Dolittle (2020) Poster


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It's a WELSH accent NOT ENGLISH!
mark-513-1932012 April 2020
Had to write a brief review as the level of ignorance regarding RDJ's accent is astounding.

As a Welshman I can say his attempt at a Welsh accent is not a bad effort at all. Like many places around the UK we have regional variaions but RDJ does a passable version of a South Wales Valleys accent and that is no mean feat.

As far as the plot is concerned you have to remember this is a family film that's full of CGI animals. Was it great? Not quite - but there was enough fun to enjoy if you could get past the the initial shock that Dolittle wasn't from England.

Sadly it seems this was too far out of some peoples comfort zones and because of that they missed the hidden meanings of the film which circled around friends and friendship.
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Good family fun
arthursheds18 January 2020
No, this is not an Oscar contender.

But all the negative reviews are completely unwarranted.

This movie is cheesy and fun. It has talking animals. Good guys and bad guys. A love story. Comic relief.

It's meant for kids, people. And mine loved it.
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Better than I expected
AZFamilytime16 January 2020
If you in for a movie that is just fun and relaxing with a good message about families and helping people out while laughing at silly jokes, this movie is for you. The animals were quite fun with their little jokes and silly comments. My kids really enjoyed it and we thought it was a good family film with a good message. Sit back and enjoy the ride. It's a fun film that everyone can enjoy. Suitable for ages 1 to 101.
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ray11516 January 2020
Solid family adventure movie and have multiple funny moments. Story is quite predictable, at least not boring. Main cast is every kind of well animated animals.
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Odd but enjoyable
charlotteschreuders25 January 2020
The first 15 minutes of the movie were odd to say the least, Robert Downey Jr making animal noises was not something I thought I'd ever hear. However, once you get used to the peculiar things this movie offers, and accept them for how they are, you will find the movie quite enjoyable. At least I did. It's a children's movie so of course there are some jokes that are funnier for the smaller of us but even as an adult I caught myself laughing a lot. You have to accept that the movie is a little different, and then you will see that it is not so bad as people make it out to be.
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bcmantonya17 January 2021
I'll be brief. The story was basic and felt limp. The actors were blah. RDJ looked like he was confused, trying to morph Tony Stark with Holmes with Capt Jack Sparrow and in any given scene couldn't remember his style. His accent wasn't as much of a problem as the way his voice sounded. It seemed like he was whispering the entire time, trying a difficult accent and trying to rush the words so it didn't sound like the accent was hard. Honestly couldn't understand him most of the time. Antonio Banderas was the most solid but still stuck with a lame character. The main boy (can't remember his name) seemed like he was stealing from Harry Potter #1 and Spider-Man. The little girl was stereotypical. And the queen was awful. The main bad guy was honestly the only person I enjoyed watching in the movie. The pacing was off, the cgi animals were decent. But I left the movie not caring one bit for anything in it. Yes it's definitely aimed at kids and should be taken at that level, but I've seen much better kids movies.
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Nice for kids
Braveheart6726 January 2020
If you are going to watch a movie with a child, you can choose this movie. I also watched versions of Eddie Murphy. This movie is more beautiful. Scenarios and jokes are better. Visual effects are realistic.
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Busy, messy and yet utterly uninvolving, this latest imagining of Dolittle is a witless, charmless and soulless 19th-century action adventure that even RDJ's charm cannot save
moviexclusive12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen Gaghan's re-imagining of the classic character gifted with the ability to talk to animals brings it back to its storybook origins, where Dolittle is a famed doctor veterinarian in 19th-century Victorian England. Based on the second of Hugh Lofting's Doctor Dolittle books, 'The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle', it follows the doctor on a quest to a mythical island to find a cure for the Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley), who has been poisoned by the conniving Lord Badgley (Jim Broadbent) and Dolittle's enemy Doctor Mudfly (Michael Sheen).

That quest is also intended as emotional closure for Dolittle, whom we are told in the animated prologue had secluded himself behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor following the death of his wife Lily (Kasia Smutniak) seven years ago. Not only does Dolittle have to come out of hiding, the mission also requires him to retread Lily's fateful voyage, before she was lost in a storm out at sea. It also gets personal for Dolittle in other ways, including having to come face to face with Rassoulim (Antonio Banderas) and the ferocious tiger Barry (Ralph Fiennes).

Not that much of it matters; in the hands of director and co-writer Gaghan, 'Dolittle' is little more than a series of frantic set-pieces under the guise of a swashbuckling adventure. That freneticism is also as a result of a whole menagerie of animals which Dolittle brings along on his voyage - including an insecure gorilla (Rami Malek), a bouncy polar bear (John Cena), a quarrelsome duck (Octavia Spencer), and a wise macaw (Emma Thompson) - that are constantly fighting for attention and screaming over each other in order to be heard.

Each scene is as messy as you can imagine, with little point except to create enough distraction to keep the younger ones among the audience entertained with the non-stop bickering. Worse, these non-human characters seem to be all over the scene at the same time, often either eclipsing Dolittle or making him seem utterly inconsequential. It doesn't help that there is little depth to each one of the non-human characters, even with a whole bunch of Hollywood A-listers assembled to give them voice, especially since they are simply given one single defining trait and nothing more.

Much of the blame unfortunately lies with Gaghan. The Oscar-winning writer of such geopolitical fare as 'Traffic' and 'Syriana' seemed to us an odd choice to direct such a special-effects heavy family movie when he was first attached, and the results prove that he is truly and completely out of his league. Not only are the jokes unfunny, the action is terribly unexciting and uninvolving, and not even the purportedly late salvage attempts by 'TMNT' director Jonathan Liebersman and 'The Lego Movie' writer Chris McKay can turn around what is essentially a misguided movie from the very start.

As much as we like RDJ, there is only so much the charismatic actor can do with such an underwritten role. Though the plotting promises a poignant journey for Dolittle coming to terms with the loss of his beloved wife, that proves to be no more than a convenient device in the scheme of the overall narrative, raised only when expedient to remind us that there is more to the man than his eccentricities. Oh yes, it should come as no surprise that RDJ brings his trademark playful yet confident air to the character, but even that is no match for the sheer commotion that follows him around the entire movie, no thanks to the incessant cacophony of his animal companions.

Much bad press has preceded the release of 'Dolittle', and unfortunately those rumours aren't simply speculation. There is frankly little charm to this feverishly chaotic movie, which seems modelled after the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series but is hardly able to muster the same idiosyncratic appeal. It is little secret that 'Dolittle' aims to create a new franchise for RDJ after 'Avengers', but we can't see why anyone would want to put themselves through this headache-inducing muddle again. As unlikely as it sounds, we'd take the Eddie Murphy movies over this anytime.
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Funny and Beautiful
nassimmortazavi17 January 2020
It was fun to watch, the animals CGI was done so beautifully, to the extent that I never really thought it's CGI. Voice actors were brilliant and RDJ was AMAZING. A lot of love for animals that was so heart warming and we laughed alot. A lottt!
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SnoopyStyle26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In Victorian England, Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr.) can talk to animals. His life is healing animals. His love is his adventurer wife Lily who travels the world saving animals. The Queen gives him an estate for life to do his work. When Lily disappears on one of her adventures, John falls into depression and becomes a shut-in with his animals. Young Tommy Stubbins is forced on a hunting trip and accidentally shots a squirrel. The animal-loving Stubbins takes the squirrel to Dolittle. At the same time, young Lady Rose arrives with the Queen's request for medical help. Dolittle is shocked to discover that the estate for life refers to the Queen's life. He has to save her in order to keep his animal sanctuary. He is frustrated at every turn by rival Dr. Blair Müdfly (Michael Sheen).

I expected a lot worst after the reviews. This is bad and the climatic fart joke does not help. I can certainly see what this premise is attempting to be. This should be a lot more like Pirates of the Caribbean. Downey should be a lot more flamboyant but his character is too flat. I understand his depression and that doesn't help either. The boy and the girl need to be the adventuring leads. Quite frankly, the girl could be Downey's sole companion. The boy's not needed and it's rather convenient to have both young people coming to Dolittle at the same time. As for the animals, there are too many of them and they melt together into one sarcastic blob. They need fewer animals so that their individuality can be elevated. It would be so much better if each animal with individual personalities and skills to solve one particular difficulty each in the adventure. I can see where this is trying to go. I can take a lot of this but the fart joke really hurts.
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I don't understand the hate this is getting!
stanluvr_lexx18 January 2020
I was worried going into this that it would be awful based on early reviews. It turned out to be a delightful, humorous family movie with CGI that would put most films to shame. Yes, there are cheesy over-the-top jokes. Yes, a lot of it is silly. Yes, the plot is simple. It's a movie for children! Robert Downey Jr was charming, Michael Sheen was every bit that classic mustache-twirling villain, and Antonio Banderas surprised me with his performance! The child actors were impressive and believable, and the voice acting was cute and probably the funniest part of the movie. Again, let me say- this is a movie intended for children that can be enjoyed by adults who aren't expecting a drama of the year. Let your inner kid out and see a movie for fun. I thoroughly enjoyed this one!
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I'll say my opinion
jamesgrove-7357012 January 2020
This is one of those films that brings a lot nostalgia back to mind. I like the concept these people are going with here. A Dr. Dolittle remake would be perfect especially the time right now. I know people have mixed feelings about this, but I like it.
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Rushed, boring
sathervbc26 March 2020
This movie seemed like it was rushed and didnt have a fun feel to it. Just blah. The actors didn't seem into it!
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Very entertaining Dr. Dolittle movie, I watched it three times, so far...
TxMike20 June 2020
I watched this at home on BluRay from our public library.

The IMDb rating seems a bit low, this is a very well-made and entertaining movie, with A-list actors, even those who voice animated characters.

Queen Victoria is ill and dying, in talking to a squid in a tank suspects she is being poisoned. They set off on a long cruise to find a particular plant that no one knows for sure exists but could cure the Queen.

Lots of green screen and CGI are involved, as such it takes on the look of a cartoon more than a conventionally filmed movie. It reminded me of watching Saturday morning cartoons with a few live characters.

Overall very entertaining, I watched it again 3 months later (September 2020), then almost 4 years later (APR 2024), this time with my wife also, and enjoyed it even more the second and third times. Plus I am a big Jessie Buckley fan, she plays the sick Queen, ultimately a small part but she lights up the screen.
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A great family movie
glitterstars-0802417 February 2020
I actually don't know why there is so much hate. I thought that this was a lovely family movie. Colourful and enjoyable.
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I prefer the Eddie Murphy one
UniqueParticle15 November 2020
Dolittle is pretty adventurous, fast paced, great voices, and beautiful! This has such a grand scale of big budgeted scenery and set design which is very nice. Some nice charm for sure, I like how the story plays out. I do prefer the humor, voices and story in Doctor Dolittle (1998) more!
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Skip It
calivsey30 January 2020
Dolittle boasts an all-time great (predominantly voice) cast, but wastes its talent on an all-time abhorrent script. It will likely do enough to keep your kids entertained, but the lazy jokes and awkward performances will prove a chore to sit through for the rest of us.
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Solid family fare
jell9514 January 2020
If you don't take Dolittle too seriously I'm sure you'll find enough enjoyment in the experience. It's really a family film, probably aimed at kids in the 6-12 demographic. It's got a few good laughs and it's a feel good adventure. Is it amazing? No, but it's not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.
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A jarring experience
displeaseddog26 April 2020
Poorly cut scenes mar what could have been a fun adventure. By the end of the film I couldn't name a single character aside from the protagonist. No character development occurred anywhere so I didn't feel a connection with any of the characters. Most of the time I couldn't tell who was speaking because all of the voices sounded as though they were coming from a sound stage. The editing shows that there were reshoots and questionable choices. The opening ten minutes were so jarring that I can list this as the first movie to make me carsick. Underneath all of the issues could have been a great story, but I couldn't even get my 7 year old daughters to take an interest in this lackluster film. I even had to leave the room at one point because it gave me a headache.
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It's a family movie.....remember that.
dm-meredith9 February 2020
Well that was an enjoyable time with my 10 and 13 year old boys. It's a kids movie but I thought it was ok too. Don't go over thinking the movie and you will enjoy it too.
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Started poorly and just kept on going
Frankiethousand11 January 2021
What a waste of a talented cast and $175 million dollars. You could have taught a bear to speak for real for less.
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An Enjoyable Watch for Anyone
mj-271791 June 2020
You get what you expect with this film - easy to watch and a good laugh from start to finish. As family friendly as a film gets. The cast (both in person and voice over) are of the highest calibre and this only adds to the quality.

A note on Downey Jr's Doctors accent - it is a South Wales accent. Not only did I pick up on this immediately, but I would know... being Welsh and having the very accent myself. He pulls it off with a more than decent attempt.

To summarise - very good viewing.
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Fun for the whole family
Timbo_Watching5 March 2020
This movie has lots of entertainment value especially for the younger ones. Seeing Robert Downey Jr. in this role was pretty odd, but it was entertaining nonetheless, even for a young adult like myself. Entertaining rating would be around a 7.5/10 for me, so I recommend it for sure.
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Struggled to attention
AtonedDisciple14 February 2020
Struggled to hold me attention from 10 mins in. Just seemed lazy to me.
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Perfect PG Childrens Movie
Qui10818 January 2020
The negative reviews here are lacking consideration of the viewer such a movie intends to alight and invite in: not film or literature aficionados; children. This movie is perfect for elementary school age kids, entering the genre of film and unawares or wary of the mature themes, titles and classics that flit by in their budding lives. Don't review or see this movie as a critic. Consider it as a parent and carrier of culture, and see it as an amuse bouche for the little blossoming beloved in your life. This film is great.
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