Hollow Man (2000) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for strong violence, language and some sexuality/nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman has her shirt unbuttoned and she is molested, we see her breasts.
  • The invisible man is known to be nude when he interacts and walks around.
  • A man looks through a porno magazine and we see (from somewhat of a distance) a small picture showing a bare-breasted woman. Later, however, we see a larger image of a different, bare-breasted woman and he comments that he'd squeeze her "t*ts."
  • The man sees the woman across the street getting undressed again (we see her in the bra). He then approaches her (unseen) and sneaks in after she opens the door to see who's there. Then we see her reflection in the mirror and as her robe opens we see her bare breasts from her robe. He plays with the mirror to see angles of her breasts. Then Sebastian rapes a woman who performs rough cunnilingus (bare breasts can be seen), after which the woman cries and reveals her bare bottom.
  • As a woman sleeps, we see the covers being slowly pulled off her bed by an invisible man (revealing her in her panties). We then see her top being undone and those panties slowly being removed (showing the side of her bare butt in the nighttime shadows) and then her legs quickly being spread (no nudity), but she then wakes up from what turns out to be a nightmare.
  • A guy (still invisible) spies on a woman (who's in her bra and jeans) in her place and then sees a man show up. She undoes her jeans, partially pulls them down (we briefly see part of her bare butt in her thong bottom), jumps up around his waist (her legs around him) and tells him that she nearly started without him. They then fall onto her bed with him on top of her, but they're interrupted before anything else happens.
  • We see the side of a woman's bare thigh while she's sitting on a toilet.
  • We see a man's bare butt as he prepares to receive the invisibility serum. Once be begins to convulse from it, we see various shots of his bare butt as he rolls around, and once all of his skin has become invisible, we briefly see his skinless, flaccid penis (along with every other part - internal and external - of his body).
  • We see a woman wearing a shirt and panties get out of bed; she later puts on pants, and a man who was in bed with her also gets out and puts on his pants. She suspects that it was the invisible man so she puts on her thermal goggles.
  • We could see an invisible man's penis in an infrared shot of his body.
  • A man commits voyeurism by watching a woman in another building take off her shirt and skirt (her bra and her thong-clad buttocks are visible) and she closes the shades as she begins taking off her bra; in another scene she does the same, only she removes her bra and her bare breasts are visible. She is also seen showering and puts on her robe.
  • We see a man's groin area during the transformation.

Violence & Gore

  • A man was bitten by an invisible animal that wanted to inject him with a serum (we hear his scream and see blood on his arm). An unseen gorilla runs out of the cage, setting off a chase. The man encounters another man who also joins the pursuit. She tries to knock on the door but lunges at the two men. Before he attacks her, she is given a tranquilizer; In addition, the man tries to shoot the other with a tranquilizer. A needle stuck in an animal will float down until it is knocked out. The gorilla is tied up and we watch as the red serum flows through the veins of the invisible animal, then we watch as the veins, muscles, bones, organs and skin slowly become visible again (the animal makes loud noises and punches); At some point during the process, the animal suffers a heart attack and is shocked several times with a defibrillator, after which everything is fine.
  • A man is strapped to a gurney in a boardroom testing a serum. They take the serum and put it into a needle. After the person injects the serum into his veins, a drip. Whistle, the person starts to shake twitch violently, screams when most of his skin so as most of his organs finally disappears (during the process we see the person's muscles, organs and bones and he successfully becomes invisible). In another scene where we're trying to visualize the person, we see a red serum coursing through the person's veins, then we see the person convulse as bones, organs, and muscles reappear and then disappear. In the end, he imperceptibly vomits and its a gory, painful, process put in CGI.
  • A woman and a wounded man are trapped in an extremely cold freezer to die, we see a tear running down a woman's cheek and it turns to ice and a man coughing and feeling numb on the inside.
  • A person uses a makeshift flamethrower to attack another person, catching him completely on fire (and burning much of his skin that then flakes off in ashes).
  • A man grabs a woman by the hair and slams her onto a metal pole (we see a cut on her forehead).
  • A man tackles a woman to the ground and steps on her neck trying to suffocate her.
  • A man grabs a woman from an access ladder sending both of them to drop on an broken elevator car, the woman disconnects it sending him down ablaze.
  • An invisible man sneaks into a room and drives a crowbar to a man's back impaling him, and rips it out, (blood pours from his chest).
  • A man stabs another man in the abdomen with a crowbar and a woman scrapes the crowbar out, we see a bloody gash on his abdomen We later see her digging her finger into a bloody gash of a man's abdomen (we hear him scream in pain), the woman uses duct tape to close his wound.
  • An elevator is flung upwards, we see it make its way to two people climbing an access ladder, the elevator scrapes a small chunk of flesh off a woman's shoulder.
  • A woman is punched and tackled to the ground, we see her splashing a bag of blood on the invisible man, the man then fights for the gun, turns it towards her chest and shoots her with it, she is knocked unconscious and then the man snaps her neck.
  • A woman smacks another woman in the face in rage (we see a bruise).
  • An man uses his invisibility powers to sneak to a woman's house, terrorize her and rape her until he has had enough (the woman is seen with bruises).
  • A man strikes another man hard with a crowbar (he collapses to the ground).
  • An invisible man tries attacking two people, one of them knocks him onto an electrical panel electrocuting him (skin and bone is shown).
  • Someone throws a test tube of chemicals, causing an explosion; another very large, loud explosion causes windows to break and many rooms to be consumed by fire (the flames nearly engulf a couple of people).
  • A huge explosion rips through the lab with the resulting fireball nearly hitting two people. An elevator then descends downward in an elevator shaft being caught in debris nearly crushing two people who are trying to evacuate the lab.
  • Two men chase after an invisible man. The invisible man subdues, attacks and chokes a guy as his partner tries to shoot the pipes to make him visible, but he shoots the pipe, causing air to puff on his face, and he intentionally and violently throws the man overhead and his head lands on a metal ledge that goes splat! (rupturing a chunk of flesh from his carotid artery). His wounds start to accumulate and pour blood everywhere leaving a large puddle on the floor and gallon amount of blood squirting on his face. His partner continues to fight and shoots and shoots at the pipe, causing the pipe to burst and splinter on the ground, releasing a lot of heat and absorbing the surrounding area. The invisible man shuts him in and then the man tries to shoot and fight the diabolic man who's taunting and toying around with him. The man gets angry and charges at the invisible man with the fire extinguisher and puffing on it several times. The man swings the fire extinguisher, misses, the invisible man kicks and strikes him hard on his face and he's being dragged behind closed doors. The team goes in search of a dying teammate, but then finds that he's losing blood, its somehow too late and he bleeds to death.
  • A woman splashes blood bags on the ground to detect the invisible man.
  • A man attacks a woman and garrotes her with an IV tube, he then hides her corpse in a locker, her team discover her and we see her bloody eyes.
  • A man strangles a man and drowns him under water, we see the man struggling and screaming.
  • A gorilla holds a rat, squeezes it and bites its head off (blood shown).
  • A man throws a dog against the walls of his cage.


  • 49 uses of the "f" word (used three times sexually and twice with "mother"), 22 "s" words 1 slang term using male genitals ("d*ck"), 1 slang term for female genitals ("p*ssy") 1 slang term for breasts ("t*ts")6 asses (4 used with "hole") 6 hells 3 damns 1 S.O.B14 uses of "G-damn,"6 of "Oh my God,"4 of "Oh God,"2 of "Jesus"1 use each of "Christ," 1 use of "For Christ's sakes,"1 use of "God,"1 use of "Jesus Christ,", 1 use of "Oh Jesus" and "God forsaken" as exclamations.
  • Some explicit sexual jokes can be heard by Sebastian about Wonder Woman and Batman.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A group of people toast with champagne during a formal dinner.
  • One man smokes a pipe in a brief scene.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The transformation scenes are disturbing and intense.
  • There are several moments where animals are killed or put in painful circumstances (i.e. invisibility transformation.) Definitely upsetting for animal lovers.
  • The scene where a man gets turned invisible is disturbing.
  • The scene where the lab members are trapped in the lab may be frightening.
  • The scene where a dog is killed is disturbing.
  • The invisible man is disturbing and demonstrates lots of disturbing behavior.
  • Scenes of animal cruelty, sexual abuse/rape and serial murder are present in this film.
  • This whole film is considered to be a shocking violent sci fi tale.
  • The movie has intense scenes throughout, it gets much more intense as it progresses.
  • The deaths in this film are VERY brutal and very disturbing.
  • Some may be disturbed by the transformation scenes where humans and animals disappear or reappear layer by layer.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • There is several instances of sexual innuendo (in one scene, a man tells a crude sexual joke about Wonder Woman involving a nude woman, sodomy and rape) and a few kisses and all about the "asshole".
  • A woman and a grown man in a bed is seen together with her sensuously kissing down his bare chest. While she's acting aroused, he wants to talk shop and she replies, "I'm trying to make love to you." He then says, "Let me ask you another question" and she wonders if it's going to be about "who's on top" (but he doesn't respond to that query).
  • The man confronts the woman up close and then tells her to relax and that he thought since this was his last night in invisibility that they would try another experiment (sexual connotations). He then kisses her and asks her if she wonders what it's like to make love to an invisible man. She replies that it will be like the good old days since he has never been in their relationship before. Then we see her skirt go up, but she stops it and leaves.
  • A man drops the towel he's wearing, revealing his bare backside to the camera and his front side to two women; we also see his bare backside and chest when he's convulsing on a table during an experiment.

Violence & Gore

  • A man sets a bomb with nitroglycerin tubes causing a massive explosion. The bomb later explodes destroying an underground lab and everything in its path.
  • A man schedules an animal to be vivisected after being visible again. This is not shown, only implied. A female scientist complains of the man dissecting the gorilla's brain. The man replies saying that the lab is not a zoo.
  • A person is pushed into a pipe, causing a large bloody gash on the person's face and neck; a few times we see the body lying on the ground (with an extremely bloody face and neck) and we eventually see the person choke a bit before dying.
  • A man falls to his death down a fiery elevator shaft.
  • An invisible man goes to someone's apartment to spy on them. After seeing them having sex, he gets mad so he throws a rock at their window when trying to make love. In another scene, he scares two kids in a car by removing his shades exposing the two holes inside his eyes. The kids get terrified and screams.
  • An invisible man is repeatedly burned with a blowtorch running around out of the elevator on fire. His clothes and parts of his skin gets burned alive but still survives., struck over the head with a crowbar, and electrocuted. All this happens in a short span of time but near his death, we can still see his muscles and skeleton.
  • A person pours several bags of blood on a floor (we see the bloody floor a few times); also, several people have bloody hands, faces and clothing, and we see several bloody corpses as well. A person with visible bones and muscles is seen a few times.


  • A use of "Cocky" is said.
  • A use of "Bastard" is said.
  • 2 uses of "Pissed" is said.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A woman is raped by an invisible man. The attack isn't shown beyond him grabbing her and her screaming in terror, but the sequence of him entering her apartment and stalking her immediately beforehand is drawn out and extremely tense as the viewer knows what's about to happen.
  • The Invisible Man becomes partially visible during the final scene, in which he fights basically skinless. Can be disturbing for some viewers.
  • The film intensifies as Sebastian Caine begins killing people one by one in the lab, including a man who has his neck pierced after being strangled and thrown onto a pole. The invisible man stalking the members of the lab is very scary. A woman and an injured man are locked in a freezer. Some viewers may find it difficult to watch the elevator scene due to the likelihood of the survivors falling and dying from the explosion.
  • The final half hour is particularly intense, when many characters get killed off one by one in slasher movie style.

See also

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