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Newhart: Murder at the Stratley (1989)
Season 7, Episode 21
Did I miss something??
25 February 2024
Ok, so this was a great episode with a fun plot. In short, Dick writes a mystery novel, and is accused of killing his wife, the same way the main character does in his novel. So why did I only rate it a 6? Because of the way the episode ends, or doesn't end. At the end of the episode, major plot elements haven't been resolved, and it just literally ends out of nowhere. So I thought, ok no big deal, it's a two part episode. The next one will pick up where this leaves off, right? WRONG. It just ends with the plot unresolved and that's that. So what there was of the episode, I'd rate like 8/10, but because of the unresolved ending, I'm rating it a 6.
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Walker (2021–2024)
Mediocre at best
11 May 2023
First off, I'm a big fan of Jared's, and was looking forward to seeing him in a new show. I never watched the original Walker much, as it was a little to cheesy for my taste, but I've always loved Chuck Norris.

Anyway, this show is very different from the original. I think a remake has a right to break new ground or change itself a bit. After all, that's kind of the point of a remake. However, in this case, the whole ranger/crime-solving aspect of the show takes a total back seat to all the family drama. It's basically a soap opera. There's very little action, too.

And as much as I hate to say it, much of the criticism of Jared's acting is accurate. He's an insecure, stuttering mess most of the time, unsure of what to do, but of course his strong female partner is always there to save the day. I wish they'd portray him as strong, confident, and sure of himself.

I watched the first couple of seasons, but I just couldn't stick with it any longer. It's worth checking out, but just don't be expecting a good action show, because this definitely isn't it.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Mediocre show because of lazy, cliche writing.
24 November 2022
Ok so the first couple season of the Flash were quite good. But then they started to fall into the same old tired, cliche, lazy, contrived writing that plagues most superhero shows. Including Arrow, but that was a much better show, overall, IMO. If someone were to write a superhero show, but not make the following mistakes, people would LOVE it:

1) STOP with the one big-bad villain per season, where they are five steps ahead of the team/hero, can't be caught, can't be defeated until the very final episode of the season. Just.... STOP. Do more one-off episodes and/or have a handful of "mini-boss" villains to fill up the season, so it isn't predictable and chiche from the get-go.

2) STOP with all the ridiculous relationship stuff that literally nobody wants to see. Stop having the hero be caught in the turmoil of whether or not to reveal his identity to his significant other, and hiding everything and ALL of that annoying stuff.

Just do a superhero show with those two things in mind, and I think it would be a game-changer, as simple as it sounds. Overall the Flash isn't bad, but the good gets overwhelmed by the bad, and by the end of a season, you can't wait for it to be over.
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The Munsters (2022)
Not horrible, but not very good
5 October 2022
I felt compelled to write a review for this movie, as I'm a huge fan of the Munsters TV series (I'm watching it as I write this, in fact.) First, the good points: * Great sets. I was really surprised how good they were.

* The guy who played Grandpa was good.

* They put a lot of little things in the movie that were references to the series.

Now for the bad: * Rob Zombie ONCE AGAIN cast his wife as the lead actress. She was horrid. STOP CASTING YOUR WIFE IN EVERYTHING, ROB. Dear Lord.

* The guy who played Herman kinda sucked. Physically he was ok, as well as his acting, but his voice didn't fit at all.

* The script just all-around sucked. It was weak weak weak. It needed to be polished up some more, for sure.

* It was too long. It had very poor momentum to it, and just seemed to drag on and on. Needed to be tightened up a bit.

So I would say this is worth a watch, but just don't go into it with really high expectations. I'm glad I satisfied my curiosity and watched it, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
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Oh how the mighty have fallen...
1 July 2022
Oh how the mighty have fallen. And I'm not talking about Obi-Wan, I'm talking about Disney. For a studio who usually has top-notch stories and writing in their movies, the Star Wars franchise has been a huge step down for them, and Obi-Wan, unfortunately, is no exception. The show had some truly great moments, but they were few and far between, buried under ridiculous, contrived, nonsensical story and plot elements. And the 3rd Sister inquisiter has WAY too much screen time, aside from being over the top, cheesy, and just outright annoying. This is worth a watch, but just don't expect too much.
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History's Greatest Mysteries: Jack the Ripper (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Intriguing, but has it's flaws
29 May 2022
This was an intriguing documentary about Jack the Ripper, and even talked about some things I'd never heard before, despite being a "Ripperologist" myself. However, some of the theories are so full of holes, I wonder why they presented them at all, or at least why they didn't address those "plot holes" if you will. For example: One of the Ripper suspects ends up going to America, at which point the killings cease. He then gets married 3 times over the course of 9 years, and poisons each one of his wives. At the time of his execution, he tells the police inspector "Congratulations, you've caught Jack the Ripper at last." As any student of true crime and serial killers knows, they rarely, and I mean RARELY change their M. O. They need to kill a certain type of person in a particular way to get their jollies, and it becomes part of their ritual. This suspect would've drastically changed his behavior the way he killed his wives, but they don't even address that. Still, it's a chilling anecdote, and I do wonder if it could've been him.

The second suspect, himself an infamous American serial killer, H. H. Holmes is listed as a possibility. But here again, we see a dramatic change in M. O. Holmes is not an angry, violent, enraged killer like the Ripper was. His killings are far less "personal" for one thing, and he also didn't discriminate in any way who his victims were. He killed men, women, even children. And again, they don't even touch on this in the documentary.

Overall it's worth a watch, certainly, but if you're a true student of true-crime and a Ripperologist at heart, you'll find some flaws in it that make it less than it could've been.
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Gratuitous, boring, and pointless.
4 February 2019
I love the Harry Potter universe, books, movies, etc. But this movie was utterly gratuitous, pointless, and boring. It has no redeeming value of it's own, relying solely on being a "Harry Potter" movie, and having good special effects. 45 minutes into the movie, I was only barely starting to see what the point of the movie might be, and still couldn't have cared less about any of the characters. This is an absolutely by the numbers movie, with no heart or soul to it, and is a disgrace to the Potter universe, in my opinion. If you're a kid, you'll probably like it, but an adult, not so much.
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Arrow: Life Sentence (2018)
Season 6, Episode 23
Oh god, this again?
22 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a huge fan of the show from the very beginning, especially the first few seasons. I have to say the last several seasons have been getting worse and worse, and we are seeing the same, tired, contrived drama, characters acting way different than they should, just to keep the pathetic plot going, the big bad guy who is totally omnipotent, has the city in his pocket, wants to destroy Oliver's life, discredit him, kill the people he loves, etc etc.

But this season I believe has reached the height of stupidity. The main bad guy muscles his way into the MOST powerful criminal organization in the COUNTRY, and brutishly kills several of the highest ranking people, and NOTHING happens to him. Not only does no one take him down, but they instantly join him, without ANY reprisals whatsoever. It was almost like a slap in the face to the viewers.

I could go on and on, but I'm really questioning whether I'll watch it next season. This is getting downright painful to watch.
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The Jury Is Still Out On This
18 October 2018
Hmmmmm, I've got some mixed feelings about this show so far. I'm a huge fan of shows like "Halloween Wars", etc. so I was looking forward to a show where there wasn't a strict time-limit on what they were creating, and they could really let loose. She does make some really cool creations, and I love the idea of the Jim Henson-created characters, but here's where the show falls apart a bit for me: 1) The episodes are only a half an hour long, and they are trying to weave in a story as well. It just isn't enough time. 2) The story and acting are a bit cringe-worthy at times. 3) This show seems like it doesn't know their audience. In some ways it seems like a kids show, but in some ways definitely not. It seems geared towards adults, but then there is all this dialogue and some of the story stuff that is very kid-oriented. Now you might say some shows are like that, like Disney movies in some ways, and you would be right. But this show, some of the content is definitely NOT kid-friendly, like talking about murdering someone, etc. So just make this more for adults, loose the cheesy story, and just make it a baking show, with the characters interacting with her as she does her thing.
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Supernatural: Wayward Sisters (2018)
Season 13, Episode 10
Ouch. Glad it didn't get picked up
10 October 2018
So I love Supernatural, and I love many of the female leads who have been on the show, particularly Jodi. I went into this episode knowing it was a potential spinoff, and I was ok with that. That is, until about five minutes into the episode. Long story short, as many others have said, this episode was total girl-power rubbish that was out to prove something. They could've actually done something great if it wasn't so poorly written, with cringe-worthy cheesy lines and bad acting. The only thing they proved was that this experiment was a failure. Claire's character was so unbelievably arrogant, idiotic, and reckless, she'd have been dead long before now. She completely ruined this episode all by herself. Anyway, stick with the other episodes, and skip this one, unless you want a laugh.
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Absolutely perfect
29 October 2017
As we've seen many times, really long gaps between movies can completely ruin a sequel (The last Indiana Jones, for example), especially when we're talking decades. The movie/TV climate changes, humor changes, etc. But now we FINALLY get our wishes granted with, not a movie, but a TV series, which is theoretically even better. It's on Starz, so there can be plenty of gore and crude humor, and we get a heck of a lot more screen time than we would in any movie. To put it simply, they nail this show so perfectly, it is startling. I cannot believe how absolutely dead on it feels in EVERY aspect: the humor, action, special effects, camera work. Ash is as boorish and hilarious as ever, perhaps even more so, and his two sidekicks are awesome. They really add to the show. I'm in the middle of the second season now, and I literally only have ONE complaint, which apparently has been rectified. They didn't have the rights issues ironed out before the series started, so they couldn't reference Army Of Darkness in the first season. Now, everything has been fixed, so I just hope we see some good AOD references soon. I've seen one little one so far. Anyway, if you are an Evil Dead fan, this is an absolute no-brainer. Watch it, and watch it NOW.
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Son of Batman (2014)
Pretty weak
16 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Historically I'm a big fan of the DC animated series' and movies. There has been a trend in their movies lately that I haven't liked. This was one of my least favorite DC movies. It's not horrible, but it's incredibly sub-par for a number of reasons: 1) Damien is WAY to tough for any 10-year old kid, no matter how well trained. Plus he was just arrogant and annoying.

2) Deathstroke was pathetic in this! First, his voice actor. The guy from Dharma and Greg...seriously?? It was laughable. He was trying to sound all tough and menacing but failed badly. He is supposed to be one of Batman's deadliest enemies, and in fact Batman doesn't often beat him unless he gets lucky or outsmarts him. But in this movie, he's barely a match for a 10 year old kid. Plus, Batman beats him down one time, without even breaking a sweat. Like I said, pathetic.

3) There wasn't any of the classic dialogue we've all come to expect from the DC movies. It was all pretty forgettable.

I won't probably ever re-watch this and I hope they shake things up a bit in the future and stop trying to be so edgy and hard-core. Go back to the way these movies used to be.
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Skyfall (2012)
Didn't live up to the hype
22 June 2013
It took me a while to watch even Casino Royale, because I was annoyed they got rid of Pierce Brosnan. I finally watched Daniel Craig's movies and warmed up to him. I was excited about Skyfall because it was getting such crazy press, reviews, and success.

On the surface, it was a very solid movie. However, the entertainment comes at the cost of huge plot holes and contrived ideas. MI6 are portrayed as complete idiots and buffoons, and the main villain is smarter than all of them put together and is nearly omnipotent. Similar to the Joker in The Dark Knight.

If you can get passed the fact that the scenario involving the main villain couldn't possibly have happened, then you'll enjoy the movie. Unfortunately, every step of the way, the story is propelled by more plot holes and nonsense.
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Dropped the ball after part 1
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched part 1 (which was perfect) I was excited for part 2. Now, I'd say about half of the movie was incredibly good, and I admit I had my mouth literally hanging open in disbelief a fair amount. However, there is a lot wrong with it, at the same time:

1) Whereas the first part highlighted Batman's age and the fact that he had to fight differently, the second one throws all that out the window. In part two Batman is portrayed as an inhuman fighting machine, who is tougher than he ever was when he was younger. The action in this one doesn't have the class and style of the first movie. It's just straight-up violent, frantic action.

2) The whole subplot with Superman seemed clumsy and tacked on. It really either didn't need to be there, or needed to be reworked. Also, Superman would NEVER have acted that way.

3) The whole Joker part had some serious flaws to it. Brutal violence ensues and greatly disrupts the feel of not only the first movie, but strays from every Batman movie or animation ever made.

4) The whole part about the new commissioner. Seriously?? It was laughably unrealistic. She is obsessed with stopping Batman even though the Joker is killing people left and right. Way over the top.

5) Lastly, there was just a lot of 80's comic goofiness in this one. Some of the plot stuff just didn't make any sense (the nuclear winter part) Batman riding around on a horse, etc etc.

As I said, this was a solid movie in some ways, even great in some ways. But everything about it was just way too over the top compared to part 1 and it had a completely different dynamic to it. Still, I'm giving it a pretty good rating.
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Shadow on the Mesa (2013 TV Movie)
Disappointed in this one
30 April 2013
First off, I love Kevin Sorbo. I love westerns. And I really liked his previous western, which I believe was also on the Hallmark channel. This movie had several problems that kept me from enjoying it:

1) The music and dialogue tracks were very poorly balanced. The music was overpowering and the dialogue was a little hard to hear many times.

2) The music in general was very generic, and the background music seemed to be almost the same, scene after scene. And what's worse is the music NEVER stops for more than a few seconds at a time. LITERALLY. It's in your face the whole movie, and I found it cloying and grating on my nerves.

3) Kevin Sorbo has a secondary role in this, and isn't in it nearly as much as I expected.

4) The main character carried the quiet, mysterious stranger type a little far, and it seemed pretty cheesy to me.

And just overall the movie didn't flow very well. It just kind of seemed like a bunch of scenes cobbled together. It never really pulled me in. I hope he does another western more similar to his previous one, but this one I could've done without.
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Kung-Fu Magoo (2010)
11 November 2012
I was looking forward to this because I thought it might give me some ideas for a comic/animation I'm working on. I pretty much agree with everything the other reviewer said: this has the distinctive Flash animation look to it, which is OK in small amounts (commercials, etc) but in a full-length animation it just looks cheap and unprofessional. And the whole blind Mr. Magoo schtick gets old REALLY fast. He blindly keeps bumbling his way through the movie, somehow avoiding all trouble and beating the bad-guys. Keep in mind I'm a 40 year-old adult, so I'm rating this more harshly than a kid would. In all fairness, kids would probably love this, but it's not for adults.
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Haywire (2011)
Wow, pretty bad
23 May 2012
I rarely write reviews of movies on here, but I had to in this case. First off, let me say that, as far as action movies are concerned, I'm one of the least picky people on Earth, especially when it comes to plot and story.

I actually heard there are some people who think this movie is a work of art. I about died laughing when I heard that. I suppose it could be considered that, in the same way that a random splotch of pain thrown down on a canvas would be considered art to someone, somewhere.

What's amazing about this movie is how quickly it turns you off. Within minutes of the movie you aren't really sure what's going on, and you simply don't care. NONE of the characters are interesting or likable. The fight scenes are decent at times and pretty bad at times. They often seem very staged and choreographed, and the lame camera work and extremely poor sound effects take away much of the impact the scenes could have.

I rarely notice people's bad acting, but the main character's (Carrano) acting is just bad. Lastly, the music is very strange through the whole movie. There are times when it doesn't have music for long stretches, and when it does have music it seems cheesy and out of place for the movie.

In short, this movie tries to be a slick spy-thriller like The Bourne Identity but fails laughably and miserably. Considering the number of big-name actors it had, this was a monumental failure.
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Short But Sweet
8 January 2011
First off, I'm a huge fan of all things DC and have loved all the animated series and movies they've done. Some of the newer ones have had a noticeably different look or feel to them, which is kind of nice sometimes.

I'm going to mention the negatives of this movie first, since that might be of particular interest to some fans. The main feature is actually only about a half hour long, with three additional "DC SPotlight" shorts, about 20 minutes each, featuring Green Arrow, Jonah Hex, and The Spectre.

The Spectre short was my least favorite, simply because he is more of a supernatural entity rather than a superhero, and you don't have the same kind of conflict in this one that you do with the others. He's not really fighting anyone, but rather acting as sort of a physical manifestation of "karma" and making sure three criminals get their just rewards.

I was particularly pleased with both the Green Arrow and Jonah Hex shorts. I thought the western setting for an animated movie seemed particularly cool and natural, and I hope someone follows up with some animated work in this setting, since it's quite rare. Both shorts have some particularly visceral action, and the Green Arrow one has one of the best fights I've seen in any animated movie before.

This movie was animated very well and the character models were very good. The overall appearance, especially the backgrounds, had a slightly hazy, washed-out look to them at times, giving it an almost anime-style look. They do some really cool animation during the fights between Superman/Cap. Marvel and Black Adam, such as some slow motion effects during a couple of the really hard hits, that really punctuate the impact. The voice acting and choices of the actors were quite good (especially Arnold Vosloo as Black Adam), but my only complaint is they didn't use Tim Daly for Superman, again. George Newbern isn't bad, actually, but Daly is the original Superman voice and I just prefer him. I've always thought Black Adam was a really cool bad guy, and his personality and voice were pretty much as I've always envisioned them to be, and I thought the ending was particularly interesting and surprising.

If you haven't seen the other shorts before, as I hadn't, then this is a definite must-see. The main feature was pretty short, but it was still very good and I hope they give us more Captain Marvel in the future.
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The Wolfman (2010)
Good solid remake
12 February 2010
I've been waiting for this movie to come out after having read about it for the last three or four years. I'm also a huge fan of the original, and all old monster movies. I'm happy to report they didn't screw up the movie. First off, I'll cover the good points. They didn't use a lot of CGI, and the make-up effects were great. Sound effects were awesome. All the actors did a great job, as you'd expect. It felt enough like a classic while being updated, too, and I thought it was a good balance. As far as the gore and violence went, it was treated just right. Some of the scenes were implied violence, for instance, you didn't actually see the person get killed, but maybe you saw them get dragged offscreen or maybe you saw blood spraying. In that respect it kind of had a more classic feel to it. But, there were some scenes where the violence was very direct and graphic, which I think you also need to illustrate just how savage and deadly a werewolf is. I didn't feel it was gratuitous, though, although some may disagree. Now, as far as the negative points, I'm not really sure I can say these things are negative. For instance, the color palette that was used was a little washed out and bland at times. In a way it helps create the atmosphere, but in a way it doesn't maybe pull you in as much as a fuller palette might have. Not sure. Also some people might disagree with the liberties taken in the story. I thought they did some interesting things with the story, talking more about the mom and brother, which were never really dealt with in the original. But it really worked here, and I'm not faulting them for putting their own spin on it. Overall this was a good solid remake of a classic. They didn't do anything to completely screw it up, and there weren't any glaring problems or complaints here. There are little things that maybe could've been improved on, but in the end, I say thumbs up for sure.
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Epic Movie (2007)
Truly An Epic Failure
21 July 2007
I'm all for (good) spoofs like the Leslie Nielson movies (Spy Hard, etc) or Hot Shotz, which focus around a main movie, then add little scenes referencing other movies, throughout. THIS, is not even a movie. It is a string of scenes pasted together, constantly going from one movie to the next, and TRYING to make it funny. It's not even trying to tell a story, it's just spoof for spoof's sake. I'm only fifteen minutes into it, and I think they've already tried to spoof seven or eight different movies. They try WAY TOO HARD, rather than make the spoofing more subtle, like it was meant to be. It's like they are trying to ram it down your throat and say "look, it's a spoof movie so that means its automatically funny. Don't worry about a plot or even a cohesive flow to the scenes!!" I am sooo forgiving when it comes to movies, but this is the most horrible piece of drivel I've honestly seen in a long time, if ever. Please don't watch this movie.
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Monte Walsh (2003 TV Movie)
Top notch movie
3 February 2007
Another top-notch movie for Selleck and the boys at TNT. I found myself smiling at so many of the genuinely silly and touching moments in here. Definitely more character driven than action-driven, but done perfectly. I have nothing bad to say about this movie, whatsoever. This is what movie-making is all about. As far as I'm concerned, Selleck should have a western in production all the time. I like him in other stuff, too, but since he's the main western actor right now, I'm really focused on them. Some favorite scenes were the section with the train workers and cowboys, and the fight in the bunk-house. Haha great stuff. As others have mentioned, there is a top-notch supporting cast here, which is just icing on the cake.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Over rated
23 January 2007
This is probably the most over rated show in the last two decades. It wasn't that funny. I enjoyed the show on some level, and would have enjoyed it a LOT more if Ray's obnoxious parents weren't on the show, or if anyone had ever stood up to them without backing down or apologizing in the next scene. They ruined the show.

Robert was great and even Ray was moderately funny. Deborah was more bitchy than anything else and the kids were just window dressing, as they are with most sitcoms. It just seemed to be the same show every week. They could have made the show fantastic by getting rid of Ray's parents, or at least the mom. His dad was great. But they should have killed her off in the first season and the show would have been a keeper.
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