Descendants 3 (TV Movie 2019) Poster

(2019 TV Movie)

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Everything ends here.....
judetonynassar3 August 2019
Descendants franchise never disappoint, With the 3rd and last installment,Descendants never fail to entertain and touch us! The loss of Cameron Boyce made the movie sad but still the movie was very fun to watch with great songs and the same atmosphere of the first 2 movies! So sad it ends here.WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU * CAMERON BOYCE*
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Fails to Live Up to the First Two
noahbmayfield11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of 'Descendants' from the beginning, I have watched all three movies the second they were released. Descendants has captivated my love and attention from the very first movie.

Unfortunately, the third movie feels somewhat out of place in the series. It feels very different from the other movies, and it's not always in a good way. Audrey's story arc feels unrealistic and forced. Actress Sarah Jeffrey plays a convincing enough villain, but she became so evil so quickly that it feels forced. Her redemption arc at the end feels random and unnecessary. That being said, I did enjoy The Queen of Mean storyline.

My other issue was Hades. The character was so anticipated and everyone expected him to be the next big villan. While his storyline was satisfying enough, I can't say that I wasn't disappointed. He was barely in the movie, and I found myself wanting more.

It's also worth mentioning that most of the songs just weren't as good as the songs from 1 and 2.

In conclusion, Descendants 3 was a good enough movie, and Disney Channel has one again given people something to enjoy. As much as I had fun watching, I can't see myself loving it as much as the first two.
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Good ending to Descendants, if not the standout of the series
jwwalrath-227-854874 August 2019
Not my demographic, but I've always been fascinated by this campy, weird little world that combines mostly the Disney fairy tale movies with children-oriented high school drama and the modern day.

Though the movie suffers a little from franchise fatigue, this ain't half bad.

This isn't as strong as the first two movies. (In fairness, the script is more cohesive than the first film). The individual character moments just don't have the impact and charm of the previous flicks. This probably has to do with the fact that there are just TOO many characters to juggle by now. I mean the overall story films is resolved competently, some elements and characters are just handled really quickly. If you missed Audrey, daughter of Cinderella, (played by the Charmed reboot's Sarah Jeffrey) in the second movie, you'll be pleased to see her back. But if you liked Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, (Dianne Doan) from the first two films, you'll be disappointed to see her missing. I'm guessing they just didn't have time for her.

Crammed plot aside, this is an okay film. (I mean by Disney Channel Movie standards. I'd still put this near the top of them.) Story and characters are decent. The cast is strong and everyone seems like they're having fun. (RIP Cameron Boyce). I'm legitimately impressed how this movie takes itself seriously in it's own way. There is legitimate character development and use of such issues as redemption and morality. The handling of the socioeconomics of the world of Auradon, where criminals have been banished to a prison island and their kids are forced to grow up on it, is surprisingly complex and nuanced for a Disney Channel movie. (Again, by the channel's standards. The bar must be set accordingly.) If this is to be the final film, it ends the story exactly where it needs to.

The movie continues one of this series' biggest selling points: Its look. Again, we are bombarded by some delightully uber-corful and whimsical sets and costumes. I know the costumes are a little nuts, but they are just so distinctive.

Unfortunately, the songs go downhill. They are mostly weak or just okay. They just aren't catchy. The best in this is probably the villain song Queen of Mean, but it runs completely on style, and I don't know how many people will remember this afterwards. The dancing, however, still remains pretty impressive.

Overall, if your kids liked Descendants 1 & 2, they'll probably likethis. In general, number 3, while not the standout of the films, is the ending the movies needed.
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Good movie
huskylovw3 August 2019
It was good. The main reason why I didn't rate it higher was the writing. By far the laziest writing of the franchise. Still the actors and directors pulled through to make it a good movie. I found the First two to be better but that is my opinion still a legendary franchise for Disney TV movies
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An instant classic
melodybsw3 August 2019
I am so glad Disney makes such well written and family friendly movies available to watch on the Disney channel! Awesome movie with a great message!
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reddyeyealex5 August 2019
I Liked It a lot, it warped the movie series really well
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Ending on a high note
bkoganbing10 August 2019
With a tragic death of Cameron Boyce even if there was a demand for a fourth Descendants movie, there will not be one. A pity because this film ends the series on a high note.

With Dove Cameron marrying young King Mitchell Hope of Oredon that's aroused jealousy in Sarah Jeffrey the daughter of Sleeping Beauty. There's also controversy about letting more kids from villains to mingle with the good people.

Jeffrey has gone over to the dark side and has cast a spell over Oredon. It will take Dove Cameron and her old and new friends to set things right.

There's a great lesson here about barriers we erect with the thought of containing evil as we define it. Something some politicians should learn.

Nice ending to the Descendants saga.
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dootmaster4 August 2019
The music wasn't great, and they could've made the ending so much better. Also Audrey was awkward. The only things I loved were Cheyenne Jackson's acting and the Cameron Boyce tribute. Not saying I hated the movie, but it could've been better:(
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The Movie Was Great
cece-447003 August 2019
The movie was great, really great, but what did it for me was that touching moment honoring Cameron Boyce. Truly magnificent.
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Final Crossing
hellraiser76 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen movie.

Like all good fairy tales, they eventually come to an end. This really was an interesting fantasy franchise which is why I'm a little sad at seeing it go, but when you think about it what else were they going to do, as the entire cast was getting older unless they put them in Auradon University next and seeing them deal with collage life. But that's will only happen in the realm of fanfiction, personally I'm fine with this coming to an end before rust settled in, thankful this turned out to be a good if not a great end.

The music numbers are fun as usual, two of the ones that are a good listen are Hades and Mal's number that was a lot of fun seeing both singing and dancing together. Another was seeing a solo from Sofia Carlson/Evie "One Kiss" that one was a lot of fun putting on the moves while singing, she always has good moves.

But that sequence was also funny as by its nature it's one big suspenseful delay as she is uncertain her kiss will be true love to awaken Doug, which is understandable as love can be scary sometimes as it holds the unknown aspect. Really like the look on Mal and Uma's faces while Evie is singing it's the same think we're all thinking "Just do it already!"

I like some of the new editions, like Doctor Faustus's granddaughter, she's fun as she's sort of a fortune teller but also just has this slick charisma.

Another of course is Hades, despite not in the film that long he was a lot of fun. I really like the look of him, which is the Billy Idol look, which is cool as I like Billy Idol. Really like his cool but also slightly devious dynamic. It was interesting though I wouldn't say surprising as I actually saw it a mile away and probably right now it's no big secret anymore, on Hades being Mal's father which makes sense as both of them have the same fashion sense, are mischavious, let alone weld fire; so I guess you can say Mal is the princess/daughter of the underworld so that's cool.

Really like how both Mal and him play off of each other as it's a bit of a strained dynamic but also you see hints that deep done some of that is an act as both really do want some sort of connection with one another which makes it a bit sad because you realize how much time both have lost with each other. From a little more of what we discover about Hades you can't help but wonder if he would have been a better parent for Mal than Maleficent.

But most importantly really like seeing all the characters again well except for Lonnie whom is sadly absent which is one weak point I'll get to latter. Each of them is themselves and I like that we see they all have some good scenes and even more well rounded but also shows how much further they've came.

From Carlos played well Cameron Boyce whom is sadly no longer with us, this was literally the last film from him which sucks, same can be said about a lot of other actors that were gone too soon; but here he finished well.

The highlight was seeing both Carlos and Jane interacting with each other which was sweet, I like the mature sensibility about it as we see both have been in a relationship for a while, from that Cake he and rest were going to deliver to her Birthday party, which becomes a running joke as that Cake just keeps getting smaller. But we see the gift Carlos gives her which really signified the sweetness but is also funny as it sounds almost like a name for a candy.

Really like Jane in this film also, despite also not being in the film that much you really do get a sense of depth with her as we see from that Birthday party, she's became more social and outgoing has more friends in her life. But also, her wits are sharp as we see her jump into the enchanted water to counter Audrey's spell.

Mal and Ben are good as usual and it was interesting seeing how their relationship is taking the next step as we see Ben proposing. Some would argue their both still too young even though both actors are in their twenties. Both have good chemistry even though once again not a lot of scenes with the two together. Really liked seeing Ben in Beast mode, which was something I've been wanting to happen for a long while.

I really liked seeing both Uma and Mal gang work together to save Auradon from Audrey. Really like how we see slowly but surely both factions are slowly but surely putting their differences aside, form a bond, but see the good nature in Uma and her group. Like with Gill whom despite not the brightest bulb he has this innocence to him, like how he really enjoys the small things in Auradon like eating berries which further addresses the poverty issue on the Isle, and shows how we should be grateful for what we have and take for granted.

But also seeing how he has some big dreams, mainly to sail on a ship and see the world. As well as seeing both Mal and Uma combining their magic in a situation or two which shows it's truly better to make friends than enemies.

Of course, we have the main villain whom has been kept a mystery for a while even the trailers didn't reveal anything on the villain which is a good thing and something I feel movies trailers need to do more of again. The main villain is of course Audrey, which really was no surprise to me, I had a feeling after what transpired from the first film this was a long time coming.

It's true her character isn't sympathetic or at least I didn't feel sympathy for her but that's that point, as we see she hasn't changed one bit as she's just as self-absorbed, vain, and prejudicial as before. Even a bit of a hypocrite and Primadonna when she yaks about certain things like, why she wasn't invited to Jane's party; well for one thing your not her friend and two you a jerk, wonder if that ever occurred in Audrey's mind why she's not well liked. We see that she soon is pushed to the edge and that attitude she holds is amplified from Maleficent's wand she jacks, and we of course see her do some pretty bad things.

Now here are somethings about this sequel that really hold it back for me, which makes this my least favorite volume of the bunch. It really sucked that Lonnie wasn't in this film as she is one of my favorite characters in the franchise, but due to the fact they couldn't' get the actress, it couldn't be helped.

As I said the bromance Jay has in the film with Gill and Harry isn't bad, but it's just not the same, like a lot of fans I really wanted to see more back and forth between Lonnie and him which would've given depth as to how far things have gone between them, so, this I felt was one big lost opportunity.

Another problem is Audrey herself, don't get me wrong she's not a bad villainess but a little weak because most of the time she's just fraking around instead of getting down to business. Which I always found so stupid, it's sort of like that tired cliché that seriously needs to die where the good or bad guys sometimes have their opponent right where he or she wants them and does nothing; seriously the more they delay the more they practically hand out another opportunity to they opponent.

Or even go a little further with her character like steel some more objects in the museum which she had the grand opportunity to, like Mal's spell book or better yet a Necronomicon which would have heighted Mal and Uma's challenge. But also I feel Audrey character needed to be rounded out a little more she does come off a little two dimensional, we do get a little depth on her troubled mindset but not enough or maybe even show a little internal conflict to what she's doing, but is so wrapped up in her own greed and vanity she is slowly losing her humanity.

The film isn't really that exciting which is a weird thing to say but it's true, because in the middle nothing really happens. Well ok, things to happen but it just feels a little too few far between. There should have been more sticky situations to intensify things more and the action in the film is a bit lame, it's not bad but they could have been a lot better.

Like having a better final battle much like "Avengers: Endgame" and "A Better Tomorrow 2" where it all comes to a big payoff where we would see both Uma and Mal friends against some sort of demon or skeleton army Audrey summons up and we would see everyone fight. It would be a fitting send off as we see everyone is doing their part.

Like Jane and Carlos use some sort of combative technology, Evie use some spells and a sword and Doug with her also using a sword, Ben transforming into his beast form and ripping the evil army to shreds. And in the final minutes of the battle still have Mal in dragon mode but then have Audrey turn into a pink dragon and there would be an aerial battle between them. I know sounds extreme but why not, it is the final movie so have some fun while you can, but also shows why Mal and Uma and their friends are truly forces for good.

But the real problem I have is there is a serious balancing issue as most of the characters mainly all the supporting characters really didn't have much of a hand in things, let alone in the film that much, which amounts to more lost opportunities.

Overall, despite being a mixed bag entry I did like the film, but as someone that really liked both the first and second film, I think it could've been better. Now it's time for me to get real, farewell Descendants cast members Dove, Sofia, China, and all the rest of you, you really did make this fantasy world and it was an interesting journey with you guys but like all fairy tales sooner or latter they must come to an end, which is why I'll miss you guys, so farewell.

Rating: 3 stars
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It's okay.
eugeniedemeyer13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the first movie and the 2 others were okay. I always think the choreography and music are great, Kenny Ortega does not disappoint there. However, Disney is soooo rich, why oh why can't they afford some better special effects? Both of the last movies look entirely shot in front of a pretty bad green screen and the dragon and sea witch Uma just look horrible. I know it's only a Disney channel original but still.

Still enjoyable though.
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The Perfect Conclusion
zoecrapsi3 August 2019
I mean, it's a Disney Channel Original trilogy, so obviously it's not going to be perfect. But it's clear that a lot of thought and love went into this movie - definitely much more than I expected. I'm beyond satisfied right now.
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It's pretty okay
SofiaHedge23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this movie, I thought it was okay. It could have been better, in my opinion, but it's still good. It's darker than both Descendants and Descendants 2. I was shocked, and I mean REALLY shocked, when Audrey turned Mal into an old woman. That was unpredictable, and I guess that's a sign of a decent film. It ends well, with Audrey getting redeemed and everyone living happily ever after. And that is how the franchise ends. This juicy, spicy movie also has Uma and her friends getting a redemption, too, and that's nice, because I has hoping for that for a little while before this movie came out. All in all, I guess it's worth a watch.
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My kids enjoyed this much more than me
a_chinn12 August 2019
As with the first two Descendants movies, my kids enjoyed them much more than I did. The idea of all the Disney villains being forced to live locked up (my magic) on an island by themselves does have a fun "Escape from New York" vibe to it, but this is the Disney Channel so there's teenybopper singing, dancing, and angst. For this installment, there is now a lottery of sorts where the children of a villains can get a a reprieve and get off the island, as did Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. I found it odd how happy all the villain kids were for those chosen (this time the descendants Mr. Smee, Lady Tremaine, and Dr. Facilier's [they're really desperate for villains with that one]) when it wasn't them picked, but that's the good natured attitude of this film about evil people. Another annoyance is the film is padded out with some flashback musical montage sequences from the first two installments. Maybe the classic sins-of-the-father themes were an interesting starting point, as was the "Escape from New York" Disney villain prison island, but the songs are annoying and the petty teen drama is a lot to suffer through. Honestly, my favorite moment watching this film was hearing a cover of a T-Rex song during a milk commercial. But again, I was not the target audience for this film and my elementary age children absolutely loved it.
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jupitersboba17 September 2020
So it's good for it's age range. The story is pretty good and they've definitely milked the series. I can see a forth movie. I do think that their costumes are pretty bad and lack quality for what i assume was a pretty decent budget... i doubt the kids care though!
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samharper-037595 August 2019
I am a huge fan of Disney so this may be biased but the movie is great. It's an amazing conclusion to the franchise and the songs and acting are really good for a TV movie. Loved it, fun watch.
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Hopefully this will not be the end of the line.
wetzelmichael6 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Descendants 3 picks up a bit after Descendants 2 left off and adds some twists to the story. First, although it is not specifically mentioned, it is implied that the core crew has finished high school. The 4 original VKs (Villain Kids) return to the Isle of the Lost to pick 4 more kids to join them in Auradon. The film begins with a big dance number where all the Isle kids line up hoping to be selected. Those that were not picked seemed doomed to wait until the next VK selection day. Uma is still on the loose and expected to crash the party at any moment. Mal accepts Ben's marriage proposal. Everyone is ecstatic except Ben's ex Audrey. When the VKs go to the Isle to pick up the four new kids Hades attempts to escape. This prompts a decision to permanently close the barrier; effectively ending the exchange program intended to redeem the kids on the Isle. Overcome by jealously Audrey steals Queen Belle's crown and Maleficent's scepter and embarks on a rampage of black magic shenanigans. The only thing that can stop her is Hades' ember. Mal and the others secretly return to the Isle to recover the ember from Hades, who is revealed as Mal's absentee father. They still can't prevail alone; they must set aside their differences and work with Uma and her crew if they are to bring down Dark Audrey. The film has its share of moments. It was good to finally see Ben as a beast. The engagement in the beginning is a nice touch; Ben and Mal have always been so cute together that you can't help but root for them. This is the only significant relationship event in the film. Evie has one song about love's first kiss; her boyfriend Doug has morphed from a clean-cut nerd into a grunge rocker. Carlos and Jane's relationship is developed even less. I know this is Disney channel, but these are good looking young people so their relationships should have more content; perhaps at the Grease level. Adding Cheyenne Jackson as Hades gave some spunk to the film, even though he is only featured in three scenes. Kristin Chenoweth still has not resumed her role as Maleficent from the first installment; a duet between her and Jackson about their strained relationship would have been classic. There is a song accompanying every plot event, although only Audrey's "Queen of Mean" and a duet between Hades and Mal carry much zing. The new VKs don't get much attention. Dr. Facillier's daughter Celia had potential but becomes mainly a sidekick. Dizzy Tremaine and the Smee twins are just there as filler characters. Cameron Boyce's recent young death is a sad undercurrent throughout, but it does not diminish the fun factor too much. Predictably, in the end peace is restored to Auradon, everyone is forgiven, and they are all better people for it. The film ends with the barrier over the Isle being permanently broken, which is akin to letting all the inmates in a maximum-security prison walk out. There are some Isle residents who should not be loose. It would have been better to release all the kids and allow them occasional visits to their parents. The ending left me with a feeling of incompleteness; having the royal wedding would have tied up all the loose ends. The movie touched cords with many current political events: open borders vs security, splitting up families, good and bad came come from inside and out, criminal justice reform. The conclusion does not slam the door shut on the possibility of future installments but had a sense of finality. This is supposedly the last Descendants movie; it would be somewhat disappointing if that holds. There is enough material remaining for a Descendants 4, although it might be difficult to do without Boyce. Casting anyone else in his role would be borderline disrespectful. But Carlos is not an essential character; it has always been Mal's story. Maybe they will pick it back up in 2 or 3 years. Overall Descendants 3 had its flaws but is still enjoyable. Both kids and parents can enjoy the story and theatrics. The Descendants series has been a big success for Disney, and part 3 scores a 7/10.
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A good concept with terrible execution
zomoragbon5 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My rating is low because I've seen the majority praising the movie and an overall rating of 7.6 for Descendant 3 is insane. I admit the songs are great, the message is good, but even if it's Disney and it most likely cater to younger audiences, this poor writing and the amount of plot holes are inexcusable. Usually, I don't write reviews for movies, but I had high expectations for this one because I like the concept of villains turning good, fairy-tales having twists, etc. This movie had the potential to be great, but it failed at it miserable from multiple points. The plot is a mess and the characters' actions make no sense. I've heard this is an adaptation from a novel, so a lot of things could have been emitted and changed. It is possible that books actually had a good reason for whatever was happening, but that was never explained in the movie. So I'm going off from only knowing the movies. Let's start with the characters, their actions, and background, and their connections to the plot.

Audrey: Although a bit better, but just like the others, she has know idea how to be a good villain. Here are the reasons 1. (1. is more a spoiler because it wasn't in the music video) Audrey hates the VKs, but only turns Mal old and doesn't do anything to the others 2.Audrey makes the knight's armors fight when she could have just turn the VKs to stone like she did later on. She also does nothing to Uma after seeing that somehow Uma makes Mal stronger

Now, moving to a new character. Hades: Leaving Greek mythology aside and looking at the Hades from Hercules, there are a lot of things that doesn't make sense regarding him. 1. In Descendant 1, the barrier came down for a few minutes. Maleficent flew out to attack Auradon. Hades, being a god and having his ember, clearly could have escaped, so why didn't he? 2. Why does he even need an ember in the first place when both in the Greek mythology and in the Hercules movie he didn't need one? 3. Why is Hades on the Isle instead of Tartarus If he was deemed so dangerous? Who even managed to imprison him and how does the Isle even able to contain him? It couldn't have been the fairy wand that made force field since a fairy's power cannot be stronger than a god's. Also, who manages the Underworld and what happens to the dead if their ruler is imprisoned? Did they capture all the Underworld gods and creatures who served Hades? If not, the world should already be in chaos.

Moving on to Mal: 1. Considering how powerful her mother's scepter was and how completely unguarded it was, after failing to get the wand, why didn't she think to get her mother's scepter in the first movie, turn everyone to stone, get the wand, and then take down the barrier? And also, why didn't no one increase the security considering how scared they were of Uma and other VKs? 2. Hades said she is Half Hades, so why is she so weak? When Hercules only had a bit of his godliness left, he could easily lift statues, vehicles,etc. Yet Mal, who is a demigod, has absolutely no power and couldn't even defeat Uma in Descendant 2. 3. (3 is more a spoiler since it wasn't in the music video) When all of Auradon was in danger and she was clearly losing, she didn't think of flying to Hades and bringing him out to easily defeat Audrey and turn everything back to normal, but when Audrey, now a villain, was about to die, she was willing to risk to bringing Hades out. Makes no sense just like her idea to close the barrier forever, considering that Hades is her dad and she trusts him enough to go to Auradon and save a villain (Audrey)

As for the ending, I get that it wanted to point out the hypocrisy, but the fact that Audrey wasn't punished at all whatsoever and that her not dying is considered a good deed done by Hades makes no sense. Cinderella's stepmom and step-sisters were imprisoned for being abusive only, and yet the one who dishonored her own mother by going complete Maleficent on them and put everyone at danger faces no punishment. This is ridiculous just as releasing all the villains. That's literally what Maleficent wanted. Were they only afraid of her and Hades or why was it ok to release imprisoned villains with their full power without taking any measures to protect themselves against said villains?

Also, considering how every time Auradon is in danger, they have to rely on the VKS, I really wonder how in the world did they imprison Hades or other powerful individuals.
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Another classic
AdrienneGrayceMusic6 August 2019
I'm a woman in my 30s and love these 3 films, especially this one. I didn't think i could watch it when i heard about Cameron's passing, but i brought up the nerve. So very sad. Very good soundtrack. Some of my friends were songwriters for some of them and I'm very impressed. These teens are all great actresses, actors and singers. Just amazing talent here. This movie was entertaining as usual. Well done
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Evil royalty
MB-reviewer1851 April 2021
There are more songs than the 1st and 2nd one with same great cast (R. I. P cameron boyce, it sucks that he passed away).

This was better than the first one and a bit better than the 2nd one, the only thing I didn't like was the main villain.
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nraposa-7497119 August 2019
The movie is a good one but can be confusing a little bit in my opinion . The movie is not bad but it is nothing special . In conclusion they ended the trilogy in a good fun way .
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It's Good To Be Bad
brianlombardi-199023 August 2019
This movie series isn't the best. But the way it ended made it so good. The ending was touching, the acting was solid for my taste, Cheyenne Jackson was a great Hades, it was nice to have Audrey back, and the tribute to Cameron Boyce was the best. The songs were the best of all three movies. This will be forever in my mind
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Good sent off for Cameron Boyce
lisafordeay19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Descendants 3 is the final DCOM and the prequel to Descendants 2 and tells the story of the Disney villain kids who are trying to be bad but figure that they are actually good.

This time Mal and Ben are getting married and Aurora steals the crown and spinter causing her to turn bad. So it's up to Mel and her gang to stop Aurora before it's too late.

The songs aren't memorable like the 1st one back in 2015 but the guy who plays Hades was really good.
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Sadly disappointing
Paarden77714 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of Descendants, I loved the first one, thought the second one was fine but was really disappointed with the third one. I don't like most of the song, there are way to many of them as well, and there are just so many weird or illogical things.

When they are at the island of the lost, every kid that is not chosen is still very happy for the other kids and wave and cheer. This is not normal villain kid behavior, when Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos got out they didn't behave like this at all, but suddenly all the kids are just happy and nice, how can that be? I also think they look very healthy and colorful, making me think that life on the island isn't that bad anymore.

Audrey's grandmother says she is disappointed in Audrey because she should have been the one marrying Ben, making Audrey even more annoyed and causing her says something mean to Mal. Probably meant to show her more 'evil side', except for the fact Audrey has made mean remarks to Mal a thousand times and it has never really meant anything before.

Hades tries to escape and the boys try to stop him by simply running to him(they have no powers) and when they get knocked down Mal changes into a dragon to confront Hades. But instead of letting out some flames or something immediately, Mal waits till she gets attacked by Hades, who tries to drain her powers, and only when her friends ask her to fight back does she let out some hot air, which is strong enough to push Hades back to the other side of the border.

We then go to Audrey who is crying in her room, sad because she wanted to be a queen. The sadness quickly changes to anger and suddenly she is breaking into the museum, stealing not only the crown meant for Auradon's new queen, but also Maleficent's scepter. With like no problem, isn't there even an alarm at the museum? Also, she went from sad to fully evil in like about 10 minutes. This feels extremely forced. I also don't really mind the song but don't like that she is constantly looking at the camera. They never really did that in the other movies and I don't like it here.

Everyone at Auradon is freaking out because Hades was somewhat, not really, almost able to escape. But instead of thinking about bringing guards next time so the opening of the barrier isn't nearly as risky, or trying to make it so that the barrier closes quicker or like anything else, Mal just immediately decides no one is allowed in or out again, ever. Something I don't find fitting with Mal's character.

We then learn, to my opinion quite late, that it's Jane's birthday and Carlos made a cake for her but finds out a piece of it is missing, because two of the new kids ate it. Mal who already has her gift and walks out of the house to go to the party, gets surprised by Audrey. Instead of even trying to use her own powers(she is half fairy and even a demigoddess we learn later), she just stands there while Audray tells her she will make Auradon pay for betraying her. Aurday turns Mal into an 'old hag' which really reminds me of the evil witch from Snow white. Apparently Mal can't reverse the spell because ''only Hades's ember is powerful enough to undo the scepter's magic'', but what about the wand that was so very powerful before?

They decide to go to the Isle to get Hades's ember and Evie helps Mal, who has great trouble walking in her old body, but who has no trouble using it to ride her moterbike later on.

At the Isle of the Lost, Mal is back to her normal self after she crosses the barrier and Celia reminds her that evil magic gets cancelled by the barrier. But if the barrier can cancel out the scepter's magic and the barrier is made with the Fairy godmothers wand, I would think the wand is stronger than the scepter. So they could just use the wand, with is a lot more accessible then Hades' ember.

When Mal and Celia go to Hades' lair they use a weird bicycle powered cart which is just useless, they could have simply walked, and it adds nothing to the story. Mal lets us know that Hades is her father, kinda neutering what happened at the barrier a few days ago, and they talk about they fact that he left her, though Hades says he only left Maleficent. (Where is she by the way? She turned into a purple lizard in the first movie, turned into a green lizard in the second and now we never see her again). They sing a song about it which feels very much like a conversation being sung instead of an actual song, something I didn't like. It also doesn't feel like I'm watching a daughter arguing with her father, I feel no emotion in it, almost only jokes and funny meant remarks.

When exiting the barrier Mal gets a unnecessary custom chance and one again the barrier doesn't close quick enough and every one has their backs turns so they can't stop Harry and Gil from escaping, how do they make that mistake twice? Because Uma get the ember in her hands, she tells Mal that she will help her and give back the ember if Mal allows every kid of the Isle to go to Auradon if they want. But there are probably like a fifty or maybe more children on the island, they don't have so many rooms available at Auradon so soon. And these are still villain kids, how do you keep control of fifty young kids that still have to learn no to steal. But Mal agrees and we get Evie who tries to 'diffuse the tension' but sharing her gum. It is a funny moment that is just forced and out of place.

When they arrive at Auradon, we see Gil is amazed by things like flowers and fruit, and Uma reminds Jay that there is no fruit on the island. But why is there no fruit? Does nothing grow on the Isle of the Lost? So does that means there are no crops what so ever? Do they only eat the meat of seagulls they catch or something? What do they eat?

They go to the Beast Castle to look for Ben and get attacked by armor suits enchanted by Audrey. And Uma and Mal agree to work together for now. And then they defeat the making them dance....why? Why can't if be an epic fight? Maybe make us feel like there is actually something at stake, instead of making everything a big joke.

Mal and Uma almost high five, showing they are at least a bit closer, but Evie has to go and wreck it by forcing them to become friends right there. I mean everyone is in danger, and Evie is busy making friends.

The boys find Ben, who has been turned into a beast, and just simply help him get a splinter out of his paw. Jane comes out of nowhere with magic water from the lake that partially changes Ben back and they go back to Evie's house. Like there was no danger, they didn't get attacked by him in beast form even when he was in pain after they pulled the splinter out. What was the use of him being transformed into a beast? There was no tension or drama, everything was fine, the dramatic 'sleeping is too good for you' just meant he had to run around like a beast for a couple of hours.

The girls on the other hand are just busy with Evie who is wondering if she should kiss Doug, and weirdly dances with him while he sleeps and she sings a song. Doug wakes up and everybody is enjoying the birthday cake. WHY IS NO ONE AFRAID? OR EVEN A LITTLE TENSE?

Audrey uses a spell to cover the house its windows and doors with boards but Mal and Uma just easily remove them with another spell. So it is pretty much a useless part in the story.

After everyone gets mad at Mal because she wanted to close the barrier they are suddenly turned to stone. Audrey is apparently just able to do that from far away. WHY DIDN'T SHE DO THAT AT THE BEGINNING? AND WHY DOESN'T SHE TURN MAL TO STONE RIGHT NOW? Mal sings a song that I also find very out of place. She is so calm, just singing about what happened and how she feels. Aurdey just turned your friends into stone! She can very easily do the same to you! Why are you not worried or anything!

Uma doesn't want to help Mal, except after she gets hit one time then she forgives her instantly. They defeat Audrey almost kill her.

Now they bring in Hades because Audrey almost killed everybody but they still want to save her and the only way to do that is with Hades' help.

Hades is confused by why they about Audrey, a "villain", and says that what Audrey has done is considered an error in judgement", while people like him are locked way forever for attempting to do the same thing. Which is not really true. The Isle of the Lost is pretty much a big jail. It is just a jail where the inmates get get kids. Every adult on the Isle was seen as a normal person till they did something wrong. Which is true is the fact that they forgive Audrey way to easily, and that suddenly Audrey is feeling really bad about doing it. She didn't do it while being under a spell, she was aware of every choice she made. The same as the other villains on the Isle. So yeah, she should have gone to jail, even if she felt bad about it.

Then when they celebrate the engagement, Mal tells them that everyone has the capacity for both good and evil, and Hades and the pirates helped save them so the barrier must come down. And everybody is just okay with it and they celebrate as the bridge is restored and all the villains kids come to Auradon. But this is horrible. It is true that everyone has the capacity for both good and evil, but the adult that have been sent to the Isle of the Lost have already shown they are evil. The isle is a prison, don't let everyone evil out just because a couple people helped. It's true they shouldn't have deemed the children as evil as their parents, but that's why in the real world, kids get taken away from their parents in jail when their old enough. Because if they grown up in a prison, they will think this is how life is. And think of all the kids that know go to Auradon that have only learned to be bad from their parents. To steal and deceive. I think its going to be a dark time for Auradon till the kids have learned to behave themselves.
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An Average Conclusion
charlesuniversity25 August 2019
Descendants 3 was very well crafted. It added new plots that was unnecessary. The movie did try to give a conclusion for the first and second part of its movie, however there were still many unanswered questions which lead to frustration. The villainous in this movie was frivolous to the story and the action scenes were crafted poorly. The moral Descendants 3 tried to give away was poorly given to the audience and the movie did not dig into those ideas very well. The side characters did not get any importance and many of the characters were not used at all. The music was good (for a Disney channel movie) but there were too many songs, some songs were so unnecessary.The jokes and dialogue was also not very good. The protagonist Mal was quite irksome in this movie who lies and repeats the mistake she has done in the first and second movie. However, Descendants 3 is a quite fun movie and actors like Sofia Carson, Cheyenne Jackson, Cameron Boyce and Jadah Marie acted very well. In my opinion it was still the best of the trilogy.
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