Me just wasted an hour and a half or her life. You are better than that. Be better.

The found-footage subgenre is polarizing enough, but this movie didn't even put any effort into doing it right. 1) I think we have all agreed that the movie has to be watchable. The camera work was so shaky and out of focus, that it was difficult to follow the action at all. Long scenes were done in darkness (which is an old suspense-building trick that. feels. old. stop.), and all of the classic empty-room shots were of the camera Glitching in a Spooky Manner.

This is not spooky anymore. (was it ever though.)

2) What was the plot?? I was going to post a spoiler notice, but unclicked the little box because I honestly don't know what just happened. Was it about the Famine? The acquitted Boris? The kid from the story? The serial killer? His brother? What was this documentary even supposed to be about? Serial Killers in general?? Because the interviews were all over the place. As the premise of the entire film, that could have actually been hashed out, because I was side- eying the whole things skeptically from the get-go, and that's never a good footing to start out on.

3) I was also lost as to the POINT of much of the action. So, I accept they're making a movie, even if the focus and the purpose is a little, well, nonexistent. But, (oh, there will be spoilers, btw) but if the serial killer could possess people, then why use the Ouija board? He could literally possess the characters and make them bite their tongues out, or rip their flesh off, but he spent 60 minutes making them run around in the woods to... do just that. The entire movie was this confusing plot of the ghost when he could have had what he wanted right from the beginning, and that was MADE CLEAR TO US almost as soon as they were in the house. Everything that happened after they entered the house was pointless.

4) IF YOU'RE MAKING A FOUND FOOTAGE FILM YOU NEED TO HAVE A WAY FOR THE FOOTAGE TO BE FOUND. goddamn it. Did the serial killer-ghost- possessed-killer-not-killer-wtf-is-HAPPENING submit it to their producers after he ate their faces? There is no way this footage was found. Also, on a similar note, who... added in subtitles? A soundtrack? The point of found-footage....



OH AND ANOTHER THING. JUST IN CASE I DIDN'T HATE THIS MOVIE ENOUGH, and I did, we have blatant pro-life prop., and a man battering a woman to death for being "useless" since she's infertile.


And this is all so he could be born again actually literally born again?????? I still don't really understand anything, ever.
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