The Twilight Zone (1959–1964)
The Series That Will Never Die
28 November 2011
I don't think that any television series so personally bore the stamp of its creator than the original The Twilight Zone. There isn't anyone I know, especially from my age bracket who used to see this show on Friday at 10:00 pm that doesn't remember it and have some particularly favorite episodes.

Rod Serling who did the scripts for such diverse films as Patterns and Requiem For A Heavyweight was the creator and host of The Twilight Zone. Even Alfred Hitchcock in his television anthology series only personally directed a small percentage of the shows. But every Twilight Zone story bore the personal imprint of Serling.

The quality was uniformly excellent in each episode, you might like one better than another because some favorite player of your's was in it, but they were all good. I can't think of another show I can say that about.

In The Twiight Zone world that he created Rod Serling also saw that justice of a sort was meted out. Not anything man could quantify, but something that a ruling intelligence with a sense of humor showing sometimes meted out.

With cable now, even these old black and white episodes run all the time on some channel. And I think they will for centuries.
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