After Darkness (2014) Poster

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Not the worst movie I've ever seen is the nicest thing I can say
goonta24 January 2019
Okay so, to be fair, there are worse films one could point to than this odd snoozefest, but make no mistake, from start to finish you will find yourself wondering if your 98 minutes could be better spent doing something else. Nevermind the affront to science, there are bigger problems. The acting isn't the worst but it's pretty bad, maybe slightly better than an after school special but I'll admit I might be giving it too much credit. The characters are more like caricatures, and it's hard to care what happens to such shallow, exaggerated cliches. I wouldn't even really call this a scifi, more like a drama with science fiction undertones, and a bad one at that.

I watched this movie clear through so you don't have to, and don't endure to the end expecting to be rewarded for your sacrifice. I've seen some films that started out terrible but ended up surprising me. This was not one of those films. My suggestion is this: If after the first five minutes you find yourself hoping it gets better, know that it won't and stop wasting your time - I wish that I had. On the other hand if you're bored to tears and there's nothing else to watch, you could do worse (just not by much). I realize not everyone is going to agree with my low markings but if I really liked this movie I'd avoid going all in on five stars because it's so clearly bad that I'd look like a shill.
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Intriguing premise ruined by a film that ends up centering around the father's mental illness
plato-4211921 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this film, sounded like an interesting premise. Instead terrible writing combined with a low budget created an absolute snooze fest with contrived unrealistic interpersonal drama substituting for any real action or plot line. By the end of the movie you are hoping at least half of the family won't survive, they're so g'dmned annoying and stupid.

Most of the movie centers around the "family" that basically hates each other hanging out in the house waiting to die. The worst part of the film is that they DO NOT.
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bland and boring
danfurtado-1122120 January 2019
I watched this movie based on the synopsis, it sounded like it could be somewhat interesting. Well I got about twenty minutes in and realized it was going to be one of those nothing movies.

Almost nothing happens for the 90 minutes and the drama between the family isn't tense or interesting all the characters I just didn't really care about. The father is definitely the most interesting character in the movie but that isn't saying much.

Movie isn't god awful bad but just a complete bore of a chore to get through imho.
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Just awful.
cherie09194431 July 2019
Like watching paint dry. I like these actors so gave it the benefit of the doubt. Wish I had cleaned out the refrigerator instead.
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Mostly a Bleak Slog
larrys36 February 2019
The acting is solid here and that's about the only positive I can come up with for this most depressing and distressing apocalyptic film. Aside from the veteran pros Tim Daly and Kyra Sedgwick, young Natalia Dyer and John Patrick Amedori give excellent portrayals.

The sun is burning itself out and a highly dysfunctional family gathers in the hopes their politically connected father (Daly) can get them safe passage to "the caves" where the elite will go in case of natural catastrophe. The family though, will not only have to contend with the end of the world but with Daly's dictatorial and emotionally abusive self, as well as Sedgwick's mental unbalance.

As I see it, the viewer is just subjected here to a continuous bleak slog as the story plays out, which can be most difficult to watch at times. But then after all this, here comes one of the biggest cop-out endings I've seen in a long time. Do yourself a favor and avoid this mess of a movie.
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Bad Berries
nogodnomasters27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"After Darkness" is a family drama played to the background of a blacked-out sun. In spite of the fact there is no solar light, solar powered communications satellites operate for days on their battery back-up. Raymond (Tim Daly) the family patriarch is a self-made man who is overbearing and difficult to get along with. He has a connection with a senator to get the family safely to caves. Ray Jr. (John Patrick Amedori) provides the voice of reason as the family gets on each other's nerves as food runs short and the earth turns cold.

In one scene it was very light outside as if there was moonlight. With no sunlight, there is no moonlight. I thought the power grid stayed active way too long. The family drama centered around the father driving everyone out and crazy, yet he is their only hope for survival. Characters not very engaging.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Tries to be Melancholia.....
chrystinekanderson14 May 2019
I watched this movie try so hard - and I wanted it to succeed - but it didn't. It felt like a Lifetime Movie version of Melancholia, down to the perceived weakest family member being, in fact, the strongest one. Lars Von Trier's meditative pacing in Melancholia was very effective, however the pacing here is all over the place. Characters are undeveloped, events that would have explained motives and actions are unexplained, and character arcs are more like pinball trajectories. A barely watchable tangled mess.
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going inward
SnoopyStyle11 July 2021
The sun is going dark for an unknown reason. The Beaty family has gathered at home waiting for rescue that may not come.

This movie has a big idea but the question is what it does with it. It does very little with it. It turns the camera inwards upon this family. It's asking all the small questions. It ignores the one big question. The characters don't deal with it. I also question that the earth is still warm somehow. It should get cold much faster. It should be nuclear winter. Science is not the first concern in this movie with the big sci-fi idea. I'm not even going to question the green grass. At the end of the day, the family drama holds no real drama. Without actual drama, the movie struggles to gain traction.
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Terrible screenplay, just the worst
rmmil6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll add spoiler tags but it doesn't really matter because no one should waste time on this.

You know those films where it was obvious to all involved that it was garbage to begin with, but then someone from the cast becomes a bigger star, so they try to play off that to sell some tickets. This film is one of those turkeys.

The young girl in the film is Natalia Dyer, of "Stranger Things" game, but her age in the film tells me this was originally filmed way before the "2019" release date. Apparently someone thought her inclusion meant this film was at least worth the light of day. They were wrong.

Seriously it makes me angry that real money was spent on this film with actor salaries and whatnot. It looks like it was filmed at a nice wedding venue (the startling lack of furniture in the mansion tells me this), so that's a few grand at least, right?

Anyway, what's so wrong with it? A lot. First of all the science in this film is just plain dumb. Definitely written by someone who has no concept for any natural science (sunspots don't make the Sun "colder", idiots, the spots are the warmer areas of the Sun!).

The dialogue in this film was very sparse, to say the least. This results in 2 issues, 1) Lots of people staring at each other and not saying anything, 2) "Plot twists" are telegraphed a mile a way, because there's so little dialogue that any time someone DOES say something, it must matter (the moment the girl mentioned her sister committed suicide due to "bad berries", I knew the entire family was going to be eating them).

I guess the ending is supposed to be "controversial" or tragic or interesting in some way? Seems more lazy than anything else, and the random "bandits" appearance towards the end was so forced I laughed out loud when they showed up.

As for the acting in the film, WTF happened to Kyra Sedgwick? Or even Tim Daly? He was decent enough in Wings, but is so stiff in this film I thought some kind of "wood Medusa" had turned him into a board. Loosen up dude! Natalia Dyer does decent enough, you can tell she's a budding star.

I really don't know how this screenplay of probably 11 pages was stretched into 90 minutes, but stretch they did. Avoid!
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Why was this even made?
redwolf28386-893-9026220 January 2019
So, so, so bad. Nothing about this movie is good except that it ends. There are Jr high kids making better movies using their phones-and with better acting! Don't waste a second on this one.
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Not really SciFi
cheshirecat-200596 August 2020
As a sci fi movie, After Darkness leaves the viewer wanting. However - as a psychological horror, this is amazing. The entire movie is claustrophobic and very uncomfortable. Yes, in this case, these are good things! Very beautifully crafted.
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Not for short attention spans (common these days)
AJ4F24 August 2019
The reviews of this movie share a common mob mentality I've noticed on this and other sites, where several people are bored or have specific expectations of a movie and others tend to chime in.

Yes, this is not an action drama, and there's a lot of sitting, waiting and somber talk, but it held my full interest until the somewhat ambiguous ending. I'd see it for yourself in a setting without distractions and be your own judge.
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Oh Tim! Oh, Kyra! Oh no!
bradleybes27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How do you know when an actress is desperately fighting the end of her career? When she executive produces horrible movies so she can star in them! The premise of this movie was supposed to be a nightmare for all humanity, but if the sun going dark meant no one ever had to be exposed to this nightmare again it would be worth it. There were swiss cheese level plot holes and countless unanswered questions, but none more compelling then why did Kyra Sedgewick's character suddenly start speaking French while delivering a baby? And why did she drag poor Tim Daly into this thing? Does she hate him? We were drawn in by the names Kyra Sedgewick and Tim Daly. I'll never make that mistake again. You shouldn't either.
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Great, if you're trying to fall asleep!
spbcnt-3630418 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just a whole lot of boring. Kept waiting for something interesting to happen, but it never did. Then, after all that, we get an ending that doesn't provide any closure!! Are they dead? Did the sun magically light back up? Is it a "gotcha" where they've taken the poison just in time to realize their mistake, or was that the family walking into the afterlife? And why the super intense music at the end?? It felt like we were being setup for an explosion, but nope!! Just a black screen. At least the rats seemed nice.
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What did I just watch?
charmtrest2 July 2019
I watched this movie by accident. I'm a firestick owner so sometimes what you stream isn't what you want. Anyway, I watched it and I was so confused with all the drama? Ok, the world was ending? But why was everybody so secretive and weird? No explanation what so ever! I made it to the end and said ... What the hell was that even about? I scoured IMD to find the name of the movie...I'm terrible with names so I had a hard time tracking it down. Now that I'm here, I'm very relieved that 90% of people who saw it is saying the same thing...Skip this'll thank us later
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Don't Watch This Movie
buddybradley-2266530 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing about this that deserved recording. A complete waste of whatever recording medium was used to save it. The story is barely there. Here it is; the sun goes out and then nothing happens. The acting is poor but that is probably because the words they have to say are so awkward and implausible. The only redemption I can get for watching this movie is if I can convince you not to waste your time. Please do not watch this movie.

But if you do ... you are supposed to realize that they all died in the end. You may not notice between wishing you were dead and being so glad that it's over. Watching this could be penance for some really bad sins.
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what you find depends on what you're looking for
jsbell1 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Probably really should've given this one star, but I gave it two for borrowing from Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. Can't remember the episode title, but it's the one where the earth is getting hotter and hotter, then it's twisted at the end to be really about the earth getting colder and colder. After Darkness, on one interpretation, does exactly the opposite. The sun rather suddenly goes out (I agree, this is not how I would imagine it would really happen), a super dysfunctional family struggles to survive, then at the last minute, the sun supposedly reignites, and all is well again, EXCEPT for that very last shot, where it kind of looks like maybe it's getting too hot, too bright, too fast. As in supernova? So, like any great horror flick, the monster isn't dead after all, it just takes on a new and terrifying form in the last few seconds, guaranteeing the 'heroes' will in fact all die, and all the personal growth they experienced is utterly wasted.

So, the philosophy of the film is totally bleak. Yes, the dad is a caricature and a narcissist but he's also 'right' about survival being important. He just sucks at being a leader who might actually help his family survive, because he lives in denial of the harsh reality of a sunless world. But the bleakness comes from the fact that it doesn't matter that he sucks, or that his black sheep son is really the strong one. It doesn't matter that the baby is born and all the 'nice' people can appreciate it but the dad keeps on being an operatic jerk. Because everyone dies anyway.

As for the heaven theory, I'm not buying it. I get the impression the mom is only telling the young daughter about heaven to make it easier for her to die. Logically, what sense would heaven make in a scenario where the whole planet dies? An event that final would contradict every religion I know of that has a heaven. So that's why I look at the ending as a classic horror flick double-cross, a supernova wipes them all out anyway, so even their brief moment of hope and renewed family unity and redemption is a complete illusion.

So, understood that way, the philosophy of this film is completely and cruelly nihilistic. I think nihilistic films in general are inherently disappointing for a lot of people, because human nature demands stories that teach us something useful about living life, i.e., surviving, and when we don't get that from a story, we tend not to like it.

And when you add to that the film's total reliance on disintegrating family dynamics, carried almost entirely by dialogue, with virtually no other plot infrastructure, this is why the film seems so boring to so many viewers. It isn't going anywhere, and it's taking the less interesting road to get there.

BTW, Melancholia was equally nihilistic, but the acting was stellar (pun somewhat intended), the ending was unambiguous, and there was never, to my mind, any false promise of redemption. It was all just, we humans are the only sentient life, and we got wiped out, and now the universe is completely void of meaning. After Darkness was an inferior telling of almost the same story.

As for the acting, directing, etc., I have seen worse. Much worse. The script was more likely the problem than the actors. It lacked organic flow. The writer wanted to paint these vignettes of the dysfunctional family, but the progression didn't feel natural, real. I kept falling out of the 'story immersion' and saying to myself, really?

Anyway, contrary to what many have said, I think you can find some value in it if you understand the premise is not really about science or action or even the apocalypse, but about how human weakness can lead each of us to our own individualized version of the apocalypse.
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clopezjr4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this, I was very disappointed. As the movie progress, you realize how the father is a domineering a**hole who always has to have it his way. He never give a thought about "what would happen if". He made no attempt to get rid of the rats or preserve the remaining food. The father fail at his job as a parent. He fail to teach his child to be independent. He fail to take any responsibility to in part of his daughter's suicide instead blaming it on the wife. Within the first few minutes, you knew everyone was going to die. There were so many faults in this movie. And overall as I orginally said this entire movie was a disappointment.
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Worst movie I have seen I a long time!
scotsdavy26 January 2019
Don't even sit for 5 mins watching this, it's so bad! Had to check on here to see what it was about. There is no plot, no story, no acting...nothing! Won't get my 90mins back after thinking this will get better! If you cant sleep, then this is for you!
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The worst movie I've seen in a long time.
toniava10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can enjoy a doomsday movie, even a bad one. It's fun or interesting to see different characters react in end of civilization situations. However this movie's storyline was a non-starter. In fact there is no story.

The family comes together to supposedly wait for the arrival of the government coming to get them to take them to caves where they will survive a solar flare ending civilization doomsday situation. With an overbearing father they blindly follow his orders while waiting.

But he doesn't do anything. He doesn't prepare his family, talk to his family anything! And though the whole movie they have power and water and supplies. They literally haven't even started the end of day process through the entire movie but some how can't take the stress of her situation.

I take reviews of movies with a grain of salt but do yourself a favor and don't waste any time on this ridiculously bad story. I'm glad I was playing cards with my dad as this was on so I don't feel like my hour and a half of my life was completely wasted.

1 Star for the good cast.
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Ten Stars
RichBuck3 August 2020
First of all, I find it disheartening that this has such a low rating. I just finished the film and I found it to be extremely interesting. The dynamics of the family and the circumstances they and the citizens of planet Earth were going through. Fine acting by everyone involved. One of the very best films Ihave seen in this genre. See for yourself. High praise for this film.
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Not as bad as the reviews would have had me believe
kelandry-2773513 December 2019
This is hardly a masterpiece but it's not terrible either. If you go in expecting this to be filled with riveting drama or action or to simply be like many other films with similar subject matter, you're probably going to be disappointed. This isn't that. There's very little action and even the drama is relatively tame.

The story focuses on this broken family isolated in a mansion. They aren't in the center of what's going on. They aren't even paying attention to the news updates so the audience doesn't get much information. In fact, this almost apocalyptic event seems to mostly exist as a plot device to get this family back together and stress them out. The entire thing is just learning about this family and their history as they fight to survive what seems to be an apocalyptic event.

The science of the movie is well... is there any? We don't actually know much about what's going on, but it's probably not scientifically possible. That being said, it seems the idea of the movie might have been drawn from Lord Byrons poem, Darkness. So perhaps it wasn't meant to be scientifically accurate and instead just show a take on this dream that happened in the poem.

I think if you take the movie for what it's actually meant to be and do, it's not that bad. It's still no masterpiece and it's hard to watch sometimes, mostly because the behavior of the father really bothered me. This family is messed up. But if you like calmer movies with a little bit of an apocalyptic setting that focus more on individuals and families, you might actually enjoy this. But if you need riveting drama and action to keep you interested in something.. you should probably look for something else.
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Here Comes the Sun, And I Say ...
westsideschl21 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up most had one of two educational paths to follow - humanities or sciences. Without question most writers did not pursue sciences beyond what they remember from grade/middle school. I've seen lots (most, actually) bad science in film & print, but this one's near the top for this year's Ig Nobel Award for Stupid Science. No, the Sun's fusion doesn't abruptly stop (the consequences are far more severe than this film's no light plot), and more so to abruptly start again - Gawd!! Usual storyline of people fighting (in this case mostly arguing) over food, shelter, etc. as resources become scarce. But, there is light (metaphor for door to Heaven, or ...) at the end of the ...
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Wasted time
lyissa0026 January 2019
So very bad! wasted time! not even boring, stupid, stupid movie!
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Boring boring boring
seanolivergreen15 August 2019
Lethargic performances from the cast. Dull as dirt. You'll be very upset that you wasted your time on this movie.
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