A German classic soap opera
23 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Immensee is based on a novella by Theodore Storm. The propaganda ministry took advantage of the fact to promote self sacrifice. Christine Soderbaum portrays Elizabeth who lives on the estate of Immensee with her mother ,played by Carolla Toelle, she has no desire to ever leave it. With her next door neighbors Eric, played by Paul Klinger, with his sick ,on the wheel chair father,portrayed by Otto Gebuhr, known for his Fredrick the great impersonations, appearing for the first time in a color film.Reinhart , portrayed by Carl Radatz , is a music students who is training to be a symphony conductor and composes his music, is on a holiday and staying with his parents, portrayed by Lina Lossen , who played the prison maiden in to the New shore, and Max Gulstorf as his father.Rein And Liz are in love with each other. They see each other every day, but Rein is wild and likes to go to new places meet different people while Liz wants to stay at Immensee forever. This is the conflict in this film,she wants him to settle down at Immensee and marry her and he want her to go with him around the world. Then there's the neighbor Eric , he too is in love with Liz but but is too shy to let his feelings be known. Otto Gerbuhr character is a stoic who accepts that death is coming to him. I think this was a propaganda message to the German audience to except the death of their love ones fighting for Adolph. Well He promises her that he will come back on his birthday as he goes back to the music conservatory. The next day that he leaves she misses him. Her mother tries to discourage her from him cause he's not a settle down type. She encourages Eric to take more interest in her. His birthday comes and his fellow music students students surprise him at 12 midnight at his dorm with a party. He had written a song about his girl friend Liz and the students surprises him out of his bed with a party and they sing the song with Jesta, played by Kathe Dykhoff, his second girl friend, on the lead with the chorus of students. The party headed by , I hope I'm not wrong about this., music student friend, played by Wilfried Seyferth. Character German actor stalwarts, Clemens Hasse and Maltie Yeger , they're first appearance in a color film, show up as students too. As Rein goes into his bed room to get his robe on , Wilf notices this red book and he open it up it's songs he had written about his girl friend Liz. He and the students start reading it and choose one song and start to sing it. Rein comes out of his room and sees Jesta with his book he chases after her to get it while the music students watch.He does come back to Immensee but when he has to leave and this time for more years, He ask Liz to come with him when she takes him back to the train but she turns him down. So over the years he's studying the music and not visiting Immensee. Liz is worried he hasn't contacted her.He taking his music examinations. One of the professors . played by character actor German stalwart Albert Florath, on his symphony he composed fro his test. He passes and gets a music degree . Liz get's suspicious and goes to see him and the land lady of the dorm shows him his room she opens up his bed room and theirs Jesta sleeping in it. Her suspicion were rights but the Land lady suggest that they had a party that night and he might of let her sleep in his bed room while he slept in another room. She doesn't believe that. So she goes ahead and marries Eric.Later when Rein returns for a break, after Eric and Liz sees that he's back, Invites him to his house , Eric s, and even insist that since he does not have to got back for a while to stay at their place and he can compose. Liz doesn't like this because she fears she still loves him. But their love starts to rekindle and Eric notices this at a community center party and dance where there is a talk about building a Brandy factory in Immensee. Her mother warns Eric about Rein. For Rein and Liz are dancing up a storm together , waltzing, . She goes out side cause she's getting hot. Rein want her to runway with him she say no. Later on Eirc give her permission to have the affair cause he's not jealous . That's when she realizes she loves Eric ,so she send Rein away, Year later Rein is a famous conductor and Liz goes to see him after the show. Eric has died .but both have realized that they were never really were in love with each other and that she sacrifices him for Immensee and he sacrifices her for money and fame . This movie is available in subtitles at German war films dot com. Soon a digital D.V.D. print from Reichs Kino 09/01/11. I got the digitally restored print from Reichs kino. It's still light in contrast but it's digitally sharper although no subtitles.
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