The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
I am in love with this TV series!
15 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching 'Big Bang Theory' by a nerdy friend's recommendation: he told me I would love the show, since he always knew my nerdy taste for manga,comic books,star wars,video games and so on.

I downloaded all the episodes in less then a week, and I need to say that I could not be more happy for that! This series is great, not only because it is funny, but because I can identify myself and many of my friends in it! It has a lot of cool references to actual things (like twitter,facebook,Sarah Connor chronicles,etc) and the jokes are the best!It was even hard to believe that it was made by the same creator of Two and a Half Men,Chuck Lorre, since most of the jokes of this series doesn't have anything to do with sex humor.

Of course, there are many physics' jokes that I don't get, but even so, you can learn a lot of different stuff in many of the episodes. (Specially with Sheldon's quotes.)

I really hope that we have more seasons of this sitcom, and also that Penny's and Leonard's relationship doesn't become a 'Ross and Rachel' gig going on again and again, as someone said on the message boards.

The series Plot:

Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are two brilliant and nerdy physicists who live together as roommates and are friends with Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Koothrappali,another two brilliant geeks.

When Penny,their new blonde hot neighbor, comes to live in the apartment next door,they all will learn how to deal with different realities and funny situations.
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