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Feel good movie from Disney
jhaggardjr1 October 2000
"Remember the Titans" is a movie that by the end of seeing it makes you feel good. And why shouldn't it? You would figure that it'll be a nice little picture since it comes from the Walt Disney Company, and I think it's perfect for the whole family. "Remember the Titans" is a comedy-drama based on the true story of a high school in Virginia that is integrated with white and black students, white and black teachers, and white and black athletic coaches. Oscar winner Denzel Washington gives another one of his fine performances as the new head coach of the high school football team, and Will Patton is equally good as the current head coach who is now demoted to assistant coach under Washington. Together they try to get their players of both races to get along and put on a winning team. In addition to Washington and Patton, there are some other terrific performances by the young actors who portray the football players. I see some future stars here. The movie has plenty of dramatic moments with some delightful comedy thrown in the middle of it. It obviously gets a little predictable towards the end which keeps "Remember the Titans" from being a perfect movie. But so what? This is a sports movie and usually sports movies almost always ends with "the big game". Who's going to win that big game? I won't say who wins the big game in "Remember the Titans", but in the end you'll be rooting for the Titans to win, win, win! And that's all that matters. Bottom line: "Remember the Titans" is an excellent film, very well made and very well acted by everyone involved.

***1/2 (out of four)
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In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods.
hitchcockthelegend31 July 2009
Based on real events in 1971, where T.C. Williams High School, a now hot bed integrated school, becomes a beacon of unification via their mixed race football team.

As is normally the case with films of this ilk, it quickly comes to pass that certain artistic licence has been taken with the truth. In reality the issues of race, integration and the near powder-keg atmosphere portrayed in the picture, were long past their worst in Virginia 1971. However, that should in no way detract from the thematics and truthful aspects of this Disney production. As is told in the film, the Titans did have what became known as the perfect season, whilst the bond formed between the black and white members most definitely existed. All told, the film soars high as an inspirational piece, not only for the mixed race community coming together plot's essential being, but in the crucial tale of one Gerry Bertier.

That this film urged me to seek out the story of Bertier is a testament to the power of film, regardless of any sort of sentimental prodding from the film makers. It's hoped that this film also prompts newcomers to research further the topics within the story.

The cast list is impressive, Denzel Washington and Will Patton find instant chemistry as the head coaches thrust together by outside influences, with both guys beautifully doing credit to the real life friendship that would be born from the situation. Ryan Hurst, Wood Harris, Ethan Suplee, Donald Faison, Kip Pardue, Craig Kirkwood and a pre-fame Ryan Gosling fill out the integrated football team. With two important family roles nicely portrayed by Hayden Panettiere and Nicole Ari Parker. The soundtrack is nicely put together, with the core offering of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's thumping rendition of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" particularly potent and uplifting.

Though not primarily offering up anything new in the pantheon of race and sport related movies, Remember The Titans does have so much good going for it. It's hard to be picky, even churlish about the little faults (are these actors really the age of high schoolers for example?). So hopefully come the end, after the credits roll, you will be suitably inspired, and perhaps a touch more better off for having spent time with this particular football team. 8.5/10
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geotchak15 March 2003
Remember the Titans was touching, uplifting, inspiring, motivating, and triumphant. It will make you cry at parts, laugh at parts, "goose pimples" will appear on your arms at parts, it will also make you cheer out loud from your seat! A must see.
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Love this movie!
QueenMakeda8415 March 2003
How great was this movie? I fell in love with it from being made to watch it in Health class in 11th grade. I love films about adversity within races, and this movie was a classic. Herman Boone has to bring blacks and whites together for a highschool football team to play with each other. Of course, it's the 70's and racism is still rampant. I love the message that people will mesh anyway despite outside complications. Julius' and Gerry's relationship was really profound and special. It crossed a lot of lines. Denzel was remarkable as Coach Boone. He took no crap, yet was scared to lose his position underneath. There was tension everywhere and it worked for the film. The players were really memorable to me. Blue, Rev, Sunshine, Petey, and Louie Lastik were adorable and hilarious. A great ensemble cast effort. The guy who played Yoast was good as well, because he had to learn to overcome prejudices he had that he never knew he did. Even better, was the fact that it's a true story which makes it all the more sweet. I watch this movie over and over and can practically say every line by heart. Great, great film. The Titans really were greater than the gods of Greek myth, and these guys were greater than any stereotype.
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A powerful inspirational film
Ree5930 January 2005
Remember the Titans is much more than a story about a high school football team. It is a true story about two men who overcome their differences and help an entire town deal with frustration, anger, and mistrust. Herman Boone (Denzel Washington) is the head coach of the football team at the black high school while Bill Yoast (Will Patton) is the head coach of the football team at the white high school. In 1971 the high schools are integrated and Coach Boone is chosen to become the head coach of the football team while Coach Yoast is demoted to assistant coach.

Remember the Titans is a powerful film with incredible performances by both Denzel Washington and Will Patton.
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Exceptional movie
jackjack-213 March 2006
Being a former white athlete and coach I am sick of sports movies where the story involves a team eventually winning a championship so I passed this one by when it first came out. Big mistake!! Like "Hoosiers" this one was an exception and what an exception. Remember the Titans is in my top five movies of the past ten years. Denzel Washington, as the coach, gave another of his consistently outstanding performances.

Like "Hoosiers" this is a true story and it is not just a story about sports but a strong story about race. I probably appreciated it more than most because of my background I connected to the movie. During the 1940s I attended schools which were well integrated and students of different races and cultures existed harmoniously. To a large degree, it was because the high school had a very successful football program in which unlike almost all of the other schools, minority athletes were welcome. In my junior year we went undefeated and won the State Championship and the team is still considered the best high school team of all time. The only time the team came close to defeat was in the State final when we played another well integrated team.

Consequently the community while generally middle and upper class except for its minorities was well integrated. As a result although I knew racism existed, I never encountered it in my community. But then I began to see its ugly head. First, the All-American end on our team, a superb athlete, was denied scholarships both to USC and Stanford because neither school accepted minorities. I had always wanted to go to USC but because of what USC did to my friend I turned down its offer of a scholarship the next year as I did to Stanford which I considered a snob school then as I do today.

But my college was cut short when the Korean War began and I was in the service. I was sent to bases in the South and I spent much of the next thirteen years in the South witnessing how bad it was for the blacks and I was involved in the civil rights movement in the South which got me into a lot of trouble with my military superiors.

During my tours in the South I became head coach of a football team at a Southern base. Filled with ex-collegiate stars and some pros, we regularly played Division I colleges and universities. However, because I had black players on my team I couldn't schedule games with any white southern colleges. Instead we scheduled one black college and several state universities in the mid-west.

Some critics have compared the summer camp at which Washington as Coach Boone brought the blacks and whites together as a team as like a Marine Boot Camp but everyone missed the subtlety of this. I went through Boot Camp at a time when the military was just integrating and we had southern blacks and whites as well as a mix of races from other parts of the country in my platoon as well as all classes. It didn't take very long for us to become as one unit. The first part of boot camp is sure hell and the reason for it is that it reduces everyone to the lowest common denominator of misery and you quickly learn that the only way to escape that misery is to work together. This is just the way Coach Boone made it work.

What I liked about this movie is that it showed how all this played out. Most moviegoers today are not really aware of how bad racism was in 1971 but this movie illustrates it well. Even though the movie has a few corny moments and the actors playing the roles as football players look old for high school, these faults are minimal and do not detract from the power of the film.
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Inspiring, Entertaining and One Truly Amazing Performance
Bob-4514 May 2001
Although a mite too predictable, "Remember the Titans" is an inspiring and entertaining movie. The true story of the integration of a Virginia high school football team and the warm multicultural relationships which developed among the team members, staff and families, the film reminds us once again when working together in a common effort, one can find love and friendship in the most unlikely places. As the head coach, Denzel Washington uses military-style techniques which have been shown time and again to succeed in creating unity and team spirit among people from different backgrounds. Big surprise here. The film's most important lesson is for people to give each other enough respect and trust before making judgements about other people. The film glosses over the genuine cultural differences between black and white communities. They do exist, though are generally minimal among people of the same socioeconomic class. This isn't really important except to those who feel this kind of thing has been done to death over the last three decades. Even they will find plenty to enjoy in "Remember the Titan's". There's plenty of humor and action (some really tough looking football plays). There is also one truly amazing performance, that of Hayden Panettiere as Cheryl Yost. Hayden is TOTALLY convincing as Will Patton's football-obsessed daughter. She's also spunky, charming and strong-willed. There's nothing bitchy about this little girl. You believe she could tear your head off if she put her mind to it. Yet, She still manages to be very feminine and cute. As I said, a truly amazing performance.

This movies a keeper. I'll probably pull this one out about once a year just to lift my spirits.
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MattyMugan19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If their is ever a film to watch to get motivated, it's this. You don't have to be an American football lover, just any sport, or activity. The passion displayed on the screen could get Sven Goran Eriksson in the mood. Their are particular inaccuracies in order to make this into more of a film, but I wouldn't call it predictable. This is based on a true story, and the 13 and 0 record really happened, so this true story was what created the predictable film stereotype. I love the choice of actors in the film. Each person seems to be able to tap in to the feelings of their character, which creates a much more realistic film. It depicts the nature of racism within peoples lives very well and shows how common loves for different things can pull people together so that simple and wrong beliefs are forgotten. Needless to say this film makes me feel better about the world, while making me want to be a winner as well.
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Feel good movie from DIsney
seanleosaputra24 July 2019
The racism portrayed in this movie was done in a way that audiences can relate to in one way or another. The Disney-like happy tone made the movie enjoyable but also annoying due to the unrealistic portrayal of racism in the story. The movie did well in sending out its core values regarding prejudice and that it is important to get to know someone before making judgement. But this is where the movie also does wrong in how they gloss over cultural differences in between races. The movie however does well in showing how racism can be overcome but its portrayal makes it too easy and simple for such a major problem. Even so, the movie still feels good to watch for casual audiences. In the end, it becomes a nice feel good movie about teamwork and overcoming differences, but it's simple and predictable nature may make some people turn their heads away from the movie. The movie is a good watch, although I wouldn't recommend it you can try giving it a watch and see how emotional and passionate the movie can be.
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Light, but effective
Boheme9726 May 2005
This movie received a lot of criticism for being a little too "light" in it's depiction of racism in that time period. However, the fact that Disney decided to take on the topic at all astounds me. I think that this movie is incredibly effective and an excellent football movie. It really sucks you into these characters and make you feel for them. I am emotionally affected by this film no matter how many times I've seen it, and I think that this movie will stand up over time as one of the most endearing sports classics of all time.

Quote that i believe defines the movie: "I don't care if you like each other, but you will respect each other. And maybe, I don't know, maybe we can learn to play this game like men."

My personal favorite: "I don't want them to gain another YARD, you blitz all night! They cross the line of scrimmage I swear to God I'm going to take every one of you out. You make sure they remember FOREVER, the night they played the Titans."
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Predictable but solid "feel good" football entertainment.
=G=21 March 2001
"Remember the Titans" tells about a black football coach (Washington) who transfers to an integrated high school where he's faced with turning black and white prejudices into teamwork and winning the state championship with a racially mixed team in a racially divided society. On the downside, "Titans" shows us nothing new, runs too long, gets too busy and is a journeyman production at best. On the upside, the film turns black and white issues into appropriate shades of gray, delivers lots of grid iron action, and waxes to a Rockyesque "feel good" conclusion. The fact that females scored this football flick higher (on than males is telling.
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denzel at his best
A_Different_Drummer30 November 2013
Other reviewers here have covered the backstory, the direction, the production, and just about everything there is to cover for this excellent and unforgettable film. Except for one thing. It is a peculiarity of the film business that some actors peak early, for no obvious reason, and others just keep on going, like the Energizer rabbit. Michael Caine -- excuse me SIR Caine -- has been making movies for decades. Sometimes he is brilliant and sometimes he is not. Samuel L. Jackson has been in so many movies that (to this reviewer) it seems like the writers have reached the point where they no longer bother naming a character, they just pencil in the margins that they have written a part for Jackson. Denzel, who was beyond brilliant here, it is so hard to imagine anyone else doing this role with the conviction and the diction that is his trademark, seems to have stopped doing these sorts of parts (written in 2013) and frankly, more's the pity. Hollywood is like that. So on top of all the other excellent reasons to see and enjoy this film, here is one more. Denzel at his peak. What more can I say?
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Sports film with a sentimental story and agreeable character studio
ma-cortes23 August 2007
This excellent film based on a true event is set in the early 70s and concerns a trainer (Denzel Washington) along with with his wife (Nicole Ari Parker) and family . He replaces a famed coach (Will Patton) and gets a chance working as a coach at a town (Alexandria , Virginia) , in the High school football team formed by diverse characters (Ryan Hurst, Donald Faison , Suplee, Kip Pardue, Ryan Gosling , among others) and facing the dual challenge of bringing the team to the state championship and redeeming themselves by breaking racial barriers . The coach makes the team , and each person in it , better than they thought possible . The picture is seen through the eyes of the football team where the man hired to coach the Black school is made head coach over the highly successful white coach .

This enjoyable tale with a classic plot deals about a slice of American history, and is plenty of good feeling , heartfelt , interesting characters and formidable performances . Based on the real events of 1971 , the team becomes the unifying symbol for the community as the boys and the adults learn to depend on and trust each other , thanks to an enjoyable coaching . However , being sometimes extremely sentimental and predictable , but still pretty entertaining. Exceptional Denzel Washington giving a first-rate acting reaching an important milestone and terrific Will Patton in the role of assistant, they are backed by a phenomenal support cast formed by young actors with a great future and to have a wide career , as a little girl finely performed by Hayden Panettiere , today well known for ¨Heroes¨ and especially Ryan Gosling . It contains a spectacular and sensitive musical score by Trevor Ravin and colorful cinematography by Philippe Rousselot . The story follows the wake of previous sports films hits, just like : ¨Rudy¨ and ¨Hoosiers¨ (David Anspaugh) . The motion picture was well directed by Boaz Yakin , he's a notorious writer (Rookie , Punisher) , producer (Hostel I, II) and director (Fresh , Uptown girls) . Rating : Better than average , worthwhile seeing.
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Remember the Titans is Awful
bryaninmaryland19 April 2008
This movie is more extremely annoying. In 1971, I was in 10th grade at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington County, Virginia. We were about 5 miles from T. C. Williams (Titans) and we played them regularly in every sport (including track, which was my sport). I have personal knowledge of the events in that film. First of all, the idea that T. C. Williams had just been integrated is incorrect. Schools in the area had been integrated for 15 years. By 1971, it was routine to have blacks and whites in the same school. Come look at my yearbooks and I'll show you. What happened at T. C. Williams was this: the Alexandria school system decided to change the status of three schools..........Hammond HS, George Washington HS, and T. C. Williams HS. Hammond was reduced to a junior high, and its students were sent to Williams. GW was closed and its students were sent to Williams. Everyone in the ENTIRE AREA knew that Alexandria had just created a super sports school and it was true. With the best athletes from three schools combined into one, there was no beating T. C. Williams. We played them in football that year and they beat us about 49-0, but it sure as hell had nothing to do with integrating a school and everything about creating a super school. Next, the idea that Alexandria was a small, backward town with rampant racial prejudice is laughable. Alexandria is a MAJOR suburb of Washington, DC. You can stand in Alexandria, look across the Potomac River, and see the Washington Monument, Capitol Hill, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, etc. It was and is a rich suburb of DC, and racial prejudice was about as far from being mainstream as I am from marrying Miss America. In my school, the white kids were afraid of the black kids. We didn't initiate fights, we tried hard to avoid them, but sometimes they were forced upon us by angry groups of students who roamed the halls and you sure as hell better look out if you didn't cringe to the side and let them pass. There is one scene in the movie where a white football coach calls the T. C. Williams coach a "monkey" on local TV. Good Lord.........that sort of thing would NEVER have been put on a Washington, DC sports channel and that is where ALL the channels received in northern Virginia originated (with the exception of channel 20 which had no news at that time). The people who made this movie had an agenda. I know the facts. I was there. I ran track in that T. C. Williams stadium and they beat the hell out of us because they were a super school. It is both sad and annoying that people will watch this movie and believe that how things are portrayed is actually how they were. They absolutely were not!
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Remember this movie
MichaelOates10 March 2004
"Remember The Titans" is one of the two best films to have a chance to win an oscar for best picture.

Denzel Washington leads a cast that is young, fresh, talented and determined to make this movie a success. "Remember The Titans" is laced with strong performances from Will Patton, Ryan Hurst, Wood Harris, Donald Faison and Greg Alan Williams.

Based on a true story "Remember The Titans" follows the 1971 T.C. Williams High School Titans football team and their struggles with integration. Washington is Herman Boone, who has run up against racism after he has been brought in to coach the Titans. Patton is Bill Yoast, the man Boone replaced as head coach.

Washington and Patton are just two pieces of the puzzle, which makes "Remember The Titans" a real gem. However, the strength and real beauty of "Remember The Titans" does not come from Washington or Patton, but the Titan football players because they are the ones who give the strongest performances in the film.

I must say that the best performance of the whole movie other than Washington and Patton is the young actress who portrayed Bill Yoast's daughter, Hayden Panitierre. In "Remember The Titans" this young actress single handidly made it worth watching this film. Her talent shines through and her presence on screen is as fresh as the daily air; furthermore, every time she is on screen she sparkles. It is so pleasurable to see talent like this being discovered.

I hesitated to see "Remember The Titans" because I didn't want to see another football film, but it is more than just another football film.

"Remember The Titans" is a special film that has special performances and is well worth every dollar you spend to rent this film.
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Remember the Titans indeed- promised to be a great film and it was
TheLittleSongbird7 January 2010
Rememmber the Titans is a wonderful film, compelling, compassionate, funny and often moving. It tells the story of a dedicated coach seen tackling the explosive combination of football and racial desegregation in 1970s America. The film is quite ambitious, but it not only really does pack an emotional punch but it does linger long into the memory and is several notches above sports movies I have seen. For one thing, it is slickly directed by Boaz Yakin, and benefits also from wonderful cinematography and a music score of sweeping grandeur, almost epic. Even better than any of these put together, is the marvellous lead performance of Denzel Washington that was worth an Oscar, it seems as though in every film I've seen of his he manages to give a compelling performance and this includes the underrated Cry Freedom. Will Patton matches him perfectly in a smooth, quiet and perhaps low key performance as his counterpart that isn't at all clichéd. Hayden Pannetiere also gives a fine performance, even though I didn't see how her character would ever overcome her differences with her sister. The script is extremely sharp and decisive, the editing is crisp and fast and the football parts are enough to pump up your adrenaline. The epilogue could bring tears to your eyes, as it is so beautifully put. All in all, wonderful film. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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A bit "Hollywoodized" but who cares?!
planktonrules10 June 2007
Generally speaking, I am a pretty jaded reviewer on IMDb. I am not known for being overly generous to films and I must admit that I am often very critical. It is in light of my very critical nature that my loving this film is so amazing. I have seen it several times and although it occasionally changes a few minor details of the real-life football team to make the film more poignant, the overall film is truthful and uplifting. If you are curious about these inaccuracies, read through the list on IMDb, though this didn't lessen my appreciation for the film when I read them. That's because despite these changes, the acting still was great, the direction and writing wonderful and highly manipulative (in a positive way). This is a film for anyone--child, teen or adult. And the part about this I like the best is that I have shown this film to teens and those who hate football still have loved the movie. Marvelous entertainment that anyone but the most jaded can enjoy.
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enjoyable, but a bit too melodramatic
ginobean14 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this movie, I thought to myself, "this is an important movie". This is a movie about discrimination and racism in the early 1970s and the courage it took to deal with it.

And the movie was fairly enjoyable and it was clear who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. Denzel gave a stellar performance. And the actor portraying the football captain did a great job as well in capturing the nuances and subtleties of his character.

But it seemed overly melodramatic. I find it inconceivable that the Board of Education would have appointed coach Boone with the intention of firing him after his first loss. It just seemed a bit much and overblown.

And then one of the referees started intentionally calling bad plays against Boone's team -- I thought it was highly improbable that this happened the way it was depicted in the movie.

And then I started wondering what really happened. Frankly, I would have preferred something closer to reality than what was depicted. It was all a bit too melodramatic and fanciful and not grounded in reality, so much so that I felt fairly cynical toward the movie and wondered if anything outside of the basic facts was even true -- the basic facts being that Boone was hired to coach and his team won the state championship the first year.

As a comparison, imagine a movie where Abraham Lincoln uses his magical powers to sway the course of the Civil War in the right direction. Would it have added drama to what actually happened ? Yes, but then it becomes a piece of fiction and starts to bear little/no relevance to our society.

Similarly, I think there was so much dramatic license taken that, instead being an important biographical work, the movie ended up being a sappy melodrama that bore little no relationship to what actually must have happened.

As a piece of fiction, it's fairly enjoyable and dramatic. As a biographical/historical piece, it's a fairly empty and unsatisfying piece of work.

In sum, it's like junk food -- it tastes good, but it's not really good or healthy for you in the long run...
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More Than a Football Movie
view_and_review2 January 2021
I can't say it enough, I love football and I love football movies. I've rarely seen a bad football movie. If I were to make a list of my favorite football movies "Remember the Titans" would be at the top, closely followed by "Friday Night Lights."

RTT differs from most sports movies in that we weren't dealing with a plucky group of guys who had no business being on the field, but miraculously come together and win. These guys were good, but could they get along long enough to play together as a team?

The year was 1971 and Alexandria, Virginia's TC Williams High School was formed as a combination of the city's segregated White and Black high schools. Like many southern cities, Alexandria was very resistant to the 1954 Brown v. Topeka Board of Education decision that made segregated schools illegal. They waited seventeen years to integrate and I'm sure it was not by choice. Part of their new restructuring was to give a head coaching position to a Black head coach. They chose Coach Herman Boone (played by Denzel Washington) to bump Coach Bill Yoast (Will Patton). There was already going to be tension for the forced integration, so what more when an accomplished head coach is being bumped out of his position?

Two better coaches couldn't have been chosen. I don't mean that they were the best X's and O's men in the game, I mean that their personalities were uniquely suited for the situation they were put in. Coach Boone was strong willed, bullheaded, and good at coaching. He'd have to be all of that to command the respect of his coaches and his players. Coach Yoast was selfless, agreeable, and integritous enough to not sabotage Coach Boone as he could have.

RTT started with the team's training camp preseason where Coach Boone wanted to not only make them good players, but he wanted to make them a team. I couldn't appreciate this starting point more. Many sports movies start somewhere midseason and have a team make this phenomenal turn around. RTT showed all the hard work that goes into making a good team well before they play a single game. Coach Boone pushed those guys to the brink and he was indiscriminate in his demands. He was trying to make a winning team. As he said, even if they didn't love each other, they were going to respect each other.

The two alpha males on the team and the bitterest about the whole situation were Julius Campbell (Wood Harris) and Gerry Bertier (Ryan Hurst). If they could get along, then just maybe the rest of the team would follow suit.

It was no walk in the park and things didn't just fall into place. There was years of history acting as a dutiful guard of the old order. There was unbridled hostility and an entire community wanting to keep things status quo. RTT doesn't shy away from the hurt, the pain, the anger, and the ignorance--and I think it's a better movie for it. They could've glossed right over the painful parts of the past and celebrated a victorious team, but the movie showed that past and how a community, a school, and a team got past it.

RTT is more than a football movie. Sure, the football team was the focus, but it was the vehicle for showing a greater lesson. It was about sacrifice, about learning from mistakes, learning from each other, and loving one another. Ultimately, it was about transcending differences and coming together, and all the good that can result from togetherness.
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Football's answer to "Hoosiers"
helpless_dancer19 October 2001
Similar to "Hoosiers" but a totally different story just the same. Washington was perfect as the hard nosed coach dedicated to winning. His efforts to bring the players together as a unit and the boys attitudes toward him and each other made for a very good drama. I foretold the ending, plus the picture contained some corny scenes, but I still give it a high rating.
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Titans Rule
bkoganbing13 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Although Remember The Titans is based on a true story from Northern Virginia in 1971, I couldn't help feeling that I had seen this story before. Then I remembered that a short time before the incidents on which this film is based occurred, there was a film made called Tic Tic Tic. This also involved a southern town growing out of the old days and into the new ones with the post Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. In that film a new black sheriff played by Jim Brown is elected in a southern town and he asks the former sheriff George Kennedy to stay on as his deputy to help ease the tensions.

When the folks who were making Tic Tic Tic happen on the big screen, how could they have known that life was imitating their art. This northern Virginia town was being integrated, black people were now voting, the schools and businesses were being integrated, the city fathers had to take into account a whole new population with the franchise.

Successful football coach Will Patton is asked to step aside for Denzel Washington, newly arrived from North Carolina. Patton agrees to stay on as his defensive assistant coach to help the team and not incidentally the town. Because of the good will and good intentions of two strong personalities they make the newly integrated team the Titans work.

Even with two Academy Awards and several nominations besides, I doubt Denzel Washington will ever get a more beloved role than Herman Boone. In addition to coach, Washington is husband to Nicole Ari Parker and father to Krysten Leigh Jones. Later on when Patton's daughter Hayden Panettiere comes over to the Washington household to visit, she spends more time with Washington going over the game than with her peer dressing the dolls that little girls are supposed to play with. My favorite scene in the film is with Washington and Panettiere who loves the idea of a child even a girl taking an interest in what puts food on the table, but not quite understanding it.

The kids make it work as well. Ryan Hurst who was the team captain under Patton and Donald Faison one of the new black players forge their own bond and make it happen for the rest. Those who won't go with the new program have to learn or leave.

My two favorites are the two outsiders who also help make it work. Kip Pardue plays a California hippie type kid who also likes football, if you can fathom that combination and Ethan Suplee who just moved into town and just wants to play football. Neither of them are hung up on all the racial stuff the town was going through, they're presence on the Titans is invaluable.

You won't have any problems in remembering the Titans. This is a fine inspirational film showing that people of good will can put hate aside if the better parts of their person is appealed to.
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Remember this movie? I do!
ironhorse_iv13 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tossing it out there like a football, this sport movie produced by Jerry Bruckheimer isn't really much about football, but preaching against racism. Inspired by real events, the movie starts out with a new football coach of the TC Williams High School Titans, Herman Boone (Denzel Washington) must put a newly desegregated school football team together. He faced pressure from a staff, and town not yet ready to be racial diversity. Denzel Washington portrays Boone as a hard-ass man. Most of the scenes, we hardly see him lightly up. He puts his team of real life athletes made out of yet famous oncoming actors through the grinder through football camp. Look out for Donald Faison, Ethan Suplee, and Ryan Gosling all new, whom gone off to bigger and better roles. This team is lead by team captains Gerry Bertier (Ryan Hurst of 'Son of Anarachy' fame) and Julius Campbell (Wood Harris) or as they are mostly known as Main White Guy and Main Black Guy. After returning from football camp, Boone is told by a member of the school board that if he loses even a single game, he will be fired. Not only that, but there is hatred for him, replacing long favorite coach Bill Yoast (Will Patton). Note to audience, look out for a really young Hayden Panettiere playing his tomboy football fan daughter. Bill decides he wants move on to other coaching opportunities. In a show of respect and in an attempt to ease racial tension, Boone offers an assistant coaching position to Yoast. Yoast at first refuses Boone's offer, but is then tempted to join after the white players pledge to boycott the team if he doesn't participate. Dismayed at the prospect of the students losing their chances at scholarships, Yoast changes his mind. Subsequently, the Titans must go through the season undefeated while battling racial prejudice. The movie has a good message, but it's so predictable, and formulaic. It's always there to remind you that racism is bad. Sometimes the movie can be a little bit too preachy. The long-suffering, heroic black players are all portrayed as decent if understandably angry given the atmosphere of overt hostility, but with few flaws that might flesh out or sully their characters' purity as symbols in the civil rights struggle. The white players, on the other hand, range from the villainous to the buffoonish to the saintly. You see this time after time in Hollywood movies before and after. It's become too much of the same. The film also suffers from historically inaccurates, and fabrications sub-stories, while it's doesn't hurt the film at all, it shines some real-life characters in a bad light or misleading such as Bertier's girlfriend being racist and Ronald 'Sunshine' Bass being bi or gay. The people of Alexandria were rarely racist at all, but also sophisticated and multicultural at the time, as the streets were suburbs rather than a small, isolated town picture in the film. I'm not saying there wasn't racial tension, but not in what they made picture in the film. One of the worst thing about the film is the third act and ending--- the film goes off into 'Win one for the gipper' mode to demonstrate the essence of the film; that despite differences the team was united and the legacy of the monumental all-out-victory football season carried on. Rather than ending the film at the final game, the film leaves the audience in a sour-note by explaining what happen to one of their team members 10 years later. The epilogue reveals what many of the Titans are doing today was kinda cheesy. The film does a great job on the use of music, both in film score composer in Trevor Rabin 'Titan Spirit' which is epic and the use of popular music of the day such as Ain't No Mountain High Enough" of Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell & 'Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" Steam. All three songs has been associated for years after this movie with the Titans. Most known those tunes by this movie. The movie is a family friendly movie. So check it out, and remember the titans.
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No matter if you're black or white, watch this and enjoy
rioksane-0295019 December 2020
Just watched the movie for the first time. Donald Faison has been puffing it so long in his Scrubs-podcast with Zach Braff. Daaamn I am glad I did!

The movie takes place in 2020 USA. No, wait, its the 70's? Oh well, seems pretty timeless anyway. Which is too bad. Everyone should watch this movie right now.

Remember the Titans is very entertaining, moves fast from one obstacle to overcoming it to the next one. It's fun, it has heart, the characters are memorable and the action on the football field is frantic.

The cast is phenomenal. Everyone does a great job, but I would higlight Hayden Panettiere, Donald Faison, Ethan Suplee, Ryan Hurst and of course Will Patton and Denzel himself. Especially Hayden steals every scene she's in.

Wonder why the director Boaz Yakin hasn't done any more hit movies, but here he pulls it off. Also writer Gregory Allen Howard only has couple of movie credits. Anyway, good work.
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Entertaining to a Certain Degree but Historically Inaccurate
Uriah4320 March 2019
Set during the turbulent years of the civil rights era, this film centers around a new black football coach by the name of "Herman Boone" (Denzel Washington) being hired to take over a high school team that was predominantly white until a court order implemented the merger with a nearby black high school. This hiring, coupled with the fact that their existing white coach named "Bill Yoast" (Will Patton) was highly regarded, fueled racial fears unparalleled in that particular area of Virginia which not even a winning record could totally alleviate. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, although this film was entertaining to a certain degree, there were susbstantial historical inaccuracies which were rather difficult to ignore. For starters, Coach Herman Boone didn't take a team that was in extreme disarray and build it into a powerhouse by his sheer ingenuity or charisma. Far from it, as many of his own players and staff were highly critical of his coaching style which they believed was unnecessarily cruel and abusive. Likewise, there are several other blatant distortions which can easily be ascertained if the viewer chooses to do so. But all of that aside, the fact remains that Herman Boone was a very successful coach and his overall record proves that point. Additionally, most of us will never know the pressure he had to go through-especially during this particular time in history. I just wish Hollywood hadn't taken so many liberties with the truth. That being said, while it may not justify the "based on a true story" advertisement, it was still an enjoyable film for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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A lie that perverts the history it allegedly portrays and defames people
basilcourt11 August 2015
This film is one terrible lie. As with a handful of other reviewers here, I was also a victim of the TC juggernaut, having attended Groveton High School during that period. It was a joke to play TC in any varsity team sport: football, basketball, soccer... it didn't matter. Everyone knew that a school three times their size was going to destroy us -- the only question was how badly. They were never, ever, an underdog in any sport — to suggest otherwise is absolute bunk.

To add insult to injury, they changed the name of our team from the Tigers to the "Lions" (because they felt that Tigers was too close to Titans), and they depicted us as backwater hicks... which was laughable, since Groveton served Hollin Hills, the most intellectual and progressive community in the entire DC area, as well as other upper-middle class neighborhoods filled with career government professionals.

The problem, of course, is that Hollywood dreck like this becomes gospel to those who have no knowledge of the actual events. Rather than accept moral responsibility to make a film based on real life events reflect the truth, they purposefully pervert it to satisfy their biased fantasy and obliterate the historical record.

I wish I could give this grossly insulting film a negative rating, to help make up for those who have embraced it as heart-rending "truth", given that they know nothing about the events it claims to document.
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