
811 Reviews
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Emotionally satisfying!
10 June 2024
What a rollercoaster this was! After an actionpacked previous episode, we get an episode that centers on Robin and feels like that combination of heattbrake and satisfaction!

This proved what Saul told her back on Ohara.. about her finding some friends! I have never felt more sorry for a character and I could feel the pain she was going through!

It was emotional, it was tense and it was SO god damn satisfying! Ir was the moment i had been waiting for and I was pleased!

The writing at this point is the best! Its at times like these when you realize how great this show qnd how much it has payed off that you stuck with it for this long!
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Will and determination!
10 June 2024
This was just one crazy ride of qmazing moments and tension so that the episode felt like it ended in almost in instant!

All the characters in this episode were amazing, most notably Zoro and Robin, who showed admirable will and determination!

The fight with Zoro was just legendary and the best with him since Alabasta! His power-up was chill- inducing, and the direction amd sound created this breathtaking sequence! He has no problem going that extra mile!

One crazy event lead to the next as we are remined that Lucci is the big threat! Robin got a great scene, capturing her statement and development!

The animation is the best I have seen in the show and it never slows down!
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I'm sorry, Doctorine!
9 June 2024
Enies Lobby keeps delivering with these action packed episodes that sees our characters struggle in a way, that we have not seen yet, since they arr up against CP9, that proves to be the challenge we expected!

This episode centers on Chopper and gives him some great development that ties all the way back to Drum Island! It was suprisingly mature as Chopper has to descide whether he wants to save his friends, or listen to the advice he got from Doctorine long ago!

The animation was great and the action really delivers with fluent scenes that are great paced!

The last part was just incredible!
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2 June 2024
An emotional rollercoaster of epic perporsions! This will not just brake you... it will leave your soul shattered, until it picks you up and leaves you breathless, numb in your seat with chills all over!

This is one of those rare instances of a perfect episode! It was not just a great One Piece episode, but a great episode in general, that deserves its place among the best, anime and TV has to offer!

This was one of the best and most heartbreaking backstories i have seen since Attack On Titan! This was the culmination of Robins character arc, as past and present came together on a higher level of understanding!

The dialogue was incredible! The final moment might be one of the greatest and most significant in fictional media! So much crazy stuff happened, as we got back to the present, that I was left speechless, staring into the blank abyss!

All life is precious, and there will always be someone out there who will do anything for you... cause no one is alone in this world!
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I could not hold the tears back!
2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Damn its not getting easier to experience Robins past! I feel like it is designed to brake you as you are just left powerless to what unfolds! At the same time, its one of the greatest things I have seen!

The World government only seems more and more sinister, and you start to really hate them! So many themes are handled and so much seems relevant to this day! No matter how painfull, we must embrace our history, our past errors, rather than denying it!

Everything revolving Robin was excellent! This is my favorite backstory, as the writting is great, and it is so rich with powerfull themes, tragedy and scenes you wont forget anytime soon!
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Powerfull moments and dialogue!
1 June 2024
What just happened? This episode flew by in an instant with incredible scenes that will remain iconic!

This is the heart of the show! Our characters gathered cause they care about their friend more than anything! All this for such a simple yet relatable goal! At this point this show knows what It is, and uses that perfectly, giving you moments that are worth your investment if you have stuck with it for this long! The Last part on the roof... iconic!

Robins character arc at this point might be the most powerfull, as she has abandoned all hope and care, and have yet to realize what truely matters to her, blinded by events in her past, we have yet to learn!
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Its just getting better!
1 June 2024
This episode is where I started to get a true taste of why Enies Lobby is one of the best arcs of the show! Everything just elevated to the next level with thrills, fights, animation and emotions!

Luffy's fight with Blueno is particularly memorable as gear second awakens and we get a taste of how we have still seen nothing yet in terms of outragegous power! The dialogue was great too and the animation was great with fluent fast paced action!

Overall the emotions are high as our characters will do anything for their friends! The final part gave me chills and I am more than excited for what comes next!
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The Sopranos: Army of One (2001)
Season 3, Episode 13
The core of The Sopranos!
25 May 2024
God damn what a finale! This was a rollercoaster of almost everything as the thing we have witnessed and was build up, clash in this amazing set of events!

The core of The Sopranos have alaways been Tony attempting to balance his family life with "the family", and I think this episode shows that more than ever, as Tony clearly struggles with the situation at home, and the situation with the business!

There were some excellent scenes of drama, character and symbolism! So many scenes will stay in your mind as you attempt to figure out their significance!

By the end i could not help get emotional!

Season 3 delivered from beginning to end!
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The Sopranos: Amour Fou (2001)
Season 3, Episode 12
High on drama!
24 May 2024
This was a downward spiral of self destructing paths, until it all rventually blew up near the end!

This episode was the kind that got better and better as it went along! Started out average, but it slowly got really tense with some incredible drama and developmrnt i knew were coming at some point, but was unprepared on how it played out!

The acting for this episode was amazing as others have pointed out! Tony was incredible in this episode, giving him some of the best scenes and shows us his inner conflicts!

It seems that season 3 will warm up for a great finale.. but.. it wont be cinematic!
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It was never meant to top Fury Road!
24 May 2024
However does it mean this movie is bad? No!! Fury Road is a masterpiece and it is damn near impossible to come up with something that can surpass it!

This is a movie for the action fans, as there is a TON of that, with some great intensity, spectacle and an overall feeling, that this movie should be experienced at the movies! Trust me, watching it at home is not the same! It needs a big screen!

The story was fine, Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth did great as their respective characters! I was glad to see them do something like this, as I now will remember them for these roles!

Cinematography.. excellent! The effects were great too and I was never too distracted by the CGI, just a little!

If you are looking for a fun time at the movies, this is a safe bet!
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The Sopranos: Pine Barrens (2001)
Season 3, Episode 11
Its 2024.. and I was amazed by this!!
24 May 2024
Where to begin with this? Very few things on TV can make me laugh out loud when I am watching it alone.. this however, is one of those rare exceptions!

I dont know who came up with the idea of an episode like this, but it was brilliant! The writting is top notch, and Paulie and Chris makes for an excellent team-up you can only love! I seriously cracked up with some of these scenes!

The scenery and setting was an excellent choice as well and makes this episode stand out visualy! Show me a picture of a snow covered forrest, and I would think of this episode!

This was TV brilliance, something a lot of TV shows have tried to copy ever since, and i can understand if someone told me this were their favorite Sopranos episode, even if I am yet to watch the rest!

A very rewatchable treat!
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Another emotional story!
23 May 2024
What is with One Piece and its ability to create these emotional backstories that resonates and stays with you long afterwards?

I really enjoyed Franky's backstory as well as the Origin of The Sea Train, or Uma Ressha! Tom managed to become this instantly lovable character, that not only tied in with another well known character, but also managed to have an ideology that you wont forget, cause of what It meant to Franky!

Spandam also became a worthy sinister villain, that you would love to see get what he deserves!

This was an emotional ride with great moments of character, resolve and world building!
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What a shocking moment!
20 May 2024
God damn this arc is great! With barely any boring moments, each episode has you hooked qnd intrigued! This episode is the outcome and reveal i did not see coming!

The last part of the episode was simply crazy! The reveal took me off guard, thinking back on it, only a few clues were given, that you would not novice unless you knew!

This is some of the best writing of the show to this point! One Piece shows its strength outside of action packed or emotional episodes! I am so glad to see this show keep evolving, providing a new experience!

This arc is turning into one of my favorite, even if I know what follows will be even better!
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The Sopranos: Employee of the Month (2001)
Season 3, Episode 4
Lorraine Bracco owns this episode!
19 May 2024
What a dark and depressing hour of TV, with some disturbing scenes and amazing acting!

Sometimes there is no justice in this world! Revenge and anger takes over, cause you drown yourself in darkness and hate!

Anything can happen at anytime, and this episode perfectly captures that! Melding gets some excellent character development and one of the most disturbing scenes in this show so far.. that does not hold back, with a performance by Bracco that will haunt you! I will never forget it!

The final scene was great and shocking.. and sad by the end, cause you feel sympathy for Melfi, and you can tell Tony does too!
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Left me in tears!
17 May 2024
This was it.. the episode that was the toughest to watch from beginning to end, as you are overwhelmed by pain and sees the journey so far, flash before your eyes!

I knew that would not be ready for this episode, as you feel the pain just reading the title! I really try to compose myself, but by the end i just couldn't hold any emotions back, and I felt just like Luffy in that last shot of him.. This is tough!

The fight was the best animated so far, with every attack looking fluent, never pausing, but instead providing with a very organic experience! Something like this deserves the best!

Now the characters and their journey.. have changed!
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Incredible writting!
17 May 2024
One Piece really shows its skills in writting at this point, giving us the best episode thus far based purely on dialogue and drama!

This feels like a culmination of Usopp's journey, his character and role in the crew! Just like that, he gets some of the best and most intense dialogue from a character! Sometimes you feel like, that younas a person don't matter and that your wishes and desire's dont matter!

Our crew has been through so much, allowing for the story to mature and giving us painfull and emotional moments!

This was some of the best I have seen from this show, and I feel like no other show could do a conflict like this as impactfull!
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Goes back to the beginning!
17 May 2024
This episode brought me back to the beginning of the show, reminding me, where it all began and how they all were very different people, but ended up uniting as a crew!

This episode reminded me of Arlong Park, as the crew finds a common goal in helping a friend! This made for an emotional amd powerfull experience, capturing just what this show and these chaeacters, special!

Usopp were handled very well, as he may not have the strength, but has the courage and his unwilling ability to accept that he failed! Remember back in Syrup Village, where he saved the day and was essential!

Action was great! It was very well animated with a lot of fluent scenes! Everything is just improving!

Now we have to deal with the consequences of Luffy's descision!
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Amazing episode out of nowhere!
17 May 2024
Long Ring Long Land has not been the most eventfull arc, and I found some of the later episodes to be dragging a bit! However this episode... is something else!

At first the episode seems kind of goofy, much like the previous ones! The introduction Aokiji was brilliant in my opinion! At first he seems chill and harmless, so you lay your guards down.. until the second half of the episode kicks in! You realize how much of a threat someone can still be!

This was a shocking and brilliant finale and with the next episode, a perfect transition into Water 7!

The ending had me on edge!

Just brilliance out of nowhere!
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X-Men '97 (2024– )
1'st season delivers TOP QUALITY on every aspect!
15 May 2024
I have just finishen the first season, and I still can not believe it was just the first season! The quality was more reminesent of a later or final season!

My expectations were met and surpassed with this show, which i would consider one of the greatest Marvel products of all time alomgside the best of the MCU, etc!

The writing is superb and every character is handled masterfully! Everyone gets their memorable moment to shine in terms of development and action!

Speaking of the action, it light be the best action i have seen in an animated show! They had no right to go as hard as they did! They set the bar high!

This is an experience you should treat yourself to!
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X-Men '97: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Epic conclusion for an epic season!
15 May 2024
What a ride... what...a.. RIDE!! This was one incredible finale that delivered in every way that a finale should deliver!

My expectations were high, do to have amazing this season has been, and I think the finale met my expectations in ways i could have never anticapated!

The writing were spectacular, capturing the arcs that werebset up, and the themes of the season! Magneto was the star, no doubt!

The action was incredible! Some of the best action animation of any animated show, to a point where it was almost cinematic! Edge of your seat!

Soundtrack.. on point!

The ending shows how this show is not over being crazy and creative

I have never been this excited for a second season in a long time!
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Incredible moment!
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was the grand finale as Luffy faces off against Enel for the final time, in this epic confrontation!

Every thing about this episodebwas great, from Wiper screaming to Luffy that he should ring the Bell, when he learns about Montblanc, all the way to Luffy fighting off against Enel, with a goldball and his arm!

Luffy punching Enel into the golden Bell was one of the greatest moments of this show up till this point! It was both satisfying and emotional, cause it meant the end of the conflict and proved that Noland told the truth!

Animation was incredible! They did this one justice!
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Heartbreaking story!
14 May 2024
This episode felt like an emotional culmination as you finally understood the past and culture of the Shandians and Shandora, at well as the past of Noland!

The friendship between Calgara and Noland, is not only cruciel to understand Wipers motivations, but also a heartwarming tale, about two cultures meeting! This is something we can all learn! How two people who hated each other, somehow earned each others respect and trust!

There were multiple moments where I was in tears, cause I knew now! I saw it with my own eyes, what Noland had experienced and his inevetable fate!

One Piece never dissapoints when it comes to powerfull emotional moments!
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Damn..Sanji was great!
14 May 2024
I really came to realize for how long Sanji and Usopp was unconcious, when i watched this episode! I had really come to miss them! I do enjoy our characters apart, as it makes room for development, but seing them unite, is always geeat!

Sanji and Usopp both got their memorable moment to shine in scenes that perfectly captured their personality amd what we love about them! Usopp got to be brave, even if everything seemed hopeless! Sanji got to be tougher than ever, in one of my favorite scenes with him thus far! Damn i got chills when he uttered those lines!

At this point every episode delivers and you just want to watch the next right away!
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No time is wasted!
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Once again we grt an episode where a lot of stuff is happening as Enel's finale plan is put in motion, with what seems like no way of stopping it!

Luffy was amazing in this episode! After being trapped inside a huge snake for god knows how long, we finally get to se him shine in action, just like in the previous episode.. and it was worth it!

It was really a treat to see Luffy and Enel trying to outdo each other by figurering out how their powers!

The last part of the episode was just pure hype! I was really surprissed at how tense and exciting it got!

The cliffhanger was crazy.. best one so far!
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Worth ALL build-up!
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah the last half of the episode was worth everything! Best thing I have seen in this qrc so far! There was something so delightfully hilarious about Enel realizing Luffy's powers!

That confrontation was just great, as Luffy is... well Luffy, and Enel does not hold back at all! That face made my whole day, no doubt about it! This arc feels like that slow børn, that really is about to pay off well in the end!

Even Side characters like Conni, get some things to do, as she has to convince the people of Skypuea, what plans Enel have for them qnd their land!

These are the kind of episodes that makes this journey worth it!
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