It's satire people!
24 February 2015
I have to say I am shocked and how many bad reviews I have seen on this site for this movie. It seems to me that the majority of moviegoers who have chosen to review here are only capable of viewing a movie at face value.

This movie is clearly a satirical look at Hollywood and the constant need to remain relevant in the entertainment industry.

I will admit that the film does appear unnecessarily "artsy" in places, but some Hollywood actors love being unnecessarily artsy as they think it gives them depth.

That was the entire point of this film, for Hollywood to turn the camera on itself and expose all of it's own crap.

What I took from this film is what I have always felt about Hollywood, which is also what I love about it. Actors are inherently insecure, which is why they choose to be in an industry where there is a need for constant approval. The actors who are worth their salt risk everything to entertain...us. For that they will forever have my respect.

Definitely worth watching and worthy of it's Best Picture Oscar.
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