Review of The Yards

The Yards (2000)
Somewhat predictable story, but . . . Charlize Theron makes the movie
12 July 2015
Not exactly, but somewhat in the "Godfather" genre' of story and cultural scenario, it's not really the sort of movie I would be inclined to become interested in, but the cast is so strong, I had to at least give it a shot.

Joaquin Phoenix and James Caan delivered their characters about as perfectly as could be done in the context of the story. Technically they were flawless, kudos to the casting director.

But . . . Charlize Theron . . . if for no other reason, watching her more than justified the time spent. Spectacularly beautiful, but well crafted to suit her character, she makes the film!

The actual story . . . well, it's predictable enough. Nothing surprising, no winding twists and turns, no really compelling complexities woven into this script. A snapshot of life, with its foibles of the human condition mapped against a well known cultural stereotype.

But if for no other reason than to watch Charlize at the absolute peak of her career, doing her thing as best as she's ever done, I might watch it again some time.
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