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Great first few episodes then slowly ran out of steam
3 June 2024
I knew nothing about the case or this adaptation of the story prior to watching it. I was skeptical if I would even make it past the first episode because this type of drama isn't really my preference. Surprisingly, as the multi-generational back stories were told I really enjoyed learning about the many characters. The acting was average for a cast most of whom I have never see before.

The story itself was tragic and full of betrayal at every turn leading to the murder. Once the law closes in and arrests made it was all downhill for me. The mystery is solved by the very unspectacular truths. The rest of the episodes have to rely on dull drama and acting which bored me to tears.

There were many unexplained "evidence" items or material references that just fell off the map. If it was important enough to put onscreen and discussed then why leave them out at the end?

I gave the series a 5 because its definitely worth watching the first half of the season although there is a serious drop off in the second half.
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What a waste of time
3 June 2024
KH stumbled as the leading role in this movie. The first 10-15 minutes required him to deliver so much dialogue it was clear he's in over his head in this stage of his career. He is a decent co-star and can deliver some comedy when needed. But this was a hard watch because he was struggling to be relevant in his own movie.

I'll give him 2 stars for convincing Hollywood backers to make this film. If it was anyone else they would have tossed this script into the fireplace. I'm a fan of KH and know that he can be funny unfortunately parodying yourself in a parody movie is a negative in my book. Comes off as a joke and it wasn't even funny the first time around.
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Flynn (I) (2024)
Eye opener as if you didn't already know
7 May 2024
As a news junkie I kinda knew a lot about the Flynn case. This doc sheds a bright light onto the matter mainly from Flynn's perspective. During the trial we only heard what the news media put out, the same new media that conspired with the mushrooms in DC to bury an American veteran and hero.

I wish they could have gotten at least 1 member of the "government" to explain why they thought they had a case against Flynn. These mushrooms frequently show up as experts on news outlets so they have a lot to say. Lie to the public once more about Flynn for old time's sake.

That's the reason for the 8 star its missing the other side of the debate. This feels like a puff piece for Flynn which he's entitled to for sure. But rating the doc only its not a complete winner for me.
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Cash Out (2024)
My time was also stolen
29 April 2024
Jump right in from the get go and just accept that this heist crew is insanely competent at all things. There is no groundwork explaining who these people are and how they became such elite thieves. So yeah ok its a movie we don't have time to get into all that. They make a get-away after getting betrayed by one of their own crew in the opening scene. Then it cuts right to them chilling out in comfort without a worry in the world. They were betrayed by none other than an FBI agent who was romantically involved with Travolta's lead character. So this woman was a mole in their heist operation and the FBI just never ever goes after them? They obviously planted a mole and participated in almost catching the crew but no man hunt or anything.

The crew is roped into another brainless heist and without any scouting or research they go all in. The heist doesn't go as planned and requires them to play detective in order to figure out what and how to steal this precious item. What elite criminal gang would rob something they aren't even told what they're stealing, such a ridiculous premise. Eventually, they get what they're after and they come up with an escape plan that is virtually impossible to fathom even in the movies. This is pure fantasy in the realm of heists and getaways. None of this is believable including the lead police officer who was wearing a law enforcement outfit straight out Party City.

Watch this if you are a JT fan but don't expect anything but head scratching drama.
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Them (2021– )
Season 1 great. Season 2 big let down
29 April 2024
Exhilarating 1st episode hooked me in. I was pretty engaged with the bizarre cocktail of racism and supernatural forces haunting the Emory family. The pace of show was perfect without dwelling too much on any character or theme. But in the 2nd half of the season a few episodes seemed to lose some steam.

As with many supernatural horror shows they run out of scare tactics and must wrap things up. I didn't like how easily things were explained away. The other black families that had suffered through what the Emorys did were just stage props for the heroine. Some serious stuff happened to them and perhaps way worse than the Emorys. Unfortunately, we will never know their stories.

The last episode was by far the worst. It was so luke warm and unfulfilling. Any twilight zone episode from the 50's and 60's could have been final episode to conclude Them. I still enjoyed the series even though I feel they left so much meat on the bones.

I loved the whole cast of the Emory family, seriously I felt connected to all of them, well done. I definitely recommend this first season.


Season 2 started off with a crazy horrific opening. As the episodes progressed the plot no longer appealed to me. I just wanted it to be over. What was endearing about season 1 was the Emory family. In season 2, the "family" connections are all over the place. Without that connection the plot had to carry the show and it was plain stupid for me. I was unimpressed with the figurative and literal twists. The acting was average this time around since they had nothing to really work with.

I recommend S1 and if you're a glutton for punishment then try S2.
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Salaar (2023)
Skip this movie
19 February 2024
The movie was filtered to look dark and grungy I feel like I need a shower to wash the grease and grime off my skin. The characters include comical Batman-type villains that rule some made up super-state inside India. Political intrigue and power grabs underline the plot.

There are some flashbacks of the boys and the mother as they try to develop those main characters. Half the movie is watching the CCTV team watching for a girl to appear. Who is this girl? Well she is a daughter of? Who? Maybe we'll save that for Part two. Maybe she's Princess Leia Skywalker's long lost sister. The story is just too outlandish and not fun to watch.

I gave it a 3 and that's me being very very generous.
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Mixed bag
19 February 2024
I was bored and wanted something different to watch. I happened to enjoy Indian movies and gave this one a try. Having to read English subtitles I found the stories were not hard to follow. I probably missed some of the subtlety and nuances of certain scenes but for the most part I understood what the directors tried to project onscreen.

#1. I must admit I laughed out loud at the fireside scene between Babloo and Raj. The actor playing Babloo could barely contain his own laughter in such a sobering scene. The actor playing Raj should get an award for keeping a deadpan stare. Outside of that scene the rest of story was weak filler leading up to that "reveal." The end was unsatisfying.

#2. I really liked the premise of the story. This had potential to be great thriller/drama movie. The time constraint of this segment forced many of the characters to be under-developed. So many crazy but important things are happening here yet the story failed to impress in its current form.

#3. Interesting forbidden love story but again hamstrung by the short time allotted to it. The acting felt amateurish which could be another consequence of the short story structure. The strongest scene was at the tea service where incredible tension is brewing underneath all the small talk.

#4. For me the weakest of the bunch. It neither made me laugh nor cry. They properly devoted the bulk of the time developing the main characters but the story fell flat. The awkward doorway standoff at the end made it clear these actors weren't very good.

In total, I gave 4 stars because you can watch it without hating yourself for wasting your time. But you know they all could have been so much better.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 4 is scattered into the wind
13 February 2024
First 15 minutes of episode 1 was pretty good and Jodie Foster is the lead? Yeah lets go!!! Well they went every which way with the entire story and even characters are all doing their own thing. Almost feels like they used different writers to handle each characters' plotlines and no one bothered to check if any of it makes sense.

I watched every week and I cannot remember any names including the leads. Impossible to follow the story as they jump from major plot lines to another without any relevance to each other or continuity. I may just stop and wait until the season is complete so I can binge it. Perhaps watching episodes back to back will make it sink in. I love the True Detective series up until this one.

I give season 4 a 2-star because of Jodie Foster but honestly she's not convincing at all in her role.
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Why did they name the series The Continental?
25 January 2024
The Continental and the story of the High Table should have been the focus of the series. The mystique/legend of the hotel and the secret organization that run it was what I was hoping to watch. Instead, we got the not so interesting story of Winston Scott. Not only was it a rather boring tale we're forced to endure so many new characters that no one cares about.

We get treated to the mandatory team of tiny but powerful girls who can beat up armies of Neanderthal men. We get a Chinatown community where Asians speak chop suey even though Chinese folk have been in America for more than 100 years. And yet, the Viet girl Yen cannot speak a lick of English throughout most of the movie is able speak American when needed.

Mel Gibson is the demented manager of the Continental and it as under his watch that the High Table's coin press was stolen which led the whole plot to unfold. His acting was horrible and just didn't suit the story or his important role there. The manager is unhinged and cannot be in charge of wiping his own derriere. The hipness of John Wick is missing in this series as are the ballets of fire fights and hand to hand combat. This series was strictly done by a lesser production crew and writing team.

The one person who's story no one asked for is what we got. They should have just called this "Winston Scott the story of a Hotel Manager." I guess the Continental just sounded better

2 stars for story association to John Wick franchise. Standing solo I would have given it a zero.
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Star power ruined a decent story
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When Hollywood elites join forces to make a film the bar has to be high but Flower Moon didn't meet that goal for me. Leo (Ernest Burkart) is the lead and while he did a good job its nothing like some of his other works. His movie wife Mollie was not bad but practically 75% of her screen-time is muttering dialogue under her breath or without pronunciation. Compare her to her mother's character, her sisters or even the elders. I get it that she has diabetes but supposedly the majority of their community were also afflicted and they can all speak just fine.

The main theme portrays the crashing of the Osage society and the loss of their oil/land wealth because of their marriages to the white man. Its hard to feel sorry for them when many of the women all seem to be hooking up with the whites including the sisters themselves. Their choice to be married to whites is condoned and celebrated. Mollie was fawning over those blue eyes of her suitor Ernest early in the movie. No love at all for any of their handsome braves?

The movie does much better once the FBI arrives to investigate and unravel the crimes that lead back to the King. You would have to wait for the later chapters of the movie though. The couple's story by then seems hardly important anymore.

I think if the movie could have been done with someone other than Leo DiCaprio it might have not needed to climb such steep hill of expectations. In fact, cutting out much of the Burkhart story might have also made it more palatable.

Oil, murders, diabetes, mafia don, history lesson of the Osage etc the movie just tried to do too much. I gave it a 5 because it is definitely worth the watch but if you skip it you're probably doing something way more worthwhile with your time.
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Its Really Bad
25 December 2023
Straight out of the gates you could see this was not going to be a good movie. I hate seeing futuristic sci-fi movies mix advanced technologies vs pastoral civilizations. How can any superior space traveling civilization survive without any ability to feed itself? They fly from various planets to demand food from the locals? Wouldn't it be smarter for them to use their advanced skills to either make their own food or teach the locals to increase their production. Instead they fly across the cosmos to collect "bushels" of grain. Literally, flying light years and expending whatever fuel energy for what amounts to a few pieces of bread.

The evil commander who just happens to be a white male is dressed in 1930s or 40's era military wardrobe. I wasn't sure if I was watching Hitler vs the slaves of Egypt here. Again the implication is that a superior and advanced military force cannot beat rag tag collection of misfits.

I've read this was a take on the Seven Samurai which is a fantastic story. But that movie sets the samurai against warlords of the same period. Same skills and same equipment etc. You didn't have to question every single that gets thrown onto the screen as you have to with Rebel Moon.

2 Stars for CGI.
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The Creator (2023)
Under-developed and Under Delivered
25 December 2023
I love sci fi books and movies which naturally got me excited to watch this film. Outside of the CGI, the characters and story were not compelling enough to keep me interested. Its one of those movies that you desperately want to end asap because you've already invested too much time to bail on it.

This is not a movie that will leave an impression on your memory. No thought provoking plot to discuss later with your friends. Sure go ahead and grab some popcorn because the trailer made you look. Unfortunately, I think that popcorn will be the only that you will enjoy.

A 2 star for the CGI maybe a 3 if I being generous.
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The Boat (2022)
This Boat Should Have Never Left the Dock
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
3 couples go on boating excursion. After a hard night of partying they wake up to find themselves adrift at sea and robbed of their essentials. They get a radio call from the robber pirate who proceeds to toy with them. He exposes their money issues and cheating and other past secrets to everyone in the group.

At this point in the movie is still watchable but once the pirate makes his appearance the story goes haywire. The audience is made aware of the connection the pirate has with each of the 3 men. It is apparent he is out for revenge.

The story falls apart even more when the men so quickly turn on each other over the seemingly trivial revelations. When they so desperately need each other now they abandon their bonds. The women also react irrationally to the news. The resulting conclusion is that these people are the weakest humans to ever walk on this planet. No one has any survival instincts or any backbone.

The pirate's revenge plot is also blandly developed so you just really don't buy the anger and blood thirst. They threw in a bunch of flashbacks to show his conversion from a young innocent boy to maniacal killer. Its just not convincing enough. This movie is plain bad and forgettable. Do Not Watch!
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Vigil (2021– )
Season 1 Should have been 2 Episodes
18 December 2023
This was not a long series although it just felt long because it was filler material in most every episode. The main character DCI Amy is running a murder investigation during an international military crisis while aboard the submarine Vigil. She and the plot are unbearable. The story is very shallow and not a believable military thriller. The political and war tensions are non-existent. The Russians are all over the "radar" and yet not one scene addressing the Kremlin or their motives. The story is figuratively trapped and suffocating upon itself.

On the positive, if you want to see diversity portrayed in the British Navy then Vigil is the series for you. They checked every DEI box and even made 40% of the series a lesbian family drama. At this point, why bother making any crime thriller anymore. The viewers all know the villains or suspects won't be any of the diversity characters. Just find the white man and focus on him he's ultimately the bad guy.
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Deep Fear (2023)
Was this written before or after the writers' strike?
17 November 2023
Either way its a bad indicator of the state of the writing business. This plot might have very well been scratched onto the back of a napkin with a toothpick. The story was so unimpressive and the acting was cringe I don't get how this got the green light. The lead is a very voluptuous female captain who shows no signs of any sailing experience. She pulls on sail lines without any purpose and grinds like she's hand mixing cookie dough. She's likely gotten all her acting skills on insta. The plastic surgeries and botox rendered her into an expressionless cardboard cutout. So can anyone else act in this movie? No they all stunk and their mish-mosh of unintelligible accents made the dialogue frustratingly painful to follow.

The shark wasn't even the real antagonist its just simply there waiting for dinner. I gave it 2 stars for location and scenery.
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The Killer (2023)
Tough one to rate
11 November 2023
I liked the premise but the arduos narration was unnecessary and distracting. It was also simplistic and philosophical not revealing anything into the mind of the cold-blooded "Oscar Madison." We learn nothing of "Archibald Bunker's" past and his professional/personal motivations. The secondary characters were basically all insignificant players allowing "Sam Malone" to shine in a solo act.

This is a non-descript revenge thriller. "Reuben Kincaid" just goes through the motions of tracking down his targets and knocking them off. I put this up against any of the last 5 Liam Neeson movies and this would rank below those clunkers. The trailer was awesome but I cannot recommend spending your hard earned money on this.
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Reptile (2023)
Swan dive into the kiddie pool
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie that wasted the opportunity to show off its potential. They casted a decent ensemble of actors that most are familiar with. They can all act but the story and the pace was troubling. There were several moments I kept thinking all your ducks are in a row let's get on with it. But then they pull back and say not yet, here's more we need to show you. Nothing significant happens and most people in the audience already know who the culprits are, why don't the cops know?

By the time, they finally get to the reveal they're about 30 mins too late. I was just sticking around to see if maybe there was any possible twist I missed. Nope standard cops and robbers yarn. Don't waste your time on this one.
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Amazing that slavery is still alive and well
26 September 2023
I wouldn't normally want to watch any modern movies about slavery. Roots is/was the gold standard for that subject much like Exorcist or Jaws are in their genres. Any attempts to match the success of those iconic masterpieces usually end up in the dustbin of film history.

Most slavery movies use the depiction of physical punishment on the slaves to evoke emotions. The monotonous desperate life of a slave is rarely the subject. What does it take for a human to wake up everyday and go about his day knowing his life is no better than a beast of burden? This movie offers an angle that I've not seen before. A full on perspective from the slave owners' side as well as the hired consultant Mr. Smith, a former slave himself.

I was "sold" on this movie once it was clear that Mr. Smith's agenda was beginning to take shape. I hung on every piece of dialogue between Smith and Jones. Instead of just feeling sorry for the slaves I had this nagging idea that we are all trapped much like the slaves. We are all in the Matrix!

Obviously, this film has a message in which both left and right leaning viewers would cast the other side as the evil slave owners. Both would be correct since we are in fact willfully trapped in the mental slavery system. We rather blame each other instead of the ones holding the reins. We are grateful for the leftovers when we haven't eaten in days. We follow their mandates without question. Well done!!

I would have given this a 10 if the overall acting was better. Some scenes were flat and not convincing. Maurice Johnson as Mr. Smith deserves an Oscar nomination if I had any say about it. This is a movie that I may watch again which is rare.
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Mob Land (2023)
Cookie cutter B-movie
28 August 2023
Small town aw shucks down on his luck guy gets roped in by his criminal brother for an easy payday. Heist doesn't go according to plan. Things get dicey for the brothers as they robbed an interstate crime outfit. Their uncle who is the town's sheriff played by John Travolta is investigating the incident. Crime outfit sends their fixer man to "settle" the matter of stolen goods and money.

The movie has the pulse of a dying man. John Travolta is the IV drip that keeps this movie alive. That is not saying much about JT but since I am a fan I kept watching through to the end. Stephen Dorff plays the same character as in Old Henry. Its just a costume change for him basically same speech same tone.

I think most people will stick with the movie because they know how it will end. Its just a house fire and yet we can't resist staring.

5 stars for JT's appearance.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Average so far
27 August 2023
Only 2 episodes in so not much to critique yet. The visuals are typical SW quality and action is good. The story is blah so far I guess we're just waiting for the main antagonist to appear when they find him. 75% of the main cast are female except for the villain(s) who will be undoubtedly be of male gender.

Is it me or Ahsoka's arms seem really tired. Literally every non-fighting scene her arms are crossed. The general also started this same pose as well with the crossed arms. Just an observation nothing more.

I'm giving it 6 stars as it is better than the average tv series. We just need to wait a little longer for the real story to develop.
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Very odd show
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never watched the original series so I have no insight into the characters' storylines. The first 2 episodes were ok but nothing we haven't seen before. A charming US Marshall Raylan Givens from Kentucky is on a road trip with his daughter Willa to Miami. Along the way some crazy criminal nonsense detours them to Detroit, Michigan. The presiding court judge over this case gets his car blown up. That's when Raylan has to get involved to investigate the bombing. Shortly after, the judge does get deep-sixed. Raylan is the lead to investigate this murder as well.

The murder eventually points to Clement Mansell who boldly advertises his contempt for the law. Much of the time we find him in a silk robe and Fruit of the Loom briefs. Raylan's efforts are hamstrung of course by his teenage daughter. While he's working the case she is roaming alone through the bowels Detroit, yes that Detroit. This young white girl so clearly out of her element must have 7 guardians angels looking over her from heaven. Unbelievably, her only encounter with danger comes when Mansell appears.

Hearing that he's a suspect Mansell retains Carolyn Wilder, the same lawyer defending the nonsense case which brought Raylan to Detroit. A typical Hollywood forced romance fires up between Raylan and Wilder. There is ZERO chemistry between the two even though both are selling it hard to no avail.

I'll stop here because of the "nonsense" case. That was the warning flag that this show is gonna get ridiculous. He encounters these idiots somewhere between Kentucky and Miami. He finds out they're wanted in Detroit. Instead of handing them off to local authorities he make this arduous trip even though his daughter needs to be elsewhere which is the whole point of the long drive. This weird set of events is something only Hollywood would come up with. Stupidity is surely to follow through the rest of series. This show is not for me.
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Another V remake
27 July 2023
Stealing storylines from the 80s tv series much? They couldn't come up with a better alien invasion plot involving superheroes?

The whole Marvel comics genre just need to die off already. As an avid comic book reader and collector even I can't take anymore over-saturation of these movies and shows. Anything to do with Marvel means CGI which means visuals over stories.

I don't know if there will be a second season but they surely don't deserve it. And even if they do I won't be watching it but I just might want to re-watch V now.

They casted a few Hollywood heavy-weights but none except for Olivia Coleman was above average.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Entire series should have been an 8
27 July 2023
I gave the whole series a 6 because the last season #4 was just that bad. The Burmese and Mexican contraband connection was simply unbelievable. The acting chops from both sides were unconvincing.

They would have been better served to just keep the intrigue within the borders of the US. The international story lines were a complete waste of time when Domingo Chavez should have been in every scene. His story of revenge was overshadowed by the politics of multiple countries.

The core group including Jack Ryan did ok with such a horrible story. I really did love the first 3 season but this one left a bad taste in my mouth.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Entertaining but strayed away from BM
27 June 2023
Not sure how any of these episodes checked off the boxes qualifying them to be labeled Black Mirror. They were watchable but nothing as I have come to expect from the series.

The first episode, Joan is Awful was the only one that might belong in the franchise. The episode Beyond the Sea was the lone shining star for me. There was enough there that I could see it potentially as a pretty interestiing movie on its own. The remaining episodes were just C-minus fillers.

I miss the previous BM seasons that made you stop in your tracks for 2 seconds and question if this could be possible? Season 6 was something but not BM.
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From (2022– )
Tired of LOST
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can we all stop treating LOST as some epic storytelling style? They got their entire audience from their pilot episode and people hopped on for a ride to absolutely nowhere. Many may have forgot their monumental disappointment when the show ended and was left with maybe it was all just a dream or limbo or heaven etc.

So here we are many years later and the same producers of Lost still have not learned the lessons of their failure. They're using the same eerie and mythical themes to terrorize a bunch of people trapped in a town that they cannot leave. Sound familiar to Lost?

Every episode is rinse and repeat of the same thing. As with Lost, the show's purpose is not story telling but rather presenting a puzzle for the viewers to unravel. Only they won't give you enough information and at the same time fill in mundane drama to throw you off.

Compared to a legitimate brain twister like Dark, From is simply relying on deception. Dark was still primarily an amazing story un-afraid to let you see the puzzle pieces and invited you to try follow along. From throws up straw men or red herrings that are all guaranteed to be meaningless.

I'm almost done with season 2 and will just skip any further seasons. I know how the show will end and people will be asking for their time and money back several years from now.
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