
13 Reviews
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Patriots Day (2016)
exceptionally engaging and VERY well done
27 January 2017
This is a really good movie that is exceptionally engaging. Mark Wahlberg and the entire cast absolutely transform in to these true life people and give what hits the screen true soul and true emotional connection. Extremely well crafted, you have to tip your cap to the director Peter Berg and certainly to all the real life people who shared this incredible story and their message. Love can eventually defeat hate and that theme was masterfully played in this movie. The closing dialogue drove home the point perfectly.

It's a true shame this movie didn't receive proper awards consideration. It's as masterful a film that was made in all of 2016.
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Great performances in a mediocre, poorly paced and written film
20 December 2013
Frankly, the movie itself does not live up to its hype. I never was fully engaged with any character even though it takes more than enough time and delivers a tedious and often painstaking pace. Honestly, it felt to me like the film dragged and that the ending would never arrive. Even though not fully engaged and not empathetic towards any character depicted, there is enough style that I somehow cared about how the story ended. Every scene seemed to me like an exercise in an acting class. It feels like a professor took a group of talented actors and gave them this over-the-top 1970's assignment. Everyone gets an "A" because they are that good but it barely felt like a coherent film to me. It's like their assignment included constant references to try and deliver a "Goodfellas" type tone without having a script to back it up. The events of the conclusion were so easy to spot that I'm sure most everyone will see it coming a mile away.

Overall, interesting but there is far less substance than I was expecting. I have to say this was a let down.
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crazed, over-the-top and thoroughly insane but not really That funny somehow.
18 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original Anchorman and cut this some silly slack. Even so, this sequel just doesn't measure up to the first. It felt like just too much Burgundy. Maybe seeing more of the other News Team members would have helped. There really wasn't anything laugh out loud funny taking place at any point. It felt like I was watching certain scenes that were funnier in print then they were being acted out. The Anchor Battle II brawl is the perfect example of that. If I typed out exactly what happened it would read as wild and hilarious. Seeing it on screen, not so much. The cameos in the brawl are amazing. I have a feeling that each of those big names did what I mentioned. Liked the first film and read the scene that looked funny in the script. It's too bad it really didn't play out that way. I did like that they didn't care about being politically correct. They insult blind people and do some insane racial comedy... more power to them for that factor.

In the end, this film is crazed, over-the-top and thoroughly insane but not really That funny somehow.
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The Wolverine (2013)
The characters, effects, and story were all beyond outstanding
8 August 2013
The Wolverine continues the work of X2 as genre-defining. Welcome back Logan, now hand him back to Bryan Singer for the next X-Men film! The characters, effects, and story were all beyond outstanding in this movie. Like back in X2, we are taken for a ride and can relate to Logan once again. The acting is superb and the dialogue is perfect for the level of each character. Every single character feels believable. You follow the story through Logan's eyes and what a ride it turns out to be. It's better then everything not X2 (including First Class) in every single way that matters yet it's unique and is as far away from anything X-Men we've seen before. In this case, that's a very good thing. The FX and pace are superb. I honestly could see the FX being Oscar nominated here whereas the FX in Origins was TV show bad. It restores the sense of epic adventure and grand-scale storytelling that was absent from Origins and every non-Marvel genre film of the past few years.

This movie is sophisticated and delivers a grand story. The action fits in nice but serves the story first. Unlike other films that I've seen this summer, the supporting characters are utilized in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. I loved Mariko! The other newly introduced characters are blended in seamlessly with the story. Silver Samuari and the twist with him is remarkable. The cast selection is still perfect and I hope this spawns more Wolverine solo films but they left it as if this was the perfect end to Hugh's run.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Now THIS is how you do popcorn fun!
12 July 2013
Pacific Rim is a movie that knows exactly what it wants to be and delivers because everything put to screen is executed wonderfully. The performances are spot on and the actors really do make you care for the characters even with very little development or exposition. I liked the fact that the movie is its own sequel. Meaning, they cut through all the origin and set up of this world in the first 15 minutes. It's like a built in fast forward button. As it was unfolding, I kept thinking to myself that they are skipping over some pretty big and important stuff. Stuff we'd like to see and maybe should have seen. Yet, that wasn't really the case because what was left perfectly fit the story and certainly delivered the monster VS giant robot action everyone paid to see. The monsters are truly frightening and the CGI very well done. This film's budget has made news but at least it felt like they spent everything on screen.

Overall, this was a very fun trip to the cinema.
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The Avengers (2012)
It gets everything right! What other movies will be measured to in the years that follow.
24 April 2012
Marvel's Avengers is everything a movie should be, and more. It goes without saying that it's the best film of the year to date. There's a serious subtext to the story and great characterization throughout but its focus is on the amazing. As an adventure film, it really has no parallel. When a movie reinvents a popular genre, it speaks volumes. This movie does just that and accomplishes what they've promised us since the first Iron Man movie... giving us that "bigger universe" in all its glory.

The movie gets just about everything right but maybe its number one strength is the casting coupled with the writing. Meaning that every character has the perfect dialogue and every quality actor inhabits the hero they portray perfectly. Downey has Stark down cold but we knew that already. He's just given the right stage to shine here. Evans finds his pathos and his chops in this film as Steve Rogers. The Boy Scout all-American has an edge this time around. Hemsworth's Thor has understandable rationale for joining and doing what he does throughout the movie. His inner turmoil and guilt is exquisite. Tom Hiddleston certainly has the acting chops to hang with any movie villain EVER and he's perfect because this is no one dimensional character and his motivation and progression since the Thor film is seen and felt. Samuel L Jackson actually has something to do in this movie... PRAISE BE! Jeremy Renner is a nice addition and even with all the big guns chewing up every scene, he shines. Movie goers will want to see more of his character in the future guaranteed. Scarlett Johansson adds to the casting perfection. She's every bit the complex yet sexy female lead and a match for any male on screen. Would you expect any less from a Joss Whedon film? The interaction, conflict/turmoil and the relationships all work well and is definitely one of the highlights of the entire movie itself.

Add some of the best kick-butt action sequences that I've ever seen and Avengers is what other movies will be measured to in the years that follow.
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X Marks again marks the spot! Great Film!
31 May 2011
There are plenty of big action scenes throughout but it's the first half of the film that really impresses. Establishing these characters and the entire universe is done remarkably well and in a remarkably moving manner. This new spin on familiar "bad guys" Magneto and Mystique does give the actions and emotions for the characters a new level of appreciation and helps give them so much more depth and pathos. Both sides of the fence (Xavier's vision and Magneto's contempt) are advanced and the brilliance of the plot is that both sides are understandable and relatable. The viewer can simply sit and watch it unfold but also be emotionally invested in the journey. During the second half, plot threads move towards resolution and action picks up. Xavier is a shining example and his journey throughout the film matches that of Erik.

First Class never undermines the audience nor talks down to them and does all that is expected of it. It delivers great action, humor, effects and a strong connection between heroes, villains and those developing in between. The retro design is suave and making this a period piece gives it a cool and unique flavor. The collaboration between Singer and Vaughn apparently was a perfect blend. Vaughn did a brilliant job and Singer's vision from the first two films stayed in tact and was enhanced. I have to add that the score had a perfect heroic theme but was also moving and very well done. The overall impact of this film leaves you with a great sensation of a job well done. Fast paced yet filled with depth, spellbinding visual effects and a gripping finale. In the end, they succeeded in re-establishing these characters in a superb and interesting manner. There is more to offer and more depth to appreciate. I certainly can't wait for a sequel and inclusion of Scott and Jean from the original trilogy.
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Feels like a missed opportunity, kinda blah...
31 May 2011
This is not a bad film or experience but simply a watered down version of the first effort. I guess there really was no other option for the producers. They figured if it's not broke, don't fix it. Too bad they didn't even tinker with it just a bit. This sequel is exactly like a pale karaoke version of the original. I found nothing to be tremendously funny but a few scenes were amusing. Like the first, maybe the best laughs are to be had during the closing credits and photos of the missing day.

Sequels to a movie most enjoy more often than not, feel like missed opportunities. This effort is no exception. The tone, pace, and balance were off, unlike in the first film. The result is far less fun than it should be given we already know and like the characters. Among guy comedy flicks, this one ranks very average, not unmentionably terrible but not particularly memorable either. Kind of disappointing to say the least.
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Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man is everything a summer movie should be, and more.
28 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This first big popcorn movie of the year is also the best summer movie since Spider-Man 2.

What I liked is that there's a serious subtext to the story and it leaps out of the very first moments of the film. The playboy, hard-drinking, fast-talking arms merchant goes to Afghanistan to show the military Stark Industries' cool new toy. Events unfold and he sees, first hand, what his ordnance and his creations do to real people.

The movie gets just about everything right but maybe its number one strength is the casting. Downey brings not only his real life baggage and winning personality to play as Stark; he finds his pathos, too. Jeff Bridges certainly has the acting chops to hang with Downey and is the perfect foil and perfect villain because this is no mustache twirling, one dimensional character. Terrence Howard is perfect as the military man and old college buddy. Gwyneth Paltrow's character adds to the casting perfection. She's every bit the wise yet sexy assistant whose a match for her womanizing boss. The interaction and the relationships all work well and is even one one the highlights of the entire movie itself.

Most Superhero comic book movies seem to share a problem in tone. Most films try to cope with wild concepts by emphasizing darkness, even over-emphasizing it. Troubled, brooding characters, black leather and anger rule the day. Here, Iron Man's creators mix everything so well. It leans away from dark but touches on it just enough. Maybe it's the character or maybe it's because they had Downey's talents to play with but Downey's performance leads to more clever banter and genuinely real dialogue than most comic-book movies have ever delivered. So much of the humor works because of this and all the dramatic beats really click. Downey's Stark is glib and even obnoxious at times but he never loses his likability and grows in to something more. That's true character establishment and development in a comic book film, people. Even the flirtation between Stark and his assistant has the undertow of lonely romantic longing and implications. What's also rare for any popcorn movie is that every death carries real emotional weight. This is what you get when you mix great acting talent with outstanding material. They make it shine and give you a remarkable summer movie. Oh yeah, did I mention that Iron Man kicks butt and is loads of fun too? That you could tell from the flood of action clips seen leading up to the movie. The CG is perfect and the action is intense and very well done. That's no shocker. What was a pleasant surprise was that Iron Man is a complete movie.

(PS- It also includes the funniest Stan Lee cameo he's ever done)
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Nothing Really Special
28 April 2008
When one of the preeminent film critics of our time labels this film one of the 50 greatest comedies of all-time; your expectations can't help but be high. Maybe high expectations were a problem because I found the movie to be very ordinary at best. Richard Roeper is well respected and usually right on the mark but his sense of humor must be very different from mine. There are some humorous moments but nothing that warrants high praise. It's warm hearted but borderlines on watching someone else's vacation home movies. Mila Kunis is phenomenal (truly deserving of that high praise) but EVERY other supporting character is more annoying then they are endearing or funny. Forgetting Sarah Marshall contains many chuckles but no laugh out loud moments. Sorry to say, nothing really special at all.
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Nothing Could Possibly Be Worse Then This Awful Movie
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You can believe all the negative things being said about this movie. What's remarkable is that it's such a bad experience that it turns out to be the ultimate pallet cleanser. What I mean, all other movies you see after having to endure this awful film will seem less bad by comparison. I realized this while walking out of the "Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem" showing. It's a terrible movie in its own right but I found myself saying, "At least it wasn't as awful as NCFOM." That's not a joke or an over-exaggeration in any way. Walking out of NCFOM, you feel cheated, disappointed and even a bit angry. How is any film going to make you feel worse then that? I wasn't expecting anything coherent from AVP and that's what I got. Judging by the ratings here and a few critics that I read, I was expecting at least a decent film from NCFOM. For those that think this movie offers a deep theme or a hidden, complex agenda, you need to grow up.

The movie offers poor dialogue from the first scene on out. It's clichéd, needlessly cruel and the story itself is a trite disaster. The film exists only to jar the viewer and to attempt to be edgy and different. It offers nothing substantial, even in it's veiled attempts at allegory and a thematic message. It agitates the viewer at every level by callously killing any character they even half develop. What was the point of Woody's character? Why have the killer survive with no ramifications? Killing a main character (and his innocent wife) away from the camera is as poor as it gets. Let's not even discuss the ending, there are enough people that have mentioned that irritating lack of conclusion. I could go on but why bother? I'm not even going to remember the specifics of this film for very long. All I'll remember is the general unpleasant flavor it left and I'll remember that not many movies will leave such a poor taste. I'm not bitter. I'm grateful that going to the movies now has a bottom to the barrel in which to judge future films.

I want to thank the creators of this film. It single handedly sets up better experiences for the rest of the year because nothing could possibly be worse then this movie.
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It's Nothing New but It IS Dull and Flat.
25 June 2006
Like bad action movies of the past with a big budget but no brain, (Can you say Reloaded? Can you say Revolutions? Can you now say Returns?) This movie pretended to be smart but ultimately there was no thought put into the writing. Even the action scenes were on the weak and flimsy side. The entire movie lacked the energy of the original. Not only that, but there was zero chemistry between the stars--who have no personality or charisma, and there was no character development at all. Since the movie put way too much emphasis on the characters, this was a serious problem. This film had some nice effects that quickly became boring as their setup and overuse flowed for far too long. Besides, the one thing those Matrix sequels mentioned above did right was showing off Superman like powers and flying abilities. So, Superman Returns offers NOTHING new.

A serious disappointment here.
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Just Awful
16 April 2005
The girl from "Alias" was a bonus but the rest of this awful film deserves to be flushed. It's not like the house has legs, which is why the whole premise of this film (and its 1979 original) is so stupid. If things get really bad, here's some simple advice: JUST RUN AWAY. The house doesn't chase you. You're free of the evil. However, we know from the very beginning of this film that George is precisely the kind of guy stupid enough to get himself involved in an evil situation and then try to ride it out as though everything were going well. After all, he marries a woman with three children, which pretty much makes the notion of hell redundant. So really, I think that when George starts hearing voices and seeing things, it's not so much that he's being possessed by the house as he's realizing that his swinging bachelor life is truly over.
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