Deadly Jaws (1974)
Deadly Jaws
14 March 2008
Deadly Jaws (1974)

** (out of 4)

The title might make this sound like another Jaws rip off but it's actually another sunken treasure film. Two divers find a treasure map, which apparently points to a sunken treasure below the ocean. They hire a professional to help them get the gold but this guy turns out to have a few secrets of his own. This is a rather strange German film that is being sold in the recently released "Grindhouse Experience Vol 2" collection but those expecting anything like that are going to be disappointed because the film is certainly PG rated from start to finish. The film actually isn't too bad as we get some nice underwater photography, which certainly steals the show. We also get several close up looks at various sea creatures including an octopus and a Hammerhead shark. What doesn't work is the actual screenplay, which is rather bland and doesn't offer anything new. We get the same turning on each other aspect as well as various members of the crew having secrets. The ending when the divers are attacked by Mexican pirates is pretty over the top. Another annoying thing is that every time the director builds up some suspense it's over before it begins. In one scene one of the divers is surrounded by sharks and can't float up to the top but then the very next second he's up on the boat and we never get to see how he escaped. This film isn't bad but it's nothing special either.

It should also be noted that the DVD features a good, full screen print but there are forced Japanese subtitles.
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