Free Fall (I) (2013)
Another Film Where Gay Lust Supersedes All
20 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film introduces us to a young man moving along a well-worn track: advancing in his job, moving into a house with his pregnant girlfriend, parents all smiles. Then out of nowhere comes a force so strong it just knocks this conventional guy off his track. That force is another man. Sounds good so far. The problem comes in dealing with the reality of what happens next, and what choices are available in confronting that reality. The protagonist, Marc, once he allows himself to succumb to Kay's quiet, but potent seduction, is almost nonverbal for the rest of the movie. He seems to act completely on instinct, forgoing his life, his family, everything for this new, strong lust he feels. I think it works as melodrama, but as reality, I have a hard time buying it. I would have preferred two male leads who are deep thinkers, who are able to verbalize the risks both are taking. Gay men can be intelligent about their emotions too, not just carnal. Marc never expresses his feelings, or growing anxiety about those feelings to anyone, not even his new love, Kay. Kay, in turn, goes along with Marc's emotional indecision until it hurts him too. I'm a little weary of homosexual desire portrayed as some barely-contained base impulse that can't be thought about and expressed in sophisticated ways. It would have made the movie truer to life and even more dramatic if that path were chosen. Instead, we get a character who has moved out, has lost his girlfriend and boyfriend, his family and all stability, and yet we are to believe that through it all, he has found himself. Give me a break. He could have done that way earlier if he just had the courage of his convictions and told one or the other what he was feeling in a rational, intelligent way.
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