
15 Reviews
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John Doe (2002–2003)
Good Show but similar to other.
19 January 2003
I love this show. Since it started I have not missed one, however it does seem to be very similar to The Pretender. I liked the Pretender as well and wish it wouldn't have gone off the air. I like that John Doe seems to know everything but really that isn't totally acurate. But it does seem to be he is more like a computer or has a computer like brain. I like the actor they chose to play John Doe and the supporting cast. And I like the day and time it comes on TV. Although The Pretender and John Doe do seem to be similar I do believe that they are differant enough to be interesting to me and my family.
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Firefly (2002–2003)
Love the show,,,,, where'd it go?
19 January 2003
Okay..... this show can only be great to me. I have many tastes in TV and Movies...... (as well as music) but my two most fav. types of shows to watch are sci-fi and westerns. This show is a bit of both. I love it. It was airing on Fridays just before John Doe.... where did it go? I want it back..... I do like the Fastlane which took it time slot but are they planning on moving the show to another time slot? I hope it isn't being canceled. If my vote counts I vote it stays on the air. Thank you.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Wonderful Family Show
16 November 2002
Anyone who thinks this show sucks should have their head examined. This is a great show and I think it running for it's second year proves it has a great following. Prior to the year Smallville began there hasn't been a show on TV that I would watch every week without fail since the 1970's. Yes I am aware giving that information sort of dates me but I don't care. I am a 41 year old mother and me and my kids all love the show. I believe it is a good family show. I think it is interesting enough for all ages. My 16 year old son thinks Lana is "TOTALLY HOT", as he puts it. Me and my 10 year old daughter just love the whole thing and my 4 year old gets into the action and music. Well actually all us girls like the action and music. I also would like to say I like the music a lot in this show but one of the things that made me want to watch it from the beginning was that the cast seemed to be made up of relatively unknowns. I was unsure about how I would feel with John Schieder playing Clarks dad after knowing him from his earlier TV show but I am pleasantly surprised to say he works out very well in this roll. This is a must see show as with all the WB shows.
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Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)
Wonderful Show, lets keep it on.
12 June 2002
I love this show....... I have been watching it since it first hit the air. The only thing I can think of to critizize about this show is the time it is aired. I have a young daughter who loves the show, as does my whole family, and it cuts into her bed time..... I have always let her stay up to watch it but it would be nice if it came on say at 7 PM instead of 8 PM. If that was done then the other show, that we also love, that follow's it,(Smallville), could be watched and she could then be in bed by 9PM. Anyway.... again I love the show and all the charactors and the actors that play them... I hope it is picked up in the fall and with all the original cast.
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Wonderfully romantic movie.
31 May 2002
I loved this movie........ I have always loved romance movies and especially romance movies that display some savagery, and having it done in the old west makes it even better. The only thing that could have made it into a 10 for me (personally) would be if she had traveled threw time (the future) into the past to meet her soul mate. My two favorite kind of movies are time travel and old west. I wish I could buy this on Video.
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A good new western with new faces.
15 August 2001
I enjoyed this movie. I do really enjoy a good western. This was a good western. Maybe a bit goody to be realistic but I still enjoyed the movie. I really liked that fact that all the main characters were not played by "big" name actors/actress's. New faces are always a treat especially when they are as fresh and attractive as these were. I enjoyed it, as did my teenage son, and my 9 and 3 year old daughters, so I would say this was a good family movie.
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To Sir, with Love II (1996 TV Movie)
Just as good as the first.
15 July 2001
I saw and loved the original movie To Sir With Love. Sidney Poiter is one of my favorite actors. I really enjoy classics. After watching the original movie for the umpteenth time I was beginning to wonder what ever happened to S.Poiter. Wondering if they ever made a second or would ever make one... then just days after think that, I saw an advertisment for To Sir With Love 2. You can imagine how overjoyed I was. I could hardly wait to see this movie to see if it could be as good as the first. I was very much pleased with it. If you enjoyed the first you will enjoy the 2nd. I am also happy to say that I have passed on, to my very young daughter, my love for the classic movie. As a matter of fact she is at this very moment watching the original To Sir With Love and not for the first time I might add. Sidney Poiter is a very handsome man and a very good actor and everything and I mean everything he has done has been wonderful. And I might add that he looked as young in the 2nd movie as he did in the first. I would love to know where he found the fountain of youth.... but I am sure that is a secret only God knows.
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Cast Away (2000)
Don't Waste you time or money on this one.
14 July 2001
I thought this movie was going to be great... I was so very wrong. I was so bored. The others watching the movie with me wanted to turn it off at about the half way mark... I convinced them that if Tom Hanks was in it surely it would get better. Again I was wrong. I was so disappointed in this movie. Maybe Tom Hanks and the Produces/Directors of this movie are long time friends,,, maybe he owed them a favor, what ever it was the price was too high to pay. I will continue to enjoy Tom Hanks movies... after all it was not his acting I disliked but the story line. I know that if this movie is nominated for any award it will be because of the name Tom Hanks. One of the best movies, I think Tom Hanks did was Forrest Gump.. now that was very original and held my attention threw out the entire movie. I would not recommend anyone to see this movie. Unless you can see it for free and have nothing better to do for a couple of hours and even then watching re-run TV would be more interesting.
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Great Movie, Sad ending
14 July 2001
I love Nick Cage,,, I have enjoyed every movie he has ever made (that I have seen) 100%. He is my favorite actor. Meg Ryan is good also. I don't know what to say about this movie except I loved it. I thought it was so well done, I only wish it had a happy ending. I like happy endings.
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Michael (1996)
I laughed, I cried,,,, I loved this movie
14 July 2001
One of the most wonderful movies John Travolta did. Very nice, family movie. Excellent music,, I first saw it late one night in an empty theatre (empty except me and my date) and we both loved it. The ending was a surprise to me,,, after all who expects an angel to die. I cried so much at his death. I enjoyed this movie so much that I bought the video the day it came out and the sound track on CD as well. John Travolta is another one of my favorite actors (Nick Cage is my #1 Fav.) Honestly I can't think of a movie J. Travolta has done that I did not enjoy. Good guy or bad or both (Face Off) he is great.
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Wonderful Movie
14 July 2001
This one is a winner. It was a sad movie... and unacceptable for young kids to watch but a real good movie.... I am a big fan of the two main actors.. Tim Robbins,, and Morgan Freeman. Does anyone know if this movie was based on a true story?

What a wonderful ending also... and as I said before in other comments, I love happy endings.
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Cast Away (2000)
Worst Tom Hanks Movie
13 July 2001
I couldn't wait to see this movie,,, after all it was staring Tom Hanks, it had to be good. Boy was I wrong! Almost everyone I spoke to about this movie agreed it was not worth seeing. I had a good mind to demand my money back. I really do like Tom Hanks and have enjoyed much of his work, but not this time. The crash seen was great and the first few minutes on the island was good too but what next?? Suddenly it was 4 years later...come on... do they really expect us to believe that the only thing he did for 4 years was open 5 packages (I counted at least 16) and learned to fish and how to eat raw fish without getting sick? I am for the most part a city girl and even I could have thought of more to do on the island than that. I could go into details about what he did and didn't do and what he could have done but that would take too long. Let's just say that I would strongly not recommend this movie to anyone and I would be shocked if it got any kind of award.
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Sliders: Pilot (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
Wish it would come back
14 January 2001
About the only thing I can say about this TV show was that I loved it. I love Sci-Fi,,, and time travel most of all. This show seemed to have it all. However, I did like it better in the beginning... but as they started involving aliens I began to dislike it a bit; but not enough to stop watching it. I do wish they would bring it back, with the original players and with the original story lines. I would like them to stay away from anything too gory. If the show can not come back then perhaps they could make a movie that could end their journey back home. A TV movie that was shown on regular TV and not cable. I would also like to see reruns of the show. I'm sure they have them on the Sci-Fi channel but I don't get that channel and would like to see Fox pick it up or anyone else on regular TV. If a TV movie has already been made that shows them returning home than I missed it and would love to see it come back. Thanks Terri
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Profit (1996–1997)
I liked it and wish it would come back.
31 December 2000
Plain and simple... I enjoyed this show. I wish it would come back and continue where it left off. I would like to know why it was canceled. I was guessing that it was because (if I remember right), the supposedly good guy, victim, was doing evil things to people. Maybe the advertisers who paid for the show didn't like the message it was sending to people. I am not sure but I am sure I liked it. I am sure a lot of people who have had something bad happen to them in their past would love to find revenge even if it isn't to the extreme of killing someone. I think this show demonstrated a little bit of what a lot of people might feel.
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liked it
31 December 2000
Whether or not this TV series was realistic or not.. I really liked it and I wish they would bring it back... I wouldn't want it to get any more graphic or gorey than it was or I couldn't watch it and I wouldn't let my kids watch it. The way it was before, it was cool, not too scary and yet still scary enough to be interesting. Thanks.
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