Ghostbusters (1984)
16 May 2015
Just watched this movie after having it hyped by all my friends " You have to see ghost busters!" "You gotta see ghost busters!". And I have to say what I got was a major disappointment. In fact I believe it to be highly over rated.

For one thing, none of the characters had any depth. They either spewed one liners like they had a fatal disease, explained the plot, or were sex objects.

SPEAKING OF SEX OBJECTS; This movie is quite sexist. There are two main female characters in this film ,neither of whose names I can remember, ( I watched this half an hour ago) one of whom is pining for one of the male leads, the other who is possessed and gets turned into a sexy goddess dog... Thing.

And just too add to that, ghost busters isn't that... Well, funny. I think I laughed out once in this movie, and that was the first scene where Bill Muray's character is attempting to seduce some woman through his weird physic test... Something . ( I don't really know, it's never explained that well) The rest of it was unfunny one liners or bad situational comedy.

But Ghostbusters worst crime is that it's just kinda... Boring. The plot is unremarkable end of the world stuff with a dumb Bill Murray's character trying to seduce Sigourney Weaver's character subplot thrown in there too.

So in the end, if you like this movie, by all means, go ahead like it! Who am I to stop you? But personally, I thought it to be incredibly unremarkable. Not bad, just unremarkable

(For the record, I love all the actors in this movie. Just not in this)
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