Cleopatra (TV Series 1999) Poster


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It's a nice historical and overlong television film
ma-cortes10 November 2004
The movie deals with the epic lives of Cleopatra (Leonor Varela) , Julius Caesar (Timothy Dalton) , Marcus Antonius (Billy Zane) and Octavius Augustus (Rupert Graves) . It's created the first triumvirate formed by Caesar , Pompeyus and Crasus . Caesar fights against Pompeyus who's vanquished in Farsalia . Julius goes to Alejandria , Tolomeo hands over the Pompeyo's head to Caesar who rules over Egypt and gives up the throne to Cleopatra . After that , the out-of-wedlock son of Cleopatra with Caesar is seen to be a threat to his future leadership . Brutus and other Roman legislators scheme the assassination of Caesar . As Julius Caesar is killed by Bruto (Sean Petwee) and Casio (Bruce Payne) . Later on , it happens the second triumvirate : Marc Anthony commands Egypt , Lepido rules Africa and Octavio Augustus governs over Rome and Hispania . Marc Anthony is married to Octavia , Augustus's sister . Then , Marcus Antonius is wedded to Cleopatra , but things don't turn out so well and they are defeated by Octavio Augustus (Rupert Graves) in Actium .

Runtime film is overblown , it's a little bit boring but the history aficionados will appeal too much . The dialog , cinematography , and direction combine to cast a potent and enjoyable TV movie . Imposing sets , lavish costumes , good stars , massive scope , opulent interiors , including great spectacle of crowd scenes well staged . The picture obtained various nominations for television prizes but achieved none . The battle scenarios are breathtaking , they have been made by means of computer generator special effects and thousands of extras . First range set design , the film is very atmospheric , Roman time is well designed . Timothy Dalton's interpretation is top notch , likeness to Billy Zane , Leonor Varela is beautiful and enjoyable . Frank Roddan's direction is excellent and Trevor Jones musical score is riveting . Rating : 6,5 . Well worth catching .

Other films dealing with the infamous Egyptian Queen and her Roman lovers saga are the following : Silent version ¨Cleopatra¨ with Theda Bara ; ¨Caesar and Cleopatra¨ by Gabriel Pascal with Claude Rains , Vivien Leigh and Flora Robson , ¨Cleopatra¨ by Cecil B De Mille with Claudette Colbert , Warren William and Henry Wilconson ; ¨Cleopatra¨ by Joseph L . Mankiewicz with Elizabeth Taylor , Rex Harrison and Richard Burton and TV adaptation ¨Marcus Antonius and Cleopatra¨ with Richard Johnson and Janet Suzman .
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Strong start but devolves into pure cheese
MoneyMagnet18 May 2007
This Halmi extravaganza actually has a very promising start with a terrific entrance by Timothy Dalton as Caesar, followed up by a memorable first meeting between him and lovely Leonor Varela as Cleo. Unfortunately it soon goes downhill from there and by the time Cleopatra has consolidated her hold on Egypt we're getting dialogue like

Caesar: "I'm sorry about your library."

Cleo, (sighing like she's just scratched off a losing $1 lottery ticket): "Half of it is gone... half the world's knowledge."

However if you enjoy cheesy movies with beautiful people declaiming and narrowing their eyes at each other, you could do a lot worse than Billy Zane and Timothy Dalton, who are very much "into it" and who both look breathtakingly manly draped in togas and other bedsheets. (Dalton in particular looks amazingly fit and sexy for a 53-year-old, and it's hard to imagine another actor working today who could be a more commanding Caesar.) Unfortunately Varela's acting is just terrible and, well, the script is just hopeless. It gets slightly better when the plot goes from Egypt to Rome, where everyone speaks in English accents. But none of the acting in this is exactly Oscar caliber, shall we say. Take it for what it is and dig for the guilty pleasures.
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A Fairer Portrayal of Cleopatra
kitsilanoca-125 August 2006
Based on the novel The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George, this mini-series is an okay adaption of a truly fascinating piece of literature. I think that it gives a fairer portrayal of Cleopatra is important, though Leonor Varela isn't that good an actress. I found her acting so amateurish next to that of Timothy Dalton and Billy Zane; at least she was better than Kassandra Voyagis was as Arsinoe. Also she made Cleopatra seem very childish and whiny at times, which was annoying.

Otherwise I liked this story, Timothy Dalton as Julius Caesar was fine in the role, though too dark and good looking (someone tell Daniel Craig please play Caesar sometime in his career!) and Billy Zane did a good job as Marc Antony. The sets lived up to what Alexandria probably looked like, except there was little sign of the Greek influence on the city. The costumes were lovely and the supporting cast were some of the best (though I could have changed some of their lines for them), and I was able to overlook historical inaccuracies, such as Arsinoe being murdered in the dungeons of the palace of Alexandria under Cleopatra's orders. Arsinoe appeared as a prisoner in Caesar's Triumph, and since the public showed sympathy for her, Caesar allowed her to be released. They also didn't explain at the end that Caesarion was executed under Octavian's orders, but I guess they wanted to leave the audience with a bit of hope. Fine to watch on a wet or snowy afternoon.
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Quite good for a TV Movie
FlickJunkie-231 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(This comment contains specific examples of the story and plot that some might consider spoilers. If you have not seen the movie, you might want to wait until you have seen it to read this comment.)

This latest remake of Cleopatra is well done and surprisingly good for a TV movie (now in rental). I saw it on VHS in its entirety rather than broken down into two parts in the mini-series.

The costumes and sets were very well done, and true to the period. The battle scenes were lacking in realism, probably due to the prospects of a TV audience. The naval battles looked a little too much like toy models (which of course they were). The slave galleys showing the men rowing the boats were pristine and shiny like the cabin of some rich yacht, an obvious error.

My biggest bewilderment came over the fact that they shot this movie on video tape. They tried to make it look like film in the post production, but it didn't work. This seems to be fairly common practice in TV movies, but for a movie of this magnitude, where they obviously had a big budget for numerous sets, hundreds of extras, costumes and the like, why shoot it on video tape? It detracted from the overall richness of the photography and the movie as a whole. This is particularly disappointing since the sets and costumes were so meticulously well done.

The directing in this movie was very good. Franc Roddam coordinated the movements of large groups of people in very realistic ways. The camera work was very good and gave the viewer a lot of interesting perspectives. Unfortunately, there were some serious liberties taken with historical fact. For instance the film shows Ptolemy to be a cowering 12 years old when Caesar arrives in 47 BC. He was actually 19. It shows Caesar demanding that Cleopatra marry her brother, but she was married to him long before Caesar arrived in Egypt. The film shows Cleopatra having her sister Arsinoe killed and her brother-husband being killed in pursuit before Caesar left, but neither of those things happened. As a matter of fact, both were alive and well in 44 BC when Caesar was murdered.

Also, there is no definitive evidence that Cleopatra's son was fathered by Caesar and certainly no evidence that Caesar publicly declared such.

The biggest perversion of the truth was the death of Mark Antony. He did not die from wounds received in a naval battle. He committed suicide. Cleopatra realized that Octavian would defeat Antony and felt she had to get rid of him for political reasons. So she had her servants send word to him that she was dead and in grief he fell on his sword.

The story completely neglects her attempt at trying to seduce Octavian and his rebuking of her. It treats their last encounter more like a business negotiation. This was not inconsequential since it was one of the motivations for her suicide.

The acting was extremely well done. First honors go to Timothy Dalton for a powerful rendition of Caesar. He was both potent and passionate, just the way one would expect a brilliant ego maniac like Caesar to be.

Billy Zane delivered an excellent performance of the complex Mark Antony. I've seen criticism of his portrayal as being too sniveling with Cleopatra, but in reality he was utterly submissive to her and despite being a powerful leader, he was her emotional slave. He was torn between Rome and his obsession with Cleopatra, and continually submitted to her will. He carried off the internal conflict very well.

Leonor Varela is a newcomer and a little rough around the edges. In certain areas, she was magnificent. She captured the cunning seductiveness of Cleopatra, using her siren sexuality as a weapon to achieve her aims. She looked stunningly alluring, and her many translucent robes sometimes made it difficult to concentrate on the dialogue. Unfortunately, she tended to overact the emotional parts, especially rage. Hopefully, she will improve with experience.

I rated this movie a 7/10. If it were shot on film I probably would have added at least a point, maybe two. It was extremely entertaining and I would recommend those who missed it on TV to rent the video.
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A great movie all together.
AudreyH-Fan25 May 1999
What can I say? I love watching these Egyptian movies! Although this Cleopatra did not surpass the one made in 1963 with Elizabeth Taylor, it is well worth seeing. The acting is very good, especially Billy Zane! The thing I like better about this movie than the old one is that it focuses a lot more on Cleopatra's son, Ptomely Ceasar, also know as Caesarion. The old one said nothing about Octavian trying to kill Caesarion. There are some very, should I put this..."revealing" scenes in it. (If you know what I mean.) The antagonist, Octavian, makes a wonderful villain and you just can't help but hate him! The special effects in the movie sometimes go un-noticed, but they are very good as well. There are a few scenes where someone is be-headed that are very good. The movie is not very gory, but there is a lot of fighting. The ending, as in the old one, leaves you hanging. (If someone knows what happens to Cleopatra's son please tell me!) I hope this movie is available to buy sometime soon, because I will definitely add it to my collection!
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Better than Liz & Dick but...
Dusti21 January 2000
The sets, costumes and backdrops are kaleidoscopic with meticulous attention to detail. Timothy Dalton brought his years of stage work to the part and Caesar seemed bigger than life. He has seasoned well in the years since playing 007 and his strong masculine presence, rich baritone and passion carried part 1. He is convincing in his love for Cleopatra and their son. Leonor did her best to educate us to Cleopatra's fierce Patriotism. Her curvy figure in the filmy costumes came to life with a feline fluidity. Billy Zane makes a good choice for the young brash Antony, a loyal soldier/playful child. His huge smile and coltish antics would be difficult not to like. His intense shame at comrades and battles lost, is moving and heartfelt. So what is not to like in this film? Leonor's lack of acting experience drained life from this story. She managed playing the spoiled rich girl well enough. But her many temper tantrums and pouting ways lacked depth. Dalton carried their love scenes. But alas, the sophomoric grappling of Leonor and Zane in part 2 was anything but passionate. It is hard to believe that scene wasn't reshot. They looked like they were playing Twister in drag. Zane did well playing the good soldier, but a man not suited for leadership. For all this, renting this video is well worth the time. Its adherence to history far outdoes the Taylor/Burton film.

And watching the 'love scene' between Leonor and Zane in fast forward mode will always good for a laugh.
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dgmarlowe22 December 2006
This movie was terrible. The reason I give it such a high score is because the two leads, Timothy Dalton and Billy Zane, were fantastic. Unfortunately, this movie did not keep up with them. Leonor Varela did not deserve to be in this movie. She was acting as if it were a high school play, pouting and stamping her way through the movie. She was extremely uncharismatic and did not have a sixteenth of the depth and class Taylor and Colbert did. I won't criticize the movie too much for its historical inaccuracies. One thing that did put me off was the portrayal of Octavian. He was the main antagonistic force, which he also was in the two previous versions, but in this one history is altered. Octavian was not part of the plot to assassinate Caesar and was not even in Rome when Caesar was killed. The actor who played Octavian in this version of Cleopatra, Rupert Graves, was obviously trying to copy the characterizations that Roddy McDowall, in the 1963 version of Cleopatra, gave to Octavian. He failed miserably. I've read quite a number of reviews saying that the sets and coloring were good. I personally thought that the colors were too lurid and the sets too small. However, for a TV movie budget, it did okay. My final word is that this movie is fun to watch, but don't take it too seriously.
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Oh please...
pmitsi-14 June 2009
I found this a good movie to pass your time, but not by any chance of any historical value. The portrayal of Cleopatra reminded me a cheap soap opera.

The twist of the facts is... funny! She gave birth while feeding her people!?!? O please... A pregnant Queen of Egypt (especially this one) would not bother going from one room to the other for that reason! They tried to make her appear a saint for God's sake! And the way they tried to justify her murdering her own sister... beyond description.

Cleopatra was the greatest politician of her time. Her decisions were based anything but her feelings and morals. She did everything for only two reasons: Power and self-preservation! She was born in a family where she had to straggle for survival, something she did very well. Anything that stood on her way was either murdered (her brothers and sister) or seduced (Ceasar and Mark Anthony).

Unfortunately Octavian was too powerful to kill and too... gay to be seduced. So, he was her end...
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This is the best version of Cleopatra
glorianticona19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, THIS IS THE BEST VERSION OF CLEOPATRA THAT I SAW IN MY LIFE, i saw another version but they were not pleasant, in change this version or series for TV, is special, clear, love,betray, i could feel the feeling of the actors and actress. Wonderful the interpretation of Marc Anthony (Billy Zane),Julious Caesar (Timothy Dalton) and Cleopatra (Leonor Varela). I m from Peru and it was too hard to have this movie, ONE FRIEND SENT IT TO ME FROM UNITED STATES.Really this version must give around the world... But i have that movie....and i m happy to see it, many times...yeah many times.....Gloria Anticona, from Perú. Really all the passion, betrayed, of this movie is very nice.
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Dalton fan
chrisaltman-131 December 2007
I give it a 7 ONLY for the first part where Timothy Dalton performs as Julius Caesar. He was FABULOUS!!! Great performance as usual from this man. Having been a longtime fan of Mr. Dalton's, I can't believe I'm just now seeing it. I actually bought the DVD so I can watch his performance over and over. Even though Leonor Varela was okay, she DID have HOT chemistry with Dalton, more so than she had with Billy Zane. But then what woman doesn't have on screen chemistry with Dalton (well, maybe Mae West!). I read that Varela and Zane were engaged but never married. I can see why when watching them on screen......LOL!!!! BORING!!! Oh and Caesar's death scene is AMAZING, even though I winced throughout. Anyone who is a Timothy Dalton fan should rent (or buy) and watch the first 90 minutes. You won't be sorry.
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Uninspiring Tale of Mighty Cleopatra
gcd7028 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Flat, uninspiring tale of one of the greatest female leaders of all time, Cleopatra. Fails to capture the magnitude of the historic Egyptian, portraying her as a seductress with a lust for power, and nothing more. Our young Cleopatra is alluring, yet she does not win us over as the manipulative Queen, or Goddess, as she prefers.

Billy Zane is the smitten Antony, spellbound by Cleopatra's charms, yet not the strong leader she needed to help her build an empire. Timothy Dalton's Julius Caesar could have been that man, had he not fallen to Brutus' conspiracy. Dalton's performance is one of the better turns on offer, though not by much.

The cheap production disappoints, and the constant British accents become very annoying in the middle east. Lacks three key ingredients for a film of this type: a grand score, sweeping cinematography and stunning sets - see "Ben Hur". Not an epic; not anything.

Saturday, August 14, 1999 - T.V.
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cleopatra as she has lived
ReinekeFuchs4 July 2003
I have never seen the other movies on the story of Cleopatra, only parts of them. I don't think Liz Taylor looks like an Epytian. But then I saw this Film. It's fantastic! Leonor Varela is the ideal cast. She is beautiful and human. You can always feel with her, but also see, what were her faults. Sometimes she's like a little girl, then a cold-blooded ruler, then a selfless guardian of her people, and she lives for her love. Also the colours are amazing. The cast is perfect. This film is simply the best Cleopatra-film. You can't make a better one.
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Cleopatra (1999)
Boromir0077 November 2005
According to the budget most of the TV-films have, I should tell that Martin Hitchcock did some great work as production designer and Enrico Sabbatini created some convincing costumes. David Connell his cinematography is sometimes breathtaking, but in the scenes on water it sometimes looks very fake, a pity. The action has its moments, but don't expect to much of it, especially the special effects are quite weak. But that is not really a failure because they probably did not have enough money for spectacular battle scenes. The main character Cleopatra is portrayed by Leonor Varela, she isn't bad and performed some good dialogs, but she does have a few very mediocre appearances. The first half of the film focuses on the relationship of the Egyptian quine and Julius Caesar. Timothy Dalton is as usual impressing. And although he played better roles in his wonderful career he gives an interesting interpretation of the Roman conqueror. The second part concerns about Cleopatra her interferences in the Roman civil war between Marc Antony and Octavian, both strong performances by Billy Zane and Rupert Graves. The most interesting supporting roles were Olympos (Art Malik), Brutus (Sean Pertwee) and Rufo (John Bowe). They did some good work with those roles, but Kassandra Voyagis (as Arsinoe, sister of Cleopatra) is painful to watch, she is a disturbing factor, and the actors appear to act more relaxed and with more confidence when her character isn't around anymore. This production outreaches the standard quality of an OK TV-film. And although there are some disappointing shots I think it is worth to watch, just do not be in the mood for a great epic adventure with tons of spectacle. Remember it is made for television.
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Way better than the '63 Version
Wuchakk12 March 2014
I tried watching the 1963 version of "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor a few years ago and gave up after about 90 adventure-less minutes of boring dialogue. The 1999 version makes up for this shortcoming as it combines action & adventure with the expected melodrama.

A few memorable highlights are as follows:

-- Timothy Dalton is outstanding as Julius Caesar and has an undeniable commanding presence. That distinguishing cleft chin of his somehow fits the role just perfect.

-- Billy Zane is also great as Marc Antony. He played the psycho killer in "Dead Calm" and the love-to-hate villain in "Titanic," but his character in "Cleopatra" is the express opposite. As Marc Antony, Zane is both likable and heroic, not to mention loyal and realistically human.

-- There are some great Moroccan locations for the outdoor scenes. The indoor & city sets are good and have that distinctive Egyptian vibe; the costuming as well.

-- The multifaceted score isn't overly bombastic but it is fitting, properly edited and memorable.

As for Leonor Varela, the actress who plays Cleopatra, she has the requisite exotic looks for the part, but she's too bland. She's undeniably good-looking, but she's not my cup of tea (too thin), so all that leaves (for me) is her performance, which is merely adequate. However, I'll say this: She's more fitting for the role than Elizabeth Taylor!

The '63 version failed to pull me into its story; this '99 version pulls you right in and is easy to follow. I'm not saying that it's the most captivating piece of cinema, but it's certainly better than the '63 rendition.

WARNING: The run time of the film is 177 minutes and the DVD 155 minutes, but the VHS version runs only 139 minutes, cutting 38 minutes from the original!

GRADE: C+ or B-
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A spectacle, with gorgeous color and sets. But disappointing.
mallard-67 September 1999
Dalton was surprisingly good as Caesar, as was Zane as Marc Antony. Ms. Varela, however, gave a most unfocused reading of Cleopatra--varying from passion to cruelty to vapidity but with no established core. In an effort such as this, that proved a cruel disappointment.

Sets were gorgeous, as were costumes. One COULD wish that Hollywood might approximate historically accurate women's clothing more closely, though.

This was a visually rich spectacle. The story was fine. But some really effective bits (Cleopatra with attendants in final tableau) really rang enormous bells for those familiar with the Taylor/Burton version.

Not my top cleopatra, nor my 2nd to the top (Colbert is very very good), but definitely on the list. And, indeed, the DVD transfer is gorgeous.
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Pageantry and spectacle on TV!
windypoplar14 December 2007
Cleopatra is one of the most fascinating figures from history. This 1999 TV movie does a good job of telling her story from her point of view. Granted Leonor Varela is a bit off, but she's not bad and the movie moves very well, its hard to believe its almost 3 hours, its time that never feels wasted. The story of Egypt's last great queen and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Marc Antony have been told before, most notably in '63 with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, this film is close to that and in some ways better.

Billy Zane is terrific here, he plays Antony better than Burton! Zane remembers Antony was a solider who was prodded into lofty ambition by Cleopatra, even pitting Roman against Roman and splitting an empire, in his heart he must have known he couldn't succeed, Zane never lets your forget that and his performance should have been honored. Timothy Dalton is a good Caesar too. He plays the conqueror full on, ambitious and powerful, but not a monster or a hero, just a man who wanted glory for Rome. His assassination is well handled here. Rupert Graves is a slimy Octavian (Augustus) and does well as the villain.

The look of the film is pretty good, though at times it feels like a filmed play. The music is unmoving, but the fx shots tolerable. The battle of Actium is brief but accurate, Antony always rushed in like a bull. For a TV move they manage to be sexy and violent, two things necessary to tell Cleo's story. The birth of Cesarion is realistic.

The only real downer here is I think this movie was made, or at least planned before the discovery of records found in the sea that told of Antony and Cleo's great love and of the fact they did have children! At least 4, including a set of twins. It is also possible that a girl was saved from Octavian's butchery. The rest did not make, including, probably Cesarion. Unfortunately we don't see that here and the end, though well played, is just like earlier versions. Still this is historical fiction at its best. Well done!
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Good TV series
carrie_pl25 February 2004
In my opinion this TV series is quite good. It isn't perfect, but I can recommend it to you if you are looking for a 'light movie' for your spare time. To be honest, I'm always full of respect for an actor who is a genius in what he does. His name is Timothy Dalton. He is always gorgeous. The only thing I can say bad about is the performer of the role of Cleopatra - I know many actresses from Latin America, for example, Natalia Oreiro, who would play it better. But Leonor isn't so bad. ;) I think that her main advantage is her beauty, but nowadays a wonderful smile is not enough to gain the hearts of audience. It is very nice series and worth seeing, for Timothy Dalton - for sure.
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Not bad, for a TV-movie
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews25 July 2005
I don't know much about Cleopatra... well, to tell you the truth, before watching this, I didn't know anything at all. The name ringed a bell, and that's about it. I bought this along with the 1997 TV version of The Odyssey partly because my father expressed interest in seeing them, and partly out of my own interest in the epics. While, according to my father, this film gets many details right, it still throws some stuff in that makes little to no sense and which is hardly historically accurate; some parts were obviously doctored to make for more drama or Hollywood-like scenes(at one point, Cleopatra picks up a sword to fight several Roman legionnaires with ease). The sets and costumes are gorgeous, no argument there. Most of the effects were see-through, but that's no wonder for a TV-movie with a TV-movie budget. The costume people are all in my cool book, though, if for nothing else, putting Leonor Varela in so many sheer, thin and/or tight dresses throughout the film. The plot is mostly accurate. The pacing is fair. Much of the film was clearly based on the real events, the real clothes worn and the real places. They must have done extensive research, and it definitely shows. Bit of a pity they throw away some credibility with aforementioned Hollywood scenes. The acting is fairly good; Zane, as usual, does not disappoint. Dalton proved to me that he had talent, something I never would have believed about him before. Varela is decent. The visual side of the film is fine, but nothing innovative or impressive is to be found here. Same goes for the depth of the film. I enjoyed the somewhat erotic, though at times nearly soap-opera-like relationships Cleopatra had, but I can see why some wouldn't. All in all, it tells the story(most of it) and looks 'real' enough. Nothing mighty impressive, but most of us have come to expect much, much less of the typical TV-movie. I recommend this to people who want a retelling of the story and want drama more than accuracy. 7/10
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Misses the mark...
tmpj14 November 2010
This Hallmark TV version of the Cleopatra tragedy has all of the trappings of Egypt, and the technology to boot. But it falls short in its delivery, and it's just simply not convincing. It is tough to get actors to play "sword and sandal" flicks with credibility. "Gladiator" probably stands out as the best of the fairly recent vintage. Comparing this film to Liz Taylor and Dick Burton is not fair...there simply is NO comparison, and it does not approach the level of the 1963 movie. However, the sets and the cinematography are absolutely fantastic. If you can sit through a dreadful portrayal of Cleopatra, you may become engaged- if not completely entertained. I do not recommend that you watch this film...unless, of course, you are inclined to do so. It would be best to have the 1963 version on hand, so you can make comparisons.
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Enternaining film, and Cleopatra herself was amazing.
justdim3 June 2008
This film was fun and entertaining, for sure, Timothy Dalton as Ceasar and Billy Zane as Marc Anthony were brilliant, in my opinion. And Leonor Varela did an OK job as Cleopatra, i think. The story is fine, i liked the cinematography and costumes, but the battle scenes are very poor, to be honest. But i guess that is to be expected of a TV movie. The most important thing for me tho was Cleopatra herself, because i am a big fan. I used to read many books about her when i was younger, and she always fascinated me. She still does. I doubt she was beautiful to the standards of our time, but when i saw Cleopatra in this movie, i didn't care, i wanted to believe she was as completely insanely beautiful and seductive as Leonor Varela is in this movie. A few times in this film she says that she's a goddess, and she does indeed look like one, amazing!
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Decent movie, but only because of Dalton
NothingButDVD11 July 2010
The first 5 minutes of this movie are incredible. Technically, it's top notch, the sets and costumes are luxuriant, and this is a Must Have for Dalton fans; Caesar never looked (or sounded) so good, striding into Alexandria with so much ego and charisma. Unfortunately, we all know what happens to Caesar, and it happens about halfway through this thing. Then we're left with Cleopatra, the most insufferable lead ever, due in part to terrible acting and the other part to terrible characterization. She does little but whine and pout like a petulant teenager, and is useless for addressing any of a Queen's duties. She can't help this movie any more than her similarly poorly-cast sister Arsinoe, or Billy Zane's unsympathetic Marc Antony. Everyone seems to realize that Caesar is too hard an act to follow, but they do try. The results are mediocre to good in places.

However, it's totally worth the watch and the buy for the first hour, which is beautiful, sexy, and violent with an engaging story. And personally I never tire of watching Tim Dalton do what he does best: Upstage everyone and make out with untalented co-stars.
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Awful "Bodice Ripper"
eunicem6 August 2000
Why is it that any film about Cleopatra, the last phaoroh brings out the worst in movie making? Whatever attraction the woman had for the greatest Roman of them all, Julius Ceasar, and his successor, Mark Anthony, never seems to come across on the screen as other than the antics of over sexed high school seniors. Despite lavish sets and costumes, this movie is as bad as any Italian "sandals and toga" extravaganza of the 50's. Admittedly, this kind of spectacular belongs on the big screen, which is why "Gladiator" went over well, but "Gladiator" did not have all the romance novel sex.

Miss Varela has as little acting talent as Elizabeth Taylor, but Timothy Dalton has talent to spare. Pity some of it didn't wash off on the others.
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Based on the novel "The Memoirs of Cleopatra" by Margaret George
Bernie444423 October 2023
History for the longest time was based upon stories that were told and retold. History for the longest time was not necessarily facts, but stories told more for entertainment and or to convey lessons and how to live. The story of Cleopatra has been told many times in different ways for different purposes. This particular movie was based on the novel "The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel". It is just as true in its way as Shakespeare's Cleopatra is in its way.

One of the major advantages of this movie is that the actors to not overwhelm the characters with their personality. You could not create better actors than the ones that were selected for these parts. Timothy Dalton made a great Caesar and instead of speaking like an orator, he made it seem like a real person actually negotiating an understanding of the situation. And who would not fall in love with Leonor Varela as Cleopatra?

Depending on whether you are an active person a romantic scene person, the film is sometimes seen as like it is dragging and at other times moves at a good pace. Either way, this movie is worth viewing.
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Revisioning history
kurt_messick16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This production of Cleopatra, intended originally as a miniseries on television, is a reasonably good production with significant differences from the block-buster Hollywood version starring Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Rex Harrison. Cleopatra here is depicted as someone striving to maintain her own position, not necessarily someone with an eye toward world-wide conquest. Cleopatra is portrayed as an inexperienced person (both sexually and politically) until tutored by the more experienced Romans. She comes to understand her fate is inextricably intertwined with Caesar, then Antony, but her love for Antony keeps her from making the politically expedient move of giving in to Octavian. Apparently two Roman rulers are enough for one lifetime.

Like the earlier film production, this one plays fast and loose with the actual history, albeit in different ways. The figure of Octavian/Augustus is far more present earlier here than he was in history; for a production that goes on the greater part of three hours, remarkably little detail about the history is brought forward, and I found that distracting. The last hour could have easily been recut into a half-hour, and some judicious editing throughout the rest of the film could make it into a much better paced two-hour film.

The acting was tolerable but generally unconvincing. Timothy Dalton as Julius Caesar, Billy Zane (who got top billing) as Marc Antony, and Rupert Graves as Octavian were not up to their usual acting standards in this production. Dalton was not very expressive, and Zane and Graves were overly so (Graves plays an almost flippant character, not at all in keeping with the historical Augustus). Ironically, the title character Cleopatra was played by relative newcomer Leonor Varela, who was probably the best actor in the piece.

The sets are great, as are the costumes (if not always appropriate – Cleopatra rarely wore Egyptian garb, preferring her more native Greek), and the music is worthwhile. The battle scenes are pretty typical television fare (with occasional glitches that make these seem more minor skirmishes than great battles). Unfortunately, the sea-going scenes of ships looked far too obviously fake to suspend disbelief.

This is a pleasant diversion, but in the end not a truly memorable production save for bits and pieces here and there. But it is a good thing that such productions are still being undertaken.
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Pile of Romantic Spew
bouncer-313 August 2008
If this book remained faithful to the book then we can only assume that the author was ignorant of history. Mark Anthony never died of injuries obtained in battle as depicted. He died a coward's death by committing suicide and even then, he asked his slave to do it for him. The slave chose to kill himself instead. In the real story Mark Anthony was ashamed by the slave's great valor and decided to copy him. But even in death Mark Anthony was a drunken failure and failed at his own suicide attempt. He cried out for Cleopatra and was taken to her, bleeding. She hauled his litter up on ropes and Mark Anthony died a while later. If you want history don't watch this movie. If you want romantic drivel then you will probably enjoy it!
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